In this article, I’m going to teach you about the opiate withdrawal timeline. But first, let me tell you a story about my initial opiate withdrawal timeline. The first time I went through opiate withdrawal was a nightmare. I was scared because I had no idea how long the opiate withdrawal timeline would last. The physical symptoms were bad, but the psychological terror I was experiencing was almost unbearable. Furthermore, the symptoms seemed to be getting more intense as time went on!
Since then I have gone through opiate withdrawal several times, learning more and more about how to ease symptoms along the way. I finally got clean a few years ago, and I’ve since made it my life’s purpose and mission to help people recover from opiate addiction. The first step to take on the road to recovery is to survive opiate withdrawal without caving in and using.
The purpose of this article is to provide you with a detailed description of the opiate withdrawal timeline.
I will cover in detail the various symptoms you will likely experience, how long they could last, and how severe they could be. Towards the end, I will teach you specific actions you can take that can either ease your symptoms or completely stop withdrawal.
Opiate Withdrawal Timeline: My First Experience
It seemed harmless and innocent when I started taking prescription painkillers for recreational use. For years I was able to get high a few times per month, and I never became addicted or suffered any negative consequences. Then one day I found myself completely out of pills after I had been using every day for a few months.
I woke up in the morning, walked to work and had a cup of coffee, and then it started…I was on the first day of the opiate withdrawal timeline and I didn’t even know it. Right after I got to work I puked up my coffee. After that, I had a panic attack that was so intense my boss took one look at me and told me I could go home!
I had never even heard of opiate withdrawal, so of course, I didn’t know that’s what was happening to me. I literally just thought it was a massive panic attack. The next few days kept getting worse, not better, so I was really scared and didn’t know what to do. I ended up staying home from work for the next four days because I was too sick and terrified to leave my house.
Finally, my dealer told me I was going through opiate withdrawal, so I went online and learned everything I could about it.
That was five years ago, and I’ve now been clean for three years. During that time I became a Drug and Alcohol Counselor, a Strategic Intervention Coach, and an Opiate Addiction Recovery Expert. I specialize in educating people about natural remedies for opiate withdrawal and personal growth for recovery.
The first part of getting through withdrawal is knowing what you’re up against. I hope the following description of the opiate withdrawal timeline will mentally prepare you for the incredible obstacle ahead of you…
What to Expect
The duration and magnitude of your opiate withdrawal timeline of symptoms depend on the following criteria:
- The length of time you’ve been using opiates.
- The type of opiates you’ve been taking.
- How much you’ve been using on a regular basis.
- The route of administration used: inhalation, oral, intravenous (IV), insufflation (snorting).
- Whether or not you have tapered, and if so, for how long.
- Your age and overall level of health and fitness.
- Your unique biochemistry.
Note: Everyone’s situation is unique, so it’s hard to determine exactly what your opiate withdrawal experience will be like. The following outline of the opiate withdrawal timeline is based on the most common experience people have. Your withdrawal may be shorter or longer, more severe or less severe, depending on your unique situation.
Day 1
If you’ve been using opiates that have a short half-life, your opiate withdrawal timeline should start approximately twelve hours after your last dose. Some examples of opiates that have a short half-life are heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and morphine. The opiate withdrawal timeline will start approximately 30-48 hours after your last dose if you’ve been using methadone, Suboxone or Subutex.
This is because these drugs stay in your bloodstream for a much longer time. The first day of opiate withdrawal is usually the easiest. Some common symptoms people experience are anxiety, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle aches, insomnia, runny nose, sweating, and nausea.
Day 2
The symptoms usually start to get worse on day two. The anxiety is amplified, and it’s usually impossible to get any sleep whatsoever at this point. You can experience hot and cold flashes, sweating, extreme diarrhea, and a level of fatigue so extreme that you feel like you’re completely out of batteries.
Days 3-4
These two days are typically the worst. The opiate withdrawal symptoms are peaking, and most people would do just about anything to make it all go away. Five minutes seems like an hour, and it’s truly a living hell. I wouldn’t wish opiate withdrawal on my worst enemy.
Day 5 and Beyond
The opiate withdrawal timeline is nearing its end, and the symptoms have decreased considerably. Unfortunately, most individuals still experience mild to moderate symptoms for weeks to months after they stop using opiates.
How to Prevent Opiate Withdrawal
Stopping the use of opiates abruptly after a dependence has been established usually results in severe opiate withdrawal symptoms. It’s a major shock to your system, but luckily there is a trick called tapering that can prevent this from happening.
Tapering is systematically decreasing the daily amount of opiates you use over an extended period of time. The general rule is that a slower taper decreases the withdrawal symptoms the best. Going slow is easier on your body and does not shock your system like a rapid taper does.
Note: Though you can taper with any opiate drug, the ones with a longer half-life are best. Furthermore, taking the drug orally works best as opposed to the other routes of administration because it lasts longer in your system. This is why so many people dependent upon opiates choose to be placed on Suboxone or Subutex. These medications have a very long half-life, making them ideal for tapering.
How to Stop Opiate Withdrawal
If you haven’t tapered then you’re going to need some tips on how to decrease symptoms during the opiate withdrawal timeline. There are tons of natural withdrawal remedies and medications that can help you decrease or completely eliminate your symptoms.
- Gabapentin – A prescription medication for nerve pain.
- DXM – An over-the-counter cough medication.
- Benzodiazepines – Medications such as Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, and Ativan can reduce anxiety and help you sleep.
- Clonidine – Blood pressure medication that can calm you down and take the edge off.
- Loperamide HCL – Over-the-counter medication that completely stops opiate withdrawal diarrhea.
Natural Drugs:
Home Remedies:
- Hot Bath – Reduces muscle aches, calms nerves, helps you fall asleep.
- Dark Chocolate – Increases endorphins and other feel-good chemicals in the brain.
- Heating Pad – Reduces muscle aches.
- Peppermint Tea – Eases stomach discomfort.
- Ginger Ale – Eases stomach discomfort.
- Gatorade – Hydrating and replenishes electrolytes.
- Water – Hydrating.
- Vitamin C – Has been shown in studies to reduce opiate withdrawal symptoms when used in high doses.
- Cool/Dark/Quite room to sleep in – Helps you sleep better.
- L-Tyrosine – Amino acid that increases dopamine, gives you energy and helps the body respond to stress.
- DLPA – Amino acid that increases dopamine and endorphins.
- Passion Flower – Herb that reduces anxiety and insomnia.
- Valerian Root – Herb that reduces anxiety and insomnia.
- Ginseng – Root that counteracts fatigue and helps the body respond to stress.
- Melatonin – Chemical produced in the pineal gland of the brain that helps you sleep (comes in supplement form).
- GABA – Chemical in the brain that calms anxiety and treats insomnia (comes in supplement form).
- Protein Shakes – The amino acids in the protein create feel-good chemicals in the brain.
- Funny Movies – Takes your mind off the withdrawal and laughing produces endorphins.
- Relaxing Music – Calms anxiety.
- Exercise – Stimulates the production of endorphins, calms anxiety, promotes sleep.
- If you can afford it, I also highly recommend taking this awesome supplement, because the benefits are just too good to pass up.
Opiate Withdrawal Supplement:
- Opiate Withdrawal Formula – A natural supplement specifically formulated to help people reduce opiate withdrawal timeline symptoms.
Click here now to view my best home detox program. If you have any questions on the opiate withdrawal timeline, please feel free to post them in the comment box below.
I have TWO sections of my back injured. The first in 1995 was from a compression injury that caused 4 discs in my upper back to become as the doctor said “ruptured and deteriorating” as per the MRI findings. (note: it was funny how reluctant the doc was to give me the vicoden but after the MRI, the next month she just handed the prescription to me with no hesitation….that was when I said, “You handed the prescription to me real fast there….what did the MRI report say??”) The second injury happen happened 15 years later as another compression injury caused one disc in lowest part of back to now press into my nerve cord. The pain was not instant but over a couple hours it increased to walking like the undead and peeing my pants as muscle control was lost…..also the pain…and I mean PAIN was unreal. Both are basically inoperable. The FIRST time I knew I was “addicted” was when 5 pills on an empty stomach felt like a couple advil. It took 7 days of non use all the time able to only sit and watch tv as the pain prevented movement. I ate advil, tylenol & aspirin. I lost 30 pounds in 2 weeks as the pain caused me to not eat for that time. Now here is the IMPORTANT WARNING: I discovered Kratom and it works very well. I still walk with a notable limp, don’t jetski, motorcycle ride anymore but but the pain is manageable. Point is….. after I would use my prescription meds, strong stuff….I always made sure to leave a over a week of complete non use of any opiates (which has increased dosage due to second injury and upped to 10mg of shall we say MORE than vicoden) so to NEVER have to deal with withdrawals again. KRATOM bridged that gap!! While it does have its uses, I warn people to NOT use kratom for at least 7 days a month if ur a daily user. Proof?… I am, irritable as smell at near 0400 (4AM) unable to sleep, sneezing, can’t sit still but because of injuries, can’t exercise, in pain (as usual), on day number 5 of the needed 7 or 8 of no prescription painkillers and NO kratom. Kratom will indeed bridge the gap of non opiate use so be aware. It can be great stuff, when used smartly.
TO THE AUTHOR…………….. Thank you for your true story and good information. You were NOT trying to sell a recovery resort or sound like a pathetic sack. I have to deal with some exquisite pain while not using opiate painkillers, so I have little sympathy for people who jump back on the opiate intake wagon for recreational use. Also had sh*t for a childhood but we are ALL strong people inside and can rise above the negatives inflicted upon us, both past & present.
Friday was 2 weeks cold turkey off Vicodin, today is Sunday and i am still unable to eat or even keep water in though i am drinking it. I cant walk from the couch to the kitchen with out being exhausted. Ive had to go to work and function this whole time i literally have lost 12 pounds. Is this normal? I usually took about 5 to 6 of the 7.5 a day. Is there a light at the end of this?
Been on hydros and various other painkillers for about 2 years now after a gunshot wound to the head. I have tried quitting a couple times but the WD’s and pain from injury are unbearable especially with the work I do as a diesel mechanic. I’ve tried a lot of these remedies but nothing seems to work. I have a 2 year old daughter so going through extreme WD’s or pain isn’t really an option. How does one go about getting prescribed suboxone? My doctor always shoots down any thing I have to say about other prescriptions, they currently have me on 2400mg of gabapentin which doesn’t do shit, tramadol, and hydros. I don’t really know why I’m writing this I feel like I’m just kind of stuck in this vicious circle for the remainder of my life.
Google “Suboxone doctors near me”. A list of doctors that prescribe Suboxone should show up in the Google results, then you can see which ones are closest and have the best reviews and start making phone calls to get an appointment.
I’ve been addicted to opiates for close to 10yrs now, first 7 pills oxys or whatever pills I could eat. Last 3 switched to H. Only snort it but really doesn’t matter any way is evil. Anyways I’m Soo tired of the daily scramble to get my stuff so im sick! I really want to stop but the issue is I hate me, so the thought of overdosing and not waking up is what I’m looking for (I have never o.d) I’m a functional user I only use enough to not feel sick and not in pain (I used to skateboard professionally and broke many bones and have more titanium rods and plates in my body than normal bones at this point) unfortunately that’s how the addiction started. Anyways all you who have the strength to get clean I commend you all! I have a master’s degree, meaning anyone can become an addict. No one knows I am, but that’s what I mean it doesn’t take much to get addicted! Just one time you get hurt and your doctor prescribes you opiates that’s all it can take for you to go down the dark road that I’ve gone down! Hopefully I can get there one day and can see the light? But unfortunately I don’t see it happening that way:/ good luck to anyone who is strong enough to stop this worse freaking addiction! Thank you to anyone who may read this! May the force be with y’all!!
I’m so sorry you have to try n live with THAT much pain. I can’t imagine. But–pain or not–please don’t give up on yourself or your life. I too have been a prisoner of opiates for many many years..probably close to 20 now. It’s always been the hydro. I’ve suffered with chronic pain since i was a teenager, which was when I was given my 1st script by my PEDIATRICIAN ;( I’m now 49, and want desperately to get off them and regain what’s left of my life. I’ve got 2 grown children and last year got my 1st grandchild. Neither 1 of my kids have ever been pill takers, nor do they comprehend the severity of what I’m up against. I want to stop. I recently ran out–and decided to stop cold turkey. Big mistake! I went Fri-Sun with none. First day–not too bad–thought I could do it. Day 2–had to go to work..I’m a bartender@ night. I HAVE to deal with people and i HAVE to run my ass off the entire time I’m there. Made it through that. Day 3–am I dying? Made it to work last night. Today–day 4–different story ;( Miserable! Part of my problem is I already have severe anxiety and ptsd and have take xanax daily for 20 yrs as well. I also have bad IBS-D so even when I do take the hydro–i still have diarrhea. It was sooo bad this morning I took the easy way out. I found some hydro and took it. I am so disappointed in myself–and wonder if I’ll ever make it off this ride–or if its going to take me out instead. I’m also very high functioning, (which is also an excuse for me to keep using) and an educated person as well. This addiction cares nothing about who you are or where your come from. It attacks us all the same. I truly DO want to get off them–but how do I do that AND be able to function? My back and other pain is sooo bad if I don’t take it I get nothing done and am unable to work, am more depressed, and REALLY can’t stay out of the bathroom ;( but after finding this site/link I’m going to try some of the natural remedies for WD and try n taper off. I hope 1 day to be free of this! In the meantime–much kudos to any and all of you that have managed to kick this! You’re obviously stronger than I am.
I am 13 days clean from methadone, started after multiple surgeries and I became dependent on Norco but when they became harder to keep me out of withdrawals I was introduced to methadone and at the worst was taking 8 pills a day. I tapered to 2 a day before quitting cold turkey. I felt fine for the first two days and the third day decided to take a suboxone. I only had two so I started with half and tapered down to little pieces. Big mistake I went through the first stages of more of a Vicodin withdrawal (those who have felt a methadone and Vicodin withdrawal will understand) I felt like by day 7 I was worse that at the first three days. I’m not gonna lie I went through every feeling, thought, minute, and hour painful sick and sleepless. I am starting to feel the psychological part was getting harder. Anxiety, anxious butterfly stomach and not knowing what to do with this new body and being awake all the Time lead me to push myself to walk and stretch. I am hoping it keeps getting better though my body hurts so bad still when I try to sleep I have been taking anything or drinking wine to sleep. Marijuana helps me when I have anxiety during the day. I’m so proud of myself, Here is to day 14! Good luck, and remember your not alone. Does anyone know when I might sleep again or develope some natural energy?
Congratulations Brandi!!! I”m so proud of you!!! Your story is totally inspirational, and reading it just made my day. I’m so glad the marijuana has helped you with anxiety, and I appreciate you taking the time to leave write what has worked for you and some positive mental beliefs as well.
As for your questions, I’ve written detailed articles explaining how to overcome both of those issues:
How To Sleep During Opiate Withdrawal>>
How To Get Your Energy Back After Quitting Opiates>>
Thank you, I will be three weeks in on Monday. I am taking all of the vitamins and supplements you recommend and am feeling better each day. I felt like once I got past the two week mark I was feeling better and better. I know I have a long road still but I am trying to keep my mind and body strong so that I can stay focused on my goal: To live a life not chained to an addiction. I appreciate you blog and responding to my post. Thanks to you I feel like my first go at quitting opiates will be a success!!! Thank you
I forgot to mention this is my first time making it past a week, and I have been taking opiates for almost 7 years now. Using mostly methadone and occasionally scrambling to find anything so that I wouldn’t withdraw at work. The best thing that ever happened to me was losing my job, it forced me to face my demons.
That’s just amazing. I too was able to get off successfully the last time because I had no job and I was on a 4-week winter break from school. Very happy you lost your job and were able to use courage to take action in spite of fear, and get off opioids and past the initial hump. Keep it up!
So inspirational Brandi! Hooray hooray!!!!
Hi, my name is Josh and I’m on day 4 of withdraws from heavy Percolate use. I’ll detail my situation, and after that – will give some tips that have worked for me which might help you:
I started taking Percocet for a sever degenerative disk disease that causes searing pain that shoots down my legs. Doc prescribed Percocet, first 5mg, then 7.5, then 10, up to 80 pills/month. Then my tolerance built up and that wasn’t enough anymore, so I started bumming pills of friends at work, wherever I could get any. I finally bought some off the street and then heard horror stories about people dying from those – and the ones that I took made me feel really bad/weird. I have 4 boys – so I said enough is enough, and I decided to go cold turkey:
First day/night off: wasn’t too bad. I felt weird all day, and by the evening I had a severe lack of energy. Real lethargy. I was able to still function and had to go to a dinner that night, but struggled through it. That night I couldn’t sleep – luckily I have some Valium on hand, and took one, and slept pretty well.
The 2nd day, hell began. Came home from work by noon and slept in between all my work calls – NO energy – actually less than zero energy. Bundled up under blankets but still cold. Body aches – and miserable thoughts. I kept thinking about my kids burying me, wife in mourning, hating me for dying from this stuff – very weird and horrible depressed thoughts. Is this normal? I’ve never had thoughts like this before. It felt like I was wearing a vest that weighed 100 pounds, with cinder blocks on my feet. That night was Halloween, and no mater WHAT I was not going to miss trick or treating with my kids. I practically wore a snow mobile suit and walked them around the neighborhood. It was bad, real bad. I collapsed into bed when I got home – but couldn’t sleep. Took a Valium – still couldn’t sleep. SO restless, tossing and turning, hands shaking from anxiety. Took ANOTHER Valium, still only finally got maybe two hours of sleep. How insane is that? Two Valium and still can’t get to sleep.
Day 3 – Diarrhea kicked in full swing. Luckily, I always work form home this day (Wednesday). I rescheduled as many meetings as possible, called in sick. Went from the bed to the toilet and back again. I’m very active, exercise/bodybuild, and I have a training partner expecting to workout. Somehow, I drug myself into the gym, worked out as best I could (with a few bathroom trips) and I felt better – temporarily. Then when I got home it all came back and even worse – sweats, cold chills, no energy, diarrhea, no sleep. I could eat Valium like M&M’s and no sleep. Restless, anxiety, tossing and turning – horrible!
Day – 4 The horrible thoughts have subsided. Energy is up just a tiny bit. I was able to come into work today, but huddled in my office in a shirt,, sweater, and coat, sitting here working. It’s 2:15. Diarrhea is still bad. I took some Imodium, been drinking green tea, water, and Gatorade. I’m also taking a high dose of vitamin C. My hope is tomorrow (Friday) will be a little better and I’ll have the weekend to fully rest and recover.
Here’s what helped me: I mentally prepared myself for this. One thing I’ve learned from bodybuilding/martial arts, is that your body will always give out, but if your mind is right you can push through. Sounds a little cliche, I know, But it works. Get mad at yourself a little – understand that you put yourself in this position, even if it was due to a real injury/chronic pain like me. It’s still my fault, so I need to deal with the consequences of detox – and failure isn’t an option. Get to the mental place before you start that you will not fail. Pick something – wife, kids, or just wanting to live life not being a slave to pills, and focus on that. Get angry but stay positive as well – you’re body will fail, but if your mind is right you will be able to push through.
Exercise – I know working out is maybe the most ridiculous thing you can think of doing while withdrawing. But it helps – it releases endorphins and it’s good for you. It helped me that night. Just knowing I could push my body through that – and I’m going to try to workout again tonight and this weekend.
Drink plenty of fluids, preferably electrolyte heavy fluids like Gatorade, body Armour, etc. This has helped me not feel dehydrated after so much diarrhea.
Finally – find someone you love/trust who you can be a mess around and they will support you/take care of you. For me it is my wife, she’s happy I’m getting off these pills. Having someone to help, understand, encourage is so beneficial.
I can’t wait to see what it feels like to live life completely sober – with a clear mind, and having the ability to be myself. Not numb from the pills, or worrying about how many I have left, planning trips around how many I have to bring, etc. I’m starting over, and I can’t wait to see where it goes. Hope this helped. Stay strong, push through, don’t give up – you’re worth it.
Josh, been a while since u made your post but your attitude was outstanding. Sounded like you and your wife were able to turn the bad attitude you had into something light hearted. Good for her. Like you, I was also amazed at how 2 Valium gave me two whopping hours sleep. Melatonin & Valium got me 3 hours….whoop. Another time, 2 Valium made me only drag my tail in the sand but was still awake. Blasted kratom bridged the week plus time I would not use the prescription painkillers……be aware of kratom. Needs to be used smartly. Anyway, all the best to you and yours.
I have been on Hydromorph for 18 months for chronic back pain..nothing shows on MRI except a small disc hernation at L5 S1 and neurosurgeon says not operable so put me on Hydromorphone. I had no idea this drug would make me physically dependent. .I started at 6 mg day and ended up at 20 to 24 mg day and developed hyperalagesia which is very painful. I only weigh 100 lbs. I made the decision to wean down to 4 mg day..went 2 mg a week. When I got down to 4 mg I went cold turkey and was sick for 5 days with all the usual withdrawal symptoms. At day 6 I woke up and had little pain and felt like myself again and was so happy..but in the middle of the night I woke up in severe burning pain again on my low back. I continued to stay off Hydromorph until day 20 I had so much pain I hadn’t slept in 2 days and actually fainted and fell on my face going down the hallway. My husband went to pharmacy and they gave him T1’s and said to take 1 or 2 every 4 to 6 hours with only 30 pills in the bottle and then when he went back to get more they wouldn’t give it to him. I read that codeine turns into morphine in the body but my pain was so bad I just wanted some relief. The pharmacist said at 20 days off Hydromorph I should be detoxed and that is my actual pain… is that possible or could I be going through withdrawals still at 20 days.. the pain was so intense I was crying. The only other meds I am on is 75 mg Lyrica and I don’t think it does anything. Any advice?
Hi, I really struggled coming off codeine it took a good month or so. I was in awful pain , panic attacks etc! My doctor prescribed Valium and that helped take the edge off things. My was for nerve damage after surgery!! I couldn’t sleep either coming off them, hot baths help. Good luck xxx
dilaudid / Hydromorphone.. Can be equivalent to somewhere in-between HydroCodone and OxyCodone in my opinion. The one to watch out for Opana /OXYMorphine is one of the strongest PK’s on the market and has been recently looked at by the DEA and FDA as causing more harm than benefits and will most likely be discontinued in the near future. I have gone through multiple OXY 20 (200 +MG a day) and hundreds of dollars in H .. and I still feel that Oxy Morphine is one of the strongest things I have ever taken and has a Long half – life (that would come at me in waves) even when “Whiffed”(snorted) . It was actually so strong I disliked it , because as a functioning addict, I do have stuff to do and work to get done. As for withdrawal from opiates, I have gone through withdrawals probably about 20 times in the past 4 to 5 years. I 100% Recommend Kratom. I’m actually currently on Day 3 of Cold Turkey using just Kratom and eating a lot of fruit. Kratom vastly reduces or eliminates symptoms. My last binge was about 60 days and ended with me smoking H (30 bags a day). prior to day 45 I was whiffing Oxy 20’s (10 to 12 a day) . I did feel some cold chills last night and I have not slept well, but anytime I start to feel any of these symptoms I ingest Kratom and the symptoms become very manageable. Since you have to ingest relatively a lot of the plant to get the effects. In my case, =10 – 1 gram hoarse pills in the morning, and sporadic dosage throughout the day. I highly suggest, no matter what level of withdrawal you expect to feel, to go pick up some of this product at your local head shop. Unfortunately for me, I enjoy the feeling of opiates too much. Next week I’ll probably jump back on that roller coaster (money depending) and ride it out until I have to do my regulatory kratom withdrawals. What I have noticed with Opiate drugs, is that you come to a point, where you either A. Steal Money B. Pick up a needle or C. Withdrawal back to your baseline. Both Options A and B I have never done and I couldn’t imagine doing. So, if your reading this in expectant of a coming withdrawal, go grab some Kratom and just realize that your week is not going to be all sunshine.. but after 5 to 7 days, you will see the sun rise on the horizon..
Also, as a note, minor symptoms with Kratom. If you have to take 10 grams or more in the morning like me, you will probably experience bloating. Its not incredibly bad, but its noticeable and I have to force myself to eat regular food. The taste is horrendous .. between the bloating effect and the taste, I can not see anyone ingesting enough to the point that Kratom could become un-safe or overly addicting. Also, take Kratom only orally.. It works and I have not found anything to support smoking the product has the same effects.
Kratom is good stuff. Made me bloated too. I way around that is to add it to water in a saucepan that is on a light boil for 15-20 minutes, then pour it through an organic coffee filter in a glass. Then I add a bunch of ice cubes. Theis makes it taste much better, and gets rid of the bloating side effect as the stuff that causes bloating becomes trapped in the coffee filter. It takes longer to use the kratom tea method but it’s worth it.
hi everyone i been taking perks for about 2 years now 60 to 120 mg a day i tryed to get in to a detox place but no founding is available but i an going to do this cold turkey i learned alot on page ty so much everyone for there storys realy help me get a rap around this hole thing never been throw anything like this at all it is hard but it seems that after a week it all be better from there.
Magnesium, potassium, b complex, ibuprofen, Tylenol, Gatorade, water, broth, dark chocolate, any solids I can force down, tv, encouraging YouTube videos, funny animal videos, movies and lots of resting is how I am making it through. I do wish had more otc or prescription meds to help alleviate the symptoms more! Aches and pains are the worst for me and ironically pain meds are the cause! Every other symptom in the book is a close second. I would definitely take child birth all over again rather than this!
God bless!
Hello to all,
It’s the end of day 2 of opiate withdrawal (3rd attempt. Getting through the physical symptoms and obligations led me back to the pills) and was averaging around 60mg of oxycodone per day if you consider my “unique” dosage cycle…90mg or so one day, 40mg or so the next, then 25mg or so and back to up to the higher end of the 0-100mg spectrum. This awful cycle went on for about 6 years. Suprisingly, I feel comfortable at 20-30mg in the day but the higher end of the spectrum was always better. It all began when I developed a rash on my face, went to the doctor and was prescribed a sulfa based antibiotic. I had a near deadly allergic reaction called Steven-Johnson’s Syndrom to the sulfa molecule in this antibiotic which led me to the icu with 46% surface area detachment of skin …while there I was pumped with large doses of IV Dilaudid (surprisingly morphine did nothing for the excruciating pain) for five days then placed on Norco upon my return home. A steady supply of that continued for about 4 months. Thereafter, my pcp puts me on tramadol for 8 months. He then schedules a taper but I was unable to follow through with it, the physical withdrawal is too intense. Next thing I know I’m in every clinic or hospital in my town and neighboring towns trying to get pain meds. Fakeing injuries, lies, stealing pills, buy them off the streets, getting friends to go to clinics and hospitals, getting friends, to steal pills. Finally, enough is enough! I have a 6 year old son who I live for and I love him more than these pills and he needs to be my first priority after Jesus. I know that this time I will be successful and that my God is merciful and forgiving and will carry me through this. I just remind myself that I have been serving myself and not Him. I have been carrying this cross too long and now it is my time to suffer just as Jesus suffered for me on his cross. I know there is light at the end of the tunnel…I have seen that light after a brief recovery and KNOW that it is there buts it’s tough getting to it!) Thank you so much for all of you who have posted! You have encouraged me greatly and I pray for each of you! Stay strong and always keep the faith) Read 2 Corintians 4:7 <—will inspire and encourage you!
*Julian it has been a few months since you first posted but I would love to hear the rest of your story! Congrats and I hope you are well and on the other side!
God bless you all and remember that the Lord is just to forgive and will not bare upon you anything you cannot endure!
I am on 36 hours of codeine withdrawal from going cold turkey. I was taking 300MG a day for 7 years and it started when I was going through morphine and tramadol withdrawal. I have spent the last 12 hours pouring with sweat, chronic dirohea, aching joints and muscles and my legs are twitching like crazy.
I am sure I will get through this, lots of paracetamol for temperature, Ibrubrofen for aches and pains, liquid and chocolate which seems to be helping.
One other point to raise which is probably the most annoying is my nose is constantly streaming which I am hoping will stop.
Great advice on here and pleased to see so many people have got through it and come out the other side
Sounds like you’ve got your mind made up and you’re ready to fight! Fantastic! The right frame of mind is half the battle! It’s amazing how much chocolate , especially dark chocolate, can improve ones outlook! I have dealt with the leg twitching you talk about and rls; hot Epsom salt baths helped me so much! I had to use an anti-histamine to help with my drippy nose. But, your right, people do get through it and make it out the other side; becoming a stronger person for having endured! It’s something to be proud of for sure!
I had an addiction to Hydrocodone/Ibuprofen off and on for a year and a half. When having problems with my wife, ended up getting up to 120mg to 150mg of Hyrdrocodone per day. I live in a country where Hydrocodone is over the counter. In this country, it is impossible to get any Benzo related products (librium, xanex etc). My motivation to stop was the amount of money I spent per month. A 30 pill bottle cost around $30. With my addicition, I was spending $800 – $900 a month. Through time, I really was not getting “high” from the Hydrocodone but it helped very much with being more calm, not being depressed and sleeping well. The only problem I started having was that even though I could have sex, it became difficult to orgasm. I had tried to stop a couple of times before and the problem became about a week after withdrawal where you get so depressed. So, I would go back to the Hydrocodone and would rationalize saying I will just take a pill ever once in a while but within a few days I would be back to alot of pills. This time, I am going through withdrawal at the moment and on the third day. To counter the effects of withdrawal I ended up putting together a cocktail of drugs that I could get over the counter in my country. The first day was the worst as I had no energy and stayed in bed most of the day forcing myself to get up. After the first day, I had my energy back and was able to walk more and stay up out of bed. I had my appetite back. The thing I noticed was I was peeing alot more and more thirsty. So, I was drinking a lot of water. Here is the cocktail of drugs I am using and I am only going to use them for 5-7 days because I do not want to get addicted to other drugs.
Modafinil (1x in the morning)
Pregabalin (Lyrica) – (2x a day morning and evening)
Gabapentin (1x a day in the afternoon)
Tramadol (4x a day)
Buspar (Anti-Anxiety) – (2x a day morning and evening)
Trazodone (2x a day, in the early afternoon and right before bed)
I took a clonidine pill the first night and it allowed me to sleep most of the night but with the long half-life, my first day I felt a lack of energy and so I decided to just use Trazodone. It has short half-life of 3 or 4 hours but it allowed me to get to sleep. I am not sleeping as well as before, but I am able to get at least 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Taking a vitamin is good or even a shot of Vitamin B. I have not done that but I know it provides energy and pretty immediatly.
I am not having the withdrawal symptons but the cocktail of drugs does make me a little jittery but it is better than being sick. I would not necessarily recommend my cocktail but with my situation, it is working. I did not do any tapering and so I basically was going from 120-150mg of Hydrocodone to zero. I really felt I needed a strong cocktail to make it work since my addiction was large.
Please pray that this time, I will be able to stay off the Hydrocodone. I am worried about the depression afterwards. Is there any advice for how to handle the post-withdrawal depression? Thank you for this website. It is a blessing to me to be able to have this support group. Good luck to everyone that is fighting opiate addictions.
I have had some diarhea but not too bad. I have taken one or two Loperamide HCL. Also, I do want to mention that in the year and a half of taking hydrocodone I went from 175 pounds to 202 pounds. I definitely want to get back down to 175 pounds but I think the Hydrocodone must do something with the metabolism. Not sure.
90 hours clean and this is my 4th day and things going well. No diarhea. Just a little muscle aches in the leg which I relieved with Advil and a hot shower. I have begun tapering off the tramadol and in 2 days I will not be using it. Tramadol has a very bad withdrawal so I want to make sure to taper off as soon as possible. For me I do not understand how people get high on tramadol because I do not feel anything and I think you would puke your brains out before getting high. This withdrawal is much better than my previous attempt using Xanax. They gave me .5 mg before and all id did was make me tired and off to sleep. Xanax is another drug that does not make me high and not sure how people can get high off of it because for me, it just relaxes you to a point of going to sleep. I am also making protein shakes that have a lot of vitamins including L-tyrosine which is recommended.
It’s the Tramodol preventing you from withdrawal. It’s a mild opiate or opioid once it’s finished you will go thru withdrawals..
Tramadol is not an opiod but is opiod-like and I had used Tramadol as part of my “cocktail” of drugs to get through a 150mg a day Hydrocodone habit that I stopped cold turkey. I basically tapered off the tramadol part by day 4 and I did not resume any withdrawal symptons when the tramadol was completely removed. I am now on day 9 and doing great. with energy and no depression yet. This has been by far the easiest of the three attempts to in getting past Hydrocodone and I did not use any sort of benzo this time to aid me. My first message contains the cocaktail that I used which I was able to get in this country (COLOMBIA) without prescription. Of course in the USA, these are still considered prescriptions. Day 1 was my worst and I felt better and better and by day 5, I felt 100%. I have continued the pregabalin and buspar but in slightly lower doses and I am using the Modafinila for ADHD/Energy. If I get anysort of aching etc I just take an Ibruprofen. The Protein Shakes that contained L-Tyronsine really helped and I try to drink at least one a day. Tramadol is considered a drug that can be abused and I have heard that the withdrawal symptons are really bad and that is why I only took Tramadol until day 4. Since Benzos require a prescription in Colombia and I did not want to find a doctor during the week of easter here, I used the tramadol during w/d. My cocktail might not work for everybody but it worked for me and for people that might have both an opiate addiction and a tolerance for benzos, this could be a way to get through it.
Hoping this minute by minute journal of my second withdrawal “cold” in five years will help me avoid relapse and someone else from going through this hell ‘.
After two years averaging 6 Norco per day (12 per day the last year – and this after a relapse two years ago after being clean for 24 months – after a three-year addiction)
Day One
Last one at 6 am
Noon anxiety starts, mild diarrhea
Sweats and chills all day; hot then cold
Panic and restleness set in at 5 pm
Time crawls to 6 pm
Runny nose, cough, aches, weakness, flu-like symptoms
Can’t sit at 7 pm, walking all the time
Chain smoking all day
No food all day-no appetite
Dreading the dark and bed
Still walking and smoking 7:45 pm
Stomach ache at 7:48
Bed at 8 took benadryl and two Nyquil gels
Fitful in and out sleep
Woke at 10 pm, legs restless, joint pain, strong anxiety
Back to broken, sputtering “sleep” at midnight, woke at 6 am
24 hours clean, body detoxifying, as a counselor said to Nurse Jackie, “Detox is gonna be a bitch.”
No truer words ever spoken.
Day Two
Cold and sweaty, anxiety floods chest and stomach
Finally force myself to get up at 8
First cig, no real desire to smoke
Sit outside fighting negative, sad thoughts but lose that battle
Forced myself to drive for coffee and papers
Overwhelming sadness and dread flood my thoughts, near tears thoughts of never going through this again, thoughts of how to stop it now but would hurt too many people I love
Left a message with psychiatrist for appt.
Bargain with God but no relief
10 am force myself to eat an English muffin – gag it down with milk, still fighting bad, sad, hopeless thoughts, scary thoughts
Noon took a melatonin, didn’t seem to help
Nap in chair for a couple hours
Back on the porch
2 pm psychiatrist calls back sets appt for June 17 – hope I make it that long (this is my typical 2nd-day behavior – make psych appt but no follow through – we’ll see this time)
Diarrhea lessens over the day probably cuz I’ve not eaten much in 36 hours or so
Force myself to eat small bowl of cereal at about 3, easier to finish this time
Restlestness seems to have eased a bit but chest and stomach acid are about the same
Overall, I can say I’m a little better than I was 24 hours ago, so that gives me hope another 24 hours will see more improvement. We’ll see. Time is not as pokey today as it was yesterday. Time stood still those first 24 hours. Suffered inhumanely for 12 hours but only 12 minutes had traversed the face of the clock.
4:27 pm still on the porch, chainsmoking now, probably not helping my stomach issues
Able somewhat to force sad thoughts away but I know the minute I relax they’ll flood right back – exhausting keeping them at bay – I won’t write them down for (the irrational fear that giving them substance here will cause their birth in real time).
4:30 pm day two – Enough for now; here’s hoping tonight will be just a blessed little better
5:24 back on the porch – a little panic attack returns and legs antsy again – chest and stomach still flood with acid-like burn; diarrhea back – probably because I ate a little today
Night dreads are coming on and don’t want to face my room again.
7 pm anxiety coming back stronger than ever, hopelessness floods me, making me think this is my life til the end of my life, and that’s looking better and better. Don’t want to think this way, cursing myself for taking that first pill 2 years ago after 2 years clean, thinking, this time, I’ll be in control. Lie number one – I was NEVER in control.
Time slowing down again – only 5 minutes gone but seems like hours.
Bedtime soon but not looking forward to that drama.
About tired of all the Prince all the time – yes he was good, not a fan, lots of people loved him, but damn all facebook posts tainted Purple.
Bed at 8:30 benadryl and Nyquil again but not confident.
Constant sweating, chest and stomach acid fire. Still no appetite, exhausted but not sleepy.
Midnight still no sleep, freezing then sweating, turn this way then that, no comfortable position.
Day 3
Wake at 6 am after falling asleep sometime after midnight – do not feel rested at all. First thing I am cognizant of is the rush of acid and fire in my chest and stomach. Feelings of panic coming on that this feeling, this hopelessness, is my life now and forever. If I truly believed that, well … unthinkable, yet here I am thinking it.
Up at 6:55, say goodbye to my baby who’s off to class this Friday morning.
Force myself to go get coffee and papers just to keep a semblance of normality in this hellish place I put myself. One benefit – I don’t feel like smoking as much.
9 am Forced myself to eat a small bowl of cereal – still diarrhea – still acidy in chest so sit on porch awhile then burrow in my chair with chills – when will this begin to get better?!?
Semi-doze for an hour or so. Grandbaby’s fussy so I take him for a bit. He gets cheerful and we played a bit then went outside for fresh air. He likes it outside.
He cheers me a little and reminds me why I have to fight through this. The alternative is selfish and a solution for no one but me. Couldn’t do that to those who love me. I wouldn’t, couldn’t put that burden on my daughters and my son. That would leave two children with no parent living and one with one. Can’t do that can’t can’t can’t …
Noon – a little (a very little) easing of chest acid – too soon to let myself think I’ve reached the summit of anguish and maybe, just maybe, on the way down the other side, but we’ll see. Only the sluggish hands of the clock will tell. It’s a little easier to keep the sad thoughts at bay but still an effort to do so. Just gotta trudge on, one woeful minute at a time.
12:46 getting sleepy, anxiety decreases a little, down to a non-panicky, manageable level. There may actually be a light at the end of this hell hole. But on guard for a resurgence, which could come any minute. A self-fulling prophecy – force the thoughts away and force the anxiety back down.
Feeling a little hungry – will try to eat in a few minutes – we’ll see how that goes – nothing sounds appetizing but need some strength. Felt weak and shaky, fragile, all morning – food may help.
Ate oatmeal and English muffin – seemed to go down pretty easily.
Slow afternoon, tv, smoking a lot now, trying to keep depression at bay but losing, sadness overwhelms, thinking about major life changes coming up soon and how I will face them clean without my little yellow helpers. Don’t think I can. My greatest fear now is after the anguish of the last three days that I’ll start again and the cycle repeats. I DO NOT want that but I know me. Two little pills and this all goes away. That’s the undeniable truth of this addiction. The unmitigated, unforgiving bitch is, if I knew I had an adequate supply for life, I wouldn’t hesitate to start again.
5:30 pm – got bad news about a friend – had another stroke and is in the hospital. Doesn’t look good. He’ll go to rehab for a couple days then to assisted living, from which he’ll never go home. He’s gonna hate it. But he’ll be safe and cared for.
8:30 pm no melatonin but took two Nyquil. Actually slept from sometime after 10 until about 6 this morning.
Day 4
Up at 6 am, 36 hours clean – the point all the research says things should start to ease a bit, physical cravings, physical pain, etc. still diarrhea but most other physical symptoms gone except anxiety and massive depression – chest and stomach acid strong. Psych called at 6:30 with an earlier appt than mid-June – this Thurs at 1:30 – will give this a genuine try this time – it’s gotta work – too many life changes I’m not ready for coming up for it to fail.
Made myself go get coffee and papers to force some normalcy on myself. Read about a suicide support group that meets Thursday – think I’ll go – couldn’t hurt.
We’ll see what today brings.
9:34 – forced myself to eat a small bowl of cereal. This anxiety will just not ease, chest pressure, feel shaky and untethered, just going through the motions of existence. This is a dangerous time I know – just half a pill will help exponentially but that’s not possible. Got to watch the rationalizing – telling myself the lie I’ve believed time and again that THIS time I won’t overdo it, that I’ll take just what I’m supposed to take and then wean myself slowly. NOT POSSIBLE!!
Supposed to meet a friend for lunch – going to be very difficult – can’t face the thought of shaving and showering, leaving the house, making small talk and acting normal. Acting normal is thoroughly exhausting – the kids all think I’ve had a bad cold since this started; they don’t know the truth.
10:44 am – Supposed to meet my friend at noon – just do not want to move – maybe getting out of the house will help – need something to think about besides these negative thoughts. But what?
Just took Beck’s Depression Inventory and scored 24 – major depressive score – answered the questions based on how I felt before addiction – these areas are what the addiction relieved so I’m hoping proper treatment will alieve some of this so I don’t seek relief by going back to pills and starting the cycle all over again. I know one thing for sure, I can’t live like this – no one should have to.
11:20 – shaved and took a long hot shower and at least feel clean – that’s something. Hoping something on the menu will appeal to me – need to eat for strength. Debating whether to talk to my friend about all this but probably won’t. Ok so here I go – see how this goes.
1 pm lunch was good – actually felt like eating a little and my friend is always so upbeat and cheerful couldn’t help but feel a little better.
5:21 pm lazy afternoon, no diarrhea so far so that’s a good sign. Of course the anxiety and depression are constant but there were a couple brief mini-respites, which left as quickly as they came. So I’ve got to try to lengthen them somehow. BUT I’m a little hopeful these teasers of normalcy are portending the possibility of some relief in the future. If not, not much to say.
I seem to be a little sleepy so I’m hopeful for a half-assed decent sleep tonight. Not dreading going to bed as much, so there is that.
Bed at 9 – took 2 Nyquil and fell asleep pretty well by 10.
Day Five
Woke at 5:30 am and couldn’t go back to sleep. Craving is strong this morning – depressing that if I had any I would take them and fool myself again that THIS time it would be different.
Stomach and chest burn bad this morning as are shaky feeling. Depressing thoughts keep intruding – gotta keep searching for positive thoughts.
Hoping for a better day today.
I hope I can check in again in a few days with better news. I’m going to try some of the suggestions for natural relief from this. But thank you for this site – it helps a little just sharing this journey with others who know what we addicts are going through. Damn – just realized this is the first time I’ve called myself an addict. That’s depressing in itself.
We are almost twins same days same feelings almost word for word
Hi jus wanted 2 say ur doing rely well I’m goin thru the same thing n its hell I’ve found a supplement called black seed oil has elped me loads stl gtin withdrawals but cud not do it without this natural product thought if I could help others why not ….
Ok that seems to be what is happening to me. Probably not actually dying. I tapered for 3 months but this still is horrible. It’s been like 3 days now but I just feel worse and worse. And the pain of course is back, never quite left even with tons of meds, but almost, just too sleepy and fever all the time and no appetite, while on meds, not sleeping well also. Of course now this is worse and I can hardly breathe and hot and freezing feet. Head hurts so bad all the time. Brain tumor that hemorrhaged when 9 months pregnant almost 19 years ago is how I got here, but gradually. And over the years have had other surgeries, and seizures that increased my pain until I was on a whole lot, for me anyway.
Please lord nor somebody help me !!! I’m in the middle of day 2 being clean on what has been 3 year ride of min 120mg oxy habit daily! I was really want to go to the er and get some help but will I get it there? I feel like my whole world is crashing on me and I know it’s nit the worst part yet. What should I do?
I’m here for you Sal! Make sure to read these articles that pertain to your situation:
Opiate Withdrawal Remedies Review
How To Mega-Dose Vitamin C To Stop Opiate Withdrawal
I am 48 hours into my tramadol binge of 3 1/2 months. I decided to quit cold turkey because well, I found out I’m newly pregnant. 3-4 weeks pregnant. I’ve read that it’s unsafe to do for the fetus, but I also know it’s the best. These pills were not prescribed to me. I have a prescription for klonopin that I have taken 1 on the evenings to help sleep. They are. 5 my tablets. Anyways, 48 hours in and my anxiety is high and my stomach cramps like no other. I can’t do a whole lot and take a whole lot to help ease the symptoms because of the pregnancy. I just keep telling myself “this will pass, it has before “. I’ve withdrawn from this crap before. This time I was only taking 200mg a day, but that’s still quite a bit. Tramadol is a devil. I don’t know why I keep going back but this baby is my ticket to staying sober. Not only for the child but definitely for ME. Any words of advice or encouragement is welcome. I hope I’m doing right by my baby.
Praying for you and so glad that you have the strength to do this for you and your child. I have been taking 300 mg tramadol that was prescribed by my doctor for 2 years now. Started at 100 mg day and now at the 300 mg until I was switched to an orthopedic surgeon who said that was really dangerous and took me off them and put me on hydrocodone. Those make me sleepy and cranky and sick to my stomach, so I woke up this morning and decided I wasn’t taking them or anything anymore. Tramadol is the devil and I think it’s worse than higher dose prescription meds because it takes away your pain and makes you feel good without the negative side effects. My knee dislocates when I moved my leg, and I have no cartilage between my knee and femur (that’s why I was put on the meds along with injections in my knee) I am so sick and tired of having to take pills to have a good day. Hope you were able to stay strong! Prayers!!! ?
I’m on day 4 of codeine withdrawal for 2 years 300mg a day, and by far this is the worst day for me!! I literally can’t move and feel totally depressed! I will never judge people again!!
I don’t know if anybody is on here to read this. I am 48 hours out from a 3 week binge on tramadol. I have a love hate relationship with this drug. I also have 2 children one being special needs. The first 24 hours for me was tough. Last night I took 2 methocarbamol or roboxin and I slept a little. This morning I feel a little better. I am now worried because I am looking at a possible total hysterectomy in the near future and where as percocet isn’t my thing I know it can take me to a nasty place again. Thank you for this article.
I’m here for you Carrie. Don’t worry about the future. Just take things one day at time and focus on what you can control.
My name is kyle, I’ve been off morphine for 2 months after using everyday for 3 years..the 3rd year I was shooting up, through these 2 months getting sober I have relapsed shooting morphine 2 times and taking vicodin for like 8 days…the diarrhea is never ending and the pain I my feet is never ending , the cramps In my stomach two. Im 23 tomorrow and I took vicodin 3 days ago to help the pain but that wasn’t smart because it’s an opiod, but I need to know when the diarrhea will end,
The diarrhea is often treated with loperamide HCL. Read this article:
How To Use Loperamide For Opiate Withdrawal
I have about 12 Tylenol 1 with codein left. We can no longer get it in Canada without a prescription. I’ve tapered down quite well but I didn’t time it well enough to be off completely by feb1. About a year ago I was taking 10 every 4-5 hours. ( roughly 24 a day) I now take 2 at 8am 2 at 2 pm and 2 at 10 pm. . So today I’m feeling it. It’s only my second day taking 2 at each time. It was 3. 3 times a day. I have such a bad headache! It’s so terrible. I’m assuming it’s from the lack of codeine. I’m a mother. I don’t even know how I let myself come to this. I hide it from everyone. So these next 7 days are going to be absolute hell! How am I going to care for the kids? My husband has no idea. I won’t tell him. So I’ll be going through the withdrawal process on my own.
I’ve been using t1’s for about 6 years.
Any advice. Tips. How do I get rid of this pounding headache?? It’s so awful!
I’m on day 2 … I’m sure you know how that feels, but I’ve went cold turkey before and this would be my 4th or even 5th time so I understand now why I have relapased.
First, let me start by saying the trick for me to getting off pills about 100 mgs of hydrocodone a day was to only do it cold turkey. I tried to taper, but that just made me continue to use for many reasons. My fiancee is on disability from a back injury at work and I have access to that medication easier than most. The reason I relapse is every time I get clean something happens last time I had a huge infection almost fatal and so I was on antibiotics and pain meds for a few weeks and as you know it up until now.
The best way I’ve been able to get clean color turkey is to just stop the first day is the easiest as stated above until night rolls around and you wanna scream and kick and hit as all your body and joints are anxious so hot baths with epson salt it eases muscles and im telling you no more shaking arms and legs or showers I mean hot so you sweat the more you sweat the faster it is to get the opiates out of your system (I probably take 3 baths a day, just depends on how my body feels) especially because my body tempature throughout withdrawal changes I get really cold and so to get it normal again i just take a hot bath and it works.
This is what I find works best if you can or if you live with someone that can help … right as your going to bed take a hot bath. When you get out and your ready for bed take one pill and a xanax this helps you sleep and your body heal and you don’t feel that high feeling so when you wake up its a new day and you actually slept that is really the most important part because your body heals when you sleep so if you can take or afford about a week off work to help yourself to have a better life I would suggest it as the next few days will be hard. About day 4 is usually the last day I take the one pill at night, but I continue my xanax for sleep. It took me about a month to start sleeping without it.
The hardest part for me is me having NO ENERGY and no appetite I am not hungry … so I don’t eat much, but I try. Instead I take a handful of vitamins every morning, one mucinex D pill (sneezing/runny nose/allergy type symptoms) and motrin. Also, I drink those Naked drinks or Body Armour anything that keeps you hydrated and has alot of vitamins. Diarrhea is not fun for anyone, but alot of people say take Immodium, but I don’t the faster you get all the toxins out you will feel better. Eat blan foods, easy on the stomach it helps as well. Also, you could look up detox water, lime/lemon/cucumber/cilantro and let it refrigerator over night and drink it up!
Now for the energy part it’s probably the thing I honestly hate the most especially if you have to work or take care of your family energy takes time to come back … for everyone it’s different, but for me it felt like FOREVER. Just remember the best thing your doing for yourself is getting clean. You realize how open and beautiful life is while on pills you feel a sense of cloudiness that has hidden who you really are the happier you. Goodluck you can do it!
Also, keep a journal about how you feel each day so when you want to use again you remember all the pain and suffering you had to through just to get better, it’s not worth it.
Let me know if I can help. Support is the number one key to an addiction free life. I’m struggling too so I can understand and not many maybe two people know I was even an addict to opiates. Thank you.
I’m a nurse addicted to opiates. Job very stressful and during withdrawal I have no strength to walk long hall’s, unable to concentrate and is easy to give in as temptation is constantly in your face. I have to detox and keep working cause I’m single with nobody to help pay bills. Im 57 years old and have torn ACL and meniscus too. I suffer panic attacks at work from stress but lack of energy causes relapse because I work 12 hour shifts. I Need energy bad.
Betty perhaps the following article might benefit you:
How To Get Your Energy Back After Quitting Opiates
Thanks for your post. I am on Day 9 of kicking 17 years on methadone. I can’t even believe I’ve even made it this far, but this no energy feeling isn’t going away, and I expect it’s going to linger around for a while. Anyways, if it weren’t my life partner’s insistence that i need to finish this out, I’d probably be back on the methadone. I’m not pleasant to be around, I’m cussing like a drunk sailor as they say, but I am doing it.
Thank you so much for your article. I have read many and this one is the best. I am a 54 yr old mother and Grandma and have been addicted for 7 or 8 years! This is my very first time withdrawing. With that being said, I am in the middle of day 2. Day 1 was awful with the body aches, NO energy whatsoever, and manic thoughts. My daughter (who went thru withdrawal a week ago) is here helping me, I don’t know what I would do without her honestly. I took a xanax in the afternoon and got a good nap. Then an ambien that night. I was able to get some good sleep.
Now day 2……back hurts badley, no energy and can’t stop crying and my brain is overworking with such depressing thoughts. I have a very important job and I am so worried about being able to go to work. Today is Sat, day 3 will be Sun. Do you think I will be ready on day 4 to return to work? Please help if you have any advice to speed up this withdrawal process. Thank you!!
I’ve been where you are. The difference between us is that mine wasn’t planned to finally get off of opiates. I admire you for making that decision! When I was going through it, I hadn’t even heard of Kratom yet. I wish I had known about how well it does relieve withdrawal symptoms. Instead, I used gabapentin [neurontin] and higher doses of loperamide [immodium]. Are you by any chance on clonidine? This is a blood pressure medicine that also has properties that help aleviate many withdrawal symptoms, and is the most common medicine prescribed by Drs for opiate withdrawal. Adding the herb passion flower has been proven to help the clonidine fight the symptoms. Also, I found an antihistamine to be helpful. Many use Marijuana to combat withdrawal.
Try to stay busy, even if you don’t feel like it! Also, it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to hydrate yourself, as dehydration can make withdrawal so much harder! The electrolytes in Gatorade (magnesium, potassium, etc) will help your aching muscles, and take EPSOM SALT BATHS! This is the best way for your body to absorb magnesium!
Hang in there, I know it’s rough. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Disclaimer: This comment is for informational use only, and is not medical advice. Always check with your doctor before trying any new supplements, diet, or exercise programs.
My boyfriend and I are both addicted to heroin. We snort it…about a half gram apiece a day. Yesterday, we tried to quit…we’ve done it before, but last night was so horrible that we woke up today and bought some. Our plan is to try to taper down with what we have to make our withdraws easier… And have been trying to find some Xanax. If last night (day 1) is the easiest, idk how I’m going to do it…I was having severe hot/cold sweats and my skin was crawling. This drug is beginning to ruin us, and I feel so weak that I can’t handle the withdrawal symptoms… Idk why I’m writing this..
Get some kratom!
I’m not sure if you have completed this process or not considering this was posted a month ago but, regardless … You can do this! My boyfriend and I are in a similar situation and this is day 1 for us. I am aware of what is coming and i dread it however, it needs to be done for many reasons in our life. I wish you both the best 🙂
From my personal experience, I have withdrawaled one time. Any other time it was just maybe a hour of feeling like crap bc I have never not been able to fulfill my addiction. It all started with a traumatic event in my life of losing a loved one. However, I have decided to change my life and for the better. I am currently on day four and feeling okay. I think that reading some of these horror stories from others might sike some out. I was doing 6-7 roxicodone a day by smoking them. My advice to anyone wanting to quit is to leave your town, get a hotel, specifically with a jacuzzi in the room (if not that’s not necessary) and bring things to keep your mind occupied. You would seriously be AMAZED at how much easier the withdrawal process is when you are away from the area that you can get it. Bring anything to help you sleep. I personally used some sleeping pills, muscle relaxants, and Xanax however, other over the counter things will help as well. Most importantly STAY hydrated. I drank so much Gatorade that I’m sure it helped me a lot. There is also a shot now called vivitrol and it is very helpful for someone who wants to stay cleaning after their withdrawal process. . My withdrawal process over all was not too bad just have Imodium, nausea medicine and potassium vitamins and lots of hydration. A lot of the withdrawal process is mentally so removing yourself from the area where you get the drugs for a week or so to withdrawal is one of the best ways I truly believe. It’s also very imp to keep up with your sobriety with counseling & other activities. I hope my story helped at least one person that is lost in this world!
That would be great if I could take the time off from work or afford a motel room. I’m single, working like a hamster on a wheel with no support system from anyone but the church. I can’t stop working long enough to seek help or I will be homeless, jobless, and loose my car. My back is against the wall.
I’m just starting hydrocodone withdrawal using Xanax for the anxiety. It’s been about 20 hours since my last hydro. I’m hanging in there but feel.pretty bad.
I just found this site and I’m so grateful. For the past two years I Have been addicted to any opiate I could find. Only pills. I just completed my first day of withdrawal. I tried two weeks ago but didn’t make it. I’m ashamed of who I am. Actually disgusted. Noone knows of my addiction. I have hidit well. I’ve lied, stolen pills, and gone to hospitals lying to get pills. I am so scared to fail again. I am sweating my ass off just hoping to make it through tomorrow. I flushed all my pills down the toilet last night after a major break down. I feel better knowing I am not alone.
I have been on oxy 20 mg every six hours for back pain. I had surgery and a spinal cord stim placed and I don’t need them any longer. Marijuana takes care of breakthrough pain. I am down to half my usual disease/day now. The withdrawal is mild but I can’t eat or sleep I’m jittery and snap easily. The worst is the cold sweats. I’m freezing but I’m drenched. I took 60mg if neuro tin with .5 mg Xanax and my half dose. I feel ok. I’m not wanting to die or anything and I’m tolerating the dose decrease pretty well. I just needed a little help and I will increase the neuro tin dose up to 800ng. This is my personal prescrpition written by my doctor. It’s simply an idea. This is my first night trying it and I feel groggy but alert and my w/d symptoms are minor. I was wondering if Elimadrol would help me? I still have several weeks of tapering to complete. What would help during the day while I work?
it’s nice to read about this. i tapered from 180mg of methadone down to 10mg,took couple years, but i had to stop my taper at 10mg and go cold turkey. i thought since i was on a low dose i would have mild withdrawals,if any, but i was wrong. im 5 days in with no methadone and im sick as hell. im taking loperamide,phenergen and dxm(robotussin) and the dxm is the only thing giving me any relief.unfortunately i have to take 100mg of it. i haven’t used heroin in 6yrs and never took benzos or anything and never will. i want to know though,what should i look forward to? is the withdrawal going to last for weeks? why even bother tapering if im still going to withdrawal off 10mg? i guess im just looking for hope.i want this pain to end and the idea of being this sick another week sounds horrible,let alone another month. did my tapering help the length and severity of my withdrawal?thank you for listening
I’m so sorry you are experiencing such nasty symptoms after your diligent tapering, however, I believe it would’ve been astronomically worse if you went cold turkey off 180 mg. However, since you were on methadone for a couple of years, your body got really used to it. Even after the acute withdrawal, nearly all individuals coming off methadone experience Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS).
Please read the following article on PAWS:
How To Stop Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome From Opiates
You are still going through the acute withdrawal, however. Please refer to the following list of withdrawal remedies that could add some relief for you:
Opiate Withdrawal Remedies
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
thank you very much for getting back to slowly getting yeah 7 years on methadone and 11 on heroin.this is the 1st time in 18years I’ve been off all opiates!!! so even though im sick im VERY happy. things just get discouraging sometimes. ill read the articles you recommend right now. thank you again. its nice to know that people care:)
Slow is better than NO right? I know things can get discouraging, but within you is greatness and you can create the life of your dreams…just might need to go through hell to get there 😉
So I am 21 days into being completely clean from opiate painkillers. I tapered for about ten days, though this was pretty fast, it helped a little. I was run over by a 25,000 pound machine multiple facial fractures, collapsed lung, broken rib, broken pelvis, spiral fracture of the fibula, complete break of the fibula and a host of crushing injuries to many parts of my body. I was on 90 mg MsCotin and 45 mg oxycodone a day for 4 months. The taper was terrible the first two weeks of being clean was terrible but then it turned a corner. Each day after day 14 I felt extremely better. I was able to start walking distances as well as make it to the gym to help assist my recovery. So the first day was the worst, I asked almost constantly for the strength to not take a pill so I would stop being sick. I went to my doctor and explained to him that I wanted off that crap but I needed some help I had not eaten much in 10 days. They prescribed a host of things to help the withdrawal symptoms I did not get them but they would have helped. I also was prescribed a much longer taper but I felt like a slave to the pills. If I did not eat the crap I was sick. I now feel like my old self I have energy. I don’t snap at everyone and I no longer feel sick. As it has been said these opiates don’t care if you take them for a good reason or not the story is the same get off the crap or be its slave period. I hurt still and at times it is to much but when I remember how much I had to go through to get here it is a no brainer screw opiates. It may feel like an eternity and depression may beat you down but it is only a short time and those things will pass. What won’t pass is how you will feel if you give up. Every failure is just a way of finding out what does not work TRY AGAIN. When I was run over I was sure that I would never see my wife and children again but here I am. I was sure I was going to hurt so bad I could not stand it but here I am with a second chance to live not only life but a life without a drug being my master. Days 1-5 crappy, days 6-14 less crappy and days 15+ like my old life was given back to me. Keep hope and you will make it, be honest with your family and doctors and they can help you. Then remember how crappy the whole thing was so you don’t do it again.
Thanks for sharing. I suffer stage 3 endometriosis, chronic pain for 5 years. Also getting off pain meds after 4 months….I’m at day 14 hoping to feel some pain lessening.
Frank. I have been on oxycodine for 3years after being diagnosed with lung cancer .. Now I’m in remission I don’t need the drugs but when I stop taking them I lash out at loved ones and strangers ! I’m a good person and I want to stop but I can’t do the withdraws I need help I can’t take this any more but I can’t perform at work with out the drugs my whole body hurts so bad and I’m very lazy and VERY moody please help!
I was on opiates and fentenly for 7 years, quit cold turkey. First 20 days were misery but then started to feel better. I would suggest to anyone that is thinking about stopping opiates first go to a vitamin store and be honest with them. You can get “built up” before going through the withdrawal. The best thing I found for the weakness is Riboxn, it will get your adrenal glands going. Omega-3 (2 with each meal) and Magnesium (3 at bedtime (help you to relax). I’m on day 31 and am back in the office and rode my bike for 2 miles at 6:45am. It is so doable, yes you suffer but everyday tell yourself for example “day 22 for me and drugs 0” and so on. Pump yourself up and think of how great it will be to be drug free.
Why are you telling people to take Benzos or Phenibut? You realize they are addictive gabaergics. They will be replacing one substance with another. Quit claiming to be an Opiate Addiction Recovery Expert. Besides the fact that it sounds incredibly pretentious like you’re claiming to be a medical expert sans degree but you’re also giving HORRIBLE advice. Also phenibut is not even remotely natural.
Hi John,
Thank you for your comment. I’m not telling anyone to take anything. I’m simply writing articles based on things I’ve learned. There is a disclaimer at the bottom of every page of this website. I’ll reprint it here in case you missed it:
Matt is not a doctor. The statements, recommendations and products referred to throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a health condition or concern, consult a physician or your alternative health care provider. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, supplement, or doing new exercises.
Many people have used benzos or phenibut for opiate withdrawal anxiety and insomnia successfully, without getting addicted to them. In fact, the only way I was able to finally get off heroin for good was due to the use of Valium, otherwise I might still be in my addiction. I didn’t trade one addiction for another. Also, I worked at an Opiate Treatment Program for years, and I talked to hundreds of people that used benzos to get off opiates successfully, and maybe two people couldn’t do it responsibly, and later became addicted to benzos (they said this was preferable to heroin addiction). At detox facilities, doctors often prescribe clonidine along with a benzo for withdrawal.
As far as phenibut goes, it’s the result of chemists adding a 6-carbon ring to the GABA supplement, thus allowing phenibut to effectively cross the barrier and act on GABA receptors. GABA is a natural chemical (inhibitory neurotransmitter) made in the brain. So while it’s man made, it still comes from something quite natural. It’s classified as a dietary supplement, and sold as such. Thus, phenibut is remotely natural, though you’re free to disagree.
John, I want you to know that I’ve helped a ton of people quit opiates and live healthy lives free of addiction. I did this in my counseling practice, I’m doing that currently as a Strategic Intervention Coach, and I get comments and emails everyday from people saying how these articles helped them finally quit opiates.
My “harm-reduction” approach is not for everyone. Obviously, the use of potentially addictive substances to get off opiates doesn’t resonate with you. I understand your concern John, and there are many with your belief. I want to validate that it is a very good concern, and I appreciate you taking the time to write about this.
Take care John.
Oh so so good. We are getting stuff together to go thru this too?
Best of luck to you on your journey. If there is anything I can do to help just ask.
If you go to a doctor for with drawl they will give the same thing difference is you take this for short period of time not forever and I rather have my family member addictive to any of those then heroin I have a sister on it now and recovering brother two aunts and many cousin who are close to me so I know and yes you might be right but they are way better alternative then heroin!!!!!!!
I have been taking codein for almost 10 years, I stopped cold turkey 26 days ago. First week was a nightmare, but then slowely everything stabilized, except insomnia and restless legs. I have thoughts about going back to codein just to help me sleep but I NEVER ever want to go through this again. I am taking extra vitamines, potassium and magnesium but still I cant sleep due to dancing legs and aching muscles. During the day it helps to drink something warm but please help me get my sleep back!
Thank you sooooo much for this site, it does feel better that I am not going through this alone.
Hi Ann,
Now that the acute withdrawal phase is over, you’re experiencing the post-acute symptoms. Here are some articles that can really help you sleep and get rid of restless legs:
Natural sleep supplement – How To Use Phenibut For Opiate Withdrawal
How To Stop Restless Legs From Opiate Withdrawal
How To Stop Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome From Opiates
Also, check out the response I wrote to Kevin’s comment below. Hope this helps….and please ask me any other questions you might have, as I am happy and eager to help you in any way I can. Take care.
I have been on Suboxone for over 10 years and can withdrawal fine, but I feel like Im never going to sleep well again. Does it ever get better?
I was curious to know the timeline of withdrawals. I, myself,is on day 2 of quitting cold turkey after 7 years of taking between 7 to 15 hydrocodone. I am doing this alone and believe it is mind over matter. So far, it has been very difficult, but need to stay positive and know i will feel better within a week or two. Thank you for the article. I am extremely excited on trying the natural remedies. Does anyone know what happens to the body after quitting? I am greatly concerned that I will have no energy, possibly depression and anxiety. These symptoms is what caused me to abuse. Yet, it helped me tremendously. I was active again, social again and anxiety diminished. Until, all the hoopla of how dangerous opiates are and difficultto get, it actually helped me live a better life. So each their own, i suppose. Yet, with the difficulty of obtaining prescriptions is not worth the struggle and the feelings of being such a terrible person for taking something that makes me feel great with lots of energy. It’s a shame, but I am willing to take this effort because all the white collar individuals say it is bad for me. Good luck to me! So far, it has been ok with a few ups and downs. I am more upset with the fact of how terrible this drug has become in mainstream media, ad well as the medical personnel. They must not see the good of this drug and how much it has helped them both mentally and physically.
Kind Regards.
Hi Heather,
After quitting opiates after 7 years of hydrocodone, the acute withdrawal precedes the post-acute withdrawal syndrome. Please read the following article to see natural ways to restore brain chemistry, enhance energy, mood, appetite, happiness and more:
How To Stop Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome From Opiates
Awesome article. Im almost 48 hours in from a 2 week binge smoking heroin and before that I was eating up to 4-10 pills a day for a yearish depending on what I could get (vic, Oxy, methadone). I regret ever trying the heroin. So good but so bad. I have been using kratom in small amounts to try and get thru. Right now I feel like I have the flu. last night sleep was non existent and rls is from hell LOL. Im not doing to bad I think tho. For me getting up and moving around just a little bit really helps and make sure you eat. I can’t wait for this to all be over with. im never looking back. God, my husband and my kids are way mot important than any of this. I can’t wait to put this behind me good luck everyone
Hi Erin,
So glad you enjoyed the article. You sound like you have the right mindset to get you through it…and I’m glad the kratom in small amounts is helping a bit. What you said about moving around and eating is awesome. It’s so easy to not do this, but it’s very important! Again, your strong mindset and devotion to God and your family will provide you with the strength needed to get past the opiate withdrawal timeline. You can do it!
I am on day 10 after 4 years of oxycodone and fentenyl…I went to detox for 5 days…actually by day 3 I felt great but I was on suboxone…..since day 6 I feel like i have been run over by a bus….the rls was awful….got clonidine prescribed which helped with that but I have 0 energy for anything but laying in bed which makes rls worse but when I’m up I can’t do anything and my legs feel like they won’t even hold me up…..this is worse then anything I have ever been through……
I don’t have cravings for the meds…..just need these withdrawl symptoms to end…..I had no idea that after detox I would still be dealing with this….
113 days I’ve been solid sick. I quit cold turkey. Believe that life will be better for you. My pride prevented me from seeking help, instead I built the inner strength and at this moment I’ve been Surviving sick of every day for 113 days. I get 2 solid days of sleep out of 20. I get reckless to the point of hurting someone or myself, it’s sad to tell yourself it’s all worth nothing to be sober In prison. Stand tall. Master your universe….
I’m currently on day 7. I my stomach and energy are not right yet but I know that may take awhile. This isn’t my first rodeo, the first time I was clean I still had a deep ache that would not go away, my doctor told me this was normal. I think what I want to say mostly is the physical symptoms suck. Especially the first week or so. However it is the mental dependancy that is the hardest to shake. If one where to cold turkey it, I would highly recommend finding NA meetings. I found good support there once I could face getting out of the house. In fact I am going back for my first one in two years. You will meet people who are in going through the same thing you are and people who have been there and back and back again. But then you also meet people who have been sober for tens of years. It helps you realize that it’s not impossible. I also want to make the point about tapering, although it may be possible for some. I personally believe it is impossible for an addict to taper correctly because your brain will fool you that you have tapered enough. Regardless once the brain is completely cut off from the med, there will be symptoms. On last thing I wish I had kept a journal of what withdraws felt like the first time around. An addicts brain also tends to forget how bad they are much like a woman who have birth forgets labor pain. Because if you forget what WDs are like then the next thing you know its “yes doc, I will take a Lortab perscription for my chronic pain”. Next thing you know, it’s been a year and you’re back to sweating it out. Also ebsom salt baths are the bomb for aches.
You probably know that one doesn’t have to take the drug recreationally to become addicted to it. When I first felt “symptoms ” in the morning I attributed it to my age as I am a senior citizen ( going to a pain clinic after operation resulting from injury by a shoplifter at my job .. workman comp . They tell you what to do and where to go and when ) In time I realized that it was withdrawal symptoms and told my doctor at the pain clinic that I was addicted to which he corrected me and told me I wasn’t addicted but medically dependent . Did my body know the difference ? No. I do not want my life dictated by anyone or anything . I have tried before to stop even getting the doc to lessen the amt of pills that he gave me only to run out my the end of the month. I am currently on my 4th day not having any since Thursday at 9AM ( today is Monday 11AM ) I am in pain because of the very reason I was put on pain meds and maybe because pain is amplified during withdrawal . I have leg cramps at night , cant sleep , go to the bathroom ( no diarrhea though ) 6 times a night , and the worse or all is the foggy head I have with a lack of concentration .. AND absolutely no energy to do a thing. I am armed with the diarrhea meds , lorazepam , vitamins , ibuprofen, clonidine , plenty of fluids and food ( I never experienced nausea or the inability to eat ) Still I am in a living Hell. I write them to those whose are fooling themselves into believing all is okay if you are taking these meds through a doctor . ( 110 10/325s a month for years now .. I was taking 120 . Only thing that saved me in the beginning was that I broke them in half and only took a half dose and not using all of them per month .. I was injured in the attack in 2002 but it took Workmans Comp 3 year to approve the operation because unknown to me they were shopping around for the doctor that said what they wanted to hear rather than I needed surgery , here I thought that they were sending me to all those doctors ( 12 in all ) to be thorough until one doctor told me how they , WC , worked . Meanwhile , I was living on pain meds. As I told to the psychiatrist that I also had to go to as it was a violent crime , the hydrocodone helped relieve me of the anxiety faster and more effectively than the meds that he was giving to me for anxiety and depression . I was ignorant about this evil drug as were the very doctors prescribing it to me. NO ONE ever mentioned that I might become addicted or what withdrawal was like . Today as I rid my body and psyche of this life changing drug I am left with all that is wrong with my body and life to deal with without medications. Hydrocodone was also a crutch to me for all the anxiety and depression in becoming disabled and having to be without anything or any purpose in my life anymore. Thank the Lord for giving me grandchildren in this time period .. But , I cannot allow myself to become solely dependent on those precious little ones for my own happiness .
I am rambling a bit here as the thoughts come so rapidly .. I want to tell it all and not leave one thing out . I want this to be a warning to ALL .. Whether you are taking these drugs for pleasure or under a doctors orders . You can end up taking more than you should because they will no longer work at the level they once did leaving you in pain and your body craving for more. DO NOT give in . Though I have never bought any illegally , the thought has passed through my mind when I would have 4-5 days at the end of the month to go without them . In addition , who really knows what they may do permanently to our brain and body. Last year I developed out of the blue this problem with being able to breathe properly and swallow .. all tests I had done showing no apparent reason . I believe the reason was my increasing the amt of drug I was taking and taking the doses closer together . I was too ashamed to mention half this stuff to my own family doc and just feebly asking if opiates could harm you . ( My answer from a neurologist was that I wasn’t taking enough to have the opiates cause my problems. Hmm .. And they know that how ? ) Between all that was changing with my own body due to aging and gaining weight from the inactivity in comparison to when I was working , I knew this drug was hurting me more than it was helping. My BP wouldn’t get under control sometimes in stroke range even when on BP meds , my mood swings, my rebound headaches attributed directly to the hydrocodone , my craving of sweets and food after taking the pills , and the latest and had it lasted , the scariest .. my urine was the color of cola one night making me wonder if my liver was now damaged from the horrible med.
I have vented and it helped . I hope in any way I might have helped another. In all the blogs and sites I go to it seems all that are writing ( or most ) are from those younger folks taking these evil evil pills recreationally or handfuls at a time. I never even took two at a time and yet here I am today just as addicted as any one . I wish all the happiness that one can have in this world to everyone reading this . I guarantee you that even if the monster hasn’t gotten to you yet beware of it’s pull of you into it’s Hell. Hope and Happiness . One Grandma .
Thank you for sharing your story. I know it will help a lot of readers, and I would like to piggy-back on what you wrote:
Many of the patients I counseled while working at an Opiate Treatment Program were there even though they took opiates prescribed from their doctor for pain.
While these medications work well for awhile, the body quickly develops a tolerance to them, and at that point more of the drug is needed to achieve the same or a similar effect. Whether one takes them recreationally or as prescribed by a doctor, the body can develop a physiological dependence upon them.
The drug doesn’t care whether you take them responsibly or not. Your body starts to need the opiates just to keep from getting sick. It’s a horrible epidemic that has gotten way out of control.
I sincerely hope that in the future less harmful pain medications will be available.
2 weeks in….. still pretty miserable. Pills turned to bigger better pills that turned into heroin. Today marks 2 weeks clean in a year and a few months. Been using options for years this isn’t my first rodeo but I have no energy
Congratulations on your 2 weeks clean. I remember the first time I quit, I couldn’t sleep well or eat well, didn’t have energy and couldn’t get happy for a few months. Luckily the last time I quit I used natural supplements to ease my symptoms and increase my energy.
I am replying to you post as much for myself as to give you encouragement . I , too, have absolutely no energy and I am only on my 4th day . I posted here earlier to warn others that even taking these evil pills under the care of a doctor at a pain mgmt. center doesn’t keep your body from becoming addicted to them.. Over 10 yrs the place has feed me pills and I just want my life back. No more worrying if I have enough or where they are .. if you think cell phone users are connected to their phones , folks should see how those using hydrocodone ( opiates ) are with their pill bottles. Just like Master Card commercial said , we never leave home without them .
Just shoot me now. I have been on pain meds for a decade for pain management. Ten days ago, my drs office failed to get my prescription approved through my insurance leaving me with only breakthrough meds. Only 20% of normal dose. Repeated calls for help to my physician have gone unanswered. How much longer will this last? And, no, I never abused or misused the meds. I needed them desperately for pain.
I’m sorry to hear that your doctor’s office failed to get your prescription approved. I hope it all gets straightened out so you are able to continue receiving pain relief from them.
will xanax help get thru oxycodone withdraws? Caron
Ann.. As I mentioned above I , too, was on a pain mgmt. treatment but have decided that life is going to be better without the pills and with the pain. They no longer worked as they had 10 years ago for me and I was wanting to take them closer together to get any relieve . Little did I know that the pain was made worse by the constant mini withdrawals I was going through. Just not taking them for the time I was sleeping had me feeling horrid yet morning that I woke. When I found out that all the natural receptors for dopamine ( helps us feel happy in life ) and those that help us to sleep were being taken over by the receptors ( opiate receptors ) created by our body over prolonged usage of opiates , I decided I needed to give my body the break it needed. Same with my kidneys and liver. I cant think of any pain any worse than the permanent destruction of parts of my body . Maybe this is a blessing in disguise for you . Try any other pain management just not opiates or anything that can become addictive . I lied to myself for years over the pros and cons of opiates with my medical condition and had to finally admit they had me in their grasp .. Best of luck to you ,. Hang in there .
I am on day 4 and most of my severe symptoms have subsided. Its mainly the psychological part that I am scared of. I NEVER stop thinking about these evil pills. And I’m scared that I don’t even know who I am anymore with out them. This is pure HELL but I am trying so hard not to go back for the 2nd shameful time. Going cold turkey truly sucks!
I’m so happy to hear most of the severe symptoms have subsided. As for the cravings, please read the following article, it just might change your life!
DLPA: A Miracle Supplement For Opiate Addiction Recovery
I came off about 500mg codeine for about 2 years and it was absolute hell. My doctor gave me a weeks worth of 5mg Valium and it helped so so much. I’ve not had any for months now so stick with it. Your doing great. I got very emotional and ratty xxx
I’m 60 years old had 4 back surgerys, so I have to have my pain meds,I have rods and pins in my back
I’ve been solid sever sick for 41 days. 2 months ago I went cold turkey from suboxone and went solid sick for 67 days and relapsed. Hold ur head high, it’s a miracle ur not dead. Someone always has it worse i suppose. Best of luck to you.