In this article, I’m going to teach you how to use Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal. I first learned about mega-dosing with Vitamin C to alleviate opiate withdrawal symptoms a few months ago, and after much research on the subject, I’ve developed an easy and effective step-by-step plan (taken from a major study) that anyone can use …and I have to tell you, I’m really excited about this article!
Over the past few years, I’ve made it my life’s mission and purpose to study and write about the most effective strategies for coming off opiates with ease, and I believe Vitamin C can be a great remedy. I’ve become somewhat of an expert on prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, natural drugs, herbs, amino acids and home remedies for treating opiate withdrawal, and I now present you with a new way to detox from opiates.
After reading numerous studies, articles, and personal testimonials, I’m of the opinion that taking mega-doses of Vitamin C is a very effective natural method for easing opiate withdrawal symptoms. Furthermore, according to these studies and testimonials, many individuals have completely stopped 90-100% of their opiate withdrawal symptoms due to mega-dosing with Vitamin C.
A Brief Overview of Vitamin C
Vitamin C, or l-ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient for humans and certain animals. Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant that is necessary for normal growth and development. Most people supplement with Vitamin C for its antioxidant benefits, that is, for its ability to destroy free radicals. Perhaps you’ve taken Vitamin C at the onset of a cold before with hopes of stopping the sickness or at least shortening the intensity and duration. The RDA of Vitamin C is 90 mg for adult males and 75 mg for females.
The Real Truth Behind Vitamin C and Humans
All living organisms either make Vitamin C, get it from their diets, or they die. Man, guinea pigs and certain monkeys, are unable to make their own Vitamin C. Therefore, humans must obtain Vitamin C from their diet or from supplements.
In the article Drug Addiction is Easy to Cure, Dr. James Howenstine, MD., states the following:
Human beings lack the l-gulonolactone oxidase enzyme (GLO). Lack of this enzyme makes humans unable to synthesize ascorbate from blood glucose. All mammals except primates, guinea pigs, and humans use glucose to create ascorbic when placed in stressful situations. A normal animal under minimal stress increases ascorbic output to the human equivalent of 10 to 20 grams daily. Under physical and chemical stress, animals can increase this ascorbic output three to five fold.
A daily intake of 10 to 20 grams by an unstressed human is not high. Under stress the need for ascorbic may go up to 30 to 100 grams daily. The continuation of sub-therapeutic doses of vitamin C recommended for 40 years in the USA would barely keep animals alive in poor health.”
The main component of Dr. Howenstine’s opiate withdrawal treatment protocol consists of taking 25 to 85 grams of Vitamin C per day in divided doses, and he is by no means the only physician that uses this opiate detox method. The following studies will demonstrate how these mega-doses of Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal work.
Mega-Doses of Vitamin C For Opiate Withdrawal
According to literature in the medical school library of the University of Mexico, Vitamin C might block the neuromodulatory response of opioid receptors to opioid drugs like heroin, morphine, oxycodone, etc. Furthermore, in vitro studies have also shown that high concentrations of Vitamin C may inhibit the endogenous opioid degrading metalloenzyme and increase endorphin levels. This is very relevant because opioids mimic endorphins. When you’re going through opiate withdrawal, you’re severely deficient in endorphins, and that’s one of the main reasons you feel so bad.
In a study from 2000, high doses of Vitamin C on the withdrawal syndrome of heroin abusers were investigated. The patients in the Vitamin C group received 300 mg per kg of body weight per day, along with Vitamin E in the amount of 5 mg per kg of body weight. The control group received only conventional medication.
The results showed that the Vitamin C group had much milder withdrawal symptoms than the control group. The study concluded that high doses of Vitamin C may ameliorate the withdrawal syndrome of heroin abusers.
In a study from 2008, researchers sought to study the effect of Vitamin C on the development of tolerance and dependence to opiates and it’s mechanism of action. Mice were made physically dependent on opioids from the repeated administration of morphine. Vitamin C (400-1600 mg/kg) dose-dependently inhibited the development of tolerance and dependence to morphine.
In the study, the researchers demonstrated that Vitamin C possessed antidopaminergic activity and modulate the glutamatergic neurotransmission in mice. Opioid tolerance and dependence are thought to result in neuronal adaptations produced by repeated drug exposure, and according to the study, it is my understanding that Vitamin C appears to disrupt this mechanism.
My Favorite Theory on Vitamin C’s Method of Action
Throughout the rest of the informational (not the “how-to”) section of this article, I will be summarizing a very small portion of the article Attenuation of Heroin Withdrawal Syndrome by the Administration of High-Dose Vitamin C, written by Dr. Alexander G. Schauss, PhD.
Some believe that Vitamin C (in the form of sodium ascorbic) might block opioid receptors in the brain of heroin addicts and block or reduce the rush produced from the intravenous use of the drug. This theory was based on a series of experiments performed by Dr. Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D., at the University of New Mexico. The hypothesis was that opioids bind to specific opioid receptors and that Vitamin C can bind to these receptors, thereby blocking the neuromodulatory effect of the opioid.
Doctor Calls Vitamin C “A Cure to Cancer” for Addicts
In 1979, Dr. Schauss gave a presentation on one of the studies he conducted a decade earlier. He reported that out of 20 addicts that complied with the high doses of Vitamin C protocol, each one reported few symptoms commonly experienced during heroin withdrawal. Dr. Janice Keller-Phelps, MD, the medical director of the King County Center for Addiction Services, commented at the end of his presentation that the idea that Vitamin C could help heroin addicts was “total nonsense”.
Dr. Schauss challenged her to try the treatment for one month with any of the hardcore heroin addicts in her program. Dr. Keller-Phelps decided to take the challenge. She then traveled to meet with many other doctors who had been having success using Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal. After she saw the results these other doctors were getting, she soon returned to Seattle and began using Vitamin C (in the form of sodium ascorbate) at the addiction treatment facility in King County, Washington.
As a result, she had incredible success ameliorating the withdrawal symptoms of heroin abusers. There were even dramatic results with individuals that had been addicted to heroin for 25 years who went through a plethora of withdrawals. She was of the opinion that Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal was like “a cure to cancer” for addicts.
Testimonials from Vitamin C Users on Forums
Recently I read about people having mind-blowing results using mega-doses of Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal on the forums, and I was shaking my head at the utter ignorance of some of the responses. I read some really cool testimonials of people that said mega-doses of Vitamin C completely stopped all of their withdrawal symptoms…then I continued reading the threads, and most of the comments were negative. Over 90% of the other forum members that commented didn’t believe these stories.
They made jokes and stated there was no way Vitamin C could work that well, otherwise the whole world would know about it. I guess it’s the belief in the old saying, “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” But that made me wonder why virtually nobody is aware of Vitamin C’s capability to stop opiate withdrawal. It didn’t take me long to figure out the answer…and then I found research to back up my suspicion.
National Institute for Drug Abuse and Alcoholism Turns Vitamin C Down
After Dr. Keller-Phelps had her amazing results with Vitamin C mega-dosing and thought of it as “a cure to cancer” for addicts, she contacted officials of the National Institute for Drug Abuse and Alcoholism (NIDAA) in Washington, DC. She asked NIDAA to send a fact-finding team to come question her patients that had the amazing results from using Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal. Some people from NIDAA came and interviewed many of the patients over the course of a few days.
NIDAA was very impressed with the results, although several months later they refused to endorse the treatment. How could this be? What I find funny is that during the exact same time they sent fact finders to interview Dr. Keller-Phelps’s patients, NIDAA was studying the medication called buprenorphine (better known now as Suboxone), a semi-synthetic partial opioid agonist, for the treatment of heroin withdrawal. NIDAA was also a proponent of the use of Methadone for opiate withdrawal.
In 1990 NIDAA created the Medications Development Division, with the goal of manufacturing medications to treat addiction. In 1994 they formed a partnership with the very first manufacturer of buprenorphine to get the medication available for use. The FDA approved it in 2002, and now there is an army of people that have been stuck Suboxone for years.
How to Use Vitamin C for Opiate Withdrawal
Luckily, Vitamin C can be used to get off buprenorphine as well as Methadone, heroin, oxycodone or any other opioid. The following “how-to” section of the article will provide you with a step-by-step plan to effectively and safely use Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal. As far as safety goes, the dosages and protocol I recommend is from a study performed at an addiction center in Harlem, New York. The hardcore heroin addicts experienced great results, and out of all the studies I’ve researched, this one makes the most sense to me. I’ve also added the use of an over-the-counter diarrhea medication to the plan as a safety precaution.
Step 1: Purchase Sodium Ascorbate
The type of Vitamin C that has been shown to work the best with the least amount of side effects is sodium ascorbate. Ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate have both been used in studies with success, but ascorbic acid appears to be harder on the stomach. Since you’re going to be mega-dosing throughout the day (25-85 grams or more), my plan consists of purchasing a large container of high-quality Nutribiotic Sodium Ascorbate Powder. This brand is a non-bitter, fully reacted, buffered and 100% pure pharmaceutical grade form of sodium ascorbate. Each 1/4 teaspoon contains 1.25 grams of sodium ascorbate.
Step 2: Purchase Loperamide HCL
To counteract any possibility of diarrhea or intestinal issues of any major concern, you’re going to take loperamide HCL, the active ingredient in the over-the-counter anti-diarrhea medication Imodium AD. I’ve written an entire article on using loperamide for opiate withdrawal (I highly recommend reading it), so I won’t go deep into it here. However, I will inform you that loperamide can effectively stop any diarrhea or stomach discomfort you might have from using Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal. Kirkland Signature Loperamide HCL is a great deal for the low price. No need to purchase the name brand Imodium AD, as it’s the same exact ingredient and you’ll just end up paying a lot more money.
Step 3: Purchase Fruit Juice
Sodium ascorbate powder is pretty hard to drink when it’s mixed with water. This plan consists of drinking 6-ounce glasses of diluted fruit juice mixed with sodium ascorbate. The juice to water ratio will be 50:50, and the type of juice used can be apple or orange. This drink will still have a less than desirable and slightly “salty” taste, but I assure you it’s bearable.
Step 4: Follow the Protocol
Every opiate abuser is biochemically unique and brings to the table varying levels of addiction severity, so there is no way to accurately provide you with an exact dosage that will be optimal. However, I will provide you with a sample Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal protocol that is straight from the article referred to earlier that Dr. Schauss wrote.
Based on a Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal study in Harlem, New York, and taken directly from Attenuation of Heroin Withdrawal Syndrome by the Administration of High-Dose Vitamin C:
“The question of how much vitamin C an addict could tolerate before reaching “bowel tolerance” turned out to vary. (When diarrhoea occured, the amount of vitamin C was decreased to a lower dose.) Over time it was observed that addicts heavily addicted to heroin could tolerate considerable amounts of vitamin C before reaching bowel tolerance.
The first step in the protocol is to go through vitamin C loading for at least three days before going through withdrawal. This titration phase is critical. This would allow the dose of vitamin C to gradually increase to an amount of the vitamin that could be frequently administered every few hours once withdrawal symptoms were anticipated. Nurses adjusted the dose of sodium ascorbate in juice depending on the participants body weight, medical history, and frequency of daily heroin use. The protocol for an addict who met inclusion criteria might be as follows:
- Day-One: (three days prior to day of withdrawal): Drink six ounces diluted fruit juice (DFJ) containing 500-1000 mg of sodium ascorbate (SA) every two hours until bedtime.
- Day-Two: Drink DFJ with 1,000-2,5000 mg of SA every two hours until bedtime.
- Day-Three: Drink DFJ with 5,000-7,5000 mg of SA every three hours until bedtime. Begin withdrawal at bedtime. If withdrawal symptoms occur during the night, DFJ with 5,000 to 7,500 mg SA, administered when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.
- Day-Four: DFJ with 2,500-5,000 mg SA every two hours until bedtime. If symptoms occur during the night, DFJ with 2,500-5,000 mg SA, administered every two hours until symptoms abate.
- Day-Five: DFJ with 1,000-2,5000 SA every two hours until bedtime. If symptoms occur during the night, DFJ with 1,000-2,5000 mg SA, administered when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.
- Day-Six: DFJ with 1,000 mg SA every two hours until bedtime. If symptoms occur during the night, 1,000 mg SA, administered when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.”
Step 5: Measure Progress Along the Way
When this study was done, the trick was to take as much Vitamin c for opiate withdrawal as possible without causing bowel intolerance. I’ve added my own addition to their plan. The loperamide can be taken as needed to prevent diarrhea and stomach cramping. I’ve read many personal testimonials of individuals having great success using these two strategies together.
So there you have it…a plan using mega-doses of Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal that is simple and inexpensive. Measure your progress along the way. If it’s not working, take more Vitamin C. If it’s working but you are having unpleasant side-effects, take loperamide and/or lower your Vitamin C dose.
Step 6: Take an Opiate Withdrawal Supplement
During and after the Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal protocol, you’ll need something to further help ease your symptoms and restore your brain chemistry that has been disrupted by opiate abuse. While Vitamin C is powerful on its own, if you want to have an extremely comfortable withdrawal, you’ll need to use a strong opiate withdrawal formula. Furthermore, the reason most people relapse within the first 90 days of quitting opiates is that of the lingering symptoms, also known as Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). If you simply come off opiates, then do nothing more, the odds that you will relapse are very high.
That’s why I’ve incorporated the use of an Opiate Withdrawal Supplement into this withdrawal plan. Opiate Withdrawal Supplements contain a blend of natural ingredients to ease opiate withdrawal symptoms and restore brain chemistry. I recommend taking an Opiate Withdrawal Supplement starting three days before your withdrawal begins, which is right when you will be starting the Vitamin C loading phase. Taking these two together will enable you to have a very mild and comfortable withdrawal.
You won’t even believe how easy it will be…and taking the supplement for 30 days can provide you with the following benefits:
- Enhances Mood
- Eases stomach discomfort
- Increases natural energy
- Calms anxiety
- Restores dopamine production quickly
- Reverses depression
- Reverses insomnia and helps you get more restorative sleep
NOTE: Many people that have only used the Vitamin C by itself have emailed me to say they relapsed, then when they tried the protocol again, they used an Opiate Withdrawal Supplement and thus were successful. Vitamin C doesn’t correct the long-term biochemical imbalances, but the right Opiate Withdrawal Supplement does. If you can afford it, I also highly recommend taking this awesome supplement, because the benefits are just too good to pass up.
So at this point, you may be asking the question:
“If Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal works so well, why on Earth isn’t it used as a normal treatment modality?!
Many individuals and organizations are opposed to using “megavitamins” for substance abuse treatment. Some believe it is unsafe, while others believe it just results in “expensive urine.” Furthermore, in the past, as well as the present day, America appears to be obsessed with pharmaceutical medications to treat addiction. I foresee this obsession to continue for at least the next three to five decades, but I really hope I’m wrong.
I’m doing my best to help spread the word about these natural forms of treatment. I believe medications can be a useful form of treatment for some people, though I also am of the opinion that the patient should be given more choices.
Too many opiate abusers believe Suboxone, Subutex, Methadone, and Vivitrol are their only options for staying clean. The only way things are going to change is if enough people finally come together and make some noise. Even then, it’s going to take a lot of dedication, persistence, and action to get things moving in the right direction.
Since I wrote this article, I’ve learned something very important. Liposomal Vitamin C has a 90% bioavailability, so more of the nutrient gets absorbed into the bloodstream without the gastrointestinal issues (this is good news!). For a while, I had a small paragraph written here asking if someone tried this method to please inform me how it worked. You see, liposomal C is still ascorbic acid, which was shown in one of the studies to significantly reduce withdrawal symptoms, however, it is encapsulated in a lipid (fat) layer, which helps it get absorbed much better, and as a result, also prevents stomach issues.
I ordered some liposomal C and took 10,000 mg three times a day and guess what? No bowel intolerance! Typically a dose of 3,000 mg regular Vitamin C will slightly upset my stomach. And here is some even better news. I recently received a comment on this article from someone that had great results using this method.
Here is what Lane had to say:
My experience with the Liposomal Vitamin C: Sunday night was my last pill! I had been taking vitamin c for 2 days (the building up phase). Day 3 (first day without pain pills) was awesome, no withdrawal symptoms at all! I guess I let my guard down the next day 4, and slacked off the C because the first day was so good! The freezing body temperature was awful, so I bumped up the C again, until I began to feel a little better the next day! Since then it has been ok overall! I had no bowel intolerance with this form of the C! I am continuing with the DLPA as well! I only pray I have the strength to stay away from my next pain appointment! Thanks for your informative site Matt!”
Pretty cool right?! Here are the two types of liposomal C I’ve tried that I believe are superior products: LivOn Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C Packets (I like this one best) and Dr. Mercola Liposomal Vitamin C. This form of taking Vitamin C is even more powerful than intravenous C, and I’m very grateful a reader told me about this. I am leaving the sodium ascorbate/fruit juice protocol up because I think it is a great framework to go by, and people can either use that method or take liposomal C instead. If it were me, I would absolutely take liposomal combined with an Opiate Withdrawal Supplement.
Then after the acute detox ended, I would go immediately to my Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) regimen. Click here to read the PAWS protocol.
Here is a short YouTube video showing how liposomal supplements get absorbed better:
Please feel free to comment on your experience using any of these methods. Click here now to view my best home detox program.
If you have any questions on using Vitamin C for opiate withdrawal, please feel free to post them in the comment box below.
And click here to learn about my opioid detox & recovery coaching program.
Ash B
Hey I hope this site is still monitored! I began to use this plan as of yesterday using the Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C. By the end of the day yesterday I had full blown diahrea. (I started at 1pak of 1,000mg/2hrs) – I am not a super heavy user (1-2 30mg percocets – but from the street so most likely fent/day) I’ve heard of people taking up to 5-6/day so maybe I don’t need as much vitamin C — Should break down this plan in half ??
Ben Jones
Hey Matt!
I honestly feel a bit embarrassed asking this question, seeing as many of the readers are trying to kick heroin, Fentanyl, Suboxone etc., but have you ever heard of anyone successfully quitting a severe Kratom addiction using this method?
I have been using Kratom for close to seven years at this point, and while I don’t abuse it as much as I used to, I’m still a very heavy daily user. Due to its price and availability, I have adapted myself to not going more than a few hours without it, and it has really become a hard thing to even attempt quitting.
My other question has to do with drug interactions (or a lack there of) while quitting an opioid. I have been taking 30mg of Citalopram for about five years, and I have never actually taken it when not regularly using Kratom. I also began taking 300mg of Bupropion about 4-5 months ago.
I’m curious if you, or anyone reading this, has any insight into quitting an opioid while on an SSRI, or any reuptake inhibitor for that matter? Is that something I should consider while quitting using this method, or in general?
Thanks so much for putting the work you have into this article. While I didn’t even come close to reading a fraction of the comments/testimonials, I can clearly see this is an effective method and you have likely saved a lot of lives by putting this out into the universe. Good on you.
I’m going through the same thing, Ben. I’ve been taking Kratom for almost 6 years now and am seriously struggling to get off of it. I’ve read that Vitamin C has worked for other kratom users, so it’s absolutely worth a shot. I’m so glad I found this website and withdrawal protocol! I just need to pick a quit-date now.
Im not sure if this post is still watched but i was wondering if the type of vitamin c is important or if i can use any kind
Hey I was wondering what the opiate withdraw supplement is? And should I take it before I go into withdraw? One more thing at the doses of vitamin c you say (Drink DFJ with 1,000-2,5000 mg) Is it 2,500mg or 25,000mg???
Thank you I can’t wait to try your method I heard slot of good things about it and your article is awesome.
well good night its 1in the morning. oxy got me up late again. need to get off this shit. I’m burn’t out to the hoe de hoe. talk to you tomorrow Matt.
Matt, I’ve been reading your material for quite a while, and I’m a little confused (information overload, I guess). At one point I know you were saying that vitamin C, especially the LypoSpheric form, really helped with withdrawal from Suboxone, and then I remember you also saying that you had found out that the vitamin C really only worked (in most cases) for not-so-long acting opiates, like heroin, oxycodone, but NOT Suboxone.
Can you clarify? Do you now believe that vitamin C might be helpful in getting off of Suboxone, with a slow taper, or have you thrown that theory aside? I was so counting on that to be something that would help me through a taper, and now I am feeling very discouraged that I may not be able to taper after all. I’ve heard that tapering from under 1 mg. is a monster and very difficult to get through.
I want to compliment you on your caring responses to people and all the stunning work you have put into your material.
I’m currently taking 2 8-mg. strips a day, which I know is WAY too much, and the reason I allowed myself to get up that high is because I thought when I was ready to get off of Subs, that the vitamin C would be my lifesaver.
Could you please clarify what you now believe and where I could find any success stories on using vitamin C to get off? I can’t find the Suboxone Taper Facebook page you mentioned at one point.
Thank you so much. I look forward to your response.
Hey Ann,
I’ve purchased the same. I went from 8mg to 2mg last weekend. I basically slept all day and night but not intolerable. You got this! If you have to work, take a sick day or 3. I am down to .5 and purchased LivOn Lypo-Spheric Liposomal Vitamin C – 30 packets of 1,000 mg. However, the previous posts state 10,000 mg is needed?!? have to found a regimen for use?
Suboxone was worse than my opioid addiction. I have detoxed several times over many years (I know, I know) but thought I found the answer with subs, unfortunately it was relatively new to treating addiction and the doc was about 100 years old and kept my wife and I on it over 3 years. 3 – 8 mg strips a day To the point we new this wasn’t right either so he took us down but took us down so fast we had severe detox, I contemplated suicide it was so bad, you would think that would break me but well….I’m an addict. So now I’m tapering off kratom to get off a roxy dependency It’s a never ending cycle unfortunately but if you can stay away from subs and taper off something else I would suggest trying that first. Suboxone doesn’t work for everyone. Peace!
Have you heared of making Lipo Vit C at home?
I’ve been using the sodium ascorbate in water. I started 2 weeks before my last hydrocodone pill working up to about 35 grams a day where I finally hit bowel tolerance-I must have been severely depleted in Vitamin C since it took days before I reached saturation. I stayed at 35 grams daily during the 7 day withdrawal period and now maintain at about 10-12 grams daily – its been nearly a month and I sleep deeply, without rls, none of the symptoms I expected and in the critical time when I started to feel the runny nose or muscle tension I’d drink the water with C in it and it would dissipate.
I had this bruising that began a couple years ago which disappeared when I began the high dose C. My mood is even and my energy is good. I was on rx opiates for 12 years solid and vitamin C at this high dose worked! Halleleujah! here’s the medical journal info on the dosage which is higher than the initial medical studies.
Matt Finch
Great job! Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Hey Matt,
Will the vitamin c work for 30mg of methadone or should I taper? I really am ready to jump off now though.
Matt please help me! Does this vitamin c method work for fentanyl as well?
So you didn’t drink every 2uhr how they show us?
Really? You have no withdrawal symptoms? How high of a dose were you taking a hydrocodone? I’ve been wanting to come off of it since they changed the pills 2 years ago and they’re not opioids anymore not what they used to be anyway and I know this because I know the change when I first felt like taking nothing thankfully I had some old ones saved and I took half of one and noticed an immediate difference that’s how I know they’ve messing with the formula I don’t believe they are even real opioids anymore and they do nothing for pain but I’m afraid of the withdrawal I’ve been taking six a day for 8 years of the 10 325 mg ones
What symptoms did u have? How long? Did utake anything after it?
Eric Hall
Hi, Matt (and other readers)
Any specific advice for Suboxone slaves? I’ve been on them for about 6 years straight this time around. Last year, with the help of Kratom, I was able to decrease my daily intake from 8 mg, to 2mg per day. 1mg square in the a.m. and another late afternoon when I would start feeling the need. It is been a year of this and worked fairly well. I thought/hoped/prayed that making the jump to Kratom this time would be mostly painless and a smooth transition. While it has allowed me to work and function fairly well, it has been a real struggle. I’m only on day 7 and have already resorted to .5 mg of Suboxone twice a day over the weekend. Even still, had the worst nights sleep yet. Anyway, this has been my biggest fear and obstacle in recent memory. I have a brand new daughter (4 months old) and an absolutely amazing girlfriend, they are EVERYTHING to me and I am doing this to be the best man I can be for my family. So, before I rattle on too much… I see too many horror stories of failed attempts at quitting Suboxone, never recovering or feeling “normal” again, PAWS lasting up to 2 years or more, etc. Etc. I just want to end my slavery to Suboxone and be a healthy happy father and take care of my family. PLEASE let me know of any tweaks or twists to the program in relation to the Suboxone aspect, as related to the extended withdrawal period, or any other help you can offer. VERY much appreciated.
Oh! I’m currently taking 7.5 grams of Kratom every for hours, sometimes up to 10-12 grams and sometimes more frequently. I’m afraid of it just becoming a replacement. I want to be completely free of opiates. THANKS EVERYONE.
I’ve had a bit of a revelation tonight (20 years in the making)!
The story I tell is a bit graphic and it comes from a completely different angle to what you might imagine, but I believe it is relevant and backs up the Vitamin C strategy.
Two decades ago as a healthy volunteer, I took part in a double blind medical trial in Manchester (UK) studying Morphine Vs. Placebo. Within minutes of taking the first capsule I started to projectile vomit. Not nice, but it soon abated and so I continued – I had a car to pay for at the time.
Within 12 hours my gums became increasingly tender. By the next morning after another dose they developed into separate ulcers on the upper pallet and gums, and I alerted the nurses and study doctor who said that both the vomiting and oral swelling was nothing to do with the drug involved. (Yeah, Right!)
Two hours later the ulcers had ALL merged into one and the pallet of my mouth was resting on my tongue. I buzzed for a nurse and as I attempted to inform her- just the action of opening my mouth ruptured the tissue. It was like that scene from Jaws- you’ll know the one.
The study had been staggered- that is to say one group was a few days ahead of ours with a concertina door separating us. As my symptoms had developed I had asked around if anyone else had experienced or were experiencing anything similar and one chap in the next ward said he too had developed mouth ulcers since starting the trial which he had also reported.
Clearly after my adaptation of Robert Shaw’s Quint the Doctor was quick to try to reassure me that this was still nothing to do with the drug so I asked how this had managed “not” to affect the fellow from the next room also (given, to a lesser degree, the same reaction). I left the study there and then, and I always wondered what would happen if I ever had to rely on an opiate just what reaction I would have.
A few years later I had a massive abscess due to a rotten root canal and was prescribed Codeine 60mg. I necked the meds and finally drifted off to sleep after a weekend in constant pain but ended up tripping out on them. I just concluded my body and opiates don’t mix.
Then tonight I was reading up on an MSN article about how Humans and Guinea Pigs don’t produce Vitamin C when the penny finally dropped- My initial reaction as with the chap on the staggered study was an immediate drop in Vitamin C.
Now I’ve always enjoyed my food, and I’ve never skimped on my fruit and veg, so the sudden onset of scurvy was never going to happen. Our bodies had realised the toxicity of the drug and had raided all our existing ascorbic acid to counter it’s effects. If nothing else, I now know if I break a leg I should be alright with the morphine if I have a massive shot of Vitamin C at the same time.
Hi Matt! Huge thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing the information you do. It’s incredibly helpful and I’m so so glad I found you!
Questions: can I combine the vitamin c method with gabapentin (I have plenty of both) offer should I only do one? Also, I ordered DLPA (I heard dlpa works best when combined with vitamin c and b6?) as well as adrafonil and Phenibut for PAWS. Do I wait to take those last 3 until I’m passed the acute phase or can I start taking all of the above right away?
Is this blog still monitored. I will be withdrawing soon and will need some support and advice. Please.
Matt Finch
I still monitor it.
Hi Matt I have some the vitamin C before and it definitely worked. I was AMAZED!!!! Unfortunately I relapsed due to the mental aspect. I am giving it a go again this time but I am going to go on subutex which I have been hesitant to do but feel it will help with mental.
My question is can I megadose vitamin C to get me through the 24 hour period u have to wait b4 u can take subs? I took subs too soon 2 weeks ago and I wanted to cut my legs off due to pw. This time I wld like to wait as long as possible. At least 24 hours maybe 48 if possible. Just want to be sure it is ok to megadose vit C for 2 days and than take subutex. I use about 2 bags of heroin a day. I sniff not IV not that it makes a difference!!!!
Matt Finch
Hi Christina,
I actually just responded to your question in the comment section of my article How To Get Prescribed Subutex. I’ll copy and paste it here as well for ya:
“Yes, clonidine and mega-C is a great combo and could make the waiting period until you take Subutex a lot more bearable. I used clonidine before for withdrawal and it wasn’t too helpful when I took .1 mg, but when I upped it to .3 per dose I got a lot of relief. So with vitamin C and clonidine if you get the dosages right for your situation, it could help you feel okay.”
Hi…I have been reading up on how mega dosing Vit C especially liposomal along with Calm Support can alleviate withdrawal from opiates. Could this possibly work with tianeptine withdrawal as well?
You are doing God’s work Matt!
I’ve been on Methadone Maintenance for about 5 years and back on your resources to find my best option. I had a 7 gram/day habit at my worst, as well as having almost exhausted every mainstream method. Got badly addicted to and can no longer functionally use Loperamide, Suboxone, Benzos, and Clonidine. I will probably taper slowly down to 1mg and then go cold turkey with gabapentin. Thoughts? Also any advice on how to taper MMT and your take on rapid detox therapy?
Matt can you please help me with a dosing schedule for Liposomal vit c? Is it still at least 25 grams per day I.e 50 or more of the dr mercola tablets? very pricy for at least 6 days. Or is it less because of bioavailability. I really want to do this but am unsure how much to buy.
Matt Finch
Sure. You take as much vitamin C as needed to get rid of opioid withdrawal symptoms. With the liposomal C, you need not worry about bowel intolerance. So you might start off using 2-3 grams every 2 hours and if that’s not enough increase the dosage. Then if it works keep taking that amount, but if you still feel bad you could increase it to 4-5 grams per dose. Everyone is different so there is no perfect dosing protocol that works for everyone the same. So, unfortunately, I don’t know how much exactly you would need, but it’s always better to buy more than enough so you don’t have to worry about it. I know it can get pricey and I wish it were cheaper, and I wish there were free opioid detox treatment centers that did IV vitamin C along with comfort meds to help.
But that’s not the case at least for now, so if you’re going to use this vitamin C method and you don’t have a lot of money you really might benefit from using the less expensive sodium ascorbate powder. Or you could purchase some of each. I’ve heard the best reviews from the Liv-On Lypospheric C packets but those are $1 per packet, by far the most expensive.
Hey, Matt. If I do the vitamin C protocol using the LivOn Liposomal, is it still necessary to do the 3-day pre-loading step?
Thanks, Lisa
Matt Finch
It’s not necessary using that type of vitamin C. Though I still think doing it would help more than not doing it.
I am currently following this vitamin C AND opiate withdrawal supplement formula program. I found my liquid liposomal vitamin C at a well known online vitamin company called Swanson. I got my liposomal C for $24 a bottle (with a discount; once you go to their site, you will get one too…they have great sales all the time too) the same number of servings as what’s in the LivOn, but way cheaper. It’s really good stuff too…I’m in the middle of the detox program (including the Elimidrol and extra DLPA amino acid ) and I’m doing great. I never would have believed it…but I’m currently having no withdrawals. I’m a very heavy and long time user.
I’m just following Matt’s program exactly.
Thank you!!!!! I hope people are still reading this forum and can help themselves and others with this simple program when they are ready to quit or run out.
Hi Jos,
Here is what I did and it worked Great for me! April 1, 2018 will be 3months CLEAN!!!! :):):)
(BTW I am a 47yr old male, 230lbs, and on Percocet for the past 5yrs)
**Also took take Calm Support 2 times a day)
Day-One: (three days prior to day of withdrawal):
Take 500-1000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
Total Packets: 8 (1000mg per Dose)
Day-Two: Take 1,000-2,5000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
Total Packets: 16 (2000mg per Dose)
Day-Three: Take 5,000-7,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
Begin withdrawal at bedtime. If withdrawal symptoms occur during the night, Take 5,000-7,500 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Packets: 48 (6000mg per Dose)
Day-Four: Take 2,500-5,000 mg Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
If withdrawal symptoms occur during the night, Take 2,500-5,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C administered every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Packets: 32 (4000mg per Dose)
Day-Five: Take 1,000-2,5000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime
If withdrawal symptoms occur during the night, Take 1,000-2,500 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Packets: 16 (2000mg per Dose)
Day-Six: Take 1,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
If symptoms occur during the night, Take 1,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Packets: 8
Grand Total Liposomal Vitamin C Packets: 128
Thanks Matt. I was eating more kratom then food for 3 years until I stumbled upon your research. I found that the dosing was too low but increased by the intervals you suggested and pulled through. My only concern is that it’s been 10 days and I’m still not sleeping (even with 8000mg of sa throughout the night). I still feal great throughout my day but the rls comes back if I’m not dosing vit-c regularly. I know the protocol suggests a 6 day dosing schedule but is it normal to extend the sa treatment term? If so, how long should I continue sa and is it necessary to dose every 2 hours if symptoms lessen over time? At some point will I be able to dose once or twice/day in the near future? Its discouraging to read testimonials of people coming off dope with no rls/insomnia after day 6, but I’m happy to hear more and more ppl are noticing a shift in the tides with pharmaceutical politics and 14 million dollar “incentives” to say the least. Any advice would help! Thanks in advance
Man, your not alone…. I get rls for weeks and sweats and cold and diarrhea for over month and that was on perc withdrawal.
What ended up coming of this experience for you?
Unfortunately my stubborn ass did this a few times. I’m now on methadone (clean for years multiple times, relapsed each time after surgery and meds)… I mostly took the script as prescribed but eventually I would build tolerance and then take more on the street… This last time I just couldn’t bear the withdrawal. I knew I had too much life to handle so I’m I did methadone
I regret it so much. t
Now I’m trying to taper down from 90mg (I’m on 82 but just started 4 mg pet week cut). I’m meeting with doc next week to request a 10% reduction rate vs 4 mg per week. I’m hoping to as low as possible then jump off in a about 20 weeks. I am desperate for a good Vit regimen. Also, if I knew I had a good plan I’d maybe be able to supplement over time while tapering tol. I’d love anyone’s input on loner withdrawals because I KNOW I’ll be in for it.
Hey Matt,
Just want to say thanks for publishing this article on Vitamin C/ascorbic acid for withdrawal. I am on Day 4 coming off 3 1/3 years (40 months) on poppyseed tea. I started small, a mug now and then, and over 3 years got to the point where I needed 3 mugs every morning. This works out to about 10 pounds a week of the most powerful seeds the internet could provide me, about a $400/mo. habit.
I actually started this ride 10 years ago, when a combination of hip pain from a fall on concrete steps a few years before, a lifelong tendency towards insomnia, and curiosity led me to order Tramadol off the internet, before it was a controlled substance in the US. It worked great for both the pain and the sleep. I used them from 2007-2014 more or less continuously, but tapered down and quit many times before going back. I know I could have quit the Tramadol more easily for one simple reason: I didn’t have to work to “make” it and I could taper down–2 pills a day, 1 1/2 pills a day, 1 pill a day, 2/3 pill, 1/2 pill, etc. Yes, it was uncomfortable, but doable, especially aided with some alcohol in the evenings to soothe the jitters.
In 2014, the DEA scheduled Tramadol (i.e. made it a controlled substance, illegal to possess without a prescription), and things changed for me. I could no longer get a bottle of pills that lasted me a month mailed to me from a US pharmacy for $150 or so. Now I had to Paypal money to a foreigner and wait weeks for a packet of pills from India. These had some active ingredient in them, but were not the same things I knew and relied on. I was also aware I was ordering drugs through the mail with my name on them–all this didn’t seem like a smart plan, and I looked around for an alternative.
I’d heard of poppyseed tea before, and after trying a few sources found one that reliably had seeds that packed a punch. Within weeks, I’d spent my last day without this tea that I would for the next 3 1/3 years. Despite it being “natural”, I found it much harder to cut down: I had to scoop the seeds out of their hiding place, shake vigorously, squeeze, then drink. Somehow, the extra work involved and the calmness of sipping the tea meant that I couldn’t taper down the same way I did with pills. I have also always tended to drink more alcohol than I should, but for a while the tea was a good substitute…I actually congratulated myself for cutting back on drinking and probably looked and seemed better, with all the energy I had. But in the past year, as all the benefit of the tea wore off and I needed it just to survive, I also went back to drinking too much and the morning tea drinking became a hangover solution as well (which, unfortunately for me, it’s very effective as–morphine is a great hangover cure.)
When I first started with the seeds, I had a checking account with several thousand dollars in it. Instead of investing this money, I kept it as a “slush fund”, using it for buying the tea so it wasn’t affecting my daily budget. Last week, the account ran dry–all those thousands were gone. I had known for a while I needed to get off this train, and when it came to where I’d have to start taking money from my family to cover the habit, it had to go.
I knew I couldn’t just quit without any aid, so I started searching the internet for something to help. The first thing I hit on was kratom, which had been in the news lately because the DEA wants to ban that, too now. I quickly ordered a sampler pack of various strains to be sent to my house. But then I started reading more about how people can sometimes become addicted to it, and also that there are a few people with a genetic inability to break it down, and they quickly end up near death with liver failure. I figured with my luck that would be me. So I kept searching, found your site, and thought I’d try the Vitamin C.
I followed your published schedule, more or less, starting dosing 2 days in advance and taking 25 grams of C powder along with a couple scoops a day of the Elimidrol you suggest. Unfortunately 25 grams and 2 scoops was about all my stomach could tolerate/keep down. I began taking a Rolaids after doses of C powder to counteract the acid in my stomach, which helped a lot.
I did wisely save myself some seeds, so that once a day I could allow myself a little “break” and function. I have a partner and kids, so just disappearing for days wasn’t really an option. Also, the arm twitches and other unpleasant physical symptoms got really bad DESPITE the 25 grams of C a day, so when they’d kick in at night I allowed myself several sips of tea (maybe 1/6 my previous daily dose) and at least the “restless arm syndrome” would stop and I could drop off for a few hours’ sleep.
Here’s everything I’ve used:
-Vitamin C powder–8 oz. jar is like $10 at health food store. If I had it to do over I’d try the liposomal stuff you mention, because I’d be able to take more. I consider the 25 grams a day I took to be the minimum dose. Maybe if you’ve been taking percs a few months or something this will put you in good shape. If like me you’ve been drinking a brew of morphine and codeine (plus other related substances which occur in the unrefined plant) every day for years don’t think 25 g / day is going to do it.
-Rolaids–if you have to take raw ascorbic acid like I did, you’ll want something to buffer it so you’re not lying there as it burns holes in your stomach lining. Get a couple rolls of Tums/Rolaids and chew one when the acid kicks in. ($2)
-Elimidrol daytime–a drink powder you can find on this site. $75 + shipping. You mix a scoop with 10-12 oz. water and drink it. It’s a big neon-red glass of chalk with artificial berry flavor. They recommend 4 scoops a day for best effect, I could never down more than 2 so I guess I didn’t get full benefit. It’s full of herbs, vitamins and minerals, so probably a good idea even though it’s by far the most expensive thing here. They also offer a “nightime” version, but it’s another $75 and has only a handful of ingredients, one of which is valerian, so I skipped it
–Valerian root extract–they recommend 1 ml (28 drops) in water. Skip that and do 2 ml if you expect it to help you get any sleep while in withdrawal. ($12, health food store or Amazon)
–loperamide (generic Immodium)–this is absolutely essential, because one of the stereotypical symptoms of withdrawal is diarrhea that doesn’t stop. The box said limit to 4 a day, but even with six plus my nighttime “cheat” of a half-mug of tea I was still running to the bathroom a few times a day with explosive diarrhea (dyed bright red from Elimidrol), and spending the rest of the day with my stomach gurgling, churning and full of gas. In short, have 2 boxes of 24 on hand in case you’re still in bad shape on Day 4 and don’t want to have to run to the drugstore. ($7/box, drugstore brand)
–candied ginger–not to everyone’s taste, but consider having this on hand, because it settles your stomach in a way other stuff doesn’t. ($10 for a pound or so, I only ate less than half a pound.)
–dark chocolate–70% cacao chocolate bar gives you a little something nice to enjoy in the moments of normality. Unless you “cheat” to allow yourself a bit of normal time, you won’t be eating much, so the concentrated energy and fat is nice, too. ($3)
–saltines and mini-pretzels–snacks with starch and salt, but not grease, are the best thing for a tortured stomach
–a large sipping water bottle, for next to your bed, so you can drink whenever you’re thirsty (and down those loperamide pills)
Things I managed to eat during the 4 days:
–scrambled eggs and white toast–good, but just eating that knocked me on my butt, I went back to bed after that much “work”
–a waffle, with only a little butter and syrup–again, refined white flour is not good for a long-term diet but something that breaks down into calories with minimal processing is what you need when your stomach is on strike
–the pretzels, candied ginger and dark chocolate
–black tea, with ginger peach flavor
Be aware that food, coffee and everything else will suddenly smell weird (and disgusting). If you don’t think you could survive 4 days on the above, well, I had to work to eat that, and ate the eggs and waffle only because my partner prepared them for me.
Anyway, I’ve survived Day 4 with no medications other than allowing myself small doses of my drug, so that I can pretend to still be human while I go through this. I know because of my “cheats” I’ve still got a couple more days of pain but I know I can manage them now, every day from here on out should be a little easier than the one before, and I think I can handle that.
Thank you thank you thank you for posting this Vitamin C/ascorbic acid thing, if you hadn’t I don’t know where I’d be right now, probably in the hospital. If you’re reading this in desperation, you can do it!
I also found this song to be helpful: “Fight”, by The Cure
Matt Finch
Well, I have to say that I’m just THRILLEd lately due to you and others that have posted such in-depth information on how you used vitamin C for opiate withdrawal. You have added tremendous value to this comment thread and I sincerely appreciate you, Greg.
I had a client before that was addicted to poppy seed tea (PST). And she is now clean from it as well. Currently one of my clients just got off a daily habit of smoking a gram of opium a day. These are both not your typical addictions but they are both opiates and can be very powerful and addictive. Again, you ROCK for posting this amazing info. Thank you!
I am about to go through withdrawals, I have been on opiates, and soon found out some opiates I was taking was actually fentanyl. I don’t want to lose my job, take time off, and feel awful withdrawals, so what can I Do? Please help ..
Matt Finch
Hi Kim,
There are lots of things you can do. This article showed you one natural method, and my website has plenty of other articles on methods that work for cold-turkey withdrawal. Opiate withdrawal remedies come in medications, supplements, and more. The trick is to find a few good ones and use them to reduce withdrawal symptoms. The more you educate yourself the more your fear will go down.
Hi Matt,
Is it important to drink the powder with the juice or would it be OK for me to just encapsulate the powder and take that way?
Matt Finch
That would work just as well.
Hi all,
I don’t know if people still check comments here or reply but I’m on day 1 of this, and only have 1 day to do DOC + the protocol. Last nite I stopped at 9pm and woke up and did 4g SA at 7am and again at 9am. Felt considerably better considering by 7am I’d normally be sweaty and disgusting. Didnt sniff anything until 11am, then again at 4pm. Normally I’d have gone thru 10 bags but 4pm and only did 4. Tomorrow will start will no H. Today I did considerly less, usually half of what I usually do and feel ok. It’s hard to tell bowel intolerance from diarrhea from withdrawals. I feel like I reached bowel intolerance pretty early but can’t say I was feeling great, so it’s hard to tell. I can say I think I’ll take more like 6-7g every 2 hrs or so and see if that helps a little more. I’ve been sniffing H regularly for about 8months. I don’t have the opportunity to be off work so I’ll be doing this while getting up to work each day. Money constraints are an issue so I’m solely doing the SA for now. Any help from others would be appreciated. I’ll post tomorrow how it’s going. My mind is one of my biggest issues so perhaps being at work tmro will do some good. Luckily there’s a bathroom nearby.. I’m glad I found this and really hoping for the best!
Matt Finch
Typically it works well for that. However, the vitamin C protocol is not a 100% fix from what I’ve seen. It works very well for many people, but it doesn’t seem to be strong enough for some people. That being said, kratom is an opioid and vitamin C helps alleviate opioid withdrawal symptoms so yes it can work.
I don’t think kratom is actually an opioid or am I missing something?
Matt Finch
It’s not an opiate, meaning it isn’t from the opium poppy plant. But Kratom is a natural plant that is a partial opioid agonist.
It binds to opioid receptors and produces opioid-like effects, and can cause dependence and opioid-like withdrawal symptoms.
So while it’s not an opiate, it works on the same mu-opioid receptors in the brain that opiates work on.
Hey Matt, I was just curious if it would be ok to use Methadone for the first couple days of detoxing off of Heroin? I use about 1-2 grams a day snorting it and I really don’t want to feel too much of the withdrawals. I was hoping I could use vitamin c with Methadone for 1-3 days to curb the withdrawal off of heroin. Thoughts? Thank you for this article and I hope I’m able to cure my addiction with these methods!
Matt Finch
Yes that’s actually a great idea. Did you know that I got off opiates using 7 days of 40 mg methadone tablets from home? Here is an article on using methadone in the way you describe:
How To Use Methadone For Opiate Withdrawal>>
And here is an article on exactly how I got off opiates using 7 days of methadone, a few weeks of a Valium taper, along with lots of natural stuff.
My First 6 Weeks Off Opiates: How I Got Through It>>
Awesome articles! Thank you! Did you still notice withdrawals when you used that process? Also, is it better to take the methadone dose all at once per day or should I space it out? Like 20mgs in the morning and 20mgs at night. Thanks for your quick response I really appreciate it Matt!
Matt Finch
Glad you liked them Dan! And using that process the only symptoms I had were fatigue and not getting as much sleep. I was super tired, a bit anxious, and I couldn’t fall asleep until around 2 am, then I would only sleep until around 6 am. But as you read I was on a month vacation from school, I had no job, and my parents helped out with childcare a lot.
So it was really easy. The symptoms were totally bearable. It was very easy and I highly recommend that method. You could space it out to twice a day if it works.
I just took it right when I woke up, and I often wished I could take more later in the day, but my mom was in control of the methadone tablets so I wouldn’t use more than I was allotted. At methadone clinics they give it to you once a day, but if you have a fast methadone metabolism you can split-dose and take half in the morning, then half later.
If I were you I would take most of the medicine in the morning, then a smaller dose in the evening. That should work very well. I would wake up in slight withdrawal every morning until I took my dose, so taking it twice a day would’ve helped me a lot, but my mom was strict about it haha!
Confused. If you use the Lypo-Spheric, is it the same dosing schedule as in the main article? And no need for the diluted fruit juice as the Lypo-Spheric comes in pill form? Thanks.
Hello. I share the same concern. It’s quite expensive so I am looking for perspective. Today I began using the sodium ascorbate as originally suggested but I am prepared to purchase whatever works best. I mistakenly took a whole days worth in one glass (25000mg) so I am resolving my opioid induced constipation as an unintended benefit.
Matt I have been using Calm support for the last week. I am currently tapering from a post surgical high of Oxy 75 mg that began eight weeks ago. My drug history is prescription only and none of the available pain medications worked for me so I went without. I would try them for a few weeks and then discard them because the benefits did not outweigh the risks.
My medical history includes neuromuscular atrophy; deformed pelvis requiring hip replacement at 25; arthritis; spinal stenosis; scleroderma; and various other autoimmune diseases. My feet and lower legs are deformed which has led to a lifetime of muscular and skeletal pain. Still I was able to eliminate every prescription pain medication for a number of years until the surgery two months ago.
I left the hospital with a prescription for 2 mg Valium and for 20 mg of Oxycontin and 5 mg of oxycodone for breakthrough pain . My daily dose for six weeks was 2 @ 20 mg, OxyContin, 2mg of Valium, and 5 mg of oxycodone as necessary. I was also given daily aspirin and prescription Tylenol . Around week five post surgery I ran out of the Valium. I had no awareness of medications and did not know what a benzo was. My husband dispensed my meds. I was standing in the shower when I began to seize and shake. The panic began. I calmed soon enough but knew that the night would only worsen. I went to the ER and complained of chest pain. I know that prioritizes you. Soon they were giving me Ativan and morphine. I told them about my meds and the surgery. I left with a dx of Panic Attack. There was no mention of w/d. It’s as though I had had a bad day, nothing more. Now I have learned that I CT detoxed from a benzo.
I got into PM the next day. We dropped the dose and raised the frequency. Instead of 40mg over two doses, it is now 30 over 3. I can use the oxycodone 5mg as needed. I have only done it once two weeks ago, for panic. I was given clonidine and zofran. We drop again this week. I went through mild w/d the first drop. It wasn’t completely contained by the meds. I am now terrified because I understand that jumping at 5mg causes full w/d. So is tapering a waste of time?
And can I supplement with the mega C while tapering or should it be a short burst of use at that intensity and not extended over weeks? Should I only do it when I drop for those few days?
Matt Finch
Hi Ellie,
You’ve certainly have not had a boring life recently. What an ordeal! And to answer your questions:
1) Tapering is typically not a waste of time. But every person’s situation is unique, and for many, tapering is not as beneficial as a cold-turkey detox. If you have the right remedies, getting off even very large opiate or opioid habits is simple and easy cold-turkey. So in those cases tapering could be a waste of time.
1) Yes, you can mega-C dose while tapering. It works quite well. And many people use it for the post-acute symptoms as well. For many weeks to even months after getting off opioids completely.
I have a current coaching client that used 5,000 mg of LivOn liposomal Vitamin C 4 times a day for months after getting off Subuxone. That was quite expensive, but she said it was a powerful natural assistance at elevating her energy and happiness.
Does all of this info help to answer your questions? Please let me know if not, and also if you have future questions. I’m happy to assist. 🙂
Thank you for your awesomeness. I have been lurking here for weeks in this new community that I am a part of due to Oxy. I have discovered beautiful people who are so helpful and yet have suffered so much.
I ordered the LivOn liposomal Vitamin C, L-Tyrosine, Acetyl L-Carnitine, and DLPA as suggested throughout your site. I continue to take Calm Support. This is while I am tapering because the w/d are always lurking under the skin. Thank you for answering my question about the mega dosing. I am hoping that the lipoC will be able to sustain me throughout the night as opposed to taking the powder every two hours.
If you have any dosing suggestions, given my specific situation, I would appreciate it. Otherwise I will take as directed.
This experience has shaken me and I think that I have grown in compassion and self-knowledge. Reading your columns has convicted me that I need to care for myself better, beginning with my brain. It has also lifted the veil on how easily people become addicted and how, had I not had the support that I have, and the anger at drugs due to being raised by addicts, I may have been pulled in very easily, just to avoid the pain of w/d.
I can guarantee you, average middle class, middle age people like me may have no idea how quickly dependence occurs. If we did understand, things might change. But blaming addicts without listening is a national past time. My eyes are opened.
Matt Finch
Ellie, it’s my absolute pleasure to assist. And I’m really happy to read about how you’ve been learning all of this info, which is gleaning insights into addiction and changing your viewpoint on it.
Addicts are easy to look at with disgust because their behavior is typically selfish and without caring about negative consequences to them or others, even loved ones. So any normal person’s first response is to think it’s some kind of moral deficiency.
In reality, human brain research and research with rats have proven otherwise. Addiction doesn’t happen in the prefontal cortex, which is the area responsible for discerning the difference between right and wrong. While it’s a very complicated process and description, a simple way to think of it is by likening it to the following metaphor:
Addiction is like driving a car without brakes. You very well may want to stop, but without brakes, you cannot. Research has proven that addiction actually bypasses the prefontal cortex’s right/wrong decision-making abilities, and the midbrain, which is the primitive brain that is responsible for keeping us alive (survival) is where addiction resides primarily.
Everyone has probably heard of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. First, you need water, food, and shelter, then when you have that you focus on relationships and fun, and love, and finally some people, which are rare, focus on becoming “Self-Actualized.”
Unfortunately, after a person has been using opioids for a few months or longer, whether prescribed under the care of a doctor or not, a person’s brain can not only become dependent upon opioids, but it can also link “survival itself” to the opioid drugs.
To an Experimental User, a Recreational User, or a Drug Abuser, the drug is just the drug.
However, once a person crosses the line and becomes an Addict, again, even if they are taking opioids prescribed for pain, the drug is no longer a drug. Here is how the Survival Hierarchy works with an opioid addict, numbered in importance.
1. DRUG!!!!!!
2. Food and water
3. Shelter
4. Etc etc
And when a person’s midbrain links survival to the drug and their prefrontal cortex’s ability to think about consequences and care about consequences is not a part of the process, now a drug addict’s rather “dirtbagish” behaviors are more easily understood. Now a person can realize that drug addicts are typically not dirtbags and thieves intrinsically.
Like my mentor says, “Drugs are physical substances causing physical damage to a physical organ, the brain. And how do we normally treat addicts? With group therapy and spiritual counseling. Doesn’t make sense, does it?” – Dr. Charles Gant.
I’m all for therapy and spirituality, however, our it’s a scientific fact that drugs destroy healthy neurotransmission, and in the case of opioids, taking them daily for even a month or longer, and especially for 6 months or longer, leads to a huge deficiency in the brain’s ability to create endorphins and dopamine naturally. Two very important neurotransmitters for mental health and wellness.
I think there is a bigger epidemic than the current opioid epidemic which started 2 decades ago when the inventors of OxyContin lied to thousands of doctors and said OxyContin wasn’t addictive.
The bigger epidemic is an epidemic of ignorance. Drug addiction treatment facilities, doctors, and even self-help groups spanning the entire breadth and depth of America have focused all of their efforts on trying to get drug addicts to “behave” better.
Somehow most (but not all) of these “professionals” have even the slightest clue as to where addiction works in the brain and where it doesn’t, and furthermore, if you bring up the topic of healing the brain with supplements or other “snakeoil” remedies, you’ll typically get laughed at.
When a person recently gets off opioids and feels horrible, if they go to traditional treatment, they’ll get informed they need to go to more self-help meetings or pray to their Higher Power. I think all of that stuff is truly awesome, and it’s all helped me a lot, but the main reason I was finally able to quit and feel good, was because a family friend knew I just got off heroin and sent me a few bottles of some combo supplements that were formulated to increase dopamine, endorphins, GABA, and serotonin naturally.
All of a sudden I started to feel really good, even though all of the times I tried to get off opiates or opioids in the past, I felt tired, depressed, and unmotivated for months after quitting.
I tried AA meeting for many years, and not once did I ever learn there were a few key nutrients that I could consume which would totally eliminate cravings, while also providing mental health, feelings of well-being and not needing drugs to feel good, etc.
Thus, the “ignorance epidemic” far surpasses the magnitude of the opioid epidemic. And I can guarantee you more people are dying from the ignorance of doctors and addiction professionals than are dying from their “poor behavior” and inabitily to demonstrate moral fiber.
I have a similar story to yours. When I was in junior high, my best friend had bad blackhead pimples and I used to make fun of him and others with acne. Then, when I was 18-22, I suffered from severe cystic acne all over my face, neck, upper back, chest, and shoulders. During the years I was supposed to be mingling with the opposite sex and all those sort of things, I hid in the ocean surfing, or hid in my room and played video games. And never went to parties or talked to girls.
I’ve never made fun of anyone for anything ever again. I learned that judging people is not the way to go. Everyone is doing the best they can with the current knowledge they have.
I see that you learned the same lesson as me, only with you it was addiction to teach you the lesson since that is what you judged in others for.
They teach kids in high school 3 years of math, that unless they’re going to become an engineer or math teacher, or architect, or work in some career where they need math, they will just forget most of what they learned, or remember it but never use it.
It starts with the education system, which is based on a learning criteria to help students pass certain assessments and tests, and is not preparing people for the “real” world.
If they simply made 7th grade and 8th grade students take one semester of “Addiction Prevention,” which was taught with a method of truth, then if someone hands them a beer, a Vicodin, a Percocet, or any other drug, now they will know that taking that drug daily would lead to tolerance, dependence, addiction, brain changes that are long-term and difficult and timely to correct, and so on and so forth.
But instead, they learn years and years worth of mathematics. While there have been drug prevention programs in the past and perhaps even currently, they’re not that effective. Me and pretty much all of my friends who went through the DARE program turned out to be alcoholics, heroin addicts, pill addicts, and more.
Then when a student graduates, in their real adult life they may get a sports injury, or suffer from migraines. They go to the doctor, and what happens?
A prescription for opiate or opioid painkillers. Does the doctor tell them that if they take it for a month or longer, then stop abruptly, they will go into opioid withdrawal around 12 hours after their last dose? No. Do they tell them that taking the painkillers for a month or longer will lead to short-term or long-term biochemical deficiencies that can lead to anxiety, depression, insomnia, and more? No. Do they make you watch a 10-minute instructional video at the pharmacy before you get these powerful opioid painkillers informing you on what can possibly happen if you take them for a month or longer? No.
Does the doctor give you a pamphlet explaining this? No. Does the pharmacy provide you with an educational pamphlet other than the one in small print with a long list of side effects? No.
The epidemic is not with drug addicts not wanting to stop using drugs. The epidemic is a shitty educational system lacking an early drug prevention program with research-proven stats that it’s effective (America is one of the worst in the world studies have proven), a shitty medical school process where they don’t teach doctors more than a 4-hour class on addiction or nutrition (this is what doctors themselves have told me), and then you have the thousands or maybe tens of thousands of drug treatment programs where most of the people that work there haven’t the slightest clue about how addiction works, and for the past 75 years or so their main strategy for helping people recover is to tell them the key is to go to regular self-help meetings, group counseling, and practice relapse prevention techniques.
75 years of this same style of treatment, and there is still a 95% failure rate. People that work in traditional treatment keep saying “the addict just isn’t ready to get clean yet.”
But my belief is “the addict has just not been provided with an effective and holistic treatment plan and recovery system that incorporates the body, mind, and spirit, with healing the addicted brain as being the foundation of treatment upon which all else is built.”
Okay, I’m done ranting. You just touched on a subject that I’m slightly passionate about if you couldn’t tell!
As for your situation, my estimate would be that taking 3-5 packets every 3-5 hours could work very well at mitigating withdrawal symptoms. I know it’s expensive, and I wish there were free opioid detox treatment centers across the nation that along with being free knew the best detox strategies and brain-repairing strategies and more, but that’s another topic of discussion.
Again, if you have any other questions down the road I’ll be happy to answer them, and likely I won’t write an essay for a response.
Matt, thank you for creating this place of learning and support. Unlike many other sites, you carry this on your shoulders. I apologize if I was too anxious to wait for your reply.
Matt, today my pain doctor told me to either go CT or taper from 30mg to 0 in two weeks. He has prescribed clonidine and zofran. He gave me ativan because he believes the opiates activated an anxiety disorder. There is no reason to believe that I need the Oxy for pain.
The clonidine has a significant effect. My blood pressure was 70/50 today. So I cannot increase it ever. I take 0.1 twice a day. I am hesitant to reduce it because of what lies ahead.
I also have a large amount of sodium ascorbate AND the liposomal vitamin C. (120grams between LivOn and Mercola.).
Is this sufficient to go CT? My doctor thinks that the w/d for this would be minimal as I have only been on it eight weeks and am now at 30mg. What are your thoughts? Also, he liked the Calm Support. I brought it in for him to review.
Matt Finch
With the vitamin C, Calm Support, and clonidine, that should be able to help you a lot. A nice blend of natural remedies and medication is always best.
I would also add a little loperamide to the list of remedies and then a cold-turkey detox would be something I would do in your situation.
Gosh, Matt – you answered Elle’s questions at length, but I’m the one who started the thread and you didn’t answer mine! 🙁 I have a son who’s trying to get off opioids and I’m trying to help him. I want him to at least try the Vitamin C method before suboxone. I was going to have him use the method you described, but then at the end you updated with the info about Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C. So my question, above, was: If you use the Lypo-Spheric, is it the same dosing schedule as in the main article? And do you still need the diluted fruit juice, since the Lypo-Spheric comes in pill form? Great information on this site, thanks for it all. I hope you answer me! Thanks.
Matt Finch
Hey! Sorry about that…I went through a VERY crazy-busy phase and it happens from time-to-time, where I’m not able to answer each person’s questions.
Over the years, I’ve tried to answer as many comment/questions as possible, and for at least the past several months I’ve answered most of them, but again, at times I go on vacation or maybe I have so many coaching clients and other things come up that I can’t get to each comment.
For your question, which I’ve I’ve answered at least several times in this comment section, and others have also added an immense amount of info on in their comments here as well – if you read through them all it’s quite informative for what you’re wondering about:
No, if you choose to use liposomal vitamin C, you likely won’t need to use as much, and you don’t need to add it to diluted fruit juice. But my preferred product with the best things I’ve heard from clients is the LivOn LypoSpheric Vitamin C 1,000 mg packets which I linked to at the end.
Please start from the top of the comments and start reading through all of the recent additions. People have come up with some AMAZING dosing protocols and you’ll get to see how it works.
Again, the liposomal pills have not had as good of results from people I’ve heard from. The packets by the LivOn brand are the most popular by far.
Please, if you can provide me with your son’s average daily dosage and what type of opioid he takes, and how long he’s been on opioids, I will provide you with a custom daily C dosage that could be a good starting point to try, which just might be perfect or close to it for him. The great part about this form of vitamin C is you never get bowel intolerance.
My past clients that used this method have told me around 5,000 mg, so 5 packets, every couple of hours worked great. That could be up to $20 to maybe even $40 a day, but is that really so much money for 6 days or so if it truly helps so much?
Back when I used opiates, I would easily spend that much on pills or heroin a day, and usually more!
Again “Everymom,” I truly apologize for not answering your comment.
Forgive me? 🙂
Additionally, if you have any other questions whatsoever, now or anytime in the future, I promise I will answer them okay? You can also email me personally at if you’d like.
I’m glad you like the site and I’m glad you brought this up with me so I could answer your question….finally! 🙂
Hi Matt – thanks for getting back to me! I really appreciate it. In the meantime here was what I ended up doing because I didn’t want to wait: Though I TOTALLY agree with you about the cost of the packets vs. all the costs and dangers associated with addiction, I ended up getting the Dr. Mercola Liposomal Vitamin C pills because I wasn’t sure my son would take all those packets. And I went with the amounts you mentioned in the main article. I wrote it all out for him very clearly on a Word document and added Calm Support 2 x/day and DLPA 2 x/day. Unfortunately I live on the east coast, he on the west, so this all had to be done via Amazon and email. And many many text messages. He wouldn’t tell me and my husband how much he has been taking, so that right there tells me it hasn’t been pretty. He says he’s been using since mid-August. But he is very motivated to stop and has been trying to taper for a few weeks. … Six days ago he started loading on the Vitamin C. On Day 3 he stopped using completely and got through the night OK but not great. Unfortunately on Day 4 he felt so bad he backslid a little, but said he hadn’t taken as much Vit C as I had specified so he was going to really follow the directions on Day Five and try again. This is Day 6 and he reports he hasn’t used at all, is “slamming” the Vitamin C, and says he doesn’t feel as bad as he thought he would but he thinks he “already went through the tough phase.” Who knows what’s to come, of course, but I have to say I’m so glad I found this site through obsessive googling for alternative detox methods and not wanting my kid to get hooked on another substance (suboxone) like they push at these clinics. Maybe some people end up needing it – hope my kid doesn’t – but why start with that when you can try something as nontoxic as Vitamin C and other supplements? Again, thanks so much your answer and for this AMAZING site – I also sent him your link on dealing with PAWS, which I hope he’ll be using very soon!
Matt Finch
Wow that sounds like he is getting at least decent benefits from this protocol!! Giving up opiates is hard not so much due to the physical withdrawal, but because of the intense addiction the brain has to using these powerful drugs.
It’s a bit of a process to quit, but I’ve found that if a person is very motivated, it’s much easier!!! And the PAWS protocol will help him so much!!
How is your son doing?
You are an amazing, living and strong mom!
Hi Matt,
iam excited and motivated to try the vitamin C strategie, i have taken my last 8mg suboxone the last evening, and today i have taken 600mg of codein…
Can you précise the quantity of vitamin C, if its written “1,000-2,5000 mg every two hours” for exemple the day 2, its means 2.5 g or 25 g ? its seems a lot 25g, maybe i don’t understand exactly how numbers are wrtitten in english which is not my birth language, iam french…
Thank you
Matt Finch
Good for you! If the vitamin C is written 1,000 to 2,500 this is referring to milligrams (mg). That would translate over to 1 to 2.5 grams.
Ok thank you, its because in the protocole, 2,5g is sometimes written 2,500 mg, and sometime 2,5000 mg.
I will go back to describe how work the vitamin C for me in the stop opiate strategy.
Matt Finch
My pleasure. Glad you have the right measurements now and I would love to hear back from you to see how it goes. Best of luck to you.
Aloha Matt,
Here’s my detox diary. My girlfriend took notes of everything that was happening which is why I’m able to give such a detailed experience below.
Hey all, I created my plan of intention in recent comments below if you’d like to see to the plan I laid out earlier. I’m male, 150 pounds, 33 years old and was using about a gram of heroine IV a day for the last year and half. I’ve been through 2-3 detoxes from heroine throughout my life.
It’s been 4 days (since Day 4) since my last dose. I’ve detailed what happened below using the Vita C megadose method. Even though I properly loaded with supplements since Monday (Day 1), I still experienced some severe withdrawal symptoms mainly because I became too tired and weak to even take supplements by the second day of wd’s which was Day 5 (even with my girlfriend’s encouragement). Also really struggled with nausea and I’m not sure if the loperamide HCL did anything for it. Would love to know if anyone else found this to be a problem. That’s not to say this wasn’t a success because I still made it to the other side!
I think the supplements are now playing a huge role in getting my body back to normalcy. I’m surprised by how quickly my mood, appetite and sleep have returned after almost 48 hours of major discomfort. I’m still somewhat weak, my stomach has shrunk so my meals are smaller but I’m definitely hungry, everything smells and tastes funny, and i’m still smoking and vaping. I’ll check back in maybe next week to add to my experience but so far so good and I’m just happy to be free. 🙂 I might even go to the beach today and get some ocean therapy! Mahalo for the guidance, Matt.
Day 1 – Monday 9/25 *still using
4 calm support – 1x morning, 1x night
4 DLPA (2000 mg) – 1x morning, 1x night
2 Vita C capsules (1000 mg) – 8x/day, every 2 hrs
-no bowel intolerance
-ate 2-3 full meals + protein shake
-psyllium husk to help with bowel movement
Day 2 – Tuesday 9/26 *still using
4 calm support – 1x morning, 1x night
4 DLPA (2000 mg) – 1x morning, 1x night
5 Vita C capsules (2500 mg) – 8x/day, every 2 hrs
-no bowel intolerance
-ate 2-3 full meals + protein shake
-psyllium husk to help with bowel movement
Day 3 – Wednesday 9/27
*still using. very last dose taken before sleep
last dose take at 2:30 am on thurs 9/28
5 calm support – 1x morning, 1x night
4 DLPA (2000 mg) – 1x morning, 1x night
10 Vita C capsules (5000 mg) – 8x/day, every 2 hrs
-no bowel intolerance, some gas
-ate 2-3 full meals
Day 4 – Thursday 9/28
6 calm support – 1x morning, 1x night
4 DLPA (2000 mg) – 1x morning, 1x night
15 Vita C capsules (7500 mg) – every 2 hrs
2 loperamide HCL
1/2 xanax – taken based on anxious symptoms
-discomfort began around 2pm.
-Constantly drinking electrolytes
-Barely eating
-In discomfort but could still manage to get up to use the bathroom.
-managed almost the full day of supplements before i couldn’t stomach it anymore. stopped taking anything around 7pm.
Day 5 – Friday 9/29
-Too weak to take any supplements at all. The thought of swallowing something made me nauseous.
-Took 1/2 xanax and some loperamide HCL which I vomited up anyway.
-Had full withdrawal symptoms for 24hrs, the main ones being nausea, major vomiting, and diarrhea. Temperature fluctuated and had a few mini panic attacks.
-wasn’t able to begin consuming electrolyte mix (gatorade) until late afternoon.
Day 6 – Saturday 9/30
-Nausea, diarrhea, and major discomfort continued until midmorning. symptoms completely stopped by 12pm.
-drinking as much water and electrolytes as i could and managed to take 4 calm support capsules.
-2 hours later, could stomach milk with 2 DLPA, and 4 Vita C capsules. took about 6 more Vita C capsules throughout day and took 4 calm supports before bed
-great mood, joking around with my girlfriend, personality totally returned
-still weak, but went for 2 short walks
-slept about 7-8 hours
Wow really happy for u, attempting soon myself…😰😱😨🤒but then it’ll be new life time🙆🏌🏋💪💚🍀good luck with the rest and rebeginning of your life x
Matt Finch
Thanks for writing all this Ted!! Wow this is going to help a lot of readers. I thank both you and your girlfriend for logging all of this. Your progress is amazing and I’m extremely proud of you. Keep it up! 🙂
Hey Matt. What an amazing article. Thank you so much! I’m just wondering whether or not vit. C would work well for suboxone WD as well. Your article on subs didn’t include vit. C in the protocol which led me to wonder whether you’ve met with any success using it in that capacity.
Thanks again!
Matt Finch
Hey James,
Glad you enjoyed this article! And I’ve heard mixed reviews on this. A lot of people have said it helped with Suboxone withdrawal and methadone withdrawal as well. However, I do remember reading some comments and emails from people that weren’t satisfied with the mega-C protocol for Suboxone withdrawal. It’s kind of something you just need to try and see what happens.
A lot of people I’ve talked to have read many of the protocols on this blog, and bought a bunch of withdrawal remedies such as supplements, over-the-counter medicine, and some people even get prescriptions from their doctor or illegally (which I don’t endorse).
And this way when it comes time for the detox, you’ll have a large “toolbox” of withdrawal remedies. So if the vitamin C alone is not enough, you’ll have other things that can help.
I wish I could report to you that is worked 100% of the time for Suboxone withdrawal, but I have yet to find any one detox plan that works for all people.
However, this website has a lot of other detox strategies and so I’m confident there is truly something that can work for everyone!
Aloha All,
Just checking in again as I am officially one month in to WD! I am doing well and although not 100% I am guessing 95%. Which I think is great…
I have tough moments still which I think will continue for a couple more months but I now know everyday is precious and that my process has worked. I am sleeping quite well nowadays and working out has been two fold with providing energy and tiring me out. When I have challenging moments, I go for a workout, play soothing music, or take a hot shower, etc! I really like small victories so I continue to exercise daily and set larger goals to help myself mentally.
I feel it is important to say on the personal front I have made sure to stay around positive people who do different things so I can stay busy in the little free time I have. I have rekindled many long term friendships that I had closed off to my World, it has provided me with great memories that I had forgot and enabled me to remember how I use to be so as to mentally reward myself.
I will say that all of this was part of my plan along with Matt’s articles and staying true to my own path, understanding myself and shortcomings, and providing a solution for everything I would encounter ahead of time was extremely important. My life is getting back to my norm which is certainly terrific! I have posted numerous times below on the many parts of my plan and time line so if you want reference points please read the thread and ask any questions you may want and I will read and answer. Know you have much help here and on other forums to reach out to people who are in the same situation or have been and there are no silly questions.
Mahalo again Matt and team, for those reading this Vita C Mega Dose is legitimate and a mandate in my humble opinion. Be sure to read all of Matt’s info as to build a long term successful plan to reclaim your life as it is never too late!
Matt Finch
Kawika I just emailed you…finally! Your updates are extraordinary! Keep up the great work and thanks so much for posting your progress here. You rock! 🙂
Hey Kawika and Matt,
I’m about to go through the same process except I am quitting Heroin IV. I’ve been using for about a year, sometimes heavily. I’m at about 1 gram of heroin a day just to keep me level. Luckily I do fairly well in my work so I haven’t had to resort to shadier means of acquiring funds for my habit. I’ve also been preparing for a couple months, purchased the “Ultimate Opiate Detox 2.0” and have read through everything and am about to order all of my supplements. I am choosing the Vitamin C megadosing method and luckily have my amazing girlfriend to support me through the process. She’s not a user at all and is the one who found this site for me while looking for natural ways to detox at home since I have unsuccessfully gone through numerous drug detox facilities that were always forced upon me. This is the first time it’s my choice and I want sobriety badly. I’m gaining success in my career lately and have a solid partnership with my girlfriend. This is the only thing holding me back from having everything I want. I have a few questions regarding your process after reading your entire thread.
1) Kawika, how much opiates were you taking (in mg)? I know every individual is different but your answer will help me gauge how much I need to Vita-C megadose since I’ve done the gamut of opiates.
2) Kawika, how much Vitamin C were you taking on a day-by-day basis in the first week?
3) Matt, I know what detox feels like, I’ve gone through it twice…maybe more. I feel like I need to really max out on liposomal vitamin C everyday because of the type of detox I go through and this is my plan below (which I copied from Craig’s outline), I’d like to know your thoughts if possible!
4) Matt, how do you feel about low doses of benzo during the first day of detox as an emergency backup plan if the anxiety becomes unbearable (basically backing up with the Finch method)?
Mahalo for this amazing site. I’m VERY hopeful and enthusiastic about beginning!
My Plan:
I am male, 32 years old, and 150 pounds.
Dr. Mercola Liposomal Vitamin-C 90-Day Supply – (2 capsules = 1000mg)
Immodium or form of Anti-Diarrheal
Calm Support – 2x a day
*luckily my girlfriend is also very into Chinese Herbs and adaptogens and will be giving me mixed concoctions based on your articles.
Day-One: (three days prior to day of withdrawal): Take 500-1000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
Total Capsules: 16 (1000mg per dose)
Day-Two: Take 1,000-2,500 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
Total Capsules: 40 (2500mg per dose)
Day-Three: Take 5,000-7,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime. Begin withdrawal at bedtime. If withdrawal symptoms occur during the night, Take 5,000-7,500 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Capsules: 112 (7000mg per dose)
Day-Four: Take 2,500-5,000 mg Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime. If withdrawal symptoms occur during the night, Take 2,500-5,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C administered every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Capsules: 80 (5000mg per dose)
Day-Five: Take 1,000-2,500 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime If withdrawal symptoms occur during the night, Take 1,000-2,500 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Capsules: 40 (2500mg per dose)
Day-Six: Take 1,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime. If symptoms occur during the night, Take 1,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Capsules: 16 (1000mg per dose)
Grand Total Liposomal Vitamin C Capsules: 304
Total Jars Needed (90-Day Supply = 180 Capsules ): 2
Matt Finch
Hi Ted,
Your plan looks great! Backing up the mega-C with the Finch Formula is a popular hybrid that I highly recommend. The benzo’s give you that extra comfort, and the supplements help a lot as well. The vitamin C schedule you wrote looks great! You’ll never know how well it will work until you try, but that looks like it should be really good for your use.
I look forward to seeing your progress with this regimen. I can assure you that freedom from opiates awaits you and all you need to do is stick by this plan and go through a little temporary fatigue, then your new life will embrace you!
Aloha again all, just checking in on Day 20 or 21 as it is on the cusp of the time I started WD! All is going great and I am sticking to my routine. My walks are now runs and my energy is coming back strong. Of course I am not back to full strength yet but every day gets better along with my sleep. My Fitbit has been a huge help in claiming small victories and I have been really scheduled on all of the vitamins, nutrients, and supplements. Most importantly the depression at times although not gone is slowly fading. I still have tough moments but I decide to wash the car or workout or even call an old friend and share great memories. I simply stay busy and keep chugging along…
For those reading this post, I have a few others below outlining all that I have done and I highly recommending reading through and selecting what may work best for you. The Vita C Mega dose is a must in my opinion, and all the rest is so very usable to win this battle. I know the term battle is strong verbiage, however I see it as a battle to reclaim your life on your terms…
Sorry if that sounds like preaching but words can’t describe how much my life has changed and how well I am doing through discipline and hard work…
Mahalo again Matt and saw your response to our email issues, I will await your email and sorry to hear you and the family were under the weather, hope your are all better now. This week is a busy week so may not be checking email but will get back to you asap…. Make it a wonderful day!
Aloha and Good Morning All,
I am on day 16 of my WD! And although it is never easy, there is much for me to celebrate daily and I find even the smallest things I use help me put my past behind me.
I have followed much of Matt’s work to get to this point: Mega Dose, DPLA, L-Tyro, Calm Support, Kiyani, etc. It’s hard to explain or put my finger on what in particular has helped the most so I can only conclude that for me… all of it was and remains crucial. I also think it is in part due to my daily routine. I have really put much of my life on a timer and developed a process to stick too. I too miss at times because of life etc but I simply just get back to the routine as soon as I accomplish what I have to do. I think it is important to know that developing a process a head of time and sticking to it for me was so vital.
For example: I wake up at 4 am, take my pills and supplements, although tender from rls and limited sleep I put on my earphones and just walk for an hour daily, I get home take a hot shower and get ready for work, I grab a small bite or a meal replacement shake and head off, about half hour before lunch I take my pills and supplements, I eat a sensible healthy lunch most days then finish work, I try to stop at the gym for a light lifting session then head home, I then take my night supplements and eat a light dinner. Of course there are many other things I have during the day but wanted to just get the basics I feel have helped me stay regimen. At times, I reward myself with a not so healthy meal and or a sweet treat which I use as a victory celebration on occasion. Not often but every 3 days or so…. it makes the process a bit easier to stick to knowing I am rewarding my behavior pattern.
I posted a few other ideas that have helped me below that have all been wonderful for me, but I was remiss in sharing another incite… I had difficulties on day 8 and day 13 with some recurring pain. I found it very helpful to take Epsom salt baths and even went to a deep tissue massage to get through the tough times. Oh it was extremely painful but I felt great after and it loosened me up for the next day or two. The reason I share this portion is that there is so many ideas and concepts to turn to on the internet that can really help. Don’t limit your research or carry skepticism. Try anything you think may work as some you will find tremendous tools.
Just figured I would add some additional ideas along with thoughts to help anyone who is struggling! Words can’t put into context how important this thread has been to my life and I can only hope in part I can help others to change your path as well…
Again, Mahalo to Matt and team and I am getting stronger every day. I will check in soon for another update when I have something I feel has value!
Aloha Matt,
Starting Day 8 so just checking in! The Vita C Mega dose was amazing it blows my mind how something so simple is not understood better on many more fronts. Not just in terms of this process, but I had looked back for further information that the gov’t has dating back some 30 years on this subject. It disappoints me that it is not shared more often for other purposes too as I have to think there are huge opportunities with Vit C if used wisely.
As for my plight, the hard stuff is done and although not easy, much easier with this process and I am so thankful still! I have actually forced myself from day 5 to start walking 2 to 3 miles a day at whatever pace I can muster. Not easy but I put my ipod on and got incredible burst of energy from some old tracks. I struggled through the walks but found it giving me so much energy later in the day and the next so kept with the process. I am simply trying to stay as busy as possible doing simple things that I had always done and enjoyed before the “Dark Period”.
The mental portion of this will always be there but I am finding that since I was so fortunate to get through the hard part, everyday builds more reason to block out the voices in my head! lol
I am sure most of you know what I mean….
Mahalo again Matt, and for those of you reading this for the first time? This Vita C Mega Dose works, is simple to follow, at a very reasonable cost. You will not regret putting aside the skepticism to change your life! I will check in after another week to add my next chapter!
Oops! I would be remiss if I didn’t share that I am also following Matt’s other viewable internet articles on DPLA, L-Tyro, etc! I have built my plan around so much of Matt and teams work! If you haven’t read them, they are must reads as all the parts equal the sum of my plan. Mahalo!
Matt Finch
Wow I’m so beyond happy to read about your journey and success!! You are doing so amazing!! Thank you so much for taking the time to write about your experience using this method. Love it love it love!!!
My name is Far and I have gone thru too many withdrawal days. Its add I have tried everything I could and I found your site.I am telling you the vitamin c is a blessing. I had to start day of last pills. It works oh my I can not tell you how great I feel. I hope and pray everyone with drug addition trys this. Thank you
Linda G
Hi Matt ,
I’ve just stumbled across your article and love that you’re spreading the word about what this incredible nutrient can do for drug withdrawal.
I have used the liposomal form of vit c for several years for adrenal fatigue and encouraged a friend to use it for her withdrawal from anti depressants, which worked as well as I expected … no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever until she ran out of her supply a few weeks later and quickly stared back on it for another month when she had no symptoms of withdrawal at all .
My family all take this form of vitamin c and find it invaluable for every health issue, including depression, which I see from your article is due to it’s mechanism involving endorphins.
I spread the ‘good word’ about vitamin c at every opportunity and have so many friends and family using this for their general health. All the best in your work to raise the profile of this nutrient to help people stuck in their addiction . It’s not often you can use a treatment for a disease that makes you healthy all at the same time !
Here is what I am going to do. Please Correct me if I am wrong:
(BTW I am a 47yr old male, 230lbs, and on Percocet for the past 5yrs)
**Also Going to take Calm Support 2 times a day)
Day-One: (three days prior to day of withdrawal):
Take 500-1000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
Total Packets: 8 (1000mg per Dose)
Day-Two: Take 1,000-2,5000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
Total Packets: 16 (2000mg per Dose)
Day-Three: Take 5,000-7,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
Begin withdrawal at bedtime. If withdrawal symptoms occur during the night, Take 5,000-7,500 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Packets: 48 (6000mg per Dose)
Day-Four: Take 2,500-5,000 mg Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
If withdrawal symptoms occur during the night, Take 2,500-5,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C administered every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Packets: 32 (4000mg per Dose)
Day-Five: Take 1,000-2,5000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime
If withdrawal symptoms occur during the night, Take 1,000-2,500 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Packets: 16 (2000mg per Dose)
Day-Six: Take 1,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours until bedtime.
If symptoms occur during the night, Take 1,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C when awake, and taken every two hours until symptoms abate.
Total Packets: 8
Grand Total Liposomal Vitamin C Packets: 128
Matt Finch
ABSOLUTE PERFECTION!!!! Well done! This is going to help thousands of people reading this a month. Appreciate you!
Hi Matt,
Its been awhile since I posted the outline of the Vitamin C regime I was going to take.
I posted in August but did not start this until December 29th 2017.
So on December 31st 2017 I took my LAST PERCOCET!!!! I have been Clean now for almost a month and a half! 🙂
And to tell you the TRUTH, I’m DONE with that POISON!! And guess what, NO real pain that Aleve or Tylenol cant handle!!! MAN, that stuff is HORRIBLE!!! It made me feel like I was in Pain so I took it EVEN when I didn’t Need it!! WHAT A VISCIOUS CYCLE!!!!!
So to any one out there that is considering getting off this CRAP, Just DO IT!!!!!!
I was taking 10/325 3-4-5 times a Day and After the Vitamin C Program, BAMM!!! NO HORRIBLE WITHDRAWL SYMTOMS!!! *(I did have some restless leg syndrome for a week or so but took some Calm Support that seemed to help)! *Small Price to pay from not Flopping around on the Floor like a Fish for not taking those Percs!!!
Then after a week I decided to have a couple shots of bourbon before bed that really helped as well 😉 *(Not that I’m saying you have to do shots but for me, one step at a time)! I didn’t drink AT ALL for the week I was Detoxing off the percs!
Here is how it went for me if anyone is curious.
Day 1. Went to work in the field. (Electrician) Took the Vitamin C as Noted, set my alarm on phone every 2hrs AND took my percs felt fine.
Day 2.Went to work in the field. (Electrician) Took the Vitamin C as Noted, set my alarm on phone every 2hrs AND took my percs felt fine. (Started getting a little Gassy that day)
Day 3 Went to work in the field. (Electrician) Took the Vitamin C as Noted, set my alarm on phone every 2hrs AND took my percs felt fine. (Started getting some loose stools) LAST DAY Taking My Percs! (New Years Eve)!
Day 4 (Jan 1, 2018) Went to Office. Took the Vitamin C as Noted (ALOT of Vitamin C), set my alarm on phone every 2hrs. Definitely loose stools, Tried to work and just felt tired (didn’t sleep well night before) so I went home and stayed on the couch ALL DAY and RESTED!! I totally encourage you to do that for ONE DAY!! Watched a lot of Ariel America on TV and reflected on my life and where I wanted to be After I got through this!
Day 5 Went to Office. Took the Vitamin C as Noted, set my alarm on phone every 2hrs. Definitely loose stools but made it through the day. Taking Less Vitamin C I knew the loose stools would start to ease up.
Day 6 Back to working in the field. (Electrician) Not a lot of energy but pushed through the day. Took the Vitamin C as Noted, set my alarm on phone every 2hrs. Couldn’t wait to stop taking the Vitamin C as my stools were getting better.
Day 7 No more Vitamin C, stools are getting back to normal but NO WITHDRAWL SYMTOMS!!!!
I couldn’t believe I have hardly ANY withdrawal symptoms!!!!!!! I did have some low energy but that is to be expected. But over the next week or so I started to get my energy back. I just kept telling myself IT IS GOING TO GET BETTER!!!! And to be Happy that I BEAT THIS THING!!!!!!
I am now on day 49! and I do NOT EVER want to put that POISON back in my body!!!
My energy is back to normal and am getting ready to start hitting my gym again! 🙂
I also hear on the radio how the government is going to spend billions to combat the opioid epidemic in our country! ALL THEY NEED IS VITAMIN C!!!!!! I cant believe that’s all it takes!!!
If you are ever in the Washington DC area, please stop by my brother!!!
My wife & family are GRATEFUL for You sharing this SOLUTION for beating my Opioid Addiction!!
PS: Humorous but True!
I would definitely recommend buying the Softest Toilet Paper out there!
Step 1. Press and hold (Do not WIPE! You will thank me for this later)!! Ha!!
Step 2. Gently PAT around the area.
Step 3 Repeat until satisfied! *Ha! LOL! That’s what worked for me!
PPS: The reason I didn’t take any Imodium was because I WANTED to FLUSH MY BODY of ALL of that NASTY Percocet CRAP that was in me and get it OUT for the LAST TIME!!!!
Matt Finch
Amazing post!!! Thanks for sharing such detailed info here! Glad the vitamin C and Calm Support helped so much, and as for the government wanting to help…I think if they made this info more available to the public it would really interfere with pharmaceutical sales and that’s not good for big business, the people that truly run the country. But luckily you found this article, planned your escape from opiate addiction, then took massive action and never looked back. You are amazing, Craig!
Thanks for sharing your success story here. I know it will help and inspire a lot of readers over the years. Keep up the great work and enjoy your FREEDOM!!!
Good Morning Matt,
Just checking in on day 12 for me and although still experiencing mild issues… I am feeling much much better and remained focused on the task at hand. I am continuing my daily ritual of supplements, vitamins, meal replacement shakes as my appetite has not returned and by all accounts am doing wonderful. There of course are moments of struggle but I just repeat in my mind, “this too shall pass” and “don’t give in, your life is more important that just passing pain!” It just comes down to finding something positive to do and staying busy for me.
The lingering issue remains my energy and insomnia like most, which is why I wanted to post today as I have found something that worked for me that may help others. First, it is no big secret but needs to be said… exercise as much as you can it really helped me with getting incredible energy later and tuckered me out to sleep. I know it is hard! Your legs and arms are heavy, you have no strength… put some music in your ears and start with a block, then two, then three and do it as often as you can. I started with 100 yards on day 5 and though I thought myself insane at the time. I did 3 miles this morning and feel great. The exercise really helped my sleep as well!
My second tip which worked for me is I purchased a fitbit 2 charge! (No I don’t work for the company and could care less what brand you decide works for you!) However, this has 2 things I really find extremely helpful, first it counts my steps and reminds me to get moving so I can track my progress and claim small victories daily. More importantly, it has a sleep setting that you simply press one button for 2 seconds when you go to bed and it monitors my sleep patterns. It is quite informative on that front and can derive some deep info on that front. My use is simple, as I feel the hardest part for me is insomnia. This device has tracked my sleep for 6 days now and I like small victories and progress. I felt that I was getting no sleep every single night for some time and decided to just monitor it. The first two nights it was an hour and 8 minutes then an hour and 22 minutes… then 2 hours, then 3 hours! I know it doesn’t sound great but I kept at it knowing everyday was getting better. Last night was 5 hours and 12 minutes. It didn’t seem so but hard to argue with a cpu! I realize this may not help some people but for me it gives me small goals and moments of pride. I like to see progression and knowing although it is not always a lot of sleep, I have proof it is more than the day before and the week before. I am built as such so these type of things fuel me more and more everyday, it helps me especially to cast off the mental desires.
Craig, have you started your WD? How are you doing? I hope your enjoying the same success as I did and just keep pecking away Pal. Everyday will be better and you need to celebrate it! There are unbelievable sources online for support and info so keep plugging away and reading! Wishing you well and hope to see you check in soon!
Mahalo again to Matt and team along with all those who posted before me! You have all changed my life! I will check in again soon….
Matt Finch
Great checkin and awesome helpful tips for the readers to know about!! I love reading your comments and again, thanks for adding so much value to this comment thread!!
I am posting this again because I would like to get a notification and I forgot to check that.
Hello, are you still connected to this username? I am about to attempt what you have written here. Did you start Calm Support on Day One? and did you do in the morning and evening or what? thanks
Aloha Matt,
Well it is now day 5 and at least for me the initial withdrawals are done and the Vita C Mega Dose really made the process much easier. Not easy, just easier… as I am sure many can understand! I am not full strength yet but am getting stronger daily and know it is a matter of time now for my strength to get back to normal. Most of the WD elements are gone with the exception of insomnia and a bit of my stamina as I have to take breaks when doing things but it is expected.
The Vita C regimen is done according to the explained Mega Dose but I wonder if continuing to take it could help my sleep. I will try it for a couple of days to see as insomnia although expected is a bit tough.
Now the real work begins but I start with so much optimism and the knowledge that there are so many paths possible through much studying. And of course with a plan: solid people surrounding me with knowledge, numerous supplements and calming elements, knowledge that it was my fault but still just halftime of the game so much time to rebuild everything. It’s odd but I am waking up with limited sleep yet great optimism daily and doing small tasks like cleaning the house and walking the dogs, etc! It reminds me of what life use to be like and I really love it! Been planning to meet a bunch of old friends over the next month that I have just ignored and all seem elated to hear from me. All positive people of course as the dark side of my phone list is blocked forever! I think I am on the right path and am proud to claim my life back!
Mahalo again for everything and I will try to post in a week or so… if I am not to busy with the greater things in life! JK I will be back for sure to update! Finding your articles have been one of the most important turning points in my life. If you ever are in Hawaii, please consider looking me up for a cup of coffee!
Matt Finch
Haha brilliant! This is such a fun comment thread to see people’s success stories. You are absolutely amazing. And I actually just moved to Oahu June 1st with my fiancee. We live in Kaneohe right by the bay with our daughter and I love the island mana. Such relaxing and nourishing energy, weather, and vibes here!
Feel free to email me anytime at I don’t drink coffee but I do love green tea!
Glad the articles have been helping and YOU are taking the action based on what you’ve learned, and YOU have the unbeatable mindset necessary to do this. Well done! 🙂
Aloha Matt,
Tried to email you via the email link you provided, however received a undeliverable bounce back. I double checked and tried it again and same result. I will keep my letter draft saved until we find another way to communicate or get this issue fixed. If I am doing anything wrong in this process or the link is incorrect please lmk and I will try again…
Mahalo and make it a great day!
Matt Finch
Aloha! I wonder why it didn’t work? I’ll check into that ASAP. Anyways, I have your email which is only visible to me and not the public, so I’ll shoot you over an email. My daughter and fianceé and me have all been sick so it took me much longer than usual to respond. Hope you’re well!!!
Aloha Matt as well as the rest of the individuals that have shared their knowledge, the deepest Mahalo from my soul!
I have been dealing with back pain for nearly 5 years taking Oxy every 4 hours and after studying much of what is in Matt’s various articles and findings I finally see a path that has great promise! I took my time to purchase all of what I read about over the last 3 months.
I made sure to purchase everything in advance and have read most of your articles a few times: the calm support, dpla, l-tyro, Vita B, Mag, etc and employed the Mego Dose C strategy! I am on day 4 of the Mega Dose and 2 Days in on the Opiate Withdrawal and I simply can’t believe the difference. It is not a walk in the park at all and there were a few challenging moments then I just up the vita C. I also used the Mercola method with Imodium of course and things went pretty smooth. I know every individual trial is different but for those of you reading this, I was also a skeptic and am elated I took the chance to try! I was amazed at my sleep patterns which is traditionally difficult due to my work is actually quite steady. Finding this was truly a God send and gives me a chance to rebuild my life my way.
I have also been reading about the Kyani products you believe our too great to not be taking and I am hoping that may bridge the gap on my back pain. I have ordered the products and hoping they get here soon to start. Will do more research on those testimonials over the next few days as well!
Matt – I can’t thank you enough as although I have remained somewhat successful, my life has started down a dark path I am not proud of and your research and sharing may put me back to the success I was having 5 years ago before my accident! I will certainly try to give back to others what you have given me…
For anyone who reads this, find the strength to take control of your life back! It is worth it!
Will post when my withdrawal is done and past for a few weeks so others can see my updates!
Matt Finch
Wonderful comment! So happy that you’re having so much success thus far using this natural method. Well done! I’m very proud of you, and I sincerely appreciate the kind words. Also, your detailed and inspirational comment will no doubt motivate and inspire countless individuals who read it for years to come. Thanks for that! And I look forward to your update. Take care. 🙂
Nutri Lounge
This is brilliantly magnificent. Thank you for writing this. It spells out, beautifully, the absurdity of Vitamin C as an essential nutrient for humans. I will be passing this through Twitter.
Thanks for posting.
Matt Finch
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you liked the info and thanks for sharing it on Twitter. Take care!
I am 24 hours passed my last heroin dose and have been dating vitamins mega doses. I take two 1000mg pills every two hours. I should be in the throws of withdrawal considering I was up to 15 bags a day. I feel weak, a little restless and a bit of hot and cold chills. That’s all. What a miracle!! Thank you thank you thank
You!! At this rate I won’t even need to get hooked on Subutex again. Thank you so much.
Matt Finch
Wow Christine you go girl!!! Thanks for sharing your experience and I’m so proud of you! Your comment just made my day. 🙂 Take care and keep up the good work!
Linda h
Can you give me the quick version of using the absorbent acid and the vitamin C in the Gabapentin like lay me out a 7-Day also have L-lysine
Maybe I missed it, but how much do we do of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C compared to the written amounts above? Is this layed out somewhere?
Never mind, I think I found the answer, which I there is no answer haha
Matt Finch
I have a client that recently came off Suboxone and she was using 5 grams of liposomal around 4 times a day and once in the middle of the night. She did this for a month straight then switched to sodium ascorbate powder at 4 grams per dose because she said the liposomal for that long got too expensive. She said it worked very well.
Linda h
Can you give me the quick version of using the absorbent acid and the vitamin C in the Gabapentin like lay me out a 7-Day also have L-lysine. I just get a little confused of how many times a day and two hours before bedtime but I have all the products lined up and I’m ready to start them I feel good about it I just want some easy layout plan with the products I have mentioned your response Matt would be greatly greatly appreciated
Thank you Matt!! I have been searching the web for years trying to find a natural remedy for my Suboxone dependence. I spent a few years on heroin and then stuck in Suboxone ever since. This article gives me great hope! I am a 32 yr old female at 105 pds. can you tell me what dose I should start on the LivOn vitamin C packs? Thanks so much.
Matt Finch
Glad this article gave you hope, Adrienne! You might benefit from using anywhere from 3-5 packets per dosage many times throughout the day. This is just a guess, but you can always start low, then go higher as needed, and adjust it to your needs. And the great part is that you won’t have bowel intolerance no matter how much you use.
Again, thank you! You’re amazing!! Great help!
Vitamin C works! I am on day 5 off of suboxone….after 5 years. I decided about 11 days ago and decided I would get off! Matt, you are a Godsend and your full story from email blessed me SO much. I thank God and a little wellness company that truly gave me the shift to get better. I was so happy starting suboxone all those years ago, and tried to live “normal” and push it in the back of my mind, but lately I just havent been able to shake some of the side effects, such as random exhaustion, etc. Over the years I went from around one 8mg a day to just two or two and half mg a day. (1mg a.m 1mg evening) that was never hard. May 31 I decided I was getting off after reading all of this, so I started ordering all the things from Amazon and headed to health food store. Unfortunately Shen Nongs ginseng and Jing herbs Reishi were not in the budget so I settled for some generic. I got about 10 things…Also from that next day Jun 1 I started taking only .25 mg of suboxone. From thursday until tuesday that is all i took…once a day. And the supplements as they started arriving. I wasnt sure at that point when I would jump, just wanted to give the supplements a minute to work. Sunday is when I read about vitamin C. I didnt get the Sodium Absorbate until Wednesday and that was my first day off suboxone.. I am on day 5 now, I did get some ativan from my dr. to sleep, and the days seem super slow just like regular detox but besides that…nothing. Guys , I have not stopped shitting, but I DONT CARE. I take so much of that absorbate its not funny. The first few days, I had only the 1000mg absorbic acid pills and it wasnt the same. (do not waste your money on Aurora lifescience liposomal vit c, its $40 and not pure liposomal and the one time during this I went into heavy withdrawal, I have heard great things about the livscience liposomal packets though, but didnt have 2 more days to wait on prime so after wasting day on an expensive crappy brand i went with the classic SA) I take about 25 grams AT A TIME many times throughout the day. It is so worth it. After my first dose today I waited about 6 hours because I had to go out and then came home and took a nap and I started to slightly feel the withdrawals, but they are diminished already. Just dosed up again, I plan on taking about 10 grams a day even after this part is behind me. The first two days I ate, 2 -4 I didnt, those were the worst, didnt want to do anything, I did make sure to have a protein shake so that these suppplements have something to build with. And praying the other supplements and amino acids do their job and these old rusty neurotransmitters get jumpstared. It is still slow, but I am feeling like I am getting on the other side. I would really invest in the stuff Matt is saying for after care. I didnt get calm support, but I think I have a bottle of about everything listed on there. I have 3 kids, one 10 months. If I can do this you can do it! LIke I said it is slow, but freak out crawl out of your skin want to kick the world RLS etc. GOD BLESS YOU ALL> DO THE C!
That last sentence shouldve said….NO freak out crawl out of your skin want to kick the world RLS etc. NONE… or body temp issues. GOD BLESS!
I’m going to start the mega dose vitamin C steps tomorrow. I really want to know if I can go to the sauna to help sweat out these opiates? Or will i sweat out all my vitamin C and just not work the way it should. It might be a dumb question but I have no one else to ask. I’m trying to quit before anyone I know or love finds out. And I am going to try my hardest to be doing it at home before I just throw the towel in and put myself into rehab.
So is working out and going to the sauna a good or bad idea?!
I’ve just completed day 6 of mega dosing (while also taking calm support) and can honestly say, this works. I had one bad day, but even that was mild compared to a bad day during previous withdrawals.
i could only get Ascorbic Acid in shops in my country, so bowel intolerance was a bit of a problem from day 3 – so don’t get too far from a toilet! However, it seemed to do the trick.
Entering PAWS now where I think the real challenge lies, I’ll continue taking the calm support for the next 3 months, hopefully that’ll help get my brain chemistry back to normal. Best of luck to anyone considering or going through withdrawal.
keep us posted! and good luck!
thanks 😉 day 13 and still going good
I ended up visiting a physician and getting a script for clonidine to aid in withdrawal I was at the three day point and blew it when I decided to visit the doc I am starting again tomorrow I plan to integrate vitamin C, clonidine, l-tyrosine and loperamide if needed. I think it will be rather easy this time I have had clonidine before and it had eliminated most of the symptoms alone I am looking forward to a gentle detox and plan to work on Monday I have been going at this for a while now but if at first you don’t succeed try, and try again. I have been relapsing left and right but confident I have it this time! Will update when I get into the thing, good luck to all!
Hi Randy! I’ve been following your journey and praying for your success! I wanted to add this to your plan however, I think you need to take A LOT more Vit C…even the Liposomal C variety. That does not induce the intense diarrhea, but going through this kind of detox, you will have bowel issues regardless – so use the loperamide as needed. But ramp up the Liposomal C (takes 2 pills for 1,000 mg), to 10,000, 16,000 even 25,000 mg per day, or more! The studies involved with mega dosing vitamins C took 25 to 85 grams or up to 1/4 lb of vitamin C daily!!!! Now that was not the Liposomal variety, so I doubt you will need that much, but you definitely need to take more than you have been. I suspect that’s why you have been relapsing. I have been watching your posts because there is very little out there regarding dosing for Liposomal C. The key is to take as much as possible up to bowel intolerance (treating with loperamide) to feel ok and make it through acute phase withdrawals. I have heard some incredible scientific/doctor studies with heroin detox while mega dosing Vit C on youtube. Like Matt says here, the stories are amazing about the “non-reaction” or research by government bodies regarding this miracle remedy. Bottom line — take a lot more and see what happens. Yes, it is expensive, but isn’t it worth it? I am also using mega dosing C while tapering from 6 years on Suboxone. I have tapered from > 2 mg to < .3 mg daily in about 1 month with literally no withdrawals while taking Liposomal C. I have only taken up to 4,000 mg daily when I lower the dose, but will increase greatly when I jump and will document how much it takes. I am also taking this time to take all of the above mentioned suppliments and the DLPA and 5-HTP is definitely helping! Hope this helps and good luck!
I have relapsed in a big way but am starting again on Tuesday 3-7 and will try your suggestion and take much more vitamin c and coordinate that with loperamide and I also scored some clonidine I have about 30 .1 tablets of that. I plan to take 10 loperamides in the morning on Tuesday and will take 2500 liposomal caplets per hour until I feel better. I hope this works this time I am financially strapped at this point and quitting is a must I am at about my witts end. I will update as I go through this. Also I live alone which makes it hard, this time I have a girlfriend coming over to help me through this. I asked her to help me out and she is willing to do that. This way when I feel like breaking down I will have someone who cares for me to tell me what I already know. I have an angel on one shoulder and the devil who has been winning on the other. The angel will win this time! I am going to do this I would hate to be in this vicious cycle all spring and summer I hope to be feeling normal by April, which does not seem undoable. Wish me luck I think I can do it this time. Will report back later this week, this has been a long time coming and I am about to win this battle! Thanks for the reply and supportive words it gave me some inspiration.
Holly, Did it work?
I’m on 2 mg of Bupe and have a lot of gut issues, possible SIBO etc.
I’m curious about tapering using the C, so did it work to use the C to taper? Did you also use the Calm Support and other?
I’ve been on a hellish ride since 2013. Any help you can offer is appreciated.
I found this liquid liposomal supplement at the Vitamin Shoppe called Mega -Liposomal Vitamin C from Aurora Nutrascience. It is very pleasant tasting and comes with a little serving cup. I think this would be very good for this. I do think that because it is better absorbed that you wouldn’t need as much. I think that loeramide should be on hand to stop any diarrhea. Just quitting opiates by itself causes this to happen. This is just what I would do.
Thank you again Matt for this very useful information on Vit C. question; If taking the DR MERCOLA Vitamin C 1000 mg capsule, according to the schedule above, that could potentially be up to 25 to 85 pills a day? Since 1 bottle contains 180 pills at $40, that is quite costly. You did mention that there is a higher absorption of the vitamin C, so perhaps not necessary to take as much? If so, what would your recommended dosage be for suboxone withdrawal and or taper and for how long? (since the withdrawal is so prolonged). I think it would be very hard to take such a high quantity of capsules every 2 hours? Thank you for your response.
I have the feeling that when you have a lot of diarrhea that most of the C is going down the toilet. That might be why it hasn’t worked for some. I think if you are having a lot of diarrhea that you should take less and or take loperamide, or take liposomal which is better absorbed and doesn’t cause the diarrhea as much. Also, you shouldn’t have to take as much if it’s more highly absorbed. I think ascorbic acid causes the most diarrhea. I think sodium ascorbate causes less diarrhea than ascorbic acid. Just my opinion.
I began doing with liposomal vitamin c 1,000 mg caplets at 9 am on 1-28 and took two pills every two hours until 9 pm when I increased to 3 pills per hour took 3 at 11 and at 1 slept through the next couple of doses woke at 5 and took three more I also started 2, 500 mg l-tyrosine and 2 500 mg dlpa 3 times a day. I woke this morning feeling a bit rough around the edges and ended up using a half a bag of H to stave off withdrawals I plan to cut down until I feel good without it. Plan to continue 3 , 1000 mg liposomal caplets every two hours. I have not used loperamide yet but also have not had any reason to as of yet will update as I go through this process, if anyone has questions I will be happy to answer provided I am able to I am hoping this works we will see in the next couple of days.
It’s 1-30 today still have not quit using but dosing with the vitamins as a pre-load I have been “feeling out” how I feel when I awake and have been weak and used the last few days still tomorrow I am going to just dose up on the vitamin c until I feel well without using and add loperamide to the regimen I am at 3, 1,000 mg liposomal caplets every two hours started at 2 pill , on sat its Monday day 3 of the “loading phase” so I am hoping all goes well tomorrow I have also been taking L-tyrosine 1,000 mg 3 times a day and L DLPA 1,000 mg 3 times a daym not the DL I bought the wrong type be careful there is an L formula and a DL formula I ordered wrong but it is supposed to be useful anyhow just not as good as the DL. Will post how I feel tomorrow after cut off hopefully I can pull this off, I want it I just have to make it happen now.
Matt Finch
Yes the L- from is still great, but nowhere near as good as having the D- and L- mixed together. But not a waste of money and still helpful. You can pull this off Randy. I am behind you and I know you have the strength and motivation to overcome this foe.
I awoke this morning after dosing for three days to “load up” I was surprised that my usual morning agony did not exist, I would have to say this is working. Stupid me though had some H left and did it this morning telling myself this is the last time for sure and I am not going to go and get any today because I am confident now I will not need it anymore and this program is working. I will have to buy another bottle (Dr. Mercola 1,000 mg caplets) they cost 39.87 for 180. I may have to adjust my dose but it was 14 hours between “hits” and I normally wake up feeling like crap. This morning nothing I felt fine I did my last H at 6:45 this morning and now I am ready to start without any dope at all. I will post tomorrow and give my update as to how this is working. FYI I started day one with 2 , 1,000 mg pills every two hours and day 2 I jumped to 3 pills every 2 hours. I am also taking L-tyrosine 1,000 mg 3 times a day and 1,000 mg of L -DLPA . They make two formulas the DL and the L the DL is what is recommended but I didn’t realize there were two types till after it arrived via amazon. They L type is beneficial however so they were not a waste of money. Tomorrow will be the “tell all” day for symptoms to aggravate me but I am confident I will not have any problems because of how well I felt this morning. I guess I shouldn’t have done the H today but didn’t want to toss it and also did not want it sitting around causing temptation so I got rid of it. I actually feel guilty about using today but what is done is done. Tomorrow is the start of a new day and I am somewhat excited for the clock to roll forward and let come what may. I am willing to answer any questions so if anyone wants to ask me anything please do I would like to help spread the word about this great withdrawal aid system. If I can get through this and I am confident I will then anyone can do it. I have made so many poor decisions over the years due to using that I am somewhat excited for some time to go by and to get back to normal and not having that monkey on my back.
Matt Finch
Randy, I love that you’re keeping these updates coming! Your experience recorded here will no doubt help a lot of people. I’m enjoying following your journey. Keep up the great work my friend!
I awoke this morning very uncomfortable and broke down and got some H I am going to have to significantly increase my dose of vitamin C I have ordered another bottle of Dr Mercola 1,000 mg caplets and a bottle of 1,000 mg Bronson Sodium Ascorbate 1,000 mg caplets as well I will get them today and plan to increase my dose to double say 6 per two hours I am going to take three of each type and try to go without any H again tomorrow and also go as long as possible without using I will get this right soon I have to quit it is a rat race I don’t want to participate in any longer will post results again tomorrow hopefully I have a better outcome I have been taking only 3 per two hours tried to increase to 4 a couple of times but realized I would run out of pills before I would get well so I am going to really mega dose and hope for a better outcome. Ikes this stinks I wish I was doing better I am weak and broke down again I am going to either get this dosing to work better or I am just going to have to bite the bullet and suffer. I do believe this will work just need more than I have been taking. I will update when I get some results of the regimen.
Matt Finch
Looking forward to hearing back from you Randy. Talk soon..
That one
Dr Mercola has 500mg capsules. The bottle says 1000mg Liposomal vitamin c but one must always check to see what a “serving size” is for this or any other medications. It takes 2 capsules to equal 1000mg. Hope this helps…
Thanks I was unaware of that. I did end up using a half a bag of H this morning and think I am going to try to wean and coordinate the treatment with the weaning. I made it 12 hours now I am going to wait 14 hours before using then 16 and so on and so forth while hopefully decreasing my intake I may order the sodium ascorbate powder although it was not that bad this morning I need to get into a mind set that I can do this my fear of withdrawal is causing me to make poor decisions which is setting me back. I believe if I can make the 24 hour mark I will be able to continue I guess I have made progress because normally I have done 4 or 5 bags a day if I can make it through today with say 1 1/2 and then 1 tomorrow etc. I think that this will work. I am open for suggestions. I will take l tyrosine and the L DLPA formula I have today as well. I got nervous last night and went out to grab some H used 1/2 a bag it held till this morning twelve hours and now I am going to hold off as long as possible shooting for 14 to 16 hours. I may go do the other half a bag when I am done writing here and put everything down till 10:30 tonight. Matt is it counter productive to try and coordinate a taper into the regimen? I am hoping this will help me I will post tonight as to how I have done throughout today, I am going to wait till I start to feel “things” before taking anymore supplements I will begin about 7 p.m. and see if I can’t make it till morning without any H , I am having troubles getting into the “mind set” but really do want to quit I just don’t want to be ill through the process. Hoping I can find the will power to do this I really need to gosh I had no idea it would be this tough I guess one day at a time.
Matt Finch
Randy if I were you I would use kratom to come off the heroin, then taper the kratom for 1-3 weeks, then mega-c, loperamide, and supplements to come off low kratom dose.
Matt, I see my posts were removed I assume because they were not helpful to others. I am going to get this done I have to. I do appreciate all your support. I don’t think I can get Kratom I live in WI and it is banned here unless there is a company that ships here I also have no idea what type to choose etc. Any suggestions?
Matt Finch
I didn’t remove any of your posts Randy. And I didn’t realize you lived somewhere that it was banned. I would just up the mega-C dosage.
I see the posts have been rearranged and that is why I thought my posts were gone. Oops, anyhow I have not really done so well sticking to the detox without using. Today is the day of my last use for sure. I have been reading some motivational material and I know I have to get into the right mindset to do this. I have thought about an inpatient detox but remember how awful those experiences were in the past. It is like being in jail and they really did not give me anything to ease the symptoms until they were almost gone. I remember laying in a strange bed no tv except for one in a dayroom and thinking to myself while I was there that this would be easier at home. Well I have six days now I told work I needed time off due to my back going out I plan to use this time wisely and not end up going back making another excuse to miss work. I have used today and all my dope is gone with the exception of 1 bag which I am going to get rid of shortly and then let the course of time sort out the withdrawal process for me. I did have some good effects but did not stick to it. Now I am determined it is now or never I got the mind set and it is about saving my life, dignity and self respect. I want to be me again not the guy sneaking around getting dope and using it to keep from getting ill. I am going to use both loperamide,, vitamin c, L-tyrosine and L DLPA I got the wrong kind they make a DL and a L formula which I was unaware of. Also I had stated in previous posts I used 1,000 mg DR. Mercola caplets. Someone pointed out to me that the pills are actually 500 mg. and the serving size is two caplets to make the 1,000 mg. It is important to read the labels on these products carefully. I expect symptoms will be present sometime during the night 1 or 2 a.m. Before checking out for the night I plan to take Loperamide and vitamin C, most likely 15 lopes to make 30 mg and two Dr. Mercola c caps 1,000 mg and I also have some Bronson Vitamin C sodium ascorbate 1,000 mg tablets and plan to take four of them at the same time. I will see how things go and adjust dosages accordingly today is Monday 2-6 I will relay results as they occur. I would like to thank Matt for his responses, time, and patience. I have started only to stop too many times now this is it I am going for it 100%. I don’t think it is worth attempting unless you are truly prepared to ride it out regardless of the severity of the detox. I am crossing my fingers for a mild detox but who knows time will tell.
once again I **cked up and broke down to get some H I was at hour 22 and not doing all that bad just don’t know why I blew it I am totally ashamed of breaking down I am going to use the fricking dope I got and start all over tomorrow or tonight when the withdrawals kick in I made it 22 hours perhaps this time I can break the cycle and quit for good I really think I can do this I know now I can’t keep breaking down this will never end. On the bright side I will take it as a learning experience and call it a set back I could have been at 24 hours now but screwed up. I have deleted phone numbers now that should help. I had six days to work on this without having to work now I only have 5 tomorrow through Sunday I am going to have to bit the bullet and be strong I feel so guilty about breaking down I am going to remember this feeling next time temptation strikes. As for today I wasted my time and money breaking down, crap **ck I know I an do this just have to keep the will to quit alive. I am going to stop back and look at this post every time the temptation comes to me and remember how much of a failure I feel like. It was not really that bad either just some stomach issues but not horrible. I bought some tums that I think may eliminate the tummy issue perhaps pills are not the best and that is why the powder drink mix is used. I was using a combination of loperamide Bronsen 1,000 mg caplets and Dr. Mercola 500 mg liposomal Vitamin C. If I keep screwing this up I will not have enough combat supplements and have to get more. I am thinking on going to wally world and getting chewable type perhaps they will absorb quicker and help. Will keep the journey events posted I am going to get this done I have prolonged it for way too long now if I would have stuck to it in the beginning I would have been through this already I could kick myself in the butt for today’s screw up, in fact using did not really give me any help other than eliminate all symptoms which were not that bad. I just need to get through this I will try and try again , if at first you don’t succeed try and try again. Any information that may be helpful for me would be welcome.
Try Liposomal Vitamin C from LivOn Labs. It’s supposed to be better than Mercola’s Liposomal Vit C. It’s the one Matt Finch recommends too!
Matt Finch
This site has been a tremendous help to me and have been clean for a year now. I even had someone hand me two oxy 30’s (which was my drug of choice) and declined them. I see a lot of people trying to take the vitamin c and all the other stuff. All of those supplements do help, but people need to realize they don’t make you not crave the drug. You have to totally commit and decide you never want to do the drug ever again. The supplement do help ease the withdrawal process but without the mental mindset that you have to quit, those supplements are going to do a damn thing. Just a couple thoughts as I still like to follow Matt’s site.
The mental aspect has been the hardest part for me. I get these urges to use even when I am not feeling all that horrible. I battle with that constantly I believe it is out of fear that I will go into deep withdrawals at any time, The supplements do in fact stave off most of the symptoms keeping busy even if its just getting involved in a tv series movie or whatnot, is key to fighting temptations.
Have you been able to be free of drugs using this method. I’ve ordered the vital c. Calm support and dlpa . Plan to start in the morning on vital c been doing calm support and dlpa for a couple days now, so ready to stop these pills.
I have been “practicing” for a couple of weeks. I am at 22 hours with no real symptoms. I waited till the 16 hour mark and began using vitamin C Bronson 1,000 mg caplets. I also took 15 loperamides which makes 30 mgs. I had some troubles with a belly full of pills so I have been putting them in an old pill container with juice and dissolving them before taking them this method really helps I have done this with the loperamide as well. I find this really helps with the stomach issues. I also would add keeping yourself occupied is a great aid as well. I have blown it several times sitting around waiting for withdrawals to come and watching the clock. I have two hours (impossible to not clock watch) before I am at the 24 hour point if I continue to feel as good as I do now I am going to get up tomorrow and go to work provided I am not going down hill they say days 3 and 4 are the hardest I always found the first two days the hardest although it has been quite some time before I have seen days 3 and 4, I hope to see those under the belt soon after that the mind situation is all I think I will have to deal with. I have been taking 4,000 mg. of dissolved Bronson 1,000 mg sodium ascorbate every two hours. I plan to take another 20 mg of loperamide at the 24 hour mark. I have also been taking 4 or 5 L-tyrosine per day and 4 to 5 L-DLPA as well. This method is working I just have the mental cravings to deal with I am going to stay strong and keep going will update again with my experience.
Hi, I’ve been taking calm support for about a week now and just out of acute withdrawal, and I can honestly say that they helped noticeably. Best of luck with your withdrawal!
Has anyone used the Dr. Mercola 1000 mg. caplets that come in a 180 count bottle for mega dosing. If so are there any dosing recommendations? Is this a good product to use? Waiting Wondering, just ordered from Amazon and hope I did not waste my cash. Plan to start soon any pertinent information regarding using these would be greatly appreciated. If I don’t hear from anyone I guess I will have to give it a whirl. I don’t seem to be able to fathom how secretive people are about this subject, when I come up with results unlike others I will post my results and EXACTLY how they were used.
Matt (hello) have been reading this site for days and am ready to detox from an moderate heroin habit. I am wondering if the liposomal 1,000 mg caplets from Dr. Mercola via amazon would work and if you have ever gotten any recommended dose information the bottle is close to 40 dollars with 180 1,000 mg pills would that cover the duration or should more be readily available or another type you can recommend. I want to order asap so a reply would be greatly appreciated, Also I am wondering about the cost of calm support.
Matt Finch
Hi Randy, I have had several people email me and say the Dr. Mercola liposomal C worked very well. As for dosing, everyone is different, but I’ve taken 10 grams of this exact stuff at once with no bowel intolerance. So if it were me, I would start off low, and work my way up in dosing until my symptoms were relieved. You should quickly find a dose that ameliorates your symptoms. And what are you wondering about the price of Calm Support?
I have decided to add DLPA and L tyrosine to my battle plan. If I am understanding the available readings I can begin to use all of these things before actually quitting? I have to get a tooth pulled Monday 1/30 and depending how that goes plan to start either that night, Tuesday or push it off to the weekend I have to work but think I may just start asap to get it done. I am also planning to use loperamide as well, would a good dose of this say 20 mg a day say ten in the morning and ten at night be a good addition to all these things? I will post my progress and results as soon as I get into this. I would like to thank you for your replies.
Matt Finch
Yes those aminos are great!! Looking forward to reading your updates. You go this!
As this day developed I was weak and ended up doing two bags of h by 10 am I only have two left and plan to quit when those are done, something inside me keeps telling me to just do them and make em gone and then deal with whatever comes my way but that won’t stop me from scoring again so I have to keep busy and hopefully the detox plan begins to work. I did not feel that bad this morning just not great I suppose I could have went without the H but having it makes it be in the back of my mind I am going to use all my will power to refrain from buying anymore but that won’t hold me back from using what I have I may just do it all today and then let tomorrow and the following days just happen use the things I have and hope for the best I believe it will help a lot I only started loading up yesterday and this morning I felt much better than normally when I awoke I will keep the events of the next several days updated so anyone thinking of trying this or in disbelief may get some input from my experience. I will continue to work at this I must quit using it is costly and anyone knows how it affects your finances, life, etc. I want to be free from the cycle.
Hi Matt,
I am currently planning my detox plan for quitting heroin. I am undecided of whether to get sodium ascorbate or liposomal vitamin C. Its just that the liposomal vitamin C is quite a bit more expensive and will therefore add up to quite alot when taking it in such large amounts. And as they say that liposomal vit C is better absorbed by the body, would I need to take as much of it as in the sodium ascorbate protocol?
So basically I dont know which one to go for, whether paying the extra money for the liposomal vit C is worth it.
ANy advice would be amazing 🙂
Sorry just read your comment that I’d need 4 times less of the liposomal.. So I’m guessing that you recommend this form of vit C?..
Just a piece of advice from someone who tried to use mega doses of the sodium ascorbate, I wouldn’t recommend any vitamin C for getting off heroin unless you just want to detox for an extended period of time because it makes the heroin stay in your system longer than it normally would without it so you’re only going to prolong the experience whereas you could use something else and be done with detox way sooner! That was my experience with vitamin C and heroin and something this article doesn’t inform you about that it’s only going to drag the process out. Your symptoms may not be so bad, but you will eventually get to the same rough place you would be without it but it’ll take twice the time. Me, personally, I’d rather get the bad over with asap. Just so you have the full picture. I recommend another method, one that doesn’t keep the heroin in your system longer!!
Matt Finch
Some people like it and some like the sodium ascorbate. Theoretically liposomal should be better, but the studies have used sodium ascorbate. If I were going through withdrawal, I would use liposomol.
Been waiting for an answer on additional information regarding the use of liposomal vitamin C. It looks as if this site is no longer getting any responses, I have posted a question two times without a reply. I ended up ordering the 1,000 mg Dr. Mercola caplets and want to begin in the next couple of days, having some guidelines on dosing would be very helpful. If you ever get back to this site an answer would be appreciated. I was thinking since there are 180 in a bottle that I could begin with say 12 per day for a couple of days and when I quit using heroin go up to 24 per day dosing each amount every two hours. Does this sound sufficient? Or should I take more? If so I may need to order more I definitely do not want to run out in the middle of a detox, although Amazon was able to get them to me overnight. I have my doubts about this but am willing to try because of the positive feedback I have read doing research. There is not a lot of information regarding the use of the 1,000 mg caplets. If I ever get an answer from someone, provided my replies ever get posted, I would be willing to relay the procedure I end up using, if nobody ever gets back to me I will consider this a dead topic and go on alone, and withhold the results as others apparently do. waiting, wondering impatiently it has been a few days since initial post it is irritating that no response has been posted, I am even having second thoughts about the real success of others you would think anyone that has had beneficial results would be more than happy to share them, perhaps I am wrong.
Matt Finch
Due to the extremely high number of comments this website receives, and the long questions and stories, I am unfortunately not able to answer all of them personally. I used to be able to do so, but as this site and the traffic have grown, it’s impossible to get back to every single person. This is just one article and there are over 300 comments on it, and this website has hundreds of articles. Plus I have comments to respond to in my online courses (of which I have 4 and counting). If you read my Comment Policy which is linked to at the footer navigation, you can read the rules and regulations, and also see the part where I clearly state that I am unable to answer every single comment/question. As for your dosing questions, everyone is different and there have been no studies done on the liposomal C and dosing. The best thing to do is to try out a low dosage, and if that is not enough, keep going up until your symptoms are resolved. Does that make sense?
Can u take vit c 1g magnesium powder while on palladone ?
Hi what is the equivalent of 1000mg sodium asorbate in liquid lipsomal?
Matt Finch
Good question. Well, sodium ascorbate has about less than 20% bioavailabilty I’m told, and liposomol C is said to have 90% bioavailability. So it’s supposedly over 4 times more powerful, meaning you would need 4 times less theoretically.
Thank you! Trying to find the right lipsomal c ‘recipe’ that is equivalent to the one you have posted.
Matt Finch
My pleasure! I’ve taken up to 10 grams of liposomoal C at one time with no bowel intolerance, so this stuff is really amazing.
That Girl
Hey Matt just wanted you and anyone else to know that I used mega dose vit c (liposomal vit c) to kick kratom extract and it worked beautifully. It was still tough mentally and I did it between jobs but am certain I would have been able to work if I had to. I’m sure some will dismiss this as “just kratom” but for those of you who know the hell it can be will appreciate this post. I slept 5-9 hrs every night, minor RLS which with kratom it is usually full out akasthesia. It was still tough mentally but I can’t believe how easy is it was this time. I also took a lot of other supplements(DLPA, Calm magnesium, B 12, B 6, Rhodiola rosea, Ashwaghanda, BLACK SEED OIL-so helpful!) but these alone never worked in the past. I am certain my success was because of the vit c! I also started taking vitamins and some of the supp’s week or two before the jump and it worked! Thanks again Matt for all your hard work and effort!
Matt Finch
Way to go!!!! So happy for you, and thanks a million for sharing your success testimonial with us!!! 🙂
Matt, thank you for this great information. I am being faced with losing everything over my addiction. My wife, kids, and family have no idea what’s going on, but it’s only a matter of time. I am going to give this my very best shot, and I know in my heart that if I can kick this, I will never put my family through this again. I found the exact sodium ascorbate that you recommended. And I am starting Day one of the protocol. It says that I should take 1000-2500 mg’s every 2 hours. But on the back of the jar, it says that 1/4 teaspoon has 1112 mgs of vitamin C, and 137 mg’sof sodium. I don’t know which measurement to base my dose on. For the vitamin C, 1/2 teaspoon would be a little over 2000 mg’s. So that would be near my starting dose. But to get the 1000-2500 mg’s of the sodium, it would take much much more. Please, when you have the time to reapond, which measurement do I go off of. I am about to start withdrawals, and am desperate for this answer so that I can be sure I am taking the right amount. Thank you so much for any help you can give me. I am terrified of this process.
Hi Matt!
I’ve wrote you a couple of emails but haven’t gotten responses. Perhaps , I didn’t write your email address correctly… I need your help Matt. Big time. just wanted to ask you a few questions:
-should I still take Calm Support when I’m using opiates (before quitting, to ‘build it up’ in my system? I bought 2 bottles and received them yesterday.
– is this plan ok: take Suboxone for 3-4 days (2mg, 1.50mg, 1.00mg, 0.50) before starting MegaDoses of Vit C? I took opiates today and just 3 grams of that Vitamin C u mentioned last (not sodium ascarbate, but that gel thing from Amazon ) and I had numerous bowel movements. I mean, I NEVER go to bathroom while taking oxy but today I had diharea lol. Should I take more tmorrow?
– take half of your suggested doses of DXM+Loperamide on days 5-10 and then start tapering? What do U think?
I’m also prescribed 10mg of aderall a day, but I take roughly 5-7.50mg
Also: please let me know what you think about this: I plan to take 3 capsules of CalmSupport in the befining (after stopping Suboxone). Is this ok?
I’m sorry Matt. I know I sound lost and scared. I just don’t want to use too much of anything so I figured if I’ll use calcium Vit C one day and then Sodium ascarbate another at lower than suggested dosages AND take other stuff you mentioned (DXM AND LOPERAMIDE) maybe I’ll be in a better shape ?
Hi Matt,
I’ve ordered the sodium ascorbate as well as calm support to help with withdrawal from heroin. I also have some suboxone. However, I’d prefer to not be stuck on the suboxone for very long like I have been in the past when I’ve quit opiates. My hope is that thru mega dosing with vitamin C thru the acute phase and continuing calm support even after the acute phase I won’t have to take very much suboxone at all, even initially, and by taking supplements I’ll be able to function normally, have energy, drive, motivation, and not be depressed and wanting to do nothing but lay in the bed.
My question is regarding taking suboxone while mega dosing with vitamin C and taking calm support. You’ve mentioned that in one study they thought vitamin C might block the neuromodulatory response of opioid receptors to opioid drugs like heroin, morphine, oxycodone, etc. That said, will the vitamin C also block all the effects of suboxone?
I look forward to hearing your thoughts as well as anyone elses who may have had a similar experience.
Mary Price - Certified OAS Recovery Specialist
Are you using the calm support as you taper your drug of choice? I believe that having this in your system before the phase of acute withdrawal hits gives the ingredients in it time to build up in your system.
Your plan is very interesting. Although I have never tried this, I do know a lady who was mega-dosing vitamin c to get off of suboxone. She still had a few strips left, and she had tapered to a fairly low dose. As the acute withdrawal phase hit and her symptoms became too bothersome, she would take a very tiny piece of her suboxone and it did help her. This obviously means that the large amount of vitamin c she was using didn’t block the buprenorphine (opioid) in suboxone. So no, I don’t think that it will block the suboxone at all.
I would love to hear from you as you put your plan in action. Your story may help others who may be interested in trying things this way.
I do want to give you a bit of advice. First, use the smallest dose of suboxone that you can. This medicine is much much stronger than most people know. (1mg of buprenorphine has been compared to 40mgs of morphine) You may be surprised how much of the withdrawal is reduced for many by taking a dose of suboxone as low as 1/2 of 1 mg! Especially if the drug of choice had been tapered already.
EXERCISE! This is so incredibly important to do while you’re tapering. If you’re already exercising, then during withdrawal it is easier to continue. Doing this will start production of dopamine and endorphins that are low in opiate addicts already, and are the main cause of withdrawal. Rls, low energy, depression,
I used Liposomal Vitamin C to detox off Subutex, and I had no withdrawal symptoms from it. I also tried using Kratom while on high doses of Vitamin C. I couldn’t feel any effect of the Kratom. Since Subutex and Kratom both work similarly, although Subutex is much much stronger, I would not feel comfortable myself relying on the Suboxone to take care of Heroin withdrawals while on Liposomal. That’s my experience and small input.:) Good luck!
Dear Mary,
An anecdote in support of your comments regarding Subutex. I recently got to know a very young man, round at a mutual friend of ours. I watched with fascination as he took a craft razor blade to a 20mg tablet of Subutex. He sliced, and sliced, and sliced… Finally, I could keep my counsel no longer. Asking him what he was doing, he replied: When I was in prison, a mate of mine used to smuggle a few of these in for me each time he visited. I wanted to repay him – rather than leave prison to go straight into debt and, make a little bit of money for prison extras – so I cut up the tablets. I managed to get 16 roughly equal pieces out of each tablet. After I got out, I got a script myself. I thought that I didn’t want to get too far above the dose I’d been used to inside. So, I just carried on carving them up. Sometimes I sell the extra tabs when I’m skint. Not often, though.
Then I asked him how much he had charged per piece: “£5″. He answered with much alacrity. Which of course, I immediately
pooh-poohed that, until he said: ” When you’re in prison man, and there is nothing else…” Which was certainly food thought as I have never been to prison. Yet, I can easily imagine why losing yourself for a fiver is an easy choice to make. He then took a piece of the Subutex himself. For the rest of the evening, he was in a pretty good gouch. It obviously worked for him and several other inmates, at a much lower dose than prescribed.
I’m helping a friend by buying Dr Mercolas liposomal C not sure how many bottles I need to order. How much should he take a day?
Same with calm support how many a day. So I know how many bottles to order.
He is going to be trying the mega-dose vitamin C to stop withdrawal from Kratom.
I’d appreciate a reply ASAP as I’m about to place an order for these products. Thank you
Mary Price - Certified OAS Recovery Specialist
I’m not familiar with the difference in strength between liposomal c and others so I’d advise calling the company that you are purchasing from and asking about a comparison in strength. As for Calm support it is best to start it a couple weeks before you finish tapering and then at least a couple weeks after. 2 bottles should be plenty. I’d have loperamide on hand in case it’s also needed.
Hi Matt
I just wanted to thank you for your hard work you have put into this website, it has some of the most effective information I have come by.
I have been frequenting your website for about a year and a half, and in that time I tapered off of Methadone after being on it for 6 years from 95mg, to 30mg, then switched over to 20mg of Suboxone until I stabilized for just over a month, and then from there I did a very rapid taper to 8mg then jumped off(which was not by choice, but do to heavy edema I experienced from the Suboxone, and the dangerous symptoms that came from holding that much water). The withdrawals were relatively pain free, and the hardest part was the post-acute withdrawals, which have been mediated substantially by many supplement and lifestyle recommendations on your website.
I just wanted to thank you, and let you know that without your information, I probably would have never got off the methadone, which was wreaking havoc on my body(hypogonadism, adrenal insufficiency, dopamine deficiency, high blood pressure from water weight, prolactin issues, and sluggish thyroid), and the doctors at my clinic were fairly oblivious to anything besides prescribing methadone/suboxone and SSRI’s. Keep in mind, I had those health problems and I am only 26.
Many of the questions I had for my doctors, were what brought me here, when they could not answer them, or gave me some BS reason. They have a hard time admitting that being on Methadone or Suboxone for long term is hard on the body, and their #1 suggestion is always anti-depressants.
So I just wanted to say thank you. I have been off everything for a few months now, and everything is going well, and as a benefit, I look better physically than I have since I was in my late teens. Your website is truly a valuable resource, and I just wanted to show that I am another success case which relied heavily on your recommendations. Whenever I had attempted before over the years, I was never successful. I wish MMT doctors, and the addiction specialists/counselors at clinics had this type of information available, then more people might be successful.
I posted some background info and a couple of questions last night and the post disappeared. I don’t know if it’s awaiting approval, if I said something I shouldn’t have (I promise it was not on purpose and I was not attempting to shill for any company) or if something just glitched….like my brain. If it’s just awaiting approval, I forgot to mention that, in the past, I seemed to have a low bowel tolerance even for the Lyposomal C so I’m a little reluctant to jump to 10,000mg. This may have been because at the time I had Hepatitis C (now cured since last year with one of the new meds available). That is why I asked the question about starting dosage. Please let me know if I need to re-post my original post with questions. Again, thanks more than words can say for all you do!
Mary Price - Certified OAS Recovery Specialist
Yes I do view each comment to ensure that the site doesn’t become inundated with spam and sales. I posted your original comment and replied. I hope you find the help that you are seeking.
Matt, thanks so much for all the awesome info you post!!!! I have been trying to detox myself from Opana for 5 days. I’ve been taking it for over 3 yrs. but I’ve been addicted to opiates on and off for 30+ yrs. I tried cold turkey twice in the last year (not on purpose) and made it 4 to 5 days but was so sick I couldn’t even keep water down and I just couldn’t take all the horrible symptoms any longer. I’ve learned a little over the years about what helps so I have been taking clonidine & gabapentin which enabled me to reduce my Opana dose to from 20-25mg every 3 hrs. to 20-25mg every 10 hrs. I am estimating that dosage because I was actually insufflating it as bio-availability is so much higher. That worked for 3 days and now I seem to be developing a tolerance to the clonodine and gabapentin so I am feeling wd symptoms after only 6-8 hrs. I have kratom and am planning to alternate with Opana and if that works then switch to kratom completely. I found out by accident 5 or more yrs. back that lyposomal C potentiates kratom/opiates and reduces the dosage needed to achieve the same effect. I was able to detox completely in the past using this method. Unfortunately, my tolerance to opiates has increased exponentially since starting opana and my recent attempts to quit have been painfully unsuccessful. I went to a doctor and got a script for Suboxone film 8mg 2 x daily. He told me to wait until I was in mild wd’s and take sublingually. Sub is very expensive and my nephew told me if I dissolved it in a tiny bit of h20 and insufflated it I could get the same effect as an 8mg sublingual and that the nalaxone in it wouldn’t send me into wd’s unless IV’d. Further research has led me to believe the buprenorphine could have sent me into wd’s due to high tolerance from taking so much Opana. What I got was instant and severe wd’s. Every cell of my body was on fire, I became drenched in sweat and quickly snorted 60mg of Opana to just stop the pain. Yes, I’m an idiot! Now I have a huge fear of Suboxone and don’t even want to try it. I’d prefer not to just trade addictions anyway. My question is how much lyposomal C might you recommend in my case (I will check with my sub doctor before taking any) and what is the shelf life of lyposomal C? I’ve had bottles sitting in my fridge for a year or more that I purchased from, (is it o.k. to say the name of the store??? please delete if needed,) 1 tsp. has 1200 mg and years ago that was all I had to take per dose to work. Now that amount does nothing. Any advice or info is appreciated and I plan to get some Calm Support to aid in restoring my brain chemistry and help prevent relapse as you stated somewhere in all this wealth of information you have so graciously shared for free!
Mary Price - Certified OAS Recovery Specialist
First let me start by providing you some accurate information about suboxone. The naloxone will only lead to precipitated withdrawal (which sounds like the hell you went through) if suboxone I’d used intravenously. When suboxone is used any other way, whether it’s sublingual, plugged or snorted, the naloxone will have no effect as a “blocker”. Buprenorphine alone, has such a high affinity for the receptors that it will knock off most opiates (opana in your case) from the receptors, throwing you into precipitated withdrawal. This is why, whether you’re using suboxone or subtext (does not contain naloxone ) you MUST WAIT until you are in withdrawal to take it. Opiate withdrawal happens as the opioid that occupies the receptors leaves them empty. You did not wait long enough. The info you were told about naloxone being the culprit is incorrect.
Moving on to your concern of being addicted to another substance….it does happen. However, we must remember that there is a difference between “addicted ” & “dependent”. If suboxone I’d used for an extended period of time, you more than likely will become dependent. Being “addicted” to suboxone is all in how you evolve in your recovery.
I’ll share a bit of my story. I was addicted to pain management medications that I received for chronic pain. At the end of my use, I was taking around 450mgs oxy & 150mgs of hydros, when I had enough. I started suboxone because I lost my pain dr. I didn’t start because I was seeking to recover, because honestly had I found another pain Dr quick enough, I would have chosen to go there. But I didnt, I found suboxone. I started it simply to get out of withdrawal. This put me in a “Recovery program” so I went with it, or better yet I’ll say I “faked it”. I attended the mandatory therapies so I would get my script. All the while, my mindset remained in active addiction. I treated suboxone the same as my Drug of choice. I overtook it; using it when I was stressed or needed a burst of energy. I “fronted” it to others (who sometimes wouldn’t pay me back ?). I ran out early and dealt with opiate withdrawal. So therefore, even though I was in this Recovery Program, I was still in active addiction.
This lasted for about a year! Then it hit me, “why in the hell am I doing this? I really do want my life back; the life I had BEFORE opioids!” This is when I took my recovery seriously. This is when I finally began to focus on all the issues that led me to medicating myself : pain, emotions, stress, energy, fear, etc. I began to HEAL psychologically.
When asked about my opinion on the different forms of MAT (medication assisted treatments): suboxone and methadone, I advocate it this way:
If someone is ADDICTED and DEPENDENT on opioids, they are suffering from a disease which has two components. The suffer from the physiological aspect of addiction which I call “the addict’so mindset”. The also are dealing with the physical aspect because their body has become dependent on opioids so stopping them suddenly will bring about horrific opiate withdrawal sickness. When an opiate addict uses suboxone or methadone for Opiate Addiction, this medication is not a cure, it’s simply used to take care of the symptoms of addiction, which are withdrawal & cravings. For example, say a person goes to the Dr for dizzy spells and other symptoms . This person is overweight and inactive. The tests show that they are diabetic. The Dr says, “I am prescribing you medicine that will help with the symptoms that you are having, HOWEVER…..YOU must WORK ON YOURSELF. Your way of doing things needs to change. You must stay AWAY from the types of food that’s bad for you. You have to learn how to deal with your emotions another way besides feeding them. The medicine will control your symptoms, which gives you the opportunity to make yourself better.Once you get healthier, you’ll no longer need the medication. ” This is exactly how I think of MAT; it’s medicine to keep the symptoms of opiate addiction in control, giving the patient time to work on themselves. If a patient is on an appropriate dose, their dependence remains steady; it doesn’t grow like the tolerance for other opioids will. Maintenance medication allows the person time to focus on only one part of the disease at a time: the psychological aspect. After much work and changes of people, places and things, that person gains the confidence that they can accomplish living “drug-free”. Then the taper can begin with the suboxone, allowing the patient to work on the second aspect of the disease: physical dependence.
I explained my opinion on how to use suboxone if the patient is both Addicted & Dependent. Using it as a Maintenance medication has worked very well for many. BUT…. there is a huge difference between someone being addicted & dependent and them being dependent only. Just because a person’s tolerance has risen doesn’t mean that this person is addicted. Both will have withdrawal, that’s just the pharmacological effects of this type of medication. A dependent person doesn’t use to self-medicate their emotions. They don’t surround themselves with others who share the addict lifestyle. They don’t seek a high. They don’t necessarily experience “cravings” other than the need to dose again to keep withdrawal symptoms away. They have simply become physically dependent to opioids, and if it wasn’t for the fear of having horrible withdrawal, they could stop.
So a physically dependent person doesn’t really need the same amount of time on MAT as one who’s also addicted. They don’t have the psychological issues to work through. For this person, I think it’s best for them to use suboxone for a quick taper; using only long enough to get past the acute withdrawal phase from their Drug of choice. This way the patient doesn’t extend their dependency by becoming dependent on suboxone. I’ve seen this work very well for some also.
The reason I now advocate for MAT for an opiate addict is because the older ways that have been around for awhile now, just aren’t working. The traditional 12-step program followed by NA has a failure rate that is close to 100% These “abstinence only” programs force the recovering addict to deal with both aspects, psychological and physical, at the same time and for many thus is just too much to handle at the same time.
With that being said, I think that the very first Avenue towards getting off of the opioid a person is taking, is to work with the Dr and explain that you need their help since you know that your body has become dependent. See if together you could work on tapering the current medication. The Dr may be able to offer you prescription medications to help symptoms you may have while you are tapering.
Finally (shew!?) the liposomal vit c…..I’m going to provide you with a link to an article that Matt wrote on HOW TO USE VITAMIN C FOR OPIATE WITHDRAWAL. I hope this answers your questions
Thanks for this wonderful resource. About 4 years ago, I quit cold turkey abusing hydrocodone (appx 80-100 mg/day). It sucked. But I managed to stay clean for about 3 years. About 9 months ago, I started using again due to some medical proceedures. Use quickly turned to abuse. I started back to using appx 80 mg Norcos per day. About 2 months ago started methadone. I am now down to about 15 mg per day. My question is can you use the vitamin c method in conjunction with kratom. I plan to use every and all tools available to quit. I am already in the loading phase and plan to be off of the methadone in 2 days. Thanks.
Mary Price - Certified OAS Recovery Specialist
Hi there. I was wondering if there is the kind of vitamin c you’re talking about in tablets or caplet form? I just think ill have better luck taking it & following through with this regimen if I don’t have to drink a whole cup of yucky/weird textured poweder lol I know that’s sad.. But it’s the truth 🙁 lol
Mary Price - Certified OAS Recovery Specialist
Yes. There are many different formulations and many different companies.
Thank you for replying! Would I be able to find them on Amazon? I looked but didn’t really see any.. I’m probably not looking for he right thing :/
I found the Dr. Mercola vitamin c capsules at my local vitamin shoppe. Should I still follow the regiment of the sodium ascorbate? Or should I go a different route?
Mary Price - Certified OAS Recovery Specialist
I believe these are liposome-encapsulated. Ive read research from Dr. Mercola that states that liposomal vitamin C provides better absorption than others, but this is a vastly new field of immunology and health. Even still, if this does happen to be true (that your chosen brand of vit c supplement provides better benefits), the only difference would be to start on the low end of the recommendations. I’d love to hear back from you to keep updated on your progress. Good Luck!
Hi Matt
I am planning on trying the vitamin c mega dose, however, i will not get the supplies you recommended till Wed. Is it ok if I use the vitamin c 1000 mg powder from vitamin shoppe in the meantime?
Mary Price - Certified OAS Recovery Specialist
Yes, any Vitamin C will do. The recommendation in the article is because sodium ascorbate is much easier on the stomach than ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate have both been used in studies with success, but since you’ll be taking 25-85 grams or more throughout the day, sodium ascorbate is recommended. Nutribiotic Sodium Ascorbate Powder is a high quality, non-bitter, and 100% pure pharmaceutical grade form of sodium ascorbate. However, if you are on a sodium restricted diet, this may not be good for you.
*Disclaimer- Any recommendations made on this site are not to be construed as medical advice. Please talk with your Dr before taking any supplements.
^^^ oh geez Mary! I’m a fool lol I totally didn’t see all of these comment. Thanks so much for the replies. I grabbed regular vit. C at the store.. Hopefully this stuff works. Didn’t see the recommended stuff.
Best damned detox and fewest symptoms ever. Thank you. Day four and other than a headache yesterday and today not knowing what to do with feeling like I’m starving and ready to go go go. ..I have my life back. I tried everything. Who knew it was this simple?
I ate two whole bunches of bananas over the past four days (I hate bananas! LOL) plus a box of fresh mushrooms to help with restless legs. Otherwise just mega dosing on vitamin C juice (emergen C for me) .
Thank you! I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop but it hasn’t! You saved my life.
P.s. four years behind me now
I have been on 40mg of OxyContin twice a day for a few years now. If I follow this protocol, do I still need to wean off it, or stop cold turkey?
Katie Norton
Also, Katie here, I understand about treating symptoms once withdrawal hits, but please tell me there’s something I can do while I’m tapering down to feel like I can do this.
I also know from expierence that Imodium in high high does help w/d. But the all time best solution is lyrica or Nuerotin. Although it might not work if you already take it, maby at a low does. Here’s the thing you have to ask your doctor to prescribe it either one. Lyrica works better and all the same you have to pop a high dose maby 1000mg + but it works!! No w/d at all nothing zero zip nada. Take it for as long as you have the w/d. You will sleep good and wake up feeling good. It will make you feel drunk the first week but it goes away as your tolerance builds up fast. You don’t want to use this long term even though it makes you feel great. P.s make sure to ask the doctor to give you refills and 100mg pills enough for 3 to 4x a day. Now with burrito a little different again get a script for the highest mg as possible for as many times per day that the doc will give you. They are not as potent but work all the same. The mg. may be higher than lyrica but say a 300mg Nuerotin is about the same as a 100 mg of lyrica. Nuerotin comes in generic lyrica does not. Again take a high does of Nuerotin until you get a baseline then take 1 pull every 4 -6 hrs as needed.
Both pills work as a GABA on your brain and gives it the ability to heal while you don’t suffer. It helps with PAWS too. You still want to take vitamins and eat eat eat throughout the whole process. These meds will make you eat and gain a few pounds. They are safe with a Drs consent although I wouldn’t tell him your taking high does like that. You won’t get them. But tell ur dr you situation and tell him you had friends get off the pills using this method.
I’m not a doctor or medical professional I’m not responsible for anything bad that happens. This method is written for educational reading and not so much as a how do guide. What you do and decide is on you. Covering my ass for those who don’t know there own limit or over do it. Start low and build up is the safest way. Good luck on your journey and I pray for a fast comftable pleasant expiernce. Just watch out for those PAWS symptoms there a bitch but good eating vitamins and close contact with your doctor will get you through it
Muzda Jonxx
Hi Matt,
Thanks so much for this page. I gave it a shot and was amazed to discover it actually does the trick. Mind blowing, after a 10 year addiction. I’ve started a Bluelight thread on this topic that’s gradually gaining evidence from a number of people that it actually works. Thought I’d link that here because there’s going to be a lot of aspiring ex-junkies that won’t try this because it seems so unbelievable.
Mary Price - Certified OAS Recovery Specialist
Congrats Muzda, on freedom after 10 long years!! It feels awesome, doesnt it? Im glad you’re spreading the word and feel free to include a link to this site on your forum.
OAS Recovery Specialist
Muzda Jonxx
Thanks Mary!
Feels great to be unshackled from mother O so easily, let’s hope I can stay that way. As they say, once the acute pain is over, the real hard work starts.
I have indeed linked this page on that BL page. I’m pleased to report that a few people have been replying with their positive experiences too. The more evidence we can amass, hopefully the more people will tune in to this therapy. I’m going to speak to my local drug addiction centre too, they’re a good charity and will hopefully be interested in this.
So, next week 7/11 will be officially 1 year that I am off Opiates. I started tapering off near the end of June and took the last of my half of a 5mg Norco on 7/11/15. Discovering this site and the Vitamin C method was a god send. I also smoked a lot of weed to relax me at night (falling asleep was a problem), but overall, the withdrawls were not nearly as bad as I’ve read. After the first few weeks, my energy improve dramatically, and by September I felt very good, though not 100%. I did have problems falling asleep very a while… (few months, though very little RLS). I would say by October/November, I was able to sleep really well. Thanks!
I did a mix of Vit C pills, drank a lot of OJ, took some of the DLPA pills, Epsom Salt baths, some DXM for week or so. I’m not sure if Valarian Root or Melatonin helped me sleep, but weed definitely help some. I felt that Swimming and getting in the Hot Tub helped me, especially with my low energy and unwillingness to exercise.
Still, I can not thank you and other users enough. 1 year soon 🙂
I bought Nature Made vitamin C 1000mg 300 tablets. So does that mean i bought the wrong vitamin c?
Mary Price - Certified OAS Recovery Specialist
The vitamin c you purchased if fine. The form of ascorbate that Matt recommends in his article is Sodium Ascorbate and its recommended simply because it is easier on the stomach than Ascorbic Acid; which is the form of Vitamin C in the supplement you purchased. It works just as well. Actually, if someone has a sodium restricted diet, hypertension (high blood pressure) or has a tendency to retain fluid, they should stay away from sodium ascorbate.
It worked!!! I can safely say that using Mega Dose of Vitamin C worked for me.
With very little side effects at all. I stopped using Percocet on Friday last week after 8 months of daily use and other than some sleeping aid and a little extra help with anxiety (which I stopped today) I felt really good.
I’m using Calm Support as well and I’m feeling relaxed and comfortable in my body and mind.
I’m lowering my dose of vitamin c now but plan to say on 5 grams a day to keep myself healing and getting stronger and fitter.
Thank You Matt for your Amazing Work and help you offer.
Your an Angel and a Blessing???
Tom Cornwell
I work for a psychiatrist who prescribes Suboxone. We have both been reading the material on your site as well as authors of related material. One thing that was bothering me for the past year is how nobody ever really gets off of Suboxone – they may leave the practice for various reasons; move away, relapse, go to prison, get deported, relapse, etc. …
I’ve had conversations with the doctor about Vit. C therapy, withdrawal and PAWS and he is all for it. I discussed it with one patient who was very motivated to get off the Suboxone program and get his life back to normal. He was already down to 1/8mg/day with WD was kicking in. He started dosing with Vit. C and saw immediate improvement, but he told me that it was raising hell with his stomach. I told him that he must switch over to a liposomal Vit. C, which he finally found in a local health food store. After switching over, he saw immediate improvement. He had Mercola’s product, then switched to a liquid version, which he felt was superior and has stayed on that since. He is taking Loperamide and Tagament, as recommended by a pharmacist and is doing fine. His biggest complaint had been lack of sleep, but is sleeping fine since starting the liposomal C. Basically, he has been telling me that WD THIS time is a walk in the park. He calls in to talk every couple of days just to debrief. He sounds good, is excited to be off of all opiates/opioids and getting his life back together.
Playing devil’s advocate, I don’t expect all of our other Suboxone patients to have such an easy time, but we’ll see – and we WILL see, because we’re encouraged enough to get them all on a fast track to becoming opiate-free instead of loping through the program month after month, year after year.
My advice to people encouraged to go on the Vit. C protocol is to do it and to follow Matt’s protocol as per this article. Just do it and you can tweak it as you go along. I think it would be good if Matt introduced the liposomal C early in the article instead of waiting until toward the end, since it is that important.
Thank you.
Vitamin C megadose is often one of the safest things you can try for a number of health issues, with a decent chance for success and minimal downside if it doesn’t work. (Indeed, megadose C has a better safety profile than many common prescription medications.)
One important exception to Vitamin C’s safety that I don’t see on this page or in the comments is this:
Some people have a genetic mutation that limits their ability to produce adequate levels of the G6PD enzyme necessary for metabolizing Vitamin C, and they can develop hemolytic anemia from large doses. If you’re considering megadose C, also consider being tested for this genetic condition. If you seek the care of a holistic MD, this test will likely be included in the initial workup, as it was in my case.
Hi i’m joe and i been on pain killers for 14 years now cause i have pain in my body 24/7 i wanted to try weed to see if it would help but wanted to be off the pills so after reading this i tried it and IT WORKS!!!!!!! i have had NO withdrawal and it as been four days! this can save so many people who want to stop the pills! PLEASE people if you want off this is how. i think i know why this is being kept quite cause it works and will make the government lose money,also i can see how this also can be abused if the person still wants to do drugs.but to the ones who have had enough then this is the way,good luck everybody!
Matt Finch
So cool to read about your success Joey! Thanks for sharing your experience! Take care. 🙂
Should we use the same protocol for dosing (1,000’s of mgs every 2 hours) with the Liposomal Vitamin C? Because that can become very expensive considering it’s $35+tax&shipping for Dr. Mercola’s formula which is only 180 1,000mg capsules. Please help.
Thank you, Looking forward to being off the mdone!
Matt Finch
According to what I’ve read, liposomal C has a much higher absorption rate, and much less bowel intolerance, so in theory one could use much less than if using non-liposomal C.
Lynda Kirkness
I have been on fentanyl and gabapentin for less than one year. Do I stop taking these drugs “cold turkey” or wean off of them.i. I don’t want to experience any pain. I have bone cancer and sciatica pain. Do I take lots of vitamin c for a few days before I rip off the fentanyl patches? I am very happy about your experience.
Does regular Vitamin C (as in the dietary supplement pills that can be purchased at a drug store) work as well? I’m asking because I only have (7) 10mg Percocets and (7) 10mg Vicoden left. And no money to purchase anything else at the moment. I also have a Rx for Klonopin which, from what I understand, will help with my anxiety and sleep issues. I have Vitamin B Complex pills. And ONE single suboxone for emergency purposes only. Do you think that weaning down with the last 14 opiate pills that I have, the Vitamin C and B, the Klonopin, a high protein diet, immodium or other anti-diarreah and staying away from red meats will get me throught his comfortably? I can’t take any time off from work right now. So I figured I’d start weaning today (on a Monday) and hope that the worst part of withdrawals will hit me on the weekend. Besides walking (or any other exercise that I can force myself to do) and the above mentioned pills/diet/supplements…. Is there any other advice that you can give me? By Friday I’ll have a couple of dollars to spend on anything else that I may need, but I can’t spend a lot. I need to try and do this the cheapest and most cost effective way possible. Help!?
What helped me was Dr. Mercola Liosomal Vitamin C! I got a bottle of 60 for 15.00! Pretty cheap! They do not cause you to have an upset stomach like regular Vitamin C! You can click on Matt’s link right above your story and get 180 for 39.00, to get you thru a longer phase of withdrawals! It helped me alot! I had almost no cravings! If you buy the DLPA also around 9.00, it helps with you not having cravings for any drugs! About a day or two before you run out of pills, start taking the liposomal vitamin c, about every 3 hours, to start and when you run out of pills double up on this brand of c, like take 2 every 2 hours until you don’t have any withdrawals! I was taking 2 every 2 hours once I took my last pill! This lasted for about 3 days, then I started cutting back! So if you start 2 days before your last pills, with the c, then when you take your last pill, double up on the c, for about another 3 days, and just see how you feel, and you might need to keep taking one or two every few hours depending on your system and withdrawals! It is not a magic pill but it worked for me! And I have been on Dilaudid 4mg for 18 months, using it IV! So this is one of the less expensive ways to try! Just for your info, what worked for me might not work for everybody! And there are some pretty negative reviews on Matt’s link above, (Amazon) but when you look at the Questions people asked you see it is a good reputable brand! It works, believe me! My story is a few below this! Good luck! Lane
Thank you Lane. However, I can’t seem to get a straight answer on the milligrams vs grams issue of a Absorbic Acid & Sodium A or Jules’ response which states to use ‘LIMSOMOL’ vit. C, as directed by Dr Mercola, approx how often, etc. Every other link takes me back to the sodium powder in juice ( which seems like an excellent method) but for right now, until I get paid or until I run out of a Absorbic (1000 mg CAPLETS), I can’t afford the sodium powder!! So, now my question is, is liomsomol the same as a Absorbic & if yes, how many milligrams per 2-3 hrs ? I don’t mean to be stubborn or bitchy (I’m not trying to be) but, could someone just tell me, yes or no, is a Absorbic, liomsomol or sodium powder rate of milligrams & dosage (I.e, time to take, every 2-3 hrs/1000 mg-2500 going UP each day as a mega dose preparation ) using regular a Absorbic C the same milligrams as liomsomol or sodium powder ??? I’m getting down to the wire on my methadone, will be running out by tomorrow night & just need a straight answer. All the links provided, I’ve read them all, take me back to Sodium powder. HELP!!!
Sorry, in Lane’s reply, a time frequency is given but, not the milligram strength. This is for the ‘Liomsomol ‘ method by Dtr Mercola. Tx again, Robin
Matt Finch
Liposomal C is still ascorbic acid, however, it is covered by a lipid layer so more of the ascorbic acid is absorbed, and there is less bowel intolerance as well. There is no set dosage as everyone is biochemically unique with varying levels of opioid dependence severity. It’s a personal and intuitive process to figure out how much to use. As the study I referred to said, they used as much sodium ascorbate fruit juice mix as possible, and when there was bowel intolerance, they lowered the dose to find the sweet spot.
Like Matt said, there is no set dosage, and the Liposomal Vitamin C is 1000 mg per capsule! Yes the Liposomal C is made up of Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C! So take what you feel like your body is asking for! I took two of the liposomal Vitamin C because that is what kept me from having withdrawals. If you feel like you can take less, then try it, but if you start to feel like you are going to have withdrawals, then up the dose back to two. You might even need to take 3 depending on your body chemistry, and the drugs you took, plus how long you have been addicted! You can play around with the dosage depending on your on body needs, and what your body tells you, to keep from having withdrawals! I was taking one every couple of hours by day 5, but I have only been taking my prescription Dilaudid 4mg, for a year and a half! And the shelf life of IV dilaudid, is about 4-5 hours! ( I read this on another site regarding the shelf life)
Thank you Lane. I’m trying to kick methadone 10mg. 3-5 per day-2 yrs on this, 15-20 yrs on various opioids. From herniated disc/lower back together with chronic gastrointestinal pancreatic problems. I won’t be pain free – who is? – but My goal is to get off methadone & if I have to be hospitalized – yet again – be put on a low dose of norco or equivalent – TEMPORARILY-& TRULY an as needed basis, not thru pain mgmt., like I am now. Is that too much to ask ? So, I’m jumping off methadone tonight. I took my last 2 2 hrs ago. Thank you & Matt. Y’all are angels ??❤️?
First I would like to say thank you thank you thank you Matt for all your incredible guidance and help. You are truly heaven sent! I also would like to thank everybody that takes the time to comment on here because reading your experiences and feedback and insight has been incredibly helpful as well. And so now it’s my turn to share. I apologize now it’s a bit long-winded…
A little back ground on myself I’ve been taking methadone for about two years and was at 50mgs when I jumped off cold turkey. I’ve attempted to stop three times, the first time was without any supplements or knowledge of what was to come, and that lasted about two days 🙁 the second time was with the help of Kratom BUT I was having problems taking the required amount to make the hell of withdrawal at least something I could handle. Because I had gastric bypass surgery my stomach and absorption is not normal. Unfortunately, I ended throwing up most of the time and crying in the shower and that hell lasted 4 days :'(
After pouring over and reading over tons and tons of forums and websites I came up with my battle plan below and I have to say…. WOW…!!!! this time has been completely different and thus far I’m on day 10 and looking forward to day 11. I would never wish Methadone withdrawal hell on anyone!!! Or any opiate withdrawal for that matter. I want more anything to help anyone I can to break free of this drug. I’m sorry this is so long and my grammar is crap…. But if this can help even just one person then it’s totally worth it.
I am currently doing the Mega Dose Vit C using Liposomal Vit C (which I order off of Amazon) and I can 110% vouch that I literally feel almost normal…The one thing I can’t help with my game plan is sleep. This insomnia is fierce I average 1-3 hours of sleep per day. I’m tired and sluggish…but considering my body is trying to rid and reset this is to be expected….I’d rather lose sleep then deal with the insane hell of hot/freezing chills, burning pin needle skin feeling, constant full body sweating, constantly runny nose and horrible RLS both in my legs and arms (I normally have to take prescribed Requip for my RLS and I tried tripling my dosage and it didn’t touch my withdrawal exacerbated RLS symptoms at all?), depression, anxiety, serious irritability with seriously dark suicidal thoughts…..the Vit C with my other supplements has cleared all the physical and mental symptoms…. my only issue is cramping in my legs and insomnia…I use a little Kratom to help the pain in my legs and so that leaves me only dealing with insomnia…I got lazy on day 6 and didn’t take much of my Vit C and I went through hell that night with my RLS….finally I realized “oh crap” didn’t take much VIT C and slammed down 5 GRAMS (5,000mg) with a little orange juice and down the hatch like a shot it goes…(the Liposomal Vit C is in a liquid gel like consistency that doesn’t taste so great…but…the oj takes care of the taste and it’s totally worth it!!) and after about 20mins I was back to normal and could actually lay down and sleep for about an hour or two and lay with my eyes closed without incident. along with mega dosing 2-5grams of Vit C every 2-4 hours while awake I’ve been taking faithfully everyday Milk thistle, B 12,5-HTP, DL-Phenylalanine, GABA –Theanine lozenge, Tulsi Tea (3 cups per day). Now keep in mind I started taking these (dosage taken as recommended on each label) about a week before I jumped off to try and flood my system before I starved my body of the effects of Methadone.
One important thing I want to add is that I am still using about 1/2 to 1 tsp of Red Vein Borneo Kratom when I have break through symptoms and that’s been happening about 2-3 times per day.
Whelp I think that about covers it ? again sorry it’s so long but I hope it helps….thank you again Matt and I wish you all the very best where ever you maybe in your journey…ill try to post again just to keep everyone posted on my progress…Cheers Hope…
Matt Finch
Thanks for sharing your amazing experience!!!!!! This is excellent stuff and I appreciate you taking the time to leave such a detailed comment and adding value to this forum. Looking forward to your next progress report. 🙂
Hey Matt, thank you for the kind words….let me just say that anyone doing the Vit C method….do not under any circumstances run out of Vit C…….? Because I’ve been feeling really really good I got lazy with ordering and ran out around Midnight last night…I have liquid ascorbic acid and the powdered Emergen-C Vit C both of which killed my tummy but did provide a little relief….I managed to get through most of the day (1hr of sleep in 24)…but as the late afternoon set in and still no Amazon smiley face of salvation ? My RLS started flaring really bad and both my arms and legs started flying…my back, feet and quads felt like they were on fire and cooking from the inside out. I also developed a new symptom today….I started experiencing electric zaps in the tips of my fingers and toes as well as on my tongue ? i’m presuming that this could have something to do with the neurotransmitters firing off like crazy trying to possibly reset… ? so after my shipment arrived I had to pound 17g of of the Liposomal Vit c and 1tsp of RVB Kratom and now here I sit 4hrs later feeling much much better…..every symptom is now just a dull annoyance… legs feel like they’ve run a marathon and well I’ll probably end up taking another 1/2-1tsp of Kratom because they are hurtin pretty good ? I’ll be curious how my gut responds to that much Vit C. Thus far I’ve had soft stool and lots of gas which is not bad at all! Also I forgot to add in my last post that I haven’t had much of an appetite but I have been able to eat really small light meals once a day and keep it down. I have lost about 7lbs and well presume I’ll probably lose some more….I’ll try to keep you posted on things go overnight into tomorrow….stay strong guys….roll on day 11 ?
Thank you Matt. I’m starting the Imodium tonight & will basically be following the Thomas method. My Valium supply is low so I’ll have to weigh that carefully for 5-6 days. Zanaflex REALLY helps with sleep but have to be careful in case of joint aches – dual purpose. For anyone out there who hasn’t tried it, any kind of “pm/pain reliever ” has been working great for me. The basic ingredient in these are diphenhydramine HCI 25 mg per tab/dose is 2 at bedtime.
Thank you again Matt. I always stop what I’m doing immediately when I see an email from you come in. There’s a special place in heaven waiting for you. I can’t even imagine how many people you’ve helped. ???
Matt Finch
🙂 🙂 🙂 !!!!
Good luck Robin! Sending positive vibes your way! <3
Hi Matt my name is John and my girlfriend is being detoxed off methadone by her clinic 10mg every 3 days and is currently at 60mg down from 140mg and will be off methadone April 14 her biggest complaint seems to be pain I am going to try the Calm Support along with DPLA and Mega Vitamin C from your post any suggestions would be appreciated – should I start her asap or wait till she gets to a lower dose – also can I purchase the DPLA and Liposomal vitamin c over the counter – thank you
I’m on 80mg of methadone and going to try this please let me know I need to start before the 14th maybe.
Tami Lee
Having detoxed from Methadone twice within the last 13 years, I strongly suggest that you take your girlfriend to the emergency room so that they can prescribe medications that will help her withdraw symptoms. Going down from 140 mg at the rate of 10 mg every 3 days is a lot, too much really.
I went down from 80 mg to 0 in a period of four months, and it was not too fun! Sleep was an ongoing problem for me because I would start to get withdraw symptoms every night. Even when I was completely off of Methadone it took a few months before I felt at all normal.
I am certainly not a medical professional but I have had a lot of success taking Gabapentin 300 mg.
It really helps diminish the painful symptoms of opiate withdraw.
I also had some success taking 10 mg of Melatonin (a vitamin) every night to help me sleep.
Good luck!
Matt Finch
These are all over-the-counter dietary supplements so no prescriptions needed.
Hello Mr.Matt
I’ve read this article from top to bottom, I’ve read every single comment. But still hard to believe that this protocol will help me avoid withdrawals. I’m on H, 3 months now, and sniffing 2gz daily.
I understand that I’ve done a big mistake, despite the fact that i knew the consequences before i start.
I know why I’ve done it and I know why I want to quit. I weight 100 kg, that’s about 200 pounds.
Today i went to the pharmacy , and bought :
-6 boxes IMODIUM 200mg x 6 tabs
-1 box Tagamet 400mg x 25 tabs
-6 bottles of ascorbic acid 1000mg x 60 chewable form. (You state that it works as well)
-along with one bottle of Vitamin E 30 caps x 265 mg each.
But when i said to my pharmacist that i want Vit E for better absorption of Vit C , he told me, that a human body, even in an unhealthy condition does not absorb more than 300 mg daily, and that companies who sell Vitamin C even @ 500 mg have excessive mentality.He also told me that the only side effect is kidney stones, after
1)So if that is true how Vitamin C Mega doses help ?
2)Anyone knows how much percent of W.S can be avoided with this V.C protocol ? MAX LESS ? 3)Does this work for everyone ?
4)Will people who live in the same house with me understand anything ?
5)Are my supplies enough for my body weight ? (I think that I need a lot more Imodium according to your Imodium article)
Please Mr. help me, I want to escape from this hell. That drug has nothing to do with me my character, or my style.
6) Will this protocol help me to avoid cold feelings, anxiety, panic, restless legs, negative thinking ?
I am so F… scared and terrorized only of thinking going through this….
Please Mr.Matt , does this Vit C method works for real ? I can not load or even announce this problem to my family, they will not be able to manage it, they will die out of grief .
Can you make a 2d chart, of Heroin detox methods ? Vertical line: will show how much percent W.S are being avoided , and Horizontal Line, will show how much time it takes.
from Cold Turkey to Ibogaine . and annotate the dangers, or the advantages. For example:
a)Subotex is more addictive , has a lot more withdrawals , with out the pleasurable feeling.
b)Ibogaine takes only 24h but there is a 0.01 chance patient might dies … etc.
Hi, well I’ve been reading some of the comments on here and its so great to see how well some are going. Ive come to a stand still with my tapering. Its been a nightmare. I get down to about 20mcg of the Duragesic patch and I can’t get any further. The sweats and chills are constant. I have heart palpitations with them and they make my legs go weak. I can’t go out because I’m sweating so much. I’ve tried sage, magnesium, the vit c, immodium, tulsa tea, vit d, etc. I’m at a loss. I tried going up a little in dose to let my body adjust but nothing seems to work. I’ve used 10mg oxycontin too but no help there. I can’t just go cold turkey due to health probs so I’m stuck. I have noticed an increase in fibromyalgia pain and pain from back and neck issues but not as bad as I thought. One blessing!
I just need help with these sweats. I can’t get clonadine. Its on script here and its not something I can take due to other health issues.
Any ideas for help. Please! Im desperate.
Well I stopped taking any oxycontin since I felt they were making the sweats and chills worse. I have had worse symptoms since but figure its just added withdrawals from them and I’m feeling better after 3 days of no oxycontin. I tried a half valium and also some Chinese meds from a Chinese practitioner and it actually eased the sweats a little. I have limited valiums so will take half for a few days and see how it goes. Ive also been taking more vitamins. This is such a nightmare. I can’t go cold turkey yet I’ve been withdrawing for over 3 months. Im just so tired. I have insomnia and normally only get 2 to 3 hrs broken sleep each night, but now I’m lucky to get an hour. Im so pissed that I was never told about all this before I started using the fentanyl. Admittedly I had tried so many other things for my pain and had few options left but still some info should have been given about how hard it is to get off. Life has been a constant struggle for the past 12 yrs, since my work accident and Ross River Fever and I’m so tired of struggling to keep my head above water. Ive had 52 strokes, aneurysms, heart surgery, brain surgery, numerous other surgery and all that goes with my condition. When they told me I was going to die slowly and painfully I never imagined this on top. Its all getting a bit much. Not sure how much more I can take. I only wanted to have less pain to spend time with my husband, children and beautiful grandchildren, with this I don’t even have the energy to do that. Sorry for the sad message. Feeling a bit down.
Hi Kath – I weaned off of opiates on August 1. My fibromyalgia pain has gotten horrible since coming off opiates and my energy is non exsistant. I wanted to respond to have you as I have had similar issues. I wanted to suggest that you do some research on some things that have helped me tremendously. The first is low dose naltrexone. Research has confirmed that it helps the majority of pain in fibromyalgia patients. It works in many other conditions as well. The importance is that it is LOW DOSE. I don’t think this can be started until you are off of opiates. In fact some clinics use it in opiate detox as it blocks opiate receptors reducing cravings and withdrawal. (I found out about it several months after coming off) Many physicians are not aware of this treatment as there is no money in it for drug companies to do studies as it has been available in high dose for decades. I convinced my physician to prescribe it and it was miraculous. Another treatment for people with brain mediated pain problems like fibromyalgia and other conditions is Ketamine IV therapy. Again, this has shown excellent promise, but, can be expensive and is not covered by insurance. I also have depression and it has helped that issue as well as my severe fatigue.
As for getting off of the fentanyl, all I can say is I know how hard it is. I was literally in bed for two months after completing the weaning. After that, it was difficult to hold my head up when in a sitting position. When I did it I followed a withdrawal program I found online called The Thomas protocol. I will paste it at the end of this message.
I don’t think there is any way to not have withdrawal symptoms. (If this vit c thing doesn’t work. I didn’t know about it or I would have tried.) For me, because I weaned for quite awhile, the physical symptoms (diarrhea, sneezing, chills, sweating, pain, runny eyes) only lasted four days. The severe fatigue, anxiety, weakness and pain went on many months. I am eight months out now and I am still not over it. Of course, I can’t determine how much is PAWS and how much is Fibromyalgia and other medical problems. Recent lab worked revealed very high levels of inflammation in my body and I am getting ready to start Lipo vitamin C and several other supplements.
It is a wonderful feeling to be free of opiates. The low dose naltrexone has been much more effective for pain, it is not addictive and there are no side effects. For me, I just resolved myself to the fact that I was doing this no matter what and I knew what I was going to be dealing with and just went through it. The Thomas protocol definitely made it easier. It will be worth it on the other side. Opiates make fibromyalgia worse.
I just did a search on withdrawing from fentanyl. Someone posted that there is a patch that has 5 micrograms…. I would say to check with your physician of course, but, continue to wean further on the patch if your symptoms are unbearable. It sounds like you have a lot of additional medical issues and I am so sorry for your struggles. Low dose naltrexone has been effective for many conditions as it also boost the immune system. It has been an effective treatment for Lyme disease as well and wonder if it would help your Ross River Sickness. If you need help in finding this information and research let me know and I will send some links.
God Bless you in your struggles…. Suzanne – 56 yo
Default The Thomas Recipe – For Opiate Withdrawal
I found this reading the board, but decided to post it again for those who haven’t found it and for all us “newbies”. Peace and good luck to all of those here stuggling with addicition.
“PLEASE NOTE: I am not a doctor, simply a long-time Rx opiate junkie who has had many opportunities to develop a way to detox. This is a recipe for at-home self-detox from opiates based on my experience as well as that of many other addicts. It is not intended as professional medical advice. It is always wise to make sure none of the recipe ingredients or procedures conflict with medications you may be taking. Likewise, if you have any medical condition, disease, allergy or any other health issue, consult your doctor before using the recipe. Thanks, Thomas
If you can’t take time off to detox, I recommend you follow a taper regimen using your drug of choice or suitable alternate — the slower the taper, the better.
For the Recipe, You’ll need:
1. Valium (or another benzodiazepine such as Klonopin, Librium, Ativan or Xanax). Of these, Valium and Klonopin are best suited for tapering since they come in tablet form. Librium is also an excellent detox benzo, but comes in capsules, making it hard to taper the dose. Ativan or Xanax should only be used if you can’t get one of the others.
2. Imodium (over the counter, any drug or grocery store).
3. L-Tyrosine (500 mg caps) from the health food store.
4. Strong wide-spectrum mineral supplement with at least 100% RDA of Zinc, Phosphorus, Copper, Magnesium and Potassium (you may not find the potassium in the same supplement).
5. Vitamin B6 caps.
6. Access to hot baths or a Jacuzzi (or hot showers if that’s all that’s available).
How to use the recipe:
Start the vitamin/mineral supplement right away (or the first day you can keep it down), preferably with food. Potassium early in the detox is important to help relieve RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). Bananas are a good source of potassium if you can’t find a supplement for it.
Begin your detox with regular doses of Valium (or alternate benzo). Start with a dose high enough to produce sleep. Before you use any benzo, make sure you’re aware of how often it can be safely taken. Different benzos have different dosing schedules. Taper your Valium dosage down after each day. The goal is to get through day 4, after which the worst WD symptoms will subside. You shouldn’t need the Valium after day 4 or 5.
During detox, hit the hot bath or Jacuzzi as often as you need to for muscle aches. Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of hot soaks. Spend the entire time, if necessary, in a hot bath. This simple method will alleviate what is for many the worst opiate WD symptom.
Use the Imodium aggressively to stop the runs. Take as much as you need, as often as you need it. Don’t take it, however, if you don’t need it.
At the end of the fourth day, you should be waking up from the Valium and experiencing the beginnings of the opiate WD malaise. Upon rising (empty stomach), take the L-Tyrosine. Try 2000 mgs, and scale up or down, depending on how you feel. You can take up to 4,000 mgs. Take the L-Tyrosine with B6 to help absorption. Wait about one hour before eating breakfast. The L-Tyrosine will give you a surge of physical and mental energy that will help counteract the malaise. You may continue to take it each morning for as long as it helps. If you find it gives you the “coffee jitters,” consider lowering the dosage or discontinuing it altogether. Occasionally, L-Tyrosine can cause the runs. Unlike the runs from opiate WD, however, this effect of L-Tyrosine is mild and normally does not return after the first hour. Lowering the dosage may help.
Continue to take the vitamin/mineral supplement with breakfast.
As soon as you can force yourself to, get some mild exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, etc. This will be hard at first, but will make you feel considerably better.
Matt Finch
Here is an article I wrote awhile back on this Thomas Recipe:
The Thomas Recipe Eases Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms
Thankyou Matt.
Matt is Calm Support available in Australia? Ive looked but can’t find anything similar here. I can’t take valarian or St John’s Wort.. (I think thats the other thing that’s supposed to help) I’m still taking the vit c daily which has stopped most of the symptoms except the sweats and chills. The fentanyl causes sweating which I was getting from that to start with. Any other suggestions for it? Reading your replies to others and reading other’s stories give me hope..I’m so determined to be free of this.. pain is there regardless…my dream is to be well enough to go for a run again. .I’ll get there one way or another..
Any suggestions would be so appreciated.
Matt Finch
I heard from a woman in Florida that Calm Support is not available there. She was pretty bummed out. My suggestion is to review the following article, as it shows you how to use individual nutrients to make your own formula for acute or post acute symptoms. Then you can see which ones are available in Australia and go from there.
Opiate Withdrawal Remedies Review
Thanks Matt,
Ill have a look and see what I can find. There are so many helpful ideas out there but it gets a bit overwhelming to try them all. Im trying to stick with this as it seems to be the one thats actually helped so far. Once I see Drs and get blood pressure under control I think ill feel a lot better. It’s honestly one of the hardest most relentless things I’ve done. I just cant wait to feel normal again, pain or no pain I want this stuff out of my life. I constantly feel like a failure, and feel like im letting my family down. Ive been away from them so long not being able to give them my full self. It almost seems the closer I get the further away freedom is. Im going to beat this though. I have to.
Matt Finch
Keep holding on to the vision of how awesome it will be to feel normal again, and self-forgiveness is difficult, but it helps more than you know to forgive yourself, to accept yourself, and to love yourself. On the flip side, feeling bad about things can also be a really powerful motivator to change. You’re doing so well Kath. I’m very proud of you! And you ARE going to beat this. Life after opiate dependence is amazing, and you’ll get to create a whole new identity. It’s true Freedom. You’ll get there soon. The struggle and pain is worth it, because you’ll be that much STRONGER after overcoming this challenge.
Hi Matt-I just ret’d from the store. I had written down the vitamin c supp but wound up letting the guy talk me into ‘high potency vitamin c (as Ascorbic Acid) 1000 mg callers & a pill splitter. Is the mg. rate the same as you described for the powder u mix with the juice? I have everything else, loperamide, Valium, zanaflex, a few zolpidem (ambien), pm’s – my sleeping has been fine. If anything, I’m sleeping too much, enough methadone to last several days if I need it, I’m trying too kick methadone; 1×3-5 daily. Thank you, AGAIN for your always appreciated assistance. Pls try & let me know as soon as you can, I won’t start this vitamin c until I hear back. I know how busy you are tho. I’m just can’t stand this heat/sweating & don’t want too take the methadone. Thanks again
Sorry Matt that should have read 1000 mg CAPLETS. Damn autocorrect.
Does ANYONE know if the conversion rate of the vitamin c powder is the same if using 1000 mg caplets? I need to start this & want to make sure I’m taking the correct amount. Anyone that knows, please let me know as soon as you can. Thank you very much.
Hi Suzanne, thankyou for your kind reply. Congratulations on your success! I have looked into the Thomas Recipe before. Unfortunately its not really suitable for me to do all of it. I am lucky that my symptoms are all minor with the vit c and other vitamins I’m taking. Also using Chinese Medicine from a practitioner. My one huge issue is I have many strokes due to a brain disease caused from complication from surgery gone wrong and my blood pressure keeps spiking with the sweats which is causing more minor strokes and heart problems. I’ve had to see Dr’s and am waiting to see my pain Dr (hopefully this week) to get things sorted out. He does not want me off the fentanyl because I have tried so many other things for pain and I have pain issues from different things. The fibro being one of them. I also have back and neck problems that require surgery but due to strokes and aneurysms its a big risk. Also have pain issues from calcific tendinitis and rheumatoid arthritis, and muscle degenerative problems from strokes. The list goes on. To think only 13 yrs ago I was a fitness nut, working long hours nursing and leading a very active life.. being unwell is a tough lesson so it seems unfair to have to deal with withdrawals on top! Poor me lol.
I dont know if they do naltrexone like that here in Australia. Im glad you found relief. I’m lucky I also dont get cravings as such, its only the physical withdrawals, the sweats, that are my problem, along with fatigue. I’ve held off on my tapering until I see pain Dr. I probably shouldn’t have tried to do it by myself, I just wanted off, and am too stubborn for my own good. My pain is definitely a problem. .not sure how ill handle that one but ill see what Dr’s say. Id love to just take the patches off and get it over with but can’t because of the darn heart and stroke problems. Im lucky I’ve only had a few small strokes with a little left over weakness in one arm and leg lately but I get scared I’ll have a larger one. My biggest took me 2 yrs to learn how to walk, talk and do the most basic things like reading etc again. I don’t want to go through that again.
Thankyou again for replying. Its a lonely journey but comforting to be able to talk to others who understand how hard it is.
I hope you’re doing well.
I am not sure that I am fully understanding how much vitamin c to take for my body weight.
I have fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain syndrome. Doctors didn’t know what to do with me so they just kept kicking me down the chain until one finally sent me to pain management.
The doctors at pain management initially promised to help me find natural solutions to combat my illnesses but decided that I need to control the pain while we found the right natural treatments. That was all B.S. They had no intention of helping me to get well. Instead, I have been on Norco 10/325 4x day and Robaxin 750 2x day for four years now. I took myself off the Robaxin. It’s non-narcotic so that wasn’t hard but the damn pain pills!!! My body is dependent on them. What’s worse, every three hours, a seriously crappy mood hits me as well as cold chills and sweats. This happens through out the day and night
I don’t sleep, my fibro symptoms have gotten worse by far and I literally feel like I am dying. I have even considered just walking out into the woods and shooting myself. The fact that I have three children is all that has stopped me.
I have a pain management appointment in two days. I have decided not to go. Why pay another $350.00 just to have them tell me, yet again, that I will have to take these pills for the rest of my life when I know they are killing me?
I want to start detoxing in the morning. I am DONE living this way. Please help me understand the dosage of vitamin C for a 135 pound woman. Also, I have some 4mg zanaflex. Should I use it to help ease symptoms or just go with the vitamin c and immodium?
I stopped the pain pills yesterday and fully expected to feel like utter crap today. I don’t!
The only vitamin C that I could find in my area that isn’t ascorbic acid was Ester C. It’s calcium ascorbate and easy on the stomach. I have been taking one 1,000 mg. tablet per hour. I also bought B complex, niacin, D3 and immodium.
After one loose stool, the immodium took care of that. I have read numerous studies that say to take the vitamin C until you have that first loose stool and then back off. That is what I have been doing. The B complex, niacin and D3 (only taken once per day) seem to help with energy levels.
I am not going to claim to feel 100%. I am tired and had a mild fever earlier. The sneezing has started but isn’t nearly as serious as it was the last time I tried to get off these pills. Energy levels are low but not devastating like any other time I tried to stop the pills.
Point of interest; I called to cancel my next pain management appointment today and explained why. They could not have cared less. She actually said, “Now I can get Mr. So and so in.” If I’m not giving them my $350.00, I suppose someone else will. There was no offer to taper me off or any concern what so ever for the decline in my health due to these drugs. Just -we’ll fill that slot.
I slept last night for the first time in four years. Normally I go to bed at 4 a.m. Last night I went to bed at 10 p.m. and didn’t wake until 10:30 this morning! I didn’t wake up wishing I was dead for the first time in forever! I actually woke up in a good mood and in so much less pain than normal. Makes me wonder if I am on the right track to heal myself through food and supplements. I’m gonna try!
I’ll keep you posted.
Matt Finch
Hi Rebecca,
To my understanding, from what I learned it doesn’t have to do with body weight. It has to do with severity of opioid dependence. I can’t tell you what to take because I’m not your doctor. If it were me I would use the vitamin C and Imodium, then also use the zanaflex as needed, especially before bed to help sleep, as the muscle relaxing properties could also help to ease the stomach discomfort from mega-dosing C. Rebecca I healed from chronic pain after many traditional and alternative treatments did not work for me.
I highly recommend that you check out this book which changed my life: The Great Pain Deception: Faulty Medical Advice Is Making Us Worse
Disclaimer: This comment is for educational use only, it is not medical advice. Please speak with your healthcare provider before trying any supplements or medications.
its all about titrating to bowel tolerance. great resource here!
Thank you for the link. I ordered the book!
Day three: A little nauseous but nothing that one Dramamine couldn’t handle. Still a little sluggish but I was able to cook dinner for my family without running out of energy.
I took one zanaflex around 4 p.m. for leg cramps but it is now 11 p.m and I’m still all right.
I have been taking one gram of vitamin C per hour (1,000 mg). I still haven’t reached bowel tolerance but I really don’t think that I need more than I have been taking since I am not dealing with the hot and cold sweating, restless legs and all over aches and pains. I’m stunned at how well this therapy works and I wish that I had found it sooner!
Funnily enough, I am also not dealing with the normal fibro and cmps pain that I normally do. I firmly believe that the opioids were causing more pain than they were helping.
I am still taking the B Complex, Vitamin E, Calcium, magnesium and zinc and D3 once a day. I have also added juicing. I am determined to heal myself without pain management.
I think I’m well on my way considering that three days ago, I couldn’t get out of bed before I took my pills. I was in too much pain. I had to wait for the meds to kick in before I could get up. Now, with just vitamin C and a few others in the evening, I don’t hurt? WTH? It makes me think that I have just been missing the right nutrients all along!
I’m actually sleeping now -which stuns me. 3 a.m. has been my earliest bedtime for years and I still couldn’t get restorative sleep. I have been going to bed around this time each night for three nights now and I sleep through the night.
I am by no means through the wood yet after only three days but holy cow! This has been a godsend! I expected to walk through hell when I decided to come off the opioids but that isn’t the case. I don’t even crave them. It’s like it’s no big deal that I’m not taking them now. Maybe part of it is the fact that I so badly wanted off of them. Part of it is definitely the vitamin C therapy. I am so grateful to have found this site.
Day five: Today really sucked. Storms came in and with them, pain.
No sleep last night. I keep getting heart palpitations when I sleep for some reason. It has woken me on three occasions. Is coming off Norco supposed to do that? Guess I’d better research it.
I know the drugs are out of my system at this point, so why do I feel like crap? I don’t expect miracles. I didn’t get hooked over night and I won’t get well over night but this week fees like it is dragging by today.
BTW… Craig, Thank you for the link. It was very informative.
Matt Finch
Please read the following article Rebecca:
How To Stop Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome From Opiates
Thanks Matt. I’ll definitely follow your advice.
Day six – Still no sleep. I have some sleeping pills but have been hesitant to take them. By the time I remembered I have them, the sun was coming up anyway and it was time to get my daughter off to school.
Today has been eventful so I increased my vitamin C intake. The body aches and pains have been bad today but I suspect it is due to stress.
My Pain Management Doc asked me to meet with him in his office. He’s pissed at me. He thinks that I am making a mistake since FMS and CMPS are incurable. He said that I am putting unnecessary stress on my “all ready compromised body” and he strongly urged me to reconsider my decision to stop pain management. I told him that I would consider it (I have no intention of considering anything. I just wanted him to shut up. My head hurt and he – wouldn’t – stop – talking! Which is amazing FYI, because normally, he gets me in and out of his office, script in hand, in less than 15 minutes.)
When I got home, there was a message waiting for me that my Dad had died. I knew it was coming. I just wasn’t expecting it today. He had end stage lung cancer.
Now I have a massive headache and that burning feeling under my skin.
Suffice it to say, today sucked!
There are two silver linings here though = 1. I know where my Dad is. Faith is important to me and was to him. I don’t like how he had to leave but I’ll see him again so I’m good with that.
2. I could have walked out of that office with a script in hand. I didn’t. That’s progress no matter how bad today has been.
Day eight- I’m better. Sluggish but better.
I took my daughter prom dress shopping. I’d rather spend my time with my children than deal with all of the people who are handling my Dad’s funeral. Someone dies and the vultures swarm. I have no patience for it so I will skip the funeral. My Dad won’t be there anyway and my body doesn’t need the extra stress right now.
I see some drastic changes in my future. I have all ready taken the first step by getting off the pain meds. I’m through the worst of it and am starting to feel hopeful for the future.
It’s time for me to draw boundaries in my life and teach people how to treat me. It’s time to get rid of the negative, overly dramatic, users in my life and start moving toward the life I dream of.
We get one short life. I’m going to go make the most of it. It’s time for me to chase down and tackle my dreams. I finally feel like it’s my turn.
Matt Finch
Wow you have absolutely incredible faith, courage, and strength. Thanks for the update, and I am very proud of you.
Thank you! And thank you for being here, doing what you do! I don’t think I could have transitioned so quickly without you and your work. You are an amazing person!
To anyone who is ready to make a change, it comes down to one thing -make up your mind. Once the decision is made, half the battle is behind you.
My future is wide open now. It only took nine days for me. I’m sure it is different for everyone but you absolutely CAN do it!
Matt Finch
Congratulations. You are an inspiration! ?
I just wanted to update y’all. I am 13 days clean and I am so happy that I found this site!
I feel like my head is clear now. It’s like I walked around in a fog for the past four years and I didn’t realize how many people were around me just because they could take advantage of me.
People knew that I felt so guilty for not being able to go do the things that they could do. I had given in to “I have fibro and cmp and I will be in pain for the rest of my life.”
The people who would dump their kids off on me every weekend because I was going to be home anyway, the ones who would borrow money because I wasn’t going to get out and spend it anyway, those who would talk to me like I’m a child because I was always sick….they all had to go. NONE of them were happy to hear that I had stopped the pain meds. None of them were happy that I am feeling so much better.
Since getting off of the opioids, my pain levels have dropped dramatically. I am still taking high doses of vitamin C, though I don’t need as much as I did while detoxing.
The opioids, taken long term, do make fibromyalgia worse according to several studies that I have read. I needed nutrition and exercise. Not opioids. I needed tools for stress reduction. Not pain meds.
I started this journey from a place where suicide looked like a friendly answer. I was so very close to taking that permanent step. All I really needed was hope and the tools to help myself. I found that here. Thank you, Matt. I wonder how many lives you have saved.
My head is clear. My pain levels are all most non-existent. I have been exercising, eating healthy and going out for walks. I have even gone shopping twice with my youngest daughter. Those shopping trips lasted the whole day both times! That is something I would not have dreamed of doing at any point in the last four years.
I don’t crave the opioids. I’m not ruling out that that might happen in the future but if it does, I’ll just follow the PAWS remedy.
Matt, someday…there must be a special place in Heaven for people like you. I can not thank you enough.
Matt Finch
Rebecca you don’t know how much your comment means to me. I am so thankful for this. You’re success story is truly remarkable, and I am just so proud of you for doing the hard work to heal from opiate addiction AND fibromyalgia! Well done! 🙂
Wow Rebecca your story is so inspirational to me an heroin addict of 5 years. Like most addicts I am selfish and self centred and always feel like it’s worse for me than for anyone else. That you have had such courage to come off the opiates whilst not having to deal with only the withdrawals but pain from severe illness as well is just awe inspiring.
I hear you that doctors and the pharmaceutical companies want us to stay sick – we’re their bread and butter and you are living proof that most if not all sickness can be cured with diet/supplements. I read a paper about how the top 12 diseases could all be halted and even reversed by stopping eating animal products.
I really hope that you continue to be well and happy and opiate free.
Mat – I followed the link to your PAWS article. Excellent information that I plan on following. I am 7 months 17 days off of Suboxone after being on it for four years and I am still struggling.
Thank you so much for your time and dedication to this issue.
Matt Finch
Congrats on your Suboxone recovery Suzanne! And I’m glad the PAWS article was of value to you. Great to meet you and I wish you the absolute best on your journey. Take care. 🙂
Hi Rebecca – I also have fibromyalgia that has become horrific since opiate detox. I am attaching an article on Low Dose Naltrexone. There are many journal articles on the subject. It virtually eliminated my fibromyalgia pain within a few days of starting it. I highly recommend it. It is low cost, virtually no side effects. Good luck, I hope you are feeling better. Opiate use increases fibromyalgia pain and worsen the disease.
Any news on the liposomal Vitamin C yet??? In pain mgmt. and hooked on Dilaudid 4mg! Ready for a change and love your very informative site! Thanks in advance!
Matt Finch
Nobody has reported back to me about this, but in theory it sounds like it could be effective.
Thanks for the reply Matt! YOU Sir are appreciated! Is there any Liposomal Vitamin C you would suggest? I am also going to get Calm Support, via your site1 Thanks in advance!
Matt Finch
You’re welcome!!! The one I linked to at the bottom of this article is what I’ve been using at home just for regular health and I love it.
My experience with the Liposomal Vitamin C: Sunday night was my last pill! I had been taking vitamin c for 2 days (the building up phase). Day 3 (first day without pain pills) was awesome, no withdrawal symptoms at all! I guess I let my guard down the next day 4, and slacked off the C because the first day was so good! The freezing body temperature was awful, so I bumped up the C again, until I began to feel a little better the next day! Since then it has been ok overall! I had no bowel intolerance with this form of the C! I am continuing with the DLPA as well! I only pray I have the strength to stay away from my next pain appointment! Thanks for your informative site Matt!
Matt Finch
Well done Lane! And thank yo SO MUCH for your informative testimonial on using the liposomal C protocol. Make sure you check out this article now that you’re done with the acute withdrawal:
How To Stop Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome From Opiates
Iv done ALOT of online research and think I found this too late… I used for the last time about an hour ago, so withdrawals will start in about 12-16 hours, its too late to start this vit c method? It seems promising, and wish I wouldv stumbled across it a few days ago…
Matt Finch
In my understanding, I think the loading phase is just to get your body used to taking that much vitamin C to prevent side effects. I have heard from many people that skipped the loading phase and said it went well for them.
shawn c
Can someone help. I am thinking am i doing this right. I purchased the sodium ascorbate and poured by applejuice 6 oz water mix. How many tablespoons of sodium ascorbate to do
I have been taking sodium ascorbate made myself from vit c and baking soda for the last 2 years in huge quantities. My daily dosage was 30 grams of vit c, 3 x 10grams a day with bicarbonate soda. Love the last of it so refreshing. I used to have chronic eczema, very bad skin Condition. On top of that skin infection all over body, and MSMR bacteria. I tried various ways of getting rid of my problem, with all types of medication available, and nothing worked. So Im very happy With sodium ascorbate. All skin problems are now gone now thanks to sodium ascorbate. I keep my dosage around 10 grams a day now, and it seems fine.
Matt Finch
Wow Paul those are amazing results! Thanks for sharing your experience as I’m sure it will help many who read this.
Hi Matt,
I am currently addicted to lorazepam and oxycodone 30mg. I have always had serious stomach issues but still excited to start program. I am worried if I take my prilosec and lorazepam it might counteract the Vitamin C results. My question is many people addicted to opiates are addicted to benzos. Does the Vit C regimen help with both. How do I deal with getting off the benzos at the same time or do you recommend waiting. I was prescribed lorezepam for horrible panic attacks which I think came from 10 plus years of opiate use. Thanks Matt
Slam King (ex)
I’m in Aus too… if i were you, i’d get EVERYTHING Matt talks about (save the potions) and especially the mega dose Vit c… plus go to a doc (it’s free in aus – freakin’ great country here…lo) and get gabapentin. It works.
You can do it girl – talk to me if you need advice – i’m gonna be on here for the next week or so –
Slam king (ex)
Hi. Can you take the Mega dosing Vitamin C method with the Krantom Method and benzoe method together?
so does this only work with the powder form or can you do this with the pills also?
Hi Matt,
Firstly thank you for your research! I feel like there may be hope for me.
I am on Fentanyl patches and have been for 8 yrs due to chronic pain from a series of events after a work accident. I was on 100mcg every 48hrs. I have tapered to approx 40mcg every 48 hrs over the last 2 months.Also on 10mg oxycontin when required (last week approx 2/3 per day) Was coping ok until a couple of weeks ago. Withdrawals hit suddenly. I have only seen one other comment here about fentanyl. Can vit C help for fentanyl withdrawals too? Oh pls pls say yes! I still have such a long way to go and the withdrawals on top of my pain levels are too much. I have to get off this awful drug. I was never told about the horror effects of this stuff. My pain is intolerable but I cannot stand being on the fentanyl roller coaster anymore. I am an empty shell compared to my happy normal self. I have no quality of life. After reading your research and all the comments here im going to try this treatment as of tomorrow. Do you know if there are any other products like Calm Support available in Australia? Any help and advice you can give me? Please…I have come this far and I cannot turn back now. Will this help while im tapering? I can’t go ‘cold turkey’ due to health conditions so have tapered as quickly as I can. So far I have hot flushes, all over anxiety like restless body that comes and goes, nausea, runny nose and watery eyes have just started as have stomach cramps. I suffer insomnia already for 5 yrs, pretty much feel crap. Its the hot flushes and anxiety that are the worst. I cannot believe that mainstream health does not promote this treatment. Its all about drug companies and money. Drs here are ok, however my pain specialist says I need to be on this for the rest of my life, so I’m doing this on my own. Any ideas and help? This is such a lonely horrible journey…
Thankyou again for helping so many!
Hi, jusy a quick update. I started the vit c on Monday. I cannot believe how it worked. I had 3 lots of the vit c, the ginseng, tulsi tea and after the second dose of vit c my withdrawals were hardly noticeable. I didn’t think it would help so quickly. All yesterday I had no withdrawals. I didn’t even replace patches for a few extra hrs and went down in mcg again. I have however been really ill. Migraine, nausea, aching kidneys etc but think I have a bit of overload since I had been taking more oxycontin and anti inflammatories than I normally do and I’m sensitive like that. That’s one of the reasons the patches had been good to start. Today I again had no withdrawals although I didn’t have any vit c etc as I couldn’t keep anything down. ( I know nausea is part of withdrawal but I think it was more from kidneys and migraine). Tonight I have withdrawals again so ill try vit c again in morning. Im just going to take it day by day and see how I go. I actually feel like there’s hope and I’m going to be ok!
Another update. I’ve been incredibly ill with kidney probs so have taken it easy with vit c and all other things including my normal medication. Spent the last 5 days in bed too weak to get up for more than a few minutes. This is not due to withdrawals though. They have been pretty good. Hot flushes have decreased with anti biotics for my kidneys, pretty much just dealing with weakness and fatigue now. (I have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and the weakness always flares when im ill). Withdrawal symptoms have been bearable. The odd anxiety etc but nothing like id had. Still tapering and down to approx 30 mcg every 48 hrs. Ill continue with vit c etc when im able and hopefully be free in a month.
Matt Finch
Thanks for the update Kath. Wishing you well through this experience. Hang in there!
Update again. Still going. Stalled for a week after severe corneal ulcer and acid burns to my eye. That what happens when you grab the ear drops instead of the eye drops! Withdrawals been pretty crap. Down to 25mcg every 48hrs. Truly Fentanyl is wicked. Still going with vit c ect although have to take care due to kidney probs. Now gone from 100mcg to 25mcg. Doesnt sound like much but its huge for me. Pain is getting noticeably worse. Walking limited now. Still going to keep going. I want off this poison.
those r a lot diff then any other opiate becuz fentenel has no euphric(its ment as an antiseptic while they do surgey) they shouldnt of given u the patch they should given u dilaudids or percs or oxy. fentenyl is a bitch to get off those they also could kill u very easily witout u even knowing for real fentynel suppress ur breathing. now if ur on any benzos or any other opiates like heroin morphine norcos dilaudid u take with it or drink alcohol u lookin at respiratory depression which u cant fell coming u goto sleep like a normal day
Thanks, I was only put on Fentanyl after 6yrs of extreme pain. I was put on many other meds first without success before being put on Fentanyl. I dont use any other meds except oxycontin for breakthrough pain. Do have others but not for pain for other health issues. I don’t drink alcohol so safe there. Am aware of airway depression etc (was a nurse in my life before strokes n pain) fentanyl is a powerful drug and for me its effects now outway its benefits. Dont know what I’ll do for pain after, already escalated, but I’ll deal with it then. Thanks for your support ☺
Slam King NOT
Hello. I seem to have a problem with Vit C recently. I got 3 days of Suboxone to withdraw, plus (almost) ALL the other goodies you mention (I’m really keen to quit), like heaps of Vit C, a few 100 Val 10mgs, DLPA, St Johns Wort, Fish oil, B1, B2, B3, B12, melatonin, Loperamide2mg x 100, 5-htp, Melatonin, Baclofen 10mg x100, tramadol, pandeine forte (with 30mgs codeine), 40 500mg/15mg codeine Nurofenand Panadol, Phenylenylmine, Black Pepper-oil, phenibut… if I remember anything alse I’ll add it. So – in theory, I’m ready. I got 2 days till my last dose and I’m having issues trying to max out my Vit C doses. It seems no matter what I do 15 mins late I’m off to the loo to ****. I was curious about taking psyllium with it, or just taking 8-16mg lope in the morning. They do sell Psyllium with Vit C flavouring- like Metamucil – but I’m aware that it can effect other drugs.
My day goes like this.
Day OnE -wake up – have Dopa Mucuriens pill plus 1 DLPA. Have large glass of water with the 2-3 limes in it. Half hour later have brekkie (cereal + smoothie) and then most of the vitamins. I post-pone the Suboxone dose as long as possible, which is easy enough – bcos i know it’s there. When it’s gone, I’m terrified. Also – I do 5-10kms on my exercise bike (for PAWS).
Day Two (today) – all the above, no caffeine, holy basil tea etc etc, but still issues with the Vit C. I’m having a 1/4 tsp in a glass of water once an hr but yeah – u guessed it – no change yet.
TOMORROW is day 3, my last dose, which I might skip if i can, depending on how i feel. I ready to start on the valiums/clonodine/baclofen withdrawal during the day, but i hope my body adjusts soon to the VIT C.
ANY way, sorry for life story – wish me luck, and i’ll keep you updated
Slam King NOT
Day Three – I had the last of my suboxone. I’m slowly getting used to having Vit C hourly by making sure i have some food with it. I’ve haven’t had Baclofen yet but i will examine this site and maybe try some then; also – a 1/2 clonidine 100ug, 2 x phenylamine, 1x 10mg valium and maybe 3g of VIT C. I’m going to wait till after dinner to have more VIT C. I’ve been without caffeine and the Holy Tulip tea has made me feel better. I also forgot i woke up to Dopa Muciens and DLPA, plus plenty of water and lemonjuice.
I guess the REAL work starts tomorrow…. so looking forward to being drug free (and doing my best not to have too many Val10mg). Day one I’ll take max 4×2, day two, 3 x2, day three, 2×2, day 4 1×2 and then day five I hope to wake up smiling (with no help from valium) I’m confident because max VIT C has worked wonders for me in the past, plus i got everything from Valerian tincture to antihistamines to help. I’ll be fine. I will check in and see if anyone has responded.
Slam King NOT
Looks like no-one’s interested. That’s okay. Slept well, which is great considering I’m not sleeping for the next 3-4 days (well). I woke up, had Dopa Mucuriens, coconut oil, 1/2 1ooug clonidine, baclofen 4×10, 2x 10mg val and 3 grams Vit C. My legs are already sore as hell but there’s nothing I can do for that aside from magnesium supp and some bike riding later (def not now)
Slam King I hear you. How are you going? I hope you’re doing well! Its a hell of a journey but if others can do it I’m sure we can. Hang in there! I just keep thinking that in a couple of months ill be free of all this. Granted its a long few months but then again for me its been a long 8 yrs so a few months are nothing in the long run.
Thought id update.
Been a pretty lonely journey so far. Withdrawals have been awful. Hot flushes, chills and night sweats have been making me so miserable. I cant sleep for more than 10 mins without waking up drenched and short of breath. Insomnia is bad, and I’m eating very little. I get bad migraines and seem to have them nightly now. Im over it all! I’ve come so far. Down to less than a quarter of what I was on and I just want to be done with it. 2 and a half months of withdrawal and I honestly can’t take much more. Vit c is hard to keep down. Does help with anxiety, etc but its the constant sweats and chills that are doing me in. Nothing seems to help. Ive used oxycontin to help when I can no longer stand it but they don’t stop the flushes etc. I just feel like there is no end. Due to health probs I can’t just go cold turkey. My only option is to keep tapering. I estimate I’ve still got about 30 to 45 days to go. Dr insists I stop and go back on normal dose. I can’t do that. It was no longer helping my pain in any worthwhile amount and I was no longer remotely like myself. Its stupid! I sweat on the stuff, I sweat coming off the stuff. Is there an end? Im so close to being done with it all..I don’t like feeling like that. Is there any help for the heat and chills? I don’t know what to do..
Slam King
Hey Kitty. are u in the US? if so – go get a bottle of Loperamide & have 10-20. That’s will guaranteed help the chills. If yr in a commonwealth country – like me – go buy some codeine. Those hot flashes/chills are aweful- & imo the hardest to break thru. Lope will take 2-4 hrs to work, so make sure you’ve been to the loo – have a clear stomach – & eat/eat/eat. They will guarantee to stop the chills, if 10 doesn’t work reup & get 20 into u. Clonodine is a life saver too – but here- it’s by doc prescripton anyway. I only take 1/4 tab at a time – other wise they knock me out.
Those two – plus valium, are keys u kninda need to help detox. It won’t take months – maybe emotionally, but physically a week max. Post that it will be just liuke a flu/no worse/less.
I am not a medical doctor.
Take all advise on the net w/ a grain of salt
be cool
Slam King
Thanks Slam King, im not in US. I have oxycontin but trying not to use unless I have to. I do have valium, ill try it. I have to go slow due to other health issues. Im down a lot but this last bit seems the worst. Emotional I’m not worried about, its only the physical I struggle with. Its hard with other health probs. Im so limited as to what I can do etc. Thanks for your suggestions. Hope you’re doing well! Cheers Kitty
Hey you’re doing amazing and I’m interested to hear how you go- looks like you have everything you could possibly need to make it easier to get through. I’m trying it with just Vit C sodium ascorbate powder, DLPA and herbs- valerian, reishi, rhodiola. Update us to say how you went Slam King NOT
Matt Finch
Hi I see this comment was 3 days ago…how are you doing with it now?
Slam King
I’m a sucker… I got hold of some more sub – and here i am again. Despite the setback – I’m super determined to do it this time. Am on day one with nothing (op8 wise). Have been sticking to mega Vit C – got some Gabapentin but am waiting for legit withdrawal symptoms to kick in before i reach into my bag of goodies (the ones mentioned on this site)
Question – should i add some codeine incwith the lope. Codeine is OTC counter here and easy to get. No, I’m not going to go crazy, but i was curious if i should do a CWE instead of the lope on one particular day, if it gets that bad.
Slam King
Apologies for being so much me/me/me. I am on the other side of the world… anyway – day one was easy. Only exhibited occult symptoms in the evening, so doses with Loperamide, had some valium… and woo hoo – i slept.
Today (day two) – have woken up feeling pretty good. I feel the Vit C is the one that’s helping me the most – most of my symptoms are mild – i could legitimately say I feel like i have a cold.
Have had DLPA, waited some (had a decaf Ecco coffee sub) then 3g of vit C. Will wait 1/2 hr then take clonidine/valium/gabapentin/baclofen/ and if necessary the lope.
All is good in the land of convicts… lol
peace sisters/brothers
ex Slam King
Day two – I feel great (okay – i feel ish – but I’m drunk)
I slept okay. Have been mega dosing Vit C, Gabapentin, phenibut etc etc.
I wanna thank this dude for showing me the way. Someone offered me smack today -AND I SAID NO – so i get the feeling I’ve got this. Next I gotta w/draw from benzos, but hey – one at a time – yeah? peace to y’all. Love y’all
Matt Finch
Wow you are doing amazing! Turned down smack on day 2? That’s very impressive, and I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to check in to update your progress. I love to see people beating their darn opiate addictions. Man, I tell ya like is just so much better without being a slave to those drugs. Peace and love to you as well. I hope you’ll update us all again. You’re rockin it!
Matt Finch
Enjoying reading your updates. Very interesting to read about people’s experiences using this method. You’re doing awesome!
Matt Finch
Just realize that codeiene, while being pretty weak, is still an opiate. So that could be counterproductive, but it also could help. I am not a doctor so I can’t give medical advice, but I’m looking forward to seeing how it all turns out for you.
Slam King (ex)
My brother – i thank all of you – day four & I feel GREAt. I drank some Absinthe yesterday (70%) about 2pm, I passed out, then woke up at 9pm feeling god-awful. I then dosed vit C (3gs), clonidine (1/4 tab – if i have more i feel awful – for some reason if i take a whole tab it’s the worst feeling ever – i break ’em in half – the half again. That’s the max I can take. I makes my hair hurt – how bizarre is that?). I had some valium & crashed again. I woke up at 4.30am, wide awake. The sun was coming up (I’m in Australia, and it’s 35 degrees celsius at 4am – about 95 F methinks -anyway – dang hot. I took the dogs for a walk, came home & crashed… I have to say the Vit C & Gabapentin is the best opiate detox ever. I went to town again, and there were a plethora of drugs available, & again I turned it down. I have decided NEVER to do slow again. Not even once. Waking up sick & needing gear is just the worst… anyway, I think I’ve done it. I have Loperamide left, but i don’t feel any chills or goosebumps or hot/cold. I mean I have on occasion, but a hot shower, some Vit C, a Valium or two, a spliff, and i’m okay.
I cannot recommend yr methods more highly – you sir have saved my life. Of course now I’ve been taking benzos for about 4 weeks, so that’s the next hurdle, but i feel gabapentin may help there.
I don’t advise drinking – it feels good at the time – but you wake up later and… bleh. I think i have an addictive personality, so i have to learn moderation.
As Billy corgan says “today’s the greatest day of all”…
I know yr not a doc but I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I recommend my other JNKY mates to do the same – as they’re all trapped in samsara – as i was. I will continue to post for a bit – until i’m a week clean, but for now – i feel free. i went and sat in the rain, it was like a warm shower… dog bless you dude – u saved one person – & to me – that’s very significant.
To all the users in the world – don’t give up. i shot slow for so long i don’t have a vain left except my jugular… & and now I can smell freedom – I’m not there yet – but hey – we can do this…
Matt Finch
WOW this is SO INSPIRATIONAL!!! Honestly, nothing makes me happier than when I read a comment like this. A little over a year and half ago, I started this website to help people get off opiates without getting so sick. So to log in to my dashboard and read a comment like this just makes my day. I don’t know you, or what you look like, but I know you were struggling and now you’ve made AMAZING progress!!!
This is what it is about. You’ve done so well, and I can’t thank you enough for sharing your experience in live action time with me and everyone else who ever reads this article, which will be many many thousands of people or probably more in the future. Continue to have that strong mindset of yours and addiction will remain a memory of the past for as long as you live. Well done!
After I posted my comment I started reading others & just have one more question before I start this process. I usually start withdrawing anywhere from 12-20 hours. My question is when should I technically stop using heroin, on day 2 so that on day 3 I start withdrawing? This is the only part I’m confused on. Please respond quickly so I can start this…..the sooner the better!!! I would really like to start taking the Vitamin C New Years Eve so that New Years Day is my last day of opiate use and on Jan. 2nd I’ll start withdrawing and start the New Year right…..that’s IF I am understanding this process correctly. I know I’ve said it numerous times, but please clarify when my last actual opiate use should be so I have a hopefully smooth and comfortable detox. Ooooo and one more question I’m sorry……usually when going through withdrawal the first symptoms of withdrawal for me is sniffling and sneezing. My question is does the vitamin c also help this or should I may be incorporate some type of cold medicine like dayquil/nyquil? Please respond as soon as you can so I can hopefully begin this road to recovery. The sooner the better because I’m so tired of this life. Even though I have never stolen from anyone or had to pawn to support my habit……I’ve seen what this drug does to people and I want to be done before it gets any worse!! I’M SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED!!!!
Matt Finch
There are many ways to do it. In the study I wrote about, the patients started taking Vitamin C for three days while still using heroin. Then they stopped cold-turkey using heroin when they woke up on day 4 of the protocol, and continued with Vitamin C for three more days. My friend didn’t do this loading phase and just started taking big doses right after his last dose of opiates wore off and he said he was fine and was able to sleep 8 hours. However, everyone is different.
Slam King (ex)
Truly – some ppl say Buprenorphine is the hardest – but to me – that’s a joke. smack was hard – but coming of 120mgs 0f methadone in prison was harder – i honestly didn’t sleep for 3 months – no exaggeration. I grew a beard & the mad dog look in my eyes (the size of dinner plates) helped me stay away from getting raped – i’m sure of it. A couple of guys surrounded me, but i was hanging so bad – plus because i’d OD’d a few times they called that attempted suicide so for two weeks i was in the hospital unit with the blue lights on 24/7 and screws banging the cells with they night-sticks every 15 mins… when i got out I looked like a freakin’ psycho – anyway – i digress – to me slow is hard, opium is hard, methadone is the worst, I punched so many walls I got solitary for 2 weeks – which was great – i didnt have to listen to wankers talking smack… i just did sit ups & push up by the thousand… lol, anyway – to me – and by no means do i mean evryone – buprenorphine (subutex, suboxone) is a walk in the park. I did it in the 4 days… mind you, I have almost evry drug Matt talks about (except those potions that arent available here) & like 2500 diazepam. I’m gonna reduce the Diazepam – sell ’em off, maybe keep a couple of hundred and reduce. Also – Codeine is OTC here, you can buy 15mg x100 for about AUS$8… so I’m sorted like that. The point is I’m not swapping one for the other… yeah – maybe I’m now addicted to Valium, but i can rduce that easy enough. I’m a doctor (of philosophy) so I can’t give medical advice – however – you can change yr life. You can buy evrything he says (just about) on a popular online auction site – and you can do it – dont be afraid to try. In the past 6 months I’ve had two lifelong friend OD and die. One was a fentanyl patch, in a public toilet, the other, had my valium, my GBH, and took some slow – boom – dead. Do i feel guilty – hell yes, but unfortunately that’s what it is… anyway – YOU CAN DO IT. pax – Slam King
Slam King (ex)
Day 5. For the first detox ever – i slept every night. No occult symptoms today save the occasional yawn/tear. No goosebumps. I’m sticking to Gabapentin/Vit C/Ganja/Diazepam however I’m not just blindly taking it. I’ll wait for symptoms to appear…
My advice to ANYONE (soz caps – i’m striving for EMPHASIS) is that at least if u feel pain you feel something… it may seem the worst days of yr life, you may not sleep (i did – thnx Matt) but i’m telling you – -when the sun comes up – you’ll face the day with “is that all you got?” which is glorious. Pain is only life reminding you of where we went wrong… if it was easy – we’d all be screw ups. Listen – I’m physically okay – just an emotional wreck…
Anyway – there are good ppl in this world.. we can do it
Oh Matt – one last thing. One (of many) of my issues is that 95% of the ppl i know use daily. It’s meant I’ve deleted over 50 numbers. I will run into them – no doubt – and say hi – but I’m resisting temptation by displacing those elements that may ‘corrupt me’
Slam King (ex)
Hi all – I thought i needed something today – was feeling a bit off – i had 10x Loperamide & i feel stoned as – which is bad. As of today – no more Loperamide. I’m going to lie down – then I’ll i’ll just stick to Gabapentin and Vit C…
I have become an emotional wreck – I’m tearing up at the TV… sigh
Slam King (ex)
Hey Matt, how long should I stay on the mega dose Vit C?
I’m sticking with Gabapentin & reducing my valium intake… also, no codeine, no lope.
Thnx man
Slam King (ex)
Hi all – day 6 9i think). I feel okay, overall… or not too shabby, as we say here. No lope – no codeine, just Gabapentin, 1/4 clonidine, Kava, Dopa Mucuna, passionflower, green tea, lemon juice, ginger & exercise. Every now and then I feel a bit… what’s the word? – uneasy, but I’ve never detoxed in my life this easily. I’m at a juncture where this has to be the last time, so just because it was easy doesn’t mean I’m using again. I’m coming into my inheritance soon – so if i’m still on i’ll either go back to jail or OD – so this is my last chance to get it right. I think I’m on day 6 (lost count) so this will be my last post. I just want to say thanks to Matt and to offer support to everyone who feels that they’re in a hopeless scenario… with a little bit of prep, you too can be free – liberty or death…lol
Ralph franco
Slam king just wanted to say this site is helping me but your posts made me say tonight I’m gonna kick I love reading your posts n I never comment on these or any sites. Wow dude your the bomb plz keep posting updates I’m still reading.
Oh and Matt I can’t read it thus far but does this vit c work for fentanyl since it’s not an opiate? Matt thanks for this site. It’s the only one where you post all positive things. I hate when people leave negative comments. I get panic attacks n say I can’t quit. But after reading this vit c thing I am hopefull!
SK here. Fentanyl is an opiate. One of the strongest. It’s like heroin x 1000. Of all the OD’s ive attended in my life, it’s been ppl booting fentanyl patches. It used to be heroin; now it’s fentanyl. I’d say that Matt’s theory would still work for you – however tweak it as u feel u should. u don’t need to follow mine, his or any response letter for letter. IMO reduce, start getting vit c into you… you know the rest.
Hey Pax, how are you going? Hope you’re doing ok.
Hey just wondering how you are going? Didnt realise you’re in Aus..I am up north. Hope you’re doing ok..As far as I am concerned every one on here is a champion. .this takes guts and I think everyone should be immensely proud to be doing this. Thanks to Matt for giving us the tools to make one of the biggest changes. Kitty
I’ve actually tried to detox 3 different times in actual facilities, where 1 of 3 places i actually was able to do the entire 5 days of detox. Then of course relapse because your right back in the streets with the same mentality and that’s something that comes with time and for an addict 5 days isn’t enough. I do really want to be done with this shit & a friend told me that he did the vitamin c thing and it took 90% of the symptoms away as long as it’s taken properly. I plan to buy the stuff needed tomorrow morning and start taking it immediately & figure New Years Day will be my last day of opiate use so that I can start withdrawing on the 3rd day. I’m going to follow these steps & will definitely let you know my results. One question though…..should I buy the diarrhea medicine even if in my past detoxing experiences I do get stomach cramping, but I don’t seem to get the diarrhea? From what I’ve experienced, I just seem to poop a lot more, but it always seemed pretty solid. Again, would it still be useful to take for at least the stomach cramping? Thank you for writing this article in hopes of helping people like myself with this addiction. It’s not so much people want to continue ruining their life on such an evil drug, it’s just the withdrawal is so unbearable that doing the drug is the only way to not be sick. I’m ready to get my life back that I’m excited to try this process and I will definitely let you know my results!!!
Matt Finch
A lot of people have told me that even though they took loperamide, the mega-doses of Vitamin C over-powered it and they didn’t notice a difference, though some have stated that it helped them.
Slam King (ex)
hey Matt – i posted a bunch of stuff last night, But you deleted it – can i ask why?
Matt Finch
It was never deleted. It was in the “moderation” category. So what happens is, someone leaves a comment, but it doesn’t appear right away on the website. Once I log in to my website, I check the comments awaiting moderation. If there is spam or people leaving comments that aren’t appropriate, I delete them. For all the rest, I approve the comments and then after that, they will appear on the website. I just logged in for the first time today and have approved all of your comments, and will respond to each one soon as time permits.
I sincerely appreciate you adding so much value to this thread by posting your updates. This is the second most popular article on this website because you and others have really added tremendous encouragement and have shared updates on how the process is working. Please keep the comments coming!!! Thank you. 🙂
Do not give up hope Roxie! I was one of the people who wrote saying that the vit c protocol wasn’t working for me but I’m happy to report that I was feeling withdrawal symptoms (granted it’s from a taper and not a full out jump) and just took 4 packets of the liposomal (1000mg each) and withdrawals completely went away. I’ll let you know know here how long it lasts, frequency, etc. If you spent all that money on the liposomal, you need some positive and encouraging feedback! Hang in there. 🙂
MATT, I went and bought the liposomal c are you no3 saying it will NOT work for suboxone wd’s?? PLEASE HURRY BACK WITH ANSWER!!! thx ~
Matt Finch
Roxie, I have heard from some people that it works. Also, just recently I have heard from two people on Subutex that say it did nothing for them. Thus, I am wondering if perhaps the protocol works better for people on short-acting opioids like the studies showed. However, everything on this website is for informational use, and is not intended to treat any health condition. I research to the best of my ability and provide information on what I learn. Also, different supplements and medications have different effects on different people. There is no way for me to know which people will respond well to things. That is why one must always ask there doctor for an appropriate treatment method.
Matt Finch
I just saw a post in the Facebook group called Suboxone Taper Support that many people are using this protocol with great success coming off Suboxone. So it appears to work for many people.
Slam King (ex)
I wish i could join – unfortunately all my friends/fam would see – so I can’t do it. I wish. Plus, i don’t want to reveal my true name, I’m sure you understand…
pax brother
Slam King (ex)
Can I chip in? I used Vit C as recommended by Matt to get off Suboxone, & i just bought 1kg of powdered Vit c on a popular online auction site, plus gelatin capsules. I used digital scales and it turns out you can fit about 800mg (almost 1 gram) of Vit C. The first few day -prior to detox, it really gave me the *****. I was on the loo quite a bit, but after 4-5 days i found i could take pretty much any amount. When day one came around, I’d take 2-3 grams every two hrs (i had to set my alarm to remind me) and with clonidine and gabapentin – i must say it ameliorated my symptoms incredibly. I have slept every night, no sweats, no, tossing & turning, no hot/cold -and not long sleeps, but sleep is sleep, and as you’d know if you can sleep during detox it makes life a whole lot easier… Don’t get me wrong – you won’t get off scott-free, but it will be mild. I have used a few other things from Matt’s list of goodies, i.e Loperamide, Mucuna Pruriens, Passionflower, kava, Clofen, Ganja, Diazepam etc etc.
Good luck. One last thing – I would have detoxed (withdrawal) hundreds of times at least (mostly H), the problem was – i’d get on, then decide i needed to quit, when stoned – & of course I’d wake up the next day hanging out – thus the cycle repeated (for 20 years). Subsequently I thought I had no will-power, but what I later realised was there were two different me’s – the stoned me & the hanging out me & they were totally different ppl. When Buprenorphine came out and I got on it, I still used for a few weeks even though i felt nothing – just because i’m a creature of habit (no pun intended). Eventually I realised that shooting H on Bupe (Subutex) was redundant… then a few years later – they doubled the max dose to 64mgs Subutex, & u guessed it – I went up to 64mg. That’s 8 of those huge white tabs a day – insane. Anyway, I reduced to 20 something, then jumped off – without any of these things Matt talks about (pre Net times) and it sucked, but only for a few days, as opposed to a week for H and months for methadone. I’m on day 6 now from Sub withdrawal – and I’m not taking any Lope or codeine or anything like that today. I’m a bit of an emotional wreck I must admit, I almost teared up at the darn TV (War & Peace) and I’m like a 6’5 tattooed freak.
I’m not saying you’ll be the same – at all -everyone is different, but IMO the best OTC supplements are Vit C & Loperamide. If you can see a doc and get Clonidine & gabapentin then I’m sure you’ll make it
Matt Finch
Hi Elise,
1) Day 1 of withdrawal is the moment you start to feel withdrawal symptoms.
2) I’ve heard from many people who use the Vitamin C for longer, even up to a few weeks, but always check with your doctor first.
3) Some people on methadone or Suboxone or Subutex say this protocol doesn’t work for them. In the studies it was used on people using short-acting opioids. The buprenorphine is so “sticky” in the receptors and takes such a long time to leave that is my theory why it doesn’t work well for some people on long-acting opioids. But I don’t know, it’s just a guess. However, many people on long-acting opioids have told me they used this protocol with great success. So since each person is biochemically unique, results will vary regardless of the type of opioid.
Thanks Matt – I’m pretty sure it’s easier this time with vitamin c than last time, however I’m only 7 days in. Given I’ve had literally no prescription medication this time, either the vitamins are working or I can thank placebo effect (whatever, I’ll take it). 20 minutes sleep a day due to the legs is the worst of it. Provided things get better from here than worse (seems they might) I’m holding out for a doc apt in 5 days. I’d love to do this without any other medication.
I’ve been very grateful for the program leading me through so much info. For me, I’ve done the withdrawal before, I know I can get through it, it’ll be the PAWS I’ll be watching out for this time – now that I know it exists and have more information.
Thanks again,
Matt Finch
Alright Elise this is great to read! Thanks for sharing your update with us. Next phase is PAWS, and now that you have info and some tips and a plan, it should be easier for you to cope with. Wishing you the best.
Hi Matt and Others,
First of all, thank you for dedicating so much of your time and energy to helping addicts, especially with withdrawal. Your messages are all really kind and supportive, which mean so much to people going through this process. THANK YOU! I’ve been on subutex for the past six years — not even addicted to anything when I started it but saw a doctor specializing in addiction who said that subutex would “heal my brain” and eliminate the desire to take opiates. I took it willingly though, and liked the effect very much so take full responsibility. Also grateful because it got me through some really difficult times in my life. I’m now single mom working full time in my accounting business. I’ve been gearing up to withdraw for months (years!) but have been terrified because of my experiences and the stories I’ve read online. I don’t see how I can support my family by working full time and go through a withdrawal that goes on for months. Even a week is more than I have! So found your website and read about the vitamin c and felt like I’d stumbled across a miracle solution to this doom that’s followed me around for years…The Withdrawal. I purchased the sodium ascrobate, Immodium AD and fruit juice. Did the loading days for three days — 2500 mg to 10,000 mg every 2 hours. Got some serious gas and diarrhea which Immodium helped and honestly, who cares about that if this method will greatly reduce, even eliminate withdrawals?!! Not me. From 2mg subutex, I stopped completely and started feeling the withdrawals (achy, sweaty, emotional, tired, etc) heavily by the end of the that second day. Upped the vitamin c dose to 10,000 mg every two hours. Still felt the withdrawals which increased as time went on. I increased the vitamin c even more, but still heavy withdrawals. After end of 3rd day (apparently not even the worst of a subutex withdrawal), I gave up and took some subutex, at which time all symptoms disappeared. This has been one of the greatest disappointments of my life! I felt so happy and inspired that there was an answer to this terror that I’ve felt for all of these years. I followed the protocol exactly but wasn’t even close to a place of being able to work through the pain. I only have a few 8mg pills left so will have to go through it all over again. I’ll take the vitamin c again but I keep thinking that maybe I didn’t do it right, or it works for heroin but not subutex…I’m desperate and I HAVE to work to keep everything going. Any suggestions? Am I missing something? I’m happy to hear that this therapy has helped so many people and I want to be one of them! 🙂 Thank you for your help and sending support and good vibes to everyone on the forum that is in this process.
Matt Finch
Hi Debbie,
The studies from mega-doses of Vitamin C were done on people using short-acting opioids. I have now heard from a few people taking Subutex that the Vitamin C protocol didn’t work for them, and now I will be adding a note at the end of the article stating this. Thanks for sharing your experience and continue to read this website and others. I’m here to support you along the way. Check out the following article that you may benefit from:
How To Use Gabapentin For Opiate Withdrawal
Thank you for your fast reply and for (unfortunately) confirming my experience. I’ll keep checking in and know that your support and all the info you share is so valuable. Has ANYONE found success with the vit c protocol for subutex or suboxone? My doctor recommended that I not taper below 2mg because he found that it becomes even more addictive at those levels and people have a difficult time. His protocol is to take minimum 2mg and space as follows: 1st day – am 2mg, 2nd day – pm 2mg, 3rd day – skip….continue until no withdrawals are felt, then start spacing 2mg in am every other day until no withdrawals, 2 mg every 2 days until no withdrawals, etc. He said that when people get to the every 4 days, they forget to take it and they are off completely. Just wanted to share that in case it helps anyone!
Matt Finch
Interesting info from your doctor Debbie. Thanks for sharing. I write about the “skipping days” protocol in the article below:
Suboxone Taper Plan: 4-Pillars Method
Matt, your suboxone schedule is very similar except you taper to much lower doses than the 2mg. My question is have you known anyone addicted to subutex or suboxone who has done the vit c protocol and been successful? I’ve read many of the comments and it seems like they were jumping from very low dose and still had some withdrarwals, although made it through (yay!). Also, there was a guy who posted that it was working for him but I think he was 1 or 2 days in. I’m clinging here Matt — please give me some hope! 🙂 But not suggesting you lie, haha.
Matt Finch
Debbie I am a member of a group on Facebook called Suboxone Taper Support. I just read a post that someone shared and many members of that group have used the Vitamin C protocol with great success to come off Subs.
Just read it — thanks Matt. That gives me great hope! I’ll check in as I move along.
Hello, I was reading your comment and wanted to suggest clonidine. I’m not sure if u have already tried this or not but I had great success with it when I was coming off a full blown H habit. I don’t know how well it will work for Sub users but I know that it took away about 80 percent of my withdrawal symptoms . You might want to research it but clonidine combined with some flexerill or alprazolam really worked great for me. I even managed to get at least 3-4 hours of sleep on the worst nights which I have found absolutely impossible to do while withdrawing. Good luck with everything though .
Ok 4 but thats it….Do you think that maybe I should just stick with the sodium ascorbate and not rock the boat? it seems that Howenstene and Schauss all talk about using SA and maybe it is less toxic to the body. They do talk about Ascorbic Acid but that is kind of a given that it is too acid.
Also when you look up their recipes,
Do you add all their Minerals and Supplements to your detox?
Vit A,D B1 B2 Niacin, Calcium, Manganese Zinc Copper and soooo on……
Ok Matt thats it… I promise…
I really look forward to hearing back
Matt Finch
The thing is, liposomal C is still ascorbic acid. It is just encapsulated in a lipid layer so it is absorbed better (90%) and doesn’t mess the stomach up. I like the sodium ascorbate juice because it had great results in the study with chronic heroin addicts. I have heard of doctors using the vitamin C mega-doses with other nutrients and protein, but not sure which ones exactly or in which amounts.
I’m so sorry to leave 3 initial posts, but I also wanted to say that the two doses I did to the tune of about 9 or 10G in total of the liquid Liposomal C–in addition to burning my skin, seemed to leave me very shaky and didn’t do much for wd symptoms.. That has to be odd right?
Anyway thanks again
Hi MaTT,
Actually I think I would feel better if you knew the whole story. I was sniffing H for 2 years. Went to a 6 day methadone detox. Bad Mistake. Now they tell me that will take weeks of time for meth to leave my system with bad withdrawal symptoms so they gave me clonidine, ativan, neurontin, Ritalin to wake up…(I know right?) These pills have been kicking my ass…. no strength, very dizzy and nauseated all the time. Not only that, but the withdrawals are so bad that I have to do 1 line of H just to not freak out.
I want it all out of my life and that is why I have high hopes for this detox. Seeing that I got this liquid liposomal Vit C and had that bit of a reaction my first day, would you kindly guide me as to how I should proceed so I can stop all this clonidine, Methadone, H, Ativan Crap….
I really could use your help because I really have no one to talk to. If I were to tell anyone that I was using a line of H to ease off the Methadone WD I would be crucified.
Matt Finch
Hey Will,
I’m sorry to hear about your situation. Please talk to your doctor about an appropriate detox protocol for you to get off all of those pills. Perhaps you would benefits from a different type of vitamin C such as the ones in the studies linked to in this article. Ask your doctor what you should do. That is a very odd symptom you had. Maybe it was too much? Have your tried taking a smaller dose?
Hi I am a new member and yesterday went out and bought Liposomal Mega Dose 3000mg or 3G per tblspoon. It is a liquid. In your opinion, is this a good thing?
I must admit that I had 2 doses of 5g per and my skin seemed like it was on fire. Maybe a bad reaction? Its like my skin was red for like an hour. Did I take it too quickly? am I supposed to lead up to this?
Anyway I look forward to your input and thank you for all your help.
are ‘typical’ liposomal vitamin C protocols~ MATT WHICH ONE??????? best guess please!!!!!!!
For an individual with no major symptoms or diagnosis that wants good general health: 1-2 grams is optimal. Simply take 1,000 mg, 1-2 x daily
Extreme athlete or individual with major health challenges: 4-6 grams is optimal. Simply take 2,000 mg, 2-3x daily
In cases of ‘extreme’ disease – like late stage infections, cancer or heart disease: 8-12 grams is optimal. Simply take 4,000 mg, 2-3 x daily
With liposomal vitamin C, I like to be aggressive – so I would take the upper dosage and if you notice any complications (such as high or low blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, cramping or diarrhea) try cutting down to the lower dosage and observe for any changes.
Hi Matt, i am so happy to find your posts, there’s so many negative, scary comments,if I wasnt so fed up, i would be why bother.but it is, and i want my life back! on sub for 4 or 5 years, they wanted me to take 3 films a day, i almost burnt myself up the first day, i went to a half once a day and stayed for years, meaning, i didn’t have to go back to the dr for a long time, last year i started tapering until it was just the corner! that was 7 days ago, the first night was fine day 2 ,3 ,4 couldn’t sleep, my mom gave me ultram, i slept mg relief only to find it is an i ordered the above lipo vit c and it will be here on December 24 th, i will start dosing then and stop the 1 ,100 mg ultram then as well.. I wish i knew how much of the updated drug to take, anyone write back?? Thank you btw, for having a plan many of them..i will NEVER touch a suboxone again, and i’m really hopeful ill be able to do this with your help.. Happy Holidays!! ill check in..
sorry meant comments on other pages, those just list the side effects of wd but, have no solutions,i have directed people here,because it is heartbreaking..
as you can tell the foggy brain has set in.. i was on that tiny corner for weeks before i stopped and i stopped the subs 7 days ago… and they were 8 mg films and i went to this doctor got the meds for free for 6 or 7 months before i stopped going which at a half of a film a day you can understand why just now i have like 10 films left. I have not 1 desire to touch them,even at my worst. one, 100 mg tab of so sorry this crap really screws with the mind..its okay though it will be so worth it!!
BTW my doctor put me on this crap for a pain in my knee , i was taking 4 or 5 vicodin a day, i never should have even been put on it..and now like everyone here i’m an addict..or dependant whatever.. for anyone the RLS imo is the worst, followed slightly by the insomnia because you’re head is so omg tired and you lie down and the legs and arms get going.. but i did it for many days,and im truly hoping with this routine and the thomas one combined the WD’s wont be as bad… Again I will let you know!!
I’ve been off methadone nine days .I was taking 20 mg for years a mother before I quit I cut down to 5 mg. Dose Mega dosing vitamin c work for methadone as well . I just sent my husband to the drug store because I’m still having withdraws . Dose it work for methadone withdraws ? Please help asap thank you.
Day 4 and I’m tapering down on the C and feeling great. No Sub since Sunday. Last night I finally got a good nights sleep and boy what a difference it made. I had my reservations about whether or not the vitamin overload would really help and I can honestly say that today, I know it made a huge difference. The worst part for me has been restlessness at night and hopefully this is behind me now. For anyone that is considering getting their life back, you have nothing to lose by trying this method.
Hi Matt, I just wanted to say that I started mega dosing with the vitamin C yesterday and so far, so good. I have been on Suboxone for about 5 months and had tapered down to just a tiny piece each morning. Even that small of a dose gave me problems when trying to stop, cold turkey. So, I read up on the vitamin C method and went to Walmart and bought both chewable tablet/wafers 500 mg each and 1000 mg tablets of Vitamin C. I started off chewing up 2 of the wafers and taking 2 of the 1,000 mg tablets. I continued this routine every two hours, until bed time and then after sleeping 4 hours, i dosed again, fell back asleep and 2 hours later woke up and dosed again. Before going to work, I chewed 2/ 500 mg wafers, swallowed 3 /1,000 mg tablets, took 1 Immodium. Every two hours I am repeating the Vitamin dosing and so far I feel great. I have had one bout of the runs, which was like someone turned on a faucet but no stomach pain, no body aches, none of the typical withdrawal symptoms which I have gone thru too many times to count and failed at. I’m going to keep dosing with the vitamins and hopefully, I will be a success story.
the chewables make my heart hurt, so i’m trying the updated version..i planned on stopping which is why i tapered so long then Scott Weiland died and I got a stomach bug and thought what am i waiting for,? to be found dead in my bed because of a drug? no way, it hit me hard, he was a talent,i hope he knows he is saving one persons life!!
Hello Matt, you have no idea how excited I am right now at the idea that I can finally kick this horrible habit in a tolerable way. I had my cart at Amazon filled with everything you suggest and was ready to buy, only to read your important update on 10/20/15 about liposomal vitamin c. If I were to go this route as opposed to the sodium ascorbate mixed with fruit juice every two hours, what would the new protocol be for dosages and frequency? Thank you so much for the information, I look forward to being a success story and getting my life back.
Matt Finch
Hi Anthony,
I’m so happy to learn of your excitement! This is exciting info indeed. As for the liposomal dosages, I really don’t know because there have been no studies on this to the best of my knowledge. I do know that liposomal C is absorbed at 90%, and even IV absorption rates are only 20%, so in that regards, it seems as though it would take much less of the liposomal C than regular. If you end up doing it, me and the other readers would love to hear what dosages you used and how it went. Take care Anthony, and I wish you the absolute best.
Hi Matt!! Just stopping by to give you another update. Today is day 57!!!!! I feel fantastic!!!! Good luckto all who are planning to detox.
Matt Finch
And since that was the 28th and today is Dec 1st, today is day 60! Congrats I’m so happy to hear this great news. Your updates light up my day. This protocol is helping a lot of people! And that you feel fantastic also….wow, just wow. You’re an inspiration. 🙂
Jack Dup
Day one- drink 6 ounces of FJ,W&C every two hrs… that’s a heck of a lot of liquid. if i have the powder and capsules, can i just take bulk caps? thnx dude
Matt Finch
That was based on a successful study. I’ve gained new awareness, and updated the end of the article accordingly, on the use of liposomal encapsulated vitamin C capsules. While IV vitamin C is reported to have 20% absorption rates, the liposomal is reported to be absorbed at 90%. This form of capsule is very expensive, but one wouldn’t need the large quantities, and wouldn’t have to endure the bowel intolerance as well from the mega-doses of sodium ascorbate or non-liposomol ascorbic acid.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Nicole sovie
Hey..I am stuck on subutext..32 mg a day! I am a mom and have a job and go to school so I need to detox and function. This looks promising but the link before this one spoke of elimidril or something so I am confused because his was a different plan but shared a link to yours. Are they supposed to be combined?? His also spoke of a tea to drink. I guess I am confused..
Queef Richards
I’m not a doctor – however – i’m damn near close to being an ‘expert’ on Sub(buprenorphine). That’s a mega dose – u must have had a cracker of a habit. Do u get takeaways? or do u have to take in the chemist? I’d talk to Mark and see what he says.
Slam King (ex)
I was on 64 mgs subutex… but i stand by my earlier claim that SubX isn’t that hard – don what Matt says. Ps – i’m not a doctor of medicine (I am philosophy)… so I’m saying – you can do it
Queef Richards
Okay – day one of withdrawal. I only found this site yesterday, but necessity brings me to having to jump the gun – so to speak. I have been an op8 addict on/off for 20 years, but this last habit is about 6 months of daily use old. I (luckily) have powdered vit C, lope, clonidine, ganja, valium and quinine. I have one dose of subx left, however i’m going to save it until i really need it (if i do) bcos, for some reason i hang out less when i know it’s there. Anyway, i’ve megadosed on the vit C, had some quinine and some lope and half a clonidine, and we’ll see how that goes. The good news is I’m genuinely isolated from ppl so getting on again isn’t an option. I am fascinated about the vit C – i’ve never heard of that before. Anyway – I got a bunch of movies/tunes/books and a few weeks off – so wish me luck.
thanks for the heads up
Queef Richards
Howdy again. So… the day thus far seems pretty cool. I know subx has ‘legs’ so i realise the worst is yet to come, but, normally by now i am yawning and starting to feel sick. I’ve mega-dosed the vit C, had 1 clonidine, 4x 2mg lope, plus some quinine… ,y question to MARK is – does TRAMAL work to reduce symptoms? I only have 1x box 100mg, so no chance of swapping addictions there… and will continue with Lope/vit c etc regardless, but what’s yr personal experience with TRAMAL?
Matt Finch
Good luck! You got this 🙂
Jocelynn Brewster
I have been using norco for migraines for a few years now, I got to the point where I would take two or three a day. I have read your article and am starting the vitamin c. I do not have any more norco to take. I got nature’s made chewable c vitamins 500mg.. Are these ok to take and how many do u recommend i take a day.. I hope to hear from you soon.
So exciting that I found this article!! I just bought the Liposomal vitamin C. It arrives Monday, but I also stopped at the local shop and bought chewable Vit C to start the dosing. I have been struggling with quitting opiates for years. Same old story times a few million! I’ve been on oxycodone for years. I am prescibed 40mg a day, but usually take 60-80mgs a day. I am so ready to quit and be done with this ball & chain! So again, thanks for sharing the info. Let the dosing begin…
Matt Finch
Kayla I’m so happy you found this article! And congrats on purchasing the liposomal vitamin C and chewable as well. You’re really going for it!
Hi Matt,
I just wanted to say thank you for putting this info out there. I’ve been doing so much research about getting off of this drug and this has been one of the most helpful articles yet. I’ve already started with these supplements & already showing better results after only a couple of days. I’m under 1 mg of sub now & I gotta say it’s been a tough ride, but it’s getting better now. Thanks again! I have alot more hope now.
Matt Finch
Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love it when readers such as yourself write about your progress beating opiate addiction. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to share your experience using this method. Take care, and best of luck to you!
Hi Matt! I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow is a Month for me! It’s an empowering feeling! And again,I wanna thank you for what you do! I know I’ve said it before, I’m gonna say it again, I would not have been able to do this without you! Not only the information but your support as well. Thank you for all you do! You’re an angel!
Matt Finch
Thanks for another awesome update Nikki! A month is HUGE! You must feel so free. Thanks for the kind words I really appreciate it. The information may have helped, but you did this…so congratulations!
thank you so much for your response, I will gladly update you with my progress. I did take the vit.c capsules with the supplements. The first day went quite well with only minimal wds, but half way into the second day I was feeling so poorly i unfortunately ended the plan.At first I was so disappointed and angry at myself, but then I realized im going to do this, one way or another. You’ve supplied me with so much invaluable information that im sure ill eventually find a way to beat this..For the first time in ages I feel hope rather than despair and its all thanks to you.
Matt Finch
I’m so happy to hear this information has helped. And it’s true…now you have so many methods to help you that you are no longer in the dark. Keep that feeling of hope no matter what. You can do anything in the world that you want badly enough.
hello matt. I wish to start the vit c plan tomorrow however all I could find locally was buffered ascorbic acid powder. this contains calcium,magnesium and potassium. is this okay to use. im anxious to get started. I also purchased vit c capsules 1000mg, would that be better. I do have calm support and dlpa on hand as well. im so grateful to have found you and your informative site
Matt Finch
I’m not quite sure if it’s safe for you to mega-dose with a supplement containing those minerals. It very well could be, and so you’ll have to ask your doctor. I’ve only read studies using nothing but Vitamin C. If I were in your position, I would take the Vitamin C 1000 mg capsules. Congrats on purchasing those other supplements as well! Wishing you the best of luck, and if you want to update us with your progress as time goes on, I’m sure it would help the other readers. Take care!
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Hello, I am following this with great interest as I am about to attempt to get of sub and plan on using the vit c protocol, along with a few other tools that have been provided on this great site. Thanks heaps matt for making this info available to us, and thank you also to those who have taken the time to give us progressive updates on how they are going, nikki in particular, you will make it and you are helping others in the process.
Matt Finch
Pretty cool to read all of these success stories right Brett? It gives hope that not only does Vitamin C have great outcomes in studies, but you can even check out real live people giving their experiences and updates. Thanks for joining the conversation Brett 🙂
Very cool, it is a shame more people aren’t aware of this approach. You are doing something really great with this site matt, thanks again, when I do my jump I will post reports here. One more thing, I want to follow you on facebook but the link here is not working for me, what are you called on fb and I will look you up myself.
Brett I accidentally posted on the wrong post. Look bit for my post its very long lol
hi Nikki, thank you very much for continueing to update us, it is very helpfull, I am watching this with great interest as I am also about to attempt to get of sub and plan on using the vit c protocol.
Again thanks Nikki and a big thanks to matt for making all this info available to us.
Hi! No problem!!! Today is the end of day 18. I was TERRIFIED. I really didn’t think I would make it!! BUT now that I have, I feel like a different person. A better, happier person. I was prescribed Buprenorphine for almost 6 years. I read ALOT about detoxing yourself. I read success stories, horror stories and stories of those who didn’t make it. Just doing the research Can. Be. Stressful.
I think pretty much every success story I read the person talks about feeling like their brain was in a fog and it just lifted. And that the time these people were on bupeprenorphine, it was like the were looking back on someone elses distant memories. Honestly, In the beginning, I thought that was just ridiculous. In my mind, I knew there was absolutely no way that was going to happen to me. I had my memories and I remembered, ya’ll know, the usual stuff. Holidays, every one of your childrens birthday parties and so on and so forth. Well, let me tell ya, those people knew exactly what they were talking about. I think it was about…day 7 or 8 or so and My fiancee was telling me how different I was. Like I said I’m happier. I actually laugh. I feel like I just woke up from a 6 year nap. My memories, those that i can actually remember, are exactly as those people all said And the wording, a fog lifted, is exactly what its like. I can tell that my endorphins are slowly starting to produce normally. From around day 4 and on I would just bust out laughing for absolutely NO reason. I’d laugh so hard I’d cry. And that was not me. My fiancee noticed it first then my friends and my family who (did not, does not and will not) ever know about any of this, have noticed a difference in me. ANYWAY, I’m rambling Brett, if you want i can give you my email. If it’s allowed on this page anyway.
Matt, I’ll never be able to how thankful I am that I found your site. I truly wouldn’t have been able get through even to this point without you! I think it’s just amazing what you do for people here. You’re a blessing.
hey Nikki, yes I have heard the same thing and am truly looking forward to it, though I am terrified of taking the plunge. Being able to follow somebody’s journey through is very helpful and I would def like to keep in touch. You could look me up on face book, I should be easy to find if you spell my name right and we could exchange emails from there.My name is brett cuylenburg, I don’t think there are any others spelt that way, also I’m in Australia. I look forward to hearing from you, thanks again and stay strong, life will get better and better from now on.
Matt Finch
Nikki you ROCK!!! Feel free to give your email out on this forum it’s perfectly fine. And I love to see people working together! There is strength in numbers I tell ya! I am so glad you found this site as well. I’m in the middle of creating an online course right now that, in my opinion, will be even far superior to this blog for quitting opiates and staying clean and LOVING LIFE. It’s going to be a combination of text, pictures, videos, audios, PowerPoint presentations, pdf downloads, worksheets, journaling, quiz’s and more!
It’s taking a long time because I’m putting so much care and effort and energy into it, but I look forward to seeing how many people it helps in the future. Take care Nikki, and thanks again for being a part of the conversation to help others who stumble upon this website. 🙂
My email is
Matt Finch
The physical withdrawal is over?! AWESOME! Glad you’re past the acute withdrawal, and now it appears as though you’re experiencing the first stages of the post acute symptoms. Glad you’re going to make it 🙂 I’m really proud of you! Not many people are able to make it this far, and you are truly an inspiration. Thanks so much for the update Nikki 🙂 Well done.
Thank you Matt! I really appreciate all of your info. It has really helped a lot. I couldn’t have done it without you!
Matt Finch
Hi Mae,
If it were me in your position, I would use the Vitamin C protocol with the supplements and discontinue the kratom. I don’t believe I’ve heard any CT from methadone success stories. I’m glad this website has been valuable for you, and I care about you all very much. I would love to hear from you again for an update on your progress Mae. Take care.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Thank you Matt for all your articles and comprehensive info you’ve compiled for all whom are interested. I am preparing my titration from Oxycodone once my Doc says it’s OK.
I have read a lot about detoxing at home and I can’t wait to be free of these prescribed meds, as I would rather go completely “commando” (meaning “0” opiates in my body) despite my chronic lower back pain.
Anyhow, the purpose of my inquiry is concerning the relatively high doses of Vit C for this detox; since liposomal Vit C is purported to be of higher bioavalability vs the powdered form of it, wouldn’t liposomal Vit C be superior as opposed to the powdered form since one would typically require much less of it to achieve the equivalent effect required for the detox?
Thanks again and I am looking forward to your reply on this topic.
Sincere regards and good onto you!
Matt Finch
Hi Michael,
Until you mentioned it, I had never heard of liposomal Vitamin C. I just read up on it, and it seems to be superior and amazing. I wonder why the studies I read all used it in the form of ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate? Anyways, thanks so much for the tip, and it’s such valuable information I’m even going to put an addition at the end of this article. Thanks! I love it when I learn things like this from comments, and I sincerely appreciate this method!
And as for back pain, you may benefit from checking out the following book that helped me and many others!
Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection
Take care.
"Bill Wilson"
So what’s better? Kratom, Evitrol, or Vitamin C? Or do you recommend taking all?
Just me
just saw this and am already going through withdrawals. it states that the loading phase is critical, so will it help if you are already in w/d and haven’t started 3 days prior to w/d
Matt Finch
According to the research, the loading phase helps to get the body used to taking that much Vitamin C so it’s easier on the bowels when the doses get higher, however, many people have emailed me and said they didn’t do the loading phase and they still had great results!
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Matt Finch
Thanks for the update Nikki! Sounds like you’re doing great! Good for you, and thanks for sharing your progress. Feel free to post any more updates and go for it! 🙂
I haven’t taken suboxone in 23 days days and I’m amazed how manageable things have been getting off the medication. In 2006 I made the mistake of getting on suboxone. Since then I’ve quit on my own twice. However, my insomnia and sweating horribly after months of stopping the medication lead me to getting back on it the last time. My doctor warned me that stopping the medication was a good way to over dose. (I’m assuming because they think there is no way to get off of it and stay clean.) Then instead recommended I keep taking the medication and also get a hepatitis shot because suboxone/subutex can cause liver damage. I’m not a doctor but it sounds insane to play Russian Roulette with my health so I can be on a pill for the rest of my life. I already spent most of my 20’s on suboxone and I wasn’t wiling to spend the rest of my life taking it.
I did not taper much and basically only did a 3 day taper. I went from 16 mg., to 4 mg., to 2 mg., to 1/2 mg. and stopped. Tapering that fast was uncomfortable. I did not know anything about Vitamin C at the time for withdraws. So inadvertently I drank a gallon of OJ a day because it was the only thing I felt like drinking. Surprisingly my withdraws were super mild. I didn’t take anything else anything else during the taper or the during the first 4 days of discontinuing the medication besides ibuprofen, multi vitamins, and a ton of OJ.
By day 5 I started doing research and added loperamide and kratom. I was amazed that 90% of my symptoms were gone.
Right now I feel like a million bucks. I’m going on a trip tomorrow to go hiking and zip-lining. I have way more energy and am more productive than I was being on suboxone/subutex. I laugh more and really feel like myself again, for the first time in a long time. I’m so grateful I didn’t spend any more of my life chained to a medication. This has been the most comfortable detox of my life. I’ve literally slept every night (which is usually impossible for me). The least amount of sleep I got was 4 hours one night (on day the first week). Right now I’m getting 7-8 hours per night. I wake up a few times each night and drink OJ and go back to sleep. I haven’t even had severe body temperature fluctuations. The restless legs are only bad at night and using bengay has solved that issue so I can fall asleep. When I wake up in the morning the legs cramps are gone.
I’m so scared and excited at the same time. I’ve tried a million times to stop taking pills and I always go right back to them because the withdrawal is horrible. I have a full time job and 2 boys that both play basketball and football so I can’t be in the bed miserable all day. I’m nervous about getting the dose right so any advice would be appreciated. I take anywhere from 100mg to 150mg of hydros a day. Would a teaspoon full be a good place to start? Thank you so much, you have no idea!!
Matt Finch
Hello there I’m really excited for you! There is no way for me to know what dose you would do best on, as it’s a very individual thing. According to the study I used as an example for the dosing protocol, the author said to use enough Vitamin C to kill w/d symptoms, but if it was causing bowel intolerance, then to lower dose just a bit, to find the individual sweet spot, which varies from person to person.
So to answer your question, it’s just something you’ll have to experiment with and see what works and what doesn’t, then make adjustments.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
My problem is the terrible restless legs and arms and tvat that is keeping me from going through with it. Will the vitamin C help that. I am terrified of the RLs
Matt Finch
Sorry so late responding, but your comment went into the spam folder. I will now be checking this daily to avoid this happening again. Please refer to the following article:
How To Stop Restless Legs From Opiate Withdrawal
Jesse B
Thank you for all that you do!
I am currently on day 4 of working through this and now about 24 hours without any oxycodone. So far, so good! Very mild symptoms, if any! But I have not been able to withdrawal from a high dose of fentanyl that I have been on for just over a year. Is there anything else that I can do to get off the fentanyl?
Matt Finch
Awesome to hear your great results! Sorry I’m so late responding, but your comment went to the spam folder along with a few others. I will now check the spam folder daily so this doesn’t happen again. I hope everything went good!
Jesse B
First, thank you so much for the information. I feel a sense of hope for the first times in along time! I was wondering how long should the vitamin C be taken? I see the example shows only 6 days. Is the implication to begin slowly tapering off after 6 days, or is there a set time and dosage to continue? Is there anyther place to find this information?
Matt Finch
Hi Jesse,
I’m glad you are finding the information helpful, and that sense of hope goes a loooooong way. This is just a sample of what a detox protocol could look like. In the study that I took this from, they only did it for 6 days, with men coming off heroin, and on day 7 they discontinued Vitamin C in mega-doses (to the best of my knowledge).
However, Vitamin C is an excellent supplement for daily use, so you may wish to consider using about 3-4 grams per day after you are finished detoxing. For more information, I highly recommend reading the following articles that I referenced in my article, and paraphrased and quoted many key points:
Attenuation of Heroin Withdrawal Syndrome by the Administration of High-Dose Vitamin C
Drug Addiction is Easy to Cure
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Can I use the gummed thst they now make vit c ?
Matt Finch
What other ingredients does it have in it? What brand and product name?
I can’t find any info on Calcium ascorbate, can this protocol work with that form? I appreciate the help and I appreciate what you do, thanks.
Matt Finch
A few others asked this as well Andy, and I’m not sure about its safety. I haven’t read any studies or research using this form.
I’m confused on the dosage of vitamin c. When you say to take a mixture of 500-1000 mg every 2 hours throughout the day, do you mean 500-1000 mg every 2 hours, or is that the daily dose? I’ve been experimenting with but c for w/d, but the stomach problems are so intense and no amount of loperamide will control the extreme diarrhea. The man who told me about this said to make a mixture of 100 grams for an entire day(he recommends more for smokers) and to mark off sections of the bottle for every 2 hours that I’m awake. What might I be doing wrong? I’ve gone down to 60 grams a day, but am literally living on the toilet. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. I’m a chronic pain patient and have been on painkillers for 6 years. My doctor just decided he’s no longer going to do pain management for any of his patients, and will only write scrips for another 3 months. I live in Tx, and it’s very difficult to find a pain management dr who will do anything more than offer steroid injections. Every dr other than the one I’ve seen for the past 6 years refuses to write pain med prescriptions, even though I have central sensitization syndrome (a nervous system disorder that cause widespread chronic pain) and many spinal issues.
Matt Finch
Hi Layne,
I’m sorry to hear about your chronic pain and soon-ending treatment from your doctor. As for your question, I meant what I wrote. 1-2 grams every few hours. The protocol in this article was used in a major study with great results. The doctor I learned from stated it is beneficial to take just enough Vitamin C to alleviate symptoms, but just under the amount that results in bowel intolerance. He stated that sodium ascorbate is easier on the stomach than ascorbic acid. Which type are you using? And is there anything mixed in it?
Another question: You say you are living on the toilet…but are your opiate withdrawal symptoms gone? I would rather be on the toilet, and not in withdrawal, than going through acute withdrawal symptoms.
Perhaps you just need to adjust your dosage and lower it even more, or simply accept that the bowel intolerance is the side effect of stopping the most severe opiate withdrawal symptoms using the Vitamin C protocol.
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
This is too much stuff to buy unless you really plan it out. Unfortunately it won’t help anyone in immediate need
Wow. Too much stuff to buy without planning it out? So here’s a thought… plan it out 🙂 You need to buy 3 items. The vit c, the juice and the calm support.
This really is as simple as it gets and anyone serious about quitting opiates will grab onto it with both hands.
However, it might not be the best thing for someone who is in IMMEDIATE need… or someone who just needs a way to cope while they’re waiting for their script to be filled or for some money to come in so they can buy their drug of choice 😉
Just my two pennies’ worth. In my experience if you’re serious about quitting, you’re much more likely to be successful if you plan ahead and cover all possibilities. Just stopping using and sitting around waiting for the withdrawals to kick in doesn’t usually work in my experience.
I haven’t tried this method yet, I came across this whilst searching for something else but I know about mega dosing of vitamin C for curing other diseases such as cancer and MS so I’m gonna give it a go for my heroin addiction. It’s a fact that the official recommended daily intake amounts of vitamins and minerals are generally way under what we really need for optimum health and when it comes to water soluble vitamins, like vitamin C, there’s no possibility of overdosing.
Big pharmaceutical companies and governments have a vested interest in suppressing natural remedies like these. Nature is pretty smart. You can be sure that nature provides a remedy for every disease there is. Just because we haven’t discovered it yet, or it’s been kept from us by those who profit from other methods, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Thank you Matt for drawing this to our attention. I’ve been an opiate addict for going on five years so I know the desperation and suffering that people reading this are going through. Your website is an oasis in a desert of misinformation and lies.
Good luck to everyone out there trying to get clean. Don’t listen to what NA/AA says – you are not powerless and you can get well without resigning yourself to having to sit in a damp church basement meetings for the rest of your life.
Dear Anonymous,
It is a sincerely great shame that you are allowing negativity and, The Dark Side, to overwhelm not just yourself but, others who may well be on the verge of making those last tiny planning steps towards The Light and, reclaiming their lives. Assuming that you are trapped by addiction, perhaps you may consider just how much damage long term use of your drug of choice, has done to your well-being, both psychologically and physically. I do wish you peace and harmony in your life.
I can’t believe how well this works. This is saving my life. Literally.
Matt Finch
So glad it’s working well for you!!! Thanks for sharing your results, and I wish you the best.
Hanging on
How does it help with methadone withdrawal? And can you only take the Vitamin C? On day 8 with nothing but naproxen and gaba.
Matt Finch
This protocol could still work, though it might have to be adjusted due to the long-half life of methadone. For instance, one might need to mega-dose for a few extra days perhaps. However, I have not read research on this.
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
I want to get off methadone bad and would give anything to know how to wein off this garbage without horrible withdrawal…
Matt Finch
Joe please refer to the following article:
How To Get Off Methadone Without Withdrawal
Can I use air born and vitiman c and I have no idea where to get calm support but I’m 2 days off suboxone and I need help
Matt Finch
It’s probably not safe to mega-dose with air born (though I’m not certain). It has herbs and other nutrients in addition to Vitamin C, Calm Support, at the time I am writing this, is not available in stores, and can only be purchased on the internet.
Sorry, one more question. Can I use L-Ascorbic acid instead of the sodium Ascorbic acid? Thank you
Matt Finch
Some of the studies used ascorbic acid with great results, so the answer is yes!
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Hi, I’ve been doing some reading on liposomal vtamin c. Thinking off making my own. What do you think? Would that be even more effective? Or am I making this harder then It has to be. Any input would be appreciated. So thankful I found you.
Matt Finch
Diane I think you might be overthinking it. Sodium ascorbate powder in diluted fruit juice is easy and has been shown in studies to produce very good results. I’m thankful you find this website too 🙂 If you have any further questions I’m here to assist you. Take care.
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Joel the K
i know you are not overthinking it. it’s a damn good question. I have purchased twice liposomal V-c in these small packets. each box was 30 small packets of a substance resembling apple butter. Studies claim ascorbate/blood levels rivaling I.V. ascorbate. The study Matt Finch has built his paradigm around talks about I.V. ascorbate :The Hypoascorbemia-Kwashiorkor Approach to Drug Addiction Therapy: A Pilot Study. The Liposomal V-C purports to achieve blood levels up to 7 times that of oral V-C. Which would mean a whole lot less belching, chugging, crapping, moaning, and groaning. Let me tell everybody this: i believe this study, it just seems so legit and real, but it has not worked for me yet, because when you feel like crao, your stomach does NOT feel like power chugging ANYthing, much less a bunch of acids mixed in acidic juice. It’s tough babe, just being real. I wish you all success, i would not give methadone to my most hated enemy, and from what i hear, this suboxone crap is JUST as bad or worse. OMG if that is true god help those poor bastards.
Its literally a crime that Big Pharma and the medical profession has embraced Suboxone for opiate dependence. This has proven to be as bad or worse than Methadone, IMO. I did use Suboxone to get off Oxycodone, but it sure as hell didn’t cure anything. Now I just had more pain and a new addiction that was much harder to end! I did eventually get off Suboxone but my receptors are trashed and I live in pain and must take Kratom daily or suffer. I have weighed all the options and feel, for the time being at least, this is my safest option. There is no high, cravings, or cognitive dysfunction with Kratom and while it is a bit hard on the digestive track, it isn’t some synthetic drug that will ultimately have people climbing the walls at some point. It handles most of my pain and receptor issues in a very benign way. Almost like insulin for a diabetic. Just a matter-of-fact kinda dosing thing.
I simply cannot believe that Big Pharma cannot come up with better, safer, medications to treat people with chronic pain and/or opioid dependence. But then again, its never been about ‘curing anything’. There is no money in that. Health care revolves around treating symptoms and having patients as repeat customers. Its really sad to come to terms with the fact that Healthcare is big business. The integrity that existed in this industry decades ago is now gone. I keep thinking/wanting it to there when I go to the doctor, but it clearly is not. Most PCP’s treat patients as if they were at a minute clinic or express care facility. The clock starts when you walk in their office and the quality time you get with the doctor depends entirely on your insurance. I’ve had receptionists tell me, ‘oh you have Medicare, expect no more than 10 minutes with the doctor.’ Certainly doesn’t bode well for the 100 million+ baby boomers approaching, or in, their SS years. What happened to integrity and the ‘hippocratic oath’ and ‘do no harm’ pledge? Its a new world and without the internet and wonderful sites like Matt’s, we’d all be toast! I apologize for this soapbox style rant, but it had to be said! Don’t count on your doctor to look out for you. You must take responsibility for your own health…PERIOD! Doctors, at the end of the day, are primarily looking out for themselves. If you are lucky enough to have an old school doctor with integrity, hang on to him or her, as if you life depended on it ( because, it probably does!).
Can I take Ester-C powder instead? 1 serv=2/3 tsp =1,500 mg as Ester-C calcium ascorbate
Matt Finch
Not sure if Ester C is safe to mega-dose due to it containing calcium. It might be, but I am unsure.The studies I researched used sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid, not Ester-C.
Hi…i am wondering if i could use the vit c pills 1000 mg or does it really nees ro be the powder?
Matt Finch
Pills also work. The powder is just easier to take large doses with.
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Do you recommend taking any other vitamins/supplements? I am prepared to quit, and recently ordered some LDPA and L-Tyrosine, but then, I read this, and this seems to have a lot of success stories, so will probably try this.
I was smoking opium for over a year (not a lot daily, but I was obviously addicted). I smoked my last about 3 weeks ago, and then went on methadone 10mg for about a week, tapered down to 5mg for two weeks. I took the last 5mg on Friday morning. However, since Sunday, I’ve been taking 5/325 hydro everyday. I want to start the Mega-Dose Vit C, so should I not use the LDPA, L-Tyro, etc?
Matt Finch
Hi Henry,
The supplements you mentioned are usually good to use during the mega-C protocol. The ones you mentioned can help restore your brain chemistry to optimal functioning while detoxing off opioids.
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Hi. I’m using 5 mg of methadone daily for many years now and it’s hard to kick the habbit as if I’m using much more. My question is do I need same amounts of SA and other supplemnts as you mentioned or do I need to take less? Hope I will get better soon. Thanks. Bye
Matt Finch
Hey Dora,
Everyone is different with their unique biochemistry. The way the protocol is intended is to adjust the dose to your own needs. It may take a little experimenting, but most people that do it get the hang of it rather quickly. People have had outstanding results. I know you will get better soon Dora. Best of luck to you!
Matt, I want to sincerely thank you for your help. I decided I was done with oxycodone because i was sick of being dependent on it and how it was affecting me, and my family (I was on it for 2 years for endometriosis). I would have quit the oxy much sooner if I found this page earlier, I put off quitting because I was so scared of withdrawals. Your method gave me the courage to cut myself off and it helps me so much! During the first few days, minutes after drinking the mixture, my symptoms became minimal, and they were horrible otherwise! I am now 3 weeks clean and found that I still need the mixture to stop my hands from shaking, and to knock outheadaches, but less often than the acute withdrawals. If it wasn’t for you Matt, I would have ran back to oxy so quickly just because of the withdrawal symptoms, especially the PAWS because the lasting anxiety would have kept me from everyday functioning. Matt, you are doing a great thing by helping everyone on this page. This regimen does work! Turning to benzos would have made things worse for me in the long run because I know I would have become addicted to them too. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Anybody else contemplating trying this regimen, please do at least try it out, it worked for me and I am so, so, so greatful!!! Bless you Matt, I hope I can help as many people as you have some day.
Matt Finch
Hi Vanessa,
I’m so happy this detox plan has worked so well for you!!! Congratulations! I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to write about your experience with this vitamin C protocol. I’m so proud of you for making it 3 weeks clean Vanessa, this is truly extraordinary. Well done!
Thank you! You are a great person Matt!
I’m starting this today after being an addict of all opiates…tried suboxone as well, didn’t work. I have been clean a couple times in the this 10 year cycle of heaven but mostly hell. I’ll update I’m in day 4 if detox off 15mg morphine and I feel pretty good tbh. Thanks for this, it makes sense
Matt Finch
Good luck!
Hi Matt, I live in Vancouver bc and unfortunately I don’t have access to calm support. Is there a another product I can use with similar affects, or maybe a substitute? I would greatly appreciate your advice!!
Matt Finch
Hi Osmani,
If you live close to a vitamin or health food store you can get several different natural remedies to help you. Please refer to the following article that can help you decide which supplements to get:
2014 Opiate Withdrawal Remedies Review
But can I just use regular vitamin c with rose hips?
Matt Finch
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
I didn’t want to wait to order the stuff off the internet, so I went to GNC and bought the vitamin c with rose hips powder and it worked great. I think it was $15. I just ordered the calming support online because the only thing GNC had that was similar only came in a weight loss box full of packets with other vitamins and appetite control pills. So, I spent $40 on the box and throw half of each packet away everyday (the appetite control pill gave me more anxiety). I hope you are doing well, we all need to support each other because we all know the struggle we face with our addiction. I found that nobody else I know fully understand how difficult it is (especially mentally), to quit taking these evil pills. 🙂
You can order it online. I’m from Kamloops, Bc and got it in 4 days.
Jessica S
I posted on another article, and you recommended this for my jump off suboxone. For the record and reference, I am jumping off about 4 mg, and I have been on Suboxone for almost 2 1/2 yrs. I got my container of SA (Vit C) that you posted above in your article and started with a 1/4 tsp every 2 hrs. Only on first cycle of that. Calm Support will be here tomorrow. Thank you Amazon Prime =) I had 1 mg of sub 3 days ago, and yesterday & today I have had .5 mg and now the fun will start in the coming days. Yawning/sinus stuff came around last night. I am lucky that withdrawal does not keep me awake. I really don’t want to stay awake and would sleep for the next 2 wks, but having a 3 1/2 yr old makes that impossible =)
I will update this as time elapses in hopes it will help someone else who must take this step. I know I have scoured the Web for months looking for any positivity I could find. This will be a positive log, but I will also be honest. I made it 11 days off a slightly higher dose at Xmas, with just clonidine and Atarax (Visteril/Hydroxyzine are other names. It is an antihistamine also used for anxiety), but went back on to be Santa and be able to highly function. Looking back, I could have and should have stuck it out, but no regrets. Thanx, Matt, for this recommendation, and again, I highly admire what you do =) Here’s to getting my life back!!
Matt Finch
Wow Jessica!!! I’m so proud of you for giving it your all! Everyone I’ve heard from that has used this protocol has been blown away by how easy it was. The most common complaint I hear of on this protocol is fatigue, as that side effect during acute withdrawal is pretty much there no matter what at least for a few days. Thanks for sharing your plan with us, good luck to you, and I look forward to hearing about your progress. Bye for now!!
Jessica S
Ok. So I started the Vit C yesterday, and on 2nd dose went to 1/2 tsp every 2 hrs. I have a sensitive gag reflex, but managed. It tastes fine, I’m just weird. So today I am taking 1/2 tsp every hour, as going over 1/2 tsp at once was not working, plus I don’t drink barely any fluids as it is, so this ups my fluid intake significantly. I started my calm support an hour or so ago, and I’m ready to go.
I’m only in slight withdrawal since I dropped my dose significantly the last 3 days, and today is day 1 without it.
I hope the way I am doing the Vit C is ok, and if I would need to split it even further to every half hour at the peak of withdrawal with the nausea, is that still ok? I think the extra fluids alone will help with things. I really don’t drink anything but coffee and maybe 16 oz of water normally. Thanx so much for ur support. I will update sparingly from here since I tend to write a lot =)
Matt Finch
Jessica it sounds like you are doing everything very well!!! Just remember to listen to your body and adjust things if necessary like the article says. I’m so proud of you! And feel free to update a much as you want. I like to see how things are going, and it really helps everyone who reads your updates too. I just had a gentlemen give me a 21-day update and doing another detox plan I wrote using kratom, and he is doing wonderful! Inspiring stuff I tell ya. Have a great day Jessica, and I look forward to your next update 🙂
Jessica S
So today is day 5 since my jump. I have had very minimal withdrawal, mainly at night. Last night was the first night I couldn’t get my body to settle after being woke up only 2 hrs into my sleep. After tossing around awhile, I went and drank 4 grams of SA. Oddly enough, I was asleep in like 20 minutes till my daughter woke me an hour later again. Don’t even remember my body stopping its jumping. Then drank another cup with less SA only cause my body still felt fine, but I’ve been slacking with my Vit C during the day due to the BI (so many stomach issues, so little time). Anxiety, just in my body, comes in waves with shakes, tightness, etc. So I go drink some Vit C. I take my calmsupport 2x a day, 2nd dose is at 6 p.m.
I keep busy everyday. Yesterday was some produce shopping, and today I really want to take my daughter to feed the ducks, even though I don’t feel like doing it, I know when I get going I will feel like a million bucks. I have been off of work since Friday, and may be called back tonight. I sit at a desk so boredom will be my issue if i have to go in. Idleness is what makes me feel in withdrawal… otherwise I am doing great so far. Another week and I hope to be home free.
But I will continue with the Vit C even when I’m done with the withdrawal. I even give my daughter a 1/4 tsp sip of my drink.
I might add that I can now do 4-5 grams in 1 glass, and the taste has grown on me. LOL. I am so glad I found this site, and hope to reap many more benefits from it past withdrawal help =) Will update again in the near future. =)
Matt Finch
Wow sounds like things are going well! I’m so proud of you for sticking with the protocol and having faith that you will feel good soon. Have fun taking your daughter to feed the ducks, and I am also so glad you found this site. Looking forward to your next update Jessica. 🙂
Jessica – are you still doing ok?
Tracey Lee
How r u? Did u make it???
Do you have to still be on drugs three days before. Can’t you just start day one with the vitamin c and keep going with just that and calm support. What if your out of heroin and your just going thru withdrawal?
Matt Finch
The loading phase is not necessary. From my understanding it’s just to help the individual get used to taking large doses of Vitamin C to minimize bowel intolerance.
Hi Matt, How many teaspoons of sodium ascorbate per the 3 oz of water and 3 oz of juice? I know the protocol says 1000 to 2000 mg just making sure I do this correctly. I purchased all the recommended items for a friend and read your article on the vitamin c. Thank you for all of the information you have given it has been very helpful.
Matt Finch
Hi JB,
According to the label on the sodium ascorbate product in the article, 1/4 teaspoon is about 1200 mg. I’m so glad you are helping your friend, and also happy that this information has helped. Take care.
This stuff works folks. i am on day 9. Thank-you Matt for your research and willingness to share this with the public. I have gone through suboxone twice in the last 5 years. It is difficult to believe something as simple as this can get you through acute withdrawal. Day 2 and 3 i was weedwacking. Usually i don’t even want to put on my shoes.
Matt Finch
Glad to hear the protocol worked for you Mick, and thanks so much for sharing your success story with the rest of the readers! That’s truly remarkable. Take care.
That last question of why the medical community doesn’t accept megadose Vitamin C has a long history. The initial problem was that the doses tested as “large” were maxing at 8 to 10 grams, whereas the needed doses for effective testing were more like 80 to 100 grams — or more. Read some of the research of Reidsville, NC, Dr. Fred Klenner, who used both oral and IV megadose C to great efficacy. Similar to the NIDA story, Dr. Klenner presented a paper to AMA documenting megadose C to treat and cure 62 out of 62 polio patients pre-vaccine era when polio was a scourge. They listened and then just let the paper die a natural death on the shelf.
I experimented with megadose oral C for my autoimmune disease and was freaked when I got to 200 grams without bowel intolerance and so aborted. Klenner would have said “keep going”. He also noted that people who aren’t sick, including those who took megadose C and then were tested later post-illness or stress, had a reduced bowel tolerance of 8 to 10 grams. It seems to me somebody in the mainstream medical research community should try to explain that.
Before I try Ibogaine as an expensive last resort, I’m starting Matt’s regimen and also maybe try megadose IV vitamin C if the holistic docs I contacted will ever return my calls and inquiries. One comment about the regimen concerns the several lower-doses taken in DFJ. For convenience, you might just as well get a big bottle of 1000mg C pills and just pop a few with water per the schedule, particularly, during the night, while taking your big doses in the DFJ.
As you are probably aware since I bet that you follow such things, finally the medical community has acknowledged that there’s no evidence, and never has been, that salt, that is, common table salt, has negative health effects, save in the rare cases of confirmed SSH (salt-sensitive hypertension). (I used to work for NIH and at least 15 years ago an MD researcher friend there told me about the salt myth, and to use as much salt as I cared for.) However, I’m not certain that great excesses of sodium are okay, such as one would intake if using sodium ascorbate vs. ascorbic acid for megadosing. Occasionally in my megadose experiments, I’ve used ground up Tums to neutralize the ascorbic acid and to get a lot of calcium instead of sodium — unfortunately, this approach tastes terrible. What is your basis for recommending sodium ascorbate vs. ascorbic acid? Do you have any comment on the sodium issue?
Matt Finch
Hi Charlie,
I linked to one study using ascorbic acid and vitamin E that had good results. I also took the protocol in this article using sodium ascorbate from another study done with favorable results. From the many doctors I have studied from, most use sodium ascorbic, though some use ascorbic acid, all with good results it appears.
The reason I chose this particular protocol is because it had good results with chronic IV heroin users, and according to what I’ve read, is easier on the stomach. As far as the sodium issue you are talking about, I believe sea salt and pink himalayan salt are amazing, but refined table salt doesn’t match up, in my opinion.
As for taking too much, according to Ayurvedic medicine, I’m a pitta dosha type, so I should avoid excess salt according to that system. I’ve tried so many different food-healing or dietary systems, and this one has worked the best for me, though it may not suit everyone.
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Hi , I’ve been doing some research on tapering or just cold turkey , I’m over this taking pills , I have to get thru my work week which ends on Saturday and I’m done , tomorrow I’m going to get the vit C and start taking it immediately . Is there somewhere I can buy the calm support in store ? Or something like it in store ? I’ve been taking oxy 10 mg ( pink) for about 6 months now , between 40-80 mg a day I would say the last couple weeks I’ve been taking 80 and before that fluctuated between 40-60mg . I’m ready to be off these and not think about it anymore . What would you recommend ?
Matt Finch
Hi Kristina,
There is nowhere in stores at the time I am writing this to obtain CalmSupport. However, the following article can help you learn how to go to the store near you to build your own opiate withdrawal supplement:
2014 Opiate Withdrawal Remedies Review
My husband and I started with opiate pills recreationally and it led to a full blown addiction. We couldn’t afford $30/pill which led us to heroin, which we said we would NEVER do! Now we have been on heroin for over a year and have tried quitting SO many times. Every weekend we try getting through withdrawals long enough to get on sub. The withdrawals have been so horrific, that we cave each time and go back to heroin. We snort it and have never injected it. We heard about using high doses of vitamin C for withdrawals last week and this is the second day of taking vitamin C. Withdrawals are going to start tonight and get really bad tomorrow. We are completely broke, without a dime or credit card to our name – due to this awful addiction. Therefore, we have only been able to purchase the vitamin c tablets we researched online. We both have intense jobs in a corp environment and need to be at work on Monday (tomorrow is sunday). We need to be as comfortable as possible by Monday. Will the vitamin C alone be enough?! If anyone wants to donate a bottle of this calmsupport to us, you would be saving our lives! I can’t call out of work again or I’ll lose my job, our bank account is negative $350+ dollars and are credit cards are gone and being paid down by a credit org that we have been working with. We get paid Wednesday, but that won’t help us now and we are so overwhelmed with bills- can’t even afford oil for hot water and we make 6 figures before taxes- That’s the power of addiction! Praying the vitamin C gets us off heroin and keeps us super comfortable! Pray for us! Good luck everyone!
Matt Finch
I’ve known people that have gone to work on the Vitamin C protocol. It’s still difficult, because even though it typically gets rid of the worst symptoms, the fatigue is usually still present, making it difficult to go to work. Good luck to the both of you, and I hope you will update us with your progress.
Hi, I have been taking hydrocodone/percocet off and on for 10 years. I am currently taking 4 10mgs per day and I am so ready to be done with this hell!! My question is , do I have to to the 3 day pre treatment or can I just jump right in? I have only taken 3 today and I don’t have any for tomorrow so can I just start with the mega dose tomorrow? I’m going to have to call into work Wednesday so I will have Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday off. Do you think I will be ok to return in Monday?
Matt Finch
Hi Erin,
The loading phase, while very helpful, is not necessary. The protocol can still work wonders if you start on day 1 coming off opiates, and many people have done it this way. As far as you being ready for work…there is a good chance you will be very tired and unhappy when you return to work, however, you shouldn’t be sick anymore. If you read comments by the others, you’ll see that they easily beat the acute phase, but still have fatigue and depression for days or weeks or months afterwards.
Please read the comment by MikeFish below. If you check out the articles I linked to when I responded to him, they can help you get past the post-acute fatigue and depression quicker than if you were to do nothing. The Vitamin C can basically stop acute withdrawal in it’s tracks…but the fatigue doesn’t go away for awhile. Hang in there and stick with it! You only have to get past this one time! Then you can get your natural energy and happiness back over time, but don’t rush it. It might be hard for a bit, but a strong mindset goes a long way.
I’m here to assist you and give you support along your journey. Take care.
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Hi ive been on methadone for five years I been going down two mgs every two weeks im at 7 mgs never got sick at all while decreasing but recently due to a mistake the clinic made I had my takehomes six a week for three years havent done any other drugs in years just methadone I work full time so I went in five days ago monday to pick up my takehomes they said they r taking them away because I tested positive for oxys and benzos which I havent taken in years y would I risk losing my takehomes and my job so I freaked out and walked off clinic im not going every day to get dosed then they called me said a mistake was made today after I already havent gone for five days my urine was retested it came back clean haha so im not going back im already on my fifth day widthdrawing off of 7 mgs I feel better but diarhea crying at the wierdest things my head isnt right back pains still how can I help my depression and aches when im out im not as bad but I feel I need help from something to get through this tail end thanks
Matt Finch
Please read the following article to learn effective ways to get over your symptoms:
How To Stop Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome From Opiates
You’re doing amazing! Congrats for getting off methadone. Hang in there. I know it’s touch right now, but you are going to get through this. Just know that you are going to feel better eventually, and this is going to make you a stronger person. Take care.
I thought you could overdose on vitamin c I’m very concerned about this, I want to try this but scared. I so desperately want to be done with oxycodone please help!
Matt Finch
Hi Mindi,
You’re concern about taking too much Vitamin C is why so few people know about it. Perhaps the following article from the Mayo Clinic can help you:
Is It Possible To Take Too Much Vitamin C?
From what I’ve read, the main symptom from this mega-dosing protocol is bowel intolerance (diarrhea, bloating, cramps, etc.), but you should look into it yourself and ask your doctor if this appropriate for you. Take care.
I am at 46.5 hours now using Vit C chewable (sodium ascorbate), 2.5g 3 to 4x daily – its all I could get around my tiny town – lopermide 20mg 2x daily, clonidine 0.1mg 2 x daily and DXM 100 mg 1-2x daily. I have to say I dont have any symptoms at all. I do not have any energy but that is about it. When I wake up in the morning I have watery eyes and sneeze and yawn, but within 30 min of my meds I feel fine. I slept 7 hours last night. NO RLS! Felt fine today. I’ve been eating toast and cereal and all bathroom functions are fine. I have to say I dont feel quite like myself and I think it’s the DXM but I dont have any cravings or withdrawals. I am coming off a huge habit which I tapered down to 120mg oxy and/or 32 mg hydromorphone dailly. I’m posting on here looking for ideas for supplements for energy because if I can get that back then i’m good to go. This is literally amazing guys, I cant believe no withdrawals. I generally cant go more than 12 hrs. Please pray for me. You can do this guys, it’s not tough at all. My mind sometimes tries to get me to go get something else even though I dont have a single symptom outside the lack of any energy at all. I dont even have anxiety believe it or not. Gonna do a hot shower now for he heavy tired muscles but overall I am quite happy that I have no symptoms. God bless you all though this. I just about didint post a comment at all because it kept telling me the ‘captcha’ code was wrong when it clearly wasnt so you might want to consider disabling that feature.
Matt Finch
Hello Shannon,
Thanks for sharing your awesome experience. It sounds like you have a potent combination of opiate withdrawal remedies that are making this process pretty easy on your body….except for the fatigue.
No matter what you do, the fatigue is hard to get rid of, and that’s why I recently wrote an article specifically based on this:
How To Get Your Energy Back After Quitting Opiates
You’re doing great with the acute withdrawal…I’m very impressed with the strategy you used. You’ve beaten withdrawal! Well-done! And now you have an article to read with a specific protocol to get your energy back. Best of luck to you, and I will look into the ‘captcha’ code feature not working right.
I hope you will update us on your progress. Take care Shannon.
Update: I am 60 yrs old(serious back injury-was up to 100 mg day)on day five of hydro w/d using Vit C(took a while to get dose right) & Calm Support. The physical symptoms have been almost nil I am happy to say. I did use valium some for sleep and clonidine but wish I had not;seems they lowered my blood pressure too much and I have had a horrific almost suicidal thoughts yest& today.I have also taken L tyrosine,acetyl l-carnitine and DL-phenylalanine & they seem to have a bit of a positive affect. My mental outlook SUCKS right now! I am determined no more hydro but what can I do over the next few days? I am so weak I can hardly move which goes with low BP. When exactly is acute phase over & should I go ahead with PAWS protocol now? Or at least when I have the energy? Sorry for the long post-I’m struggling
Matt Finch
Hi Ann,
You’re going to get through this! I’m sorry to hear the Valium and clonidine lowered your bp so much, but glad the supplements and Vitamin C mega-doses worked to help so well! Thanks so much for the update. I love to hear from readers how these protocols are working.
Acute phase is usually over 4-7 days after stopping short-acting opioids. Hang in there Ann. Take things easy. You’re 60 years old and coming off a lot of medication…it’s going to take time to start feeling healthy again. Most people start the PAWS protocol on my website 7-14 days after quitting opiates.
Please continue to update and I can assist you with support and recommendations. You’ve made it very far, and I assure you things get better, but it takes time.Take care.
Attention: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
I would say to first cut back on the clonidine. You did not say how much you were taking but if you are taking .1 twice a day, cut back by half. If your blood pressure is low now skip the next dose. I am taking it too so I have experience with this. A little goes a long way. Stay on the vit C. Maybe Matt can recommend things for energy because that was my chief complaint too. I just wanted to encourage you and if you some advice for getting past the place you are at now. It’s going to be getting so much easier in the days to come, I’m sure the worst is behind you now. Try to aoid the valium and taper the clonidine and see if that helps with the energy. I’m here if you want to talk. You’re ahead of me now, but I am happy to help however I can
Hi Matt. I’m on day 2 w/d from hydro using Vit C(this is 5th day of that).since your protocol for Vit c is only 6 days,I guess that means stop it completely after tomorrow even though I understand day3&4 are most difficult w/d.i am also using Calm Support,Valium & clonidine as far no terrible w/d but nervous about next 2 days. Thanks for all the info you have provided
Matt Finch
Hi Ann,
Thanks for sharing your experience thus far with the Vitamin C protocol. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment regarding what you’re going through. Please don’t be nervous about the next two days. The withdrawal remedies you have should help a lot, also, feel free to use Vitamin C for longer than the protocol outlines.
If you still need it for another 1-2 days, there is no reason why you can’t do it. It’s your body after all! Again, no need to be nervous. You’re going to get through this Ann. It may not be the best few days of your life!….but soon you will be free of this burden and your body will start to get healthy again.
Don’t forget to implement the steps in this article after you’re done with your current protocol for the acute withdrawal phase:
How To Stop Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome From Opiates
Please don’t hesitate to update us with your progress. I know the readers along with myself would absolutely love to hear how it goes. Take care Ann.
Attention: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
I know someone who recently found out about Sodium Ascorbate. He drank about a case of beer each day, took a lot of Clonopin and also took Suboxone for maybe 8 years now. His son and daughter in law live with hiim and are also addicted to a lesser extent. He wants to to take each addiction (alcohol, then benzos then Suboxone) in a linear fashion-as he believes it will be too hard to do all at once. His son and daughter in law are very supportive-but they depend on him for his perscription drugs. His Psychiatrist is insisting he withdraw little by little-rather than all at once. This Psychiatrist-like his family-has something to lose if he does become clean. I wish he had someone who had been through the same thing successfully. He is taking very little sodium ascorbate-because on ascorbate he cannot feel the high. My question is-Can his plan work-withdrawing linearly from alcohol, then Benzos and finally suboxone?
Matt Finch
If I were in your friend’s position, this is what I would do:
1) Stop drinking alcohol. Since he is taking benzos this will counteract the withdrawal symptoms. At first it will be tough, but Klonopin will help a lot.
2) Taper to a low dose of Suboxone, 2 mg or less, then use the Mega-dosing Vitamin C methods in this article.
3) Start to taper off Klonopin. Please read the following article to learn awesome ways to do this:
The Treatment of Benzodiazepine Dependence
I would also recommend that as soon as he is done getting off Suboxone, to start tapering off Klonopin and follow the steps in this article that I wrote:
How To Stop Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome From Opiates
I would not suggest getting off Klonopin before the Suboxone, as the benzo can help a lot while coming off Suboxone.
Attention: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
I’ve been on methadone for about 8 years. I’ve tapered to 15 mg daily from 65 mg daily. I would like to try the vitamin C method. Should I change the protocol any since methadone takes so long to leave the body?
Matt Finch
Hi Lisa,
Congrats on tapering to such a low dosage. That’s awesome! Good for you. In my opinion 15 mg of daily methadone is so low that the Vitamin C mega-dosing protocol could really work. Since the half-life of methadone is much longer than heroin, hydrocodone and other opioids, perhaps you could just mega-dose for a few extra days to adjust the protocol to your specific needs. Otherwise, it sounds like a great idea to me.
Attention: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Should I completely atop using any and all opiates during this withdrawal regimen?
Matt Finch
Hi Erin,
The Vitamin C mega-dosing protocol was designed for stopping the use of all opiates.
Would this work for going cold turkey off methadone, I’m down to 20 mills (have tapered from 105) and was wondering if you would suggest going cold turkey and using this protocol or tapering down ( 20 to 15, 15 to 10, 10 to 7.5, 7.5 to, 5 to 3 and off from there) slowly and using this protocol at the end? Just wanted to know your opinion. Thanks!
Matt Finch
Hi Meghan,
I’ve heard good results from several people that have used this protocol to come off methadone cold-turkey. Though everyone is different, so that doesn’t guarantee it will work the same for you. But I think you have a really good plan right there.
Matt Finch
Hi Erin,
The Vitamin C mega-dosing protocol was designed to help people stop taking all opiates within a few days.