"How To Get Off Any Types of Opioids Comfortably, Reduce Up To 90% of Withrawal Symptoms, And Never Relapse Again... Guaranteed."
"A-Z Guidance On Quitting Opioids, Preventing Withdrawal, Repairing Your Body, and Rewiring Your Brain Away From Opioids...Forever."
-Matt Finch, Founder of 
Opiate Addiction Support
You Don't Have To Be Afraid of Detoxing from Opioids
If you're currently worried about feeling aweful going through withdrawal, please let me help to ease some of your concerns.

I'm about to tell you about a SUPER POWERFUL opioid detox and recovery method that can help you GET OFF OPIOIDS WITHOUT GETTING SICK.

But first, you need to have a little background on how I came up with this simple system.

Here's how it all began...
My Story
I too was once addicted to opioids.

In fact, I really believe that I was "biologically primed" to become addicted to opioids.

Here's why...

When I was 22, I tried opioids for the first time.

My friend Morgan had hurt his shoulder and was prescribed Vicodin, and he gave me one of his pills to try while I was hanging out at his apartment by the beach.

We both took Vicodin at the same time, but I'll never forget how different of reactions we had to the same drug.

Vicodin and other opioids are central nervous system depressants, so they're supposed to make you tired.

Well, that's exactly what happened to my friend Morgan.

Within 45 minutes of us taking the Vicodin together, he was asleep, nodding forward in the chair he was sitting in, and I'm pretty sure he was drooling a little.

I had a completely opposite reaction.

The opioids GAVE ME ENERGY...

And lots of it.

But that wasn't all...

I also felt happier, more confident, more excited about life, and the sky was a new shade of blue!
So now you see why I said I was "biologically primed" to become addicted to opioids. 

Opioids made feel how I always wanted to feel, and I wanted to feel like that all of the time.

I absolutely loved opioids, but it wasn't until I was 30 years old that I became addicted to them.

The opioids helped to provide me with energy, a relief of social anxiety, more confidence, and they helped me enjoy my crappy job more. 

Opioids made life better for a while...

Until I developed a big tolerance, then a dependence, and after just two short months, the honeymoon was over.

Being addicted to opioids was hell.

It was absolutely horrible being stuck on a drug that was eating up all of my money, ruining my health, screwing up my relationships, and causing me to lower my integrity.

I wanted to quit...badly.

But I didn't know what to do.
I tried and tried, over and over...
And every time I tried to quit opioids, I either fell flat on my face, or I succeeded...

Only to relapse weeks or months later, thus starting the vicious cycle of addiction all over again.

I tried many of the popular and mainstream treatment modalities for quitting opioids, which included:

Suboxone treatment, 12-Step Programs, Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, Outpatient Rehab, and more.

After personally trying many of the traditional treatment approaches available, I wondered why I could never quit for more than a few days, weeks, or months at a time.

This question ultimately led me down a less traveled path. 

Actually, I paved my own road.
I took it upon myself to study:
  • ​ Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
  •  Psychology
  •  Nutrition & Supplementation
  •  Health & Fitness
  •  Herbal Medicine
  •  NLP
  •  Personal Development
  •  Spirituality
  •  Qigong, Yoga, & Meditation
Living a Purpose-Driven Life
Along with these, I also studied many other relevant areas that I believed could help me find the answers I was PASSIONATELY seeking. 

As a result of my dedication to overcoming opiate addiction, I’ve made a truly remarkable recovery.

Within a few months of quitting opioids, I made it my Life’s Mission and Purpose to help others recover from opiate addiction.

To start living this purpose-driven life, I became a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor at an Opioid Treatment Program (OTP), where I helped many individuals learn how to live life without the need for opioids and other addictive drugs.

However, after my initial excitement working with people one-on-one, I soon realized that the combination of medication and counseling wasn’t producing results that I was proud of. 

Some days I felt like I was making a difference, but overall, it was very sad to see so many people stuck in their painful addictions.

Though I saw our treatment program working well for a small minority of people, my passion and commitment to helping as many people as possible led me to leave that career. 

In an effort to reach more people, as well as to have total freedom of creativity, I started a Blog which I named

I started writing about everything I learned over the past few years.

As soon as I ran short on relevant topics to write about, I began researching more than ever before. 
I became an "Obsessed Seeker of Opioid Withdrawal Remedies"...
And I was one million percent dedicated to providing the most informative, helpful, and inspirational articles available on the internet.
And 12+ years ago, I started my own Coaching Practice, and have been working with individuals one-on-one ever since. 

So far, my Clients have over an 80% success rate!!!

And to me, that is amazing...considering that traditional types of treatment have a 95% failure rate.

Why is my method of opioid recovery so effective?

After over a decade of continually developing and refining my knowledge and skills, I’ve created a unique system of opiate recovery, which I call 
"The 4-Pillars Method."

The 4-Pillars of Opioid Addiction all need to be addressed and treated effectively for an individual to make a holistic recovery.
These 4 primary aspects of addiction recovery include:
  • Biological (Physical)
  • Psychological
  • Social
  • Spiritual
The Missing Link...
Early on in my studies, I realized the main reason why most treatment programs fail to help the opiate abuser make a long-term, sustainable recovery is because they don’t address all 4 of these important aspects of addiction.

For example, I worked at an outpatient facility that provided medication and counseling.

While the counseling addressed the psychological aspect of addiction, the medications (methadone, Suboxone, and Subutex), while temporarily eliminating opioid withdrawal symptoms and cravings, actually exacerbated the biochemical imbalances in the long run.

So it weakens the Physical Pillar instead of restoring it to balance.

In popular 12-step meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotic Anonymous (NA), the group members are heavily exposed to social and spiritual elements of recovery, though the physical and psychological realms are for the most part unattended to.
The commonality that most traditional treatment approaches share is their failure to address the Physical Aspect of Addiction.

Here is a very thought-provoking quote that I found which I love:

"The recovery process is frequently described as the restoration of body, mind, and spirit. The problem is that many programs have focused only on the latter two and have ignored the "body" component of recovery. Addictions are physical substances causing physical changes to a physical organ, the brain. So how do we conventionally treat them? With group therapy and spiritual counseling. Doesn't make sense, does it?"

Addiction is a 4-part malady(Bio/Psycho/Social/Spiritual), and my System of Recovery effectively treats each of these fundamental components in a natural, holistic way that is conducive to long-term Recovery, Health, and Happiness.
Why is the Physical Pillar so Important?
Long-term use of opioids leads to harmful brain adaptations that seriously effect mood and behavior. Using opioids daily for even as little as a few weeks leads to your brain becoming dependent upon the opioips to produce endorphins and dopamine, two neurotransmitters that we need an abundance of to feel pleasure and to fend off stress.

People getting off opioids relapse at a rate of 95% because they feel crappy due to having such severe neurotransmitter deficiencies, so the Physical Pillar needs to be the FOUNDATION of treatment. 

My system will teach you how to restore healthy neurotransmission fast, using Supplements, Nutrition, Exercise, and dozens of other effective methods.
"How To Have a Comfortable Detox From Home"
After close to a decade of continually improving my knowledge and skills as an Opioid Detox & Recovery Coach, Blogger, and Speaker, I decided to create something that could totally change the world.

What is it?

Well, imagine how cool it would be if you could extract all of my knowledge on opioid withdrawal and recovery methods, put all of these secrets and this proprietary information into one program, and make it fun, enjoyable, and simple to use...

Would that be something you could benefit from?

Because that's exactly what I did.
I created the first-ever, one-of-a-kind, comprehensive home-based opioid recovery program, and it's called ULTIMATE OPIOID DETOX 5.0.

This online course is the culmination of everything I've learned, and all the strategies and tactics I've created to help you get off opiates from home. 

This ULTIMATE Opioid Recovery Program will show you exactly how to get off opioids without withdrawal...Guaranteed.

What's an Online Course?

It's simply a "Digital Learning Program."

You just create a username and password, then log in from any type of device with internet connection (Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop, Desktop), and you can start learning at your own pace.

It requires no technical skills. If you know how to check emails then you have more than enough computer skills to log in and out of the course and click on the Activities. Super simple and fun!
ULTIMATE OPIOID DETOX 5.0 consists of 5 Modules & 30 Activities, including:
  • Videos
  •  Audios
  •  PDF Downloads
  •  Text
  •  Images
  •  PDF Recovery Workbook
  •  Private Forum
  •  And MUCH MORE...
Here's a Breakdown of the 5 Modules...


You will get the program overview, learn how to navigate and go through the content, my story of addiction and recovery, and there's an epic Video on the Top 7 Obstacles of Opioid Detox & Recovery. 

This Video comes with a very detailed PDF Download.
  •  Activity 1 - Welcome New Students: Course Overview
  •  Activity 2 - About Matt
  •  Activity 3 - My Story of Addiction & Recovery
  •  Activity 4 - Setting Your Intentions for the Course


A superabundance of Videos and PDF Downloads that will help you strengthen your mind and develop the "Mindset of a Champion" so you can totally crush this little opiate recovery journey. 

This Module is extremely powerful at changing the way your brain thinks about opioids and detox.
  • Activity 1 - The 5 Phases of Opioid Recovery
  • Activity 2 - Goal-Setting Mastery
  • Activity 3 - The "Ignorance Epidemic"
  • Activity 4 - The Invisible Force Preventing Opioid Recovery
  • Activity 5 - How To Link PLEASURE to Quitting Opioids
  • Activity 6 - How To "Welcome the Challenge" of Opioid Detox
  • Activity 7 - How To Easily Overcome the Fear of Opioid Detox


You will learn about the current nature of the opioid epidemic, how opioids work in the body, the concepts of tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal.

And you'll learn secrets on how opioid addiction really changes the brain.
  •  Activity 1 - The Opioid Addiction Plague
  •  Activity 2 - How Opioids Work in the Body
  •  Activity 3 - How People Become Addicted To Opioids
  •  Activity 4 - Why it's So Hard To Quit Opioids: The Hijacked Midbrain
  •  Activity 5 - Medication-Assisted Treatment: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
  •  Activity 6 - A Moment To Reflect


You will learn over 50 opioid withdrawal remedies, including prescription meds, OTC meds, supplements, natural drugs, and more. You'll also get access to over a dozen strategic detox plans that I created, which will enable you to get off opiates without withdrawal symptoms. There are some EPIC VIDEOS here that will blow your mind!!!
  •  Activity 1 - Your Individual Starting Position
  •  Activity 2 - Building Motivation for Your Detox
  •  Activity 3 - Success Stories
  •  Activity 4 - Opioid Detox Plans (Cold-Turkey, Taper, & Hybrid Plans)
  •  Activity 5 - Opioid Withdrawal Remedies Part 1: 2-Hour Webinar
  •  Activity 6 - Opioid Withdrawal Remedies Part 2: Links
  •  Activity 7 - Studies on Medications & Natural Remedies for Opioid Withdrawal


You will learn about Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, and you'll be provided with over 22 natural ways to eliminate symptoms. 

You'll also learn how to take control of your situation and live a life of meaning and fulfillment. Plenty of Premium Videos Lessons and much more!!!
  •  Activity 1 - Understanding Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)
  •  Activity 2 - How To Eliminate Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms FAST
  •  Activity 3 - How To Create the Life of Your Dreams After Quitting Opioids
  •  Activity 4 - Your New Purpose
  •  Activity 5 - Opioid Addiction Recovery Resource Guide
How To Get off Opioids 
& Mitigate Withdrawal
Module 3 is the heart of the program, and it will be your absolute favorite because it shows you exactly how to get off opioids without withdrawal symptoms.

Many people are confused about what they should do to detox from opioids.

After completing this section of the program...

You will be very knowledgeable in detox protocols, and you'll also have a strategic plan developed for how you are going to get off opioids without getting sick. 

There is a HUGE section that focuses on Home Detox.

You'll learn about every single opioid withdrawal remedy that can help you to not get sick, including:

Prescription Medications, Over-the-Counter Medications, Herbs, Amino acids, Vitamins, Minerals, Other Nutrients, Natural Drugs, and Home Remedies.

The best part of Module 3 is the 2-hour webinar where I cover over 50 opioid withdrawal remedies in great detail. 

This webinar is easily worth the entire price of the program. 

You'll be an expert in opioid detox after watching it!

And what's'll know exactly how to get off opioids without getting withdrawal symptoms.
Here are the Benefits You're Going to Get...
The Ultimate Opioid Detox 5.0 Program is guaranteed to be the best product available in the world today to help you get off opioids from the comfort of your own home, without getting sick.

Now that you've seen a brief overview of the Modules and Activities of the program, let's go a little deeper and cover some of the main benefits you're going to receive from the program:

BENEFIT #1: Get instant access to a 2-hour video webinar on over 50 opioid withdrawal remedies, which will teach you the exact remedies and dosages you need to get off opioids without getting sick.

BENEFIT #2: Get instant access to over 12 effective and simple home detox plans that I created, which will provide you with step-by-step instructions that will allow you to truly have the easiest time humanly possible coming off opioids at home.

BENEFIT #3: After going through just the first Module, you're going to have unstoppable confidence, and a strong, resilient mindset that will erase your fears and make you motivated to get off opioids like never before, and that mindset is actually going to be your most valuable resource for quitting opioids like a true champion.

BENEFIT #4: You're going to learn how to use a natural supplement you can purchase at any health food or vitamin store, which one doctor called "a cure for cancer for opiate addicts." (This supplement has been shown to significantly reduce withdrawal symptoms in at least three major studies, and you'll learn the exact dosages needed to provide you with a relatively painless detox process from home.

BENEFIT #5: You're going to learn how to use an over-the-counter medicine that costs less than $10, which can eliminate nearly all of your mental and physical withdrawal symptoms, and all you have to do is follow the simple dosing guidelines and take this medicine with water to achieve a very significant reduction of both mental and physical withdrawal symptoms.

BENEFIT #6: Afraid of feeling like crap for a long time after getting off opioids? With this program, you'll be able to get back to physical and mental health at least 10X faster than if you didn't use the tips in the program, and this benefit will allow you to enjoy life, eliminate cravings, and feel energized and happy without opioids in your system.

BENEFIT #8: You'll never again have to worry about running out of opioids, and that relief will cause you to wake up and know the feeling of true freedom from addiction, which will allow you to be happy and fulfilled, and this positive energy and outlook will positively affect every area of your life, including your finances, career, relationships, health, and much more.

The BEST & Most Affordable Opioid Detox Solution
Standard inpatient addiction treatment facilities cost between $14,000 and $27,000 for a 30-day program, and outpatient treatment can cost up to $500 per session. 

Detoxification (detox)—the removal of substances from the body—costs about $600 to $1,000 a day.

Traditional opioid addiction treatment is EXPENSIVE.

And treatment is not the only thing that breaks the bank.

Being addicted to opioids can also be expensive.

Many people that use opioids daily spend hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars a month on opioids, and this really adds up.

I have a client that I just did a consult with, and he said he makes $300,000 a year, but he spends $50,000 a year on oxycodone and oxymorphone.

That's a VERY expensive habit.

Right before I quit, I had an opiate habit that cost me on average $60 a day. 

I've been opioid-addiction-free for 12+  years now, which means I've saved way more than a quarter of a million dollars or so.

The point I'm trying to make is that opioid addiction can be an expensive habit, and traditional treatment can be as well.

So now I'll show you how my online course can help you save a whole lot of money.

How much money would you save over the weeks, months, or years by not having to purchase opioids anymore?

This program is worth so much and it's so valuable because of the result it gives you, and it can be all yours if you decide to make this wise investment.
Retail Value $1,997
Retail Price - $497
 Only $97 for a Limited Time!
60-Day Risk-Free Trial
If for any reason you aren't completely satisfied with the Ultimate Opioid Detox 5.0 Program, please email the word "Refund" to within 60 days of purchase. I'll happily give you all of your money back, no questions asked.
The Choice is Yours...
Imagine getting off opioids at home and having a painless detox, where you aren't sick.

Imagine being able to get off opioids while you're still having to go to work, take care of kids, and handling other responsibilities. 

(This is totally possible with this program!)

Imagine a better life where you are no longer dependent upon opioids. 

Imagine waking up in the morning, looking at yourself in the mirror, and seeing a STRONG, CONFIDENT, HAPPY, and FULFILLED human being, that is naturally energized and passionate about life, and clean from the use of opioids.

You have the power to accomplish this.

Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can. 

I was truly hopeless in life, and yet somehow, I turned it all around.

I was  a "C" student in high school, a three-time community college dropout, I had over 20 jobs by the time I was 33...

 And at various times in my life I suffered from:

Social Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, Low Self-Esteem, Codependency, Cystic Acne, Cold Sores, Sugar Addiction, Alcoholism, Valium Addiction, Marijuana Addiction, Prescription Opiate Addiction, Heroin Addiction, and Bipolar Disorder.

And yet somehow, despite all of these obstacles, I'm now 9 years post-opioid addiction, and I no longer have any of the issues I mentioned above.

So ya...if I can do it, ANYONE CAN.
And that means that YOU can...

And you'll have the very best chance by using the 4-Pillars Method I created in Ultimate Opioid Detox 5.0.

If you're stuck on hydrocodone, oxycodone, Suboxone, methadone, Subutex, tramadol, kratom, tianeptine, heroin, codeine, morphine, oxymorphone, opium, or any other opioid-type drug...

Ultimate Opioidd Detox 5.0 is guaranteed to help you get off opioids without getting sick, turn your life around, and move forward from this addiction in such a powerful way that you NEVER LOOK BACK.

Jason - Drug of Choice - Oxycodone

I can't thank this program enough!!! After my back injury, I was given so many pills that I got addicted fast. I didn't have a chance. Now I'm FREE from addiction and I had an easy time detoxing thanks to this program!!!

Debbie - Drug of Choice - Tramadol

Matt, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your course gave me hope and more importantly the tools to succeed.  Me and my hubby have told many others about your class. God bless.

Cyrus - Drug of Choice - Hydrocodone

Long story short...I was heavily addicted to hydro's and then my buddy told me about Suboxone. It was a miracle but then 9 years later and I'm still on it and can't get off. This course was just what I needed and it was an absolute breeze.

Natasha - Drug of Choice - Roxi's

I'm a busy model and travel a lot, and need to stay thin for magazine shoots. The oxycodone helped give me energy and stay thin, but oh at what a large price. The program that Matt has created for us is truly the best in the world, and now I'm free. <3

Greg - Drug of Choice - Hydrocodone

After 20 years of being on some type of opioid (hydrocodone, Suboxone, methadone...even fentanyl) I had been to treatment 6 times and had many failed detoxes from home. I want the world to know about Ultimate Opioid Detox 5.0. My withdrawal was almost nonexistent.

Armando - Drug of Choice - Heroin

My mind was blown after just the first video lesson. I had lost hope that I would ever get off methadone and I was suicidal. It was a 3-month process after going through the course, but I only had very mild discomfort. THANKS MATT!!!!!!
Success Stories
Lisa's Success Story: "I’ve been to medical detox, outpatient detox, and have tried to get off oxycodone and hydrocodone at home many times as well. I always struggled no matter what method I used. 

The program enabled me to reduce my withdrawal symptoms by almost 90% and I did it all from home.

I would have paid $2,000 for this program it's really that valuable."

Jim's Success Story: "Methadone ruled my life for years and years, and I every time I tried to get off I went through HELL. After watching the videos on, I saw how to reduce my symptoms and went to the store after making a shopping list of natural remedies. 

All I can say is wow!!! 

I used the techniques in the program and was finally able to get off methadone. It was a piece of cake in fact."

Rebecca's Success Story: "After being an opiate addict for three years, I finally got on Suboxone because I couldn't stop on my own. The withdrawal symptoms and cravings always lasted too long and I needed to go to work and take care of my two kids. 

After numerous failed attempts getting off Suboxone, I tried Matt's course he put together as a desperate measure because I needed my life back. I was sick of being on medication and the side effects were starting to eat away at me. 

Less than 15 days after going through the online learning program, I was off Subouxone and sleeping fine, no depression or anxiety like usual, and the only symptom I experienced was a little fatigue but that's it.

I'm trying to get my sister to go through it as well because now that I'm free of medication and feeling so wonderful, I want her to get off pills because this program is the best thing in the world for us suffering with this addiction. Thank you Matt you're a blessing!!"

Mario's Success Story: "Pills pills pills. I could never get enough pills. I was counting pills numerous times daily. I was spending all my money on pills....about $200 a day to be precise. In two years I went through all my savings from an auto accident settlement I received, and when I was hopeless and desperate, I miraculously found this program after doing an internet search. 

For less than the money it would cost me to take pills for one day, I bought the Ultimate Opiate Detox 5.0 kit and let me tell you: If you are stuck on opiates and need a solution, you will not find anything better in the world. I went through the awesome videos and learned things most doctors don't even know. 

As a result, I came off pills at home with no symptoms whatsoever. I could hardly believe it. I was even gardening and felt totally fine."
"The Ultimate Opioid 
Recovery System"
Retail Value $1,997
Retail Price - $497
Only $97 for a Limited Time!
60 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!
Secure payments through PayPal...
P.S. - Remember, this is a no-risk opportunity. If you aren't completely satisfied with the product, simply email the word "Refund" to within 60 days of your purchase, and I'll happily give you all of your money back, no questions asked, and no hard feelings whatsoever.
Copyright 2024 - Opiate Addiction Support
Disclaimer - This is an information product only and is not medical advice. Always consult with a physician if you believe you have a medical condition. This course is for informational use only. You can learn from it but ultimately a physician is who you want to show this information to.