In this article, I’m going to teach you how to use Klonopin for opiate withdrawal. Opiate withdrawal wouldn’t be all that bad if you only experienced the physical symptoms. Unfortunately, the anxiety, psychological terror, and insomnia can make withdrawal a living hell. Several years ago I was addicted to opiates. Every few weeks or months I would not be able to get any more opiates. Sometimes my dealer was out, but usually, it was because I was out of money.
Whenever this happened, I knew that I had about twelve hours after my last dose before the withdrawal symptoms would start coming on. During this time, I would text everyone I knew to see if I could score some Xanax for opiate withdrawal symptoms. Actually, I didn’t even care if it was Xanax. Other pills such as Klonopin, Valium or Ativan would work extremely well too.
Note: These medications are in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. Commonly referred to as “benzos”, these pills are very effective at reducing anxiety and easing nervous tension. They also relax muscles and help you fall and stay asleep, thus Klonopin can help with opiate withdrawal.
Klonopin for Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms
Klonopin is a brand name for the anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medication known as clonazepam. Klonopin is commonly prescribed for anxiety and panic disorder, though many opiate abusers have used Klonopin for opiate withdrawal. Klonopin is a long-acting benzo, so the effects come on slow but last for much longer than the short-acting benzo Xanax. Valium falls in the middle of these two.
Using Klonopin for opiate withdrawal has become popular due to its remarkable ability at treating the following symptoms:
- Anxiety
- Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
- Muscle tension and soreness
- Psychological terror
- Insomnia
- Poor appetite
When determining whether or not you should use Klonopin for opiate withdrawal, please consider the following key points:
- Everyone is biochemically unique; so while Klonopin worked well for me and countless others, it won’t help everyone ease their symptoms.
- For some individuals, Klonopin will work well, though Ativan, Xanax, Librium or Valium might work better.
- Many individuals say Klonopin helps them calm anxiety and fall asleep, though a small minority complain that it makes them too much like a zombie.
- Klonopin and other benzos can be habit-forming.
- Taking too much Klonopin can lead to an overdose.
How to Use Klonopin for Opiate Withdrawal
Taking Klonopin for opiate withdrawal can be a lifesaver if done properly.
The following key points illustrate a very safe way to use Klonopin for opiate withdrawal symptoms relief:
- Always take Klonopin under the supervision of a physician.
- Klonopin comes in tablets that have the following strengths (0.125 mg, 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1.0 mg, 2.0 mg).
- Due to differences in severity of addiction and biochemical uniqueness, there is no set Klonopin for opiate withdrawal dosage.
- Take the least amount of Klonopin necessary to achieve opiate withdrawal symptoms relief.
- Discontinue Klonopin after 3-4 days; the worst of the withdrawals should be over by day 5, and this way you won’t develop a physical dependence on Klonopin.
- Most individuals will benefit from as little as 0.5 mg per dose, though some will need up to 2.0 mg, especially at night before bed.
What if you Can’t Get Klonopin for Opiate Withdrawal?
If you’re going through opiate withdrawal right now and can’t get Klonopin from a doctor or drug dealer, I feel your pain. Fortunately, there are two herbs that work in very similar ways to Klonopin. Klonopin benefits for opiate withdrawal are due to it binding to GABAA receptors in the brain. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that acts as a mental relaxant. GABA is basically our natural Klonopin, though our bodies produce it in the precise amounts we were designed to handle.
Valerian root and passion flower are herbs that activate your GABA receptors like Klonopin does. They both have been shown to naturally reduce anxiety and insomnia. In one study, 75 participants with nonorganic insomnia were put into two different groups. One group received 600 mg of standardized valerian extract, while the other group received 10 mg of oxazepam (a benzodiazepine medication) for 28 days. Assessment tools used to evaluate the effectiveness and tolerance of the interventions included validated sleep, mood scale, and anxiety questionnaires as well as sleep rating by a physician.
Results: Both groups had the same improvement in sleep quality but the valerian group reported fewer side effects than did the oxazepam group.
I used valerian root and passion flower many times for opiate withdrawal anxiety and insomnia. Passion flower is also very beneficial for relieving gastrointestinal upset due to narcotic drug withdrawal. These two herbs are not as strong as Klonopin for opiate withdrawal, but they still work very well, especially when combined with other herbs, vitamins, minerals and amino acids used in the treatment of withdrawal.
Note: If you can’t get Klonopin for opiate withdrawal, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND taking passion flower and valerian root as a natural and safe alternative. These will help with anxiety, insomnia, and muscle relaxation, but they will not treat other symptoms. They do nothing for fatigue, hot and cold flashes, diarrhea or sweating. Furthermore, they don’t help replenish your brain with dopamine. I always encourage people going through opiate withdrawal to take a concentrated supplement specifically designed to treat all of these symptoms in a holistic and synergistic way.
*This Opiate Withdrawal Supplement is an extremely potent opiate withdrawal formula that can work well on its own without Klonopin. However, if you can manage to get Klonopin or another benzo, the Opiate Withdrawal Supplement and Imodium AD, and take all of these together…you’re sure to have the easiest withdrawal ever. If you can afford it, I also highly recommend taking this awesome supplement, because the benefits are just too good to pass up.
Click here now to view my best home detox program. If you have any questions on how to use Klonopin for opiate withdrawal symptoms, please feel free to post them in the comment box below.
Hi Matt
Thanks for all you share here
Sudden forced no-taper, last chance Tramadol (13 yrs use) withdrawal for me:
I have pregabalin and codeine, plus DLPA (what a great revelation!)
The one thing I cant get hold of is anything benzo-like, (though I have Ambien for RLS)
Can you recommend anything that’ll fill that benzo gap? I ache SO much, it’s exactly what I need but it’ll have to be some kind of supplement unfortunately. (I’m hoping to be able to order kava online, but wonder about other amino acids etc as well, which are more easily available here in super-regulated Ireland)
Ive GOT to make it through this time! So done with this pills game.
Blessings to you xc
Ive been taking Hydrocodone for about a year on and off for my back..I was on 10’s for two months and my doctor gave me a scrip for 5’s which I take about 4 of..I’m glad to hear Clonopin works for withdrawal.. for the anxiety. I have a prescription for that. I’ve been taking for 2011 for panic. I haven’t taken at all when on the hydrocodone..What kind of withdrawal can I expect? I was only on Hydrocodone for about a year on and off. I see my Dr. again in July but will not be asking for another scrip only cause of the fact I know I am dependent on them.
I had such a struggle getting off opiates. I have a strong addiction gene. I have a dog with PTSD and the vet gave her xanax. Being the self-mediator that I am, I started taking her xanax to get off opiates. I ended up taking them for a month and increased my dose to 3mg a day for two weeks. I finally told my doctor about it and he tapered me with klonopin. I’m done with the taper but then took 1mg xanax for four days and now I’m scared I messed everything up. Self-medicating is something I have to eliminate from my brain as an option. I’m glad to be off opiates but I didn’t do it the way Matt outlines and now I have a new problem. I’ve never been into benzos and didn’t realize how dangerous they are. I guess I’m just saying that getting off opiates is no easy challenge and Matt has carefully outlined a lot of ways to get through the withdrawals. Best to follow his plans than to run off on your own doing it your own way like I did. Otherwise, you may end up with a new problem that’s worse than getting off opiates. Benzos are nothing to mess around with, especially short acting one’s like xanax. Matt knows what he’s talking about, so please follow his ways, whichever way works for you. Be honest with your doctors so you get the proper care. I did it my way because i was too ashamed to be honest with my doctor and now i have a worse problem. So i got honest with my doctor and got the help i need. Thank you Matt for the time and care you provide for all of us sufferig with opiate addiction. Your site is growing and it’s so very helpful. You are truly blessed with a caring, loving soul. I just needed to reach out for support even though your site is about getting off opiates. I wish i had followed your advise better instead of thinking I could do it my way. My way got me in more trouble.
I actually used methadone then Valium to get off heroin. And though in the articles on benzos I write to only use for a few days, years before I started this blog when I detoxed I used a lot of Valium for the first week, divided my dosage in half the second week, then went much lower the third week, and by the fourth and final week I had tapered down to only 2.5 mg morning and night. Then I stopped the Valium and had no addiction to it physical or mental. But I know some people REALLY love the benzos so much that it’s hard to get off which is why I only recommend them a few days to maybe a week. Thanks for sharing your experience with this, Kay. And yes, Xanax is the most addicting one for sure! Klonopin is the least addicting of the benzos but it can still be addicting. I’m glad my site is helpful to you and I SO appreciate you taking the time to comment. 🙂
Hello, Matt. I know the post is about 2 months old but I am hoping to get your advice. I have been on methadone 100 mgs about 3 1/2 years, I am sick to death of it. I have not relapsed at all and had earned the max amt of take homes until I recently had surgery. I gave them all the p/w ahead of time and even made sure the surgeon understood, and clearly indicated on that p/w given to the clinic that he is aware I am an addict on methadone and do not want any prescription or to be orally given opiates while in for the procedure, which was outpatient. (I am totally impressed with myself for going through surgery without opiate help…I am sure you, as a former addict understand what a huge accomplishment that is…I mean, I use to hurt myself on purpose to obtain opiates b4 going to heroin…b4 dope I was fisting 10-perc 10’s up to 4 times a day, with 4 or 5 oxy 80s in between 2 or 3 times a day…approx 50 pills a day…i should most certainly be dead…no doubt I’m so lucky and so grateful to be one of the few that makes it out of the nightmare that is addiction, although never truly out of it, bc always have to be on gaurd). Anyway, so, clinic had everything and I had surgery and the next day, going in for my 2 weeks supply, had a urine. I had not a worry at all though. I did every thing I was expected to in order to make sure I was following the rules. The following week my couselor pulled me in, took all my take homes and basically started me over. According to my counselor, I tested dirty bc of one of the anesthesia meds used to put me under. Now I have to go in everyday and wil for 90 days until getting just weekends back, and then a day back every 90 days. I still cant believe whats happening. 3 years of going in no more than 2 times a month and they took it just like that. I was angry so I dosed and left. Had I stuck around, they would have kicked me out altogether bc I was gonna snap. At this point I am just ready to be done. Trying to fight for myself in this place just gives them cause to find a reason to let you go. You are the addict and it is them against you. I will not win. I somewhat believe this must be a sign. My question to you, finally (sorry) you noted that you did methadone, then valium…can you elaborate? Did you ween from methadone or stop it and then start the valium to help get through the major part of the w/d…rather, the physical part? I’m not a benzo gal, but my physc dr prescribed klonopin for 3 mths so I’ve accumulated 180 – .5 klonopins. Idk what made me decide to fill them bc I didn’t plan to originally bc I did not think I’d ever use them. Now I am glad I did fill all 3 months he prescribed them. Especially if this could potentially help stop this methadone madness once and for all. Now I am aware taking these could lead into dependence as well, so taking them would really be for the first 4 or 5 days. Since I have so many now, the worry of running out is gone bc I will not need 180 for 5 days of w/d. With all that being said, IYO, do you think I could successfully do this by using the klonopin solely for the initial 5 days off methadone? I know u are not a Dr. but you do counsel. I know also ideally this would not be the way under normal circumstances. I am sorry this is so wordy. I just wanted to make sure I left nothing out so you could give your opinion based on as much info as possible. Thank you so much for taking the time to read, and reply. Congrats to you for successfully getting clean and giving back!
So glad you’ve been able to break free from the bondage of addiction. I’ve been taking tramadol for the past 4 months due to TMJ & (what they’ve called) Fibromyalgia. Been off of it for some days now.
However, I’ve also been on Klonopin for the past year & a half- not exceeding .5mg per day. I usually take .25mg, but I believe I can still feel intense withdrawal symptoms.
Do you gave any recommendations on how to wean from benzos?
I have been on Oxycodone for years, after 3 neck surgeries and 1 back surgery. I have a “cage” in my neck and my back, suffer with post laminectomy syndrome, and need more surgery. I also have painful arthritis in hands, feet, and other places! I had a L hip replacement last year, and need to get the right one done soon.
I am on onycodone 15mg 4xday.
The problem is, I used to have Morphine as a long acting med, 2xday.
Since my Dr. took away the LA marphine, I am taking 2 oxy, just to get out of bed, which only leaves 2 for the rest of the day.
Well, I am out, and don’t get anymore for 72 hrs.
I have Gaba, and klonopin.
How can I get through the next 72 hrs., w/o having severe WD symptoms?? Please respond, I am scared to death!
I have taken methadone for 6 years at 135mg. I have reduced down to 10mg since Nov .Will Clonazepam really help with withdrawals,Istarted today
Yes, it sure can help. It’s a wonderful medicine for anxiety and insomnia.
Hello you guys, I am so glad to find a web page where I can get honest. I have been using morphine and H for over a year now. I decided to stop 2 days ago. I have 2 mg klonopin but my mom is holding the meds. We are dosing every 12 hours and I am really having a rough time. About an hour ago I took 2 gabapentins and still have no relief from the insomnia and anxiety. My next does of klonopin is not until1:00am…I need some help. I have phenergan and robaxian for cramps…forgive the spelling. Can I go ahead and take another 2 mg of klonopin and how often should this continue and when does the taper start…I really need help…please respond asap…thansk again for allowing me to be honest.
Hi Tiffany,
When I got off opiates, I used Valium every few hours, and I used pretty high dosages, but not in the unsafe range. I took plenty of Valium for the first week to help with anxiety and insomnia, then I lowered my dosage a little for week 2, then I lowered it more on week 3, then on my last week, I was down to 2.5 mg in the morning and 2.5 mg in the evening. Then I stopped taking it and used supplements and exercise and I literally felt no withdrawal from tapering the Valium that way.
Tiffany. Sorry your feeling like shit. But this is the sum of the pain your going thru and it is going to suck. Suffer that shit. I mean suffer it intentionally.
Let that garbage and it’s effects and lies sear into your memory.
Gram a day h and then 3 years of subs then I suffered. Do not let anyone tell you it’s ok to give in. It’s not. You have to want this more then the pain.
Pain has torment and torment wins if you give in. Be strong and know that every single second your suffering is truly a second closer to not suffering ever again in that poison. Believe me I get it. Subs took 60 days to leave my body then another year before I slept right. A lot of people want to sympathize and it’s human nature to want to nurture and tell you want you want to hear! Yeah it’s ok, go ahead… need to suffer. Horse shit! Same line of thinking brought you to this point. Be strong, be strong, want it more than the same old suffering, and end your insanity by your own strength. Take control of your mind and body through will. You hate heari this now, but 6 months from now you will understand if you hold fast through your own strength. Take that dose when you set it to take it and not before and then tapper off all of it.
Me? I dropped off a cliff and did so out of spit to that addiction. It wasn’t going to control me ever again.
God bless and be strong
Going to start the heroin withdrawals today. Im getting anxiety just thinking about it but want off this stuff so bad. I have subutex, klonopin, gagapintin, imodium, and vitamin c pills. Only thing is I work long shifts so I’m not sure how this will work. I just want to get back to the old fun loving and not b*tchy me that I miss so much.
I hear ya. But wow, it sure looks like you have some powerful withdrawal remedies. Gabapentin, Imodium, and vitamin C mega-dosing are some of the best methods to use. I’m wishing you the best Quinn.
I have been reading different sites for two weeks now and I have been taking Norcos for about 6 years not heaving then due I had a pinch nerve in neck due to being a nail tech. Take closenspam 1mg at night for RLS that I’ve had for 15 years. Three years ago I took on my uncle due to being ill and I am the only person to care for him and went thro 5 surgerys with him and the last one was rectal cancer and between trying to work my business and take him to chem just one morning I woke up sick with what I did not know was anziety cause I had never experienced it but horrible nausea. Went to two different GI specialist Every test in the world done and they all told me it was anziety. Have been to see a psychiatrist and been put on every antidepressants and they made my anziety worse. Found out that norco was the only thing that would ease my anziety and even nausea. Took around 6 to 8 a day. Have ended up having to give up my business and my uncle is cancer free now but I am still sick and have lost all my joy in life. Hardly ever leave the house now. Went cold turkey off norco two weeks ago and still very ill and cannot eat and stay constipated which all I’ve read is people going thro diarrhea. Now I’m afraid of being on the closoaspam 1mg I am addicted to it. Have been tapering down one at night and one half pill in the morning. I just do not know how much longer I can hang on. Have one daughter and she lives 2 hours from me and she has no idea what I’m going through. My husband does but he works and I’m here all day dealing with this. I want all these drugs out of me and afraid I will never enjoy my life again!!! I just need some help from someone if you could answer with hope for me.
Im in the same boat im terrified of the withdraws i did it once and the withdraws were so bad if i didnt get back on H i would have killed myself. I asked my Paster if i killed myself would i go to Hell iam living in Hell now. I have 90 2 mg Brand name Kloinipin as well as 30 1 mg Xanax. Atenonal and 260 Maronal 10 mgs ( THC) CAPSULES plus Dilatin will this combination stop my withdraws. I also have 3 strips of Suboxin 8 mg
Your lucky to have those meds with them you should have minimal to no withdrawal symptoms
Please I need help
I been going through w/d from opines Norco for 2 weeks and still very sick. Have used kolonopin for about 15 years but only for RLS 1mg at night. Then I started getting anziety to the point I was using kolonopin 3 times a day to help with the anziety. Having a very hard time with nausea and constipation which I thought I would have diarrhea. Now that I’ve been off Norcos for 13 days I’m afraid of the w/d from kolonopin 1mg. Trying to do the tapering and using a lot of the herbs. Just need help cause I’ve been so sick going through this alone and thought I was going to have to go to the ER today due to being dehydrated .
Hi Matt I am a 35 year old male been doing on and of opiates since i was 18 I done it all for the last year been on suboxen maintenance for over a year took my last dose of sub like 10 days ago I tapered down and started Kratom therapy so my question is how lost I have to stay on Kratom before my sub withdrawals are gone I don’t want to be on Kratom for more than two weeks to avoid kratom withdrawals but I heard that Kratom withdrawals are really mild even if I get them I can go Tru them with klonopins and clodinine for a week so any advice and you think if I stop Kratom after two weeks will I still have sub withdrawals tx Matt
In terms of least potential of abuse and least wd when stopped, is lyrica or kolonipin best for opiate withdrawal? Both work well for me in reducing my anxiety and helping me sleep.
I have been on both of these (still on lyrica- neuropathic issues) and they definitely helped me fight opiate withdrawal too.
The withdrawal from either one can be brutal! As for which is more abused; that is a tough one. While klonopin may be more diverted on “the streets”, lyrica is growing in popularity, but part of me thinks most of this is because it’s becoming known as a medicine that can help fight withdrawal when the drug of choice isn’t available.
If used responsibly, these two medications can be extremely helpful as part of your toolbox. There are other things that you can add, that may make your experience easier.
You can alternate the two that you have but you can also try using loperamide (many use higher doses), kratom, antihistamines, etc. Alternatively; cutting down on the chances of becoming dependent on a new medication.
*DISCLAIMER – please talk with your Dr before taking any medication, whether otc or prescription.
Klonapin is the best for withdrawal
Hi Matt,
I wanted to try Ibogaine or kratom but seems hard to get now in u.k.. I have a some pregablin put away but after using for a few days the don’t work too well.
I have Nerve damage which really interferes with my detoxes, over the past 21 years of heroin addiction, Drs put me on methadone a few times, now subutex and for the nerve damage everything from gabapebtin,pregablin,fentnyl,amitriptaline, tramadol etc.
I’m starting my detox next week and am willing to try klonopin after looking it up online.
I feel the lyrica (pregabs) help great , reduce all my withdrawal symtoms by 80% but after 2 days they help abit with the withdrawal but do nothing for nerve damage, which the pain is unbearable!!
Anyway thankyou for sharing the article and your experiences.
Hello there Matt im a mess ive been taking 10mg of methadone for luke 1.5 years 3 times a day so a total of 30 mg well needless to say my pain dr cut me off so ive been off the methdone for almost a week but been taking norcos to get off the meth so needless to say ive gotten myself in a bid and am almost out of norcos weel iv got a bottle of 60 2mg benzos question is ive already started to feel the sleepless nights rls as well as in my arms and its driving me crazy so i take a few norcos and am able to sleep but like i said im about out of them so pls any advice will be welcom thanks big mike
Hey Big Mike,
I encourage you to read this article that may offer value to you, as it pertains to your situation:
Methadone Withdrawal 101: Learn How To Beat Withdrawal
Hello, I have been in a methadone program for prior opiate abuse for the past six years. Over the last year and a half I have been tapering down. Approx. A month and a half ago I left the clinic at roughly 8 mg of liquid methadone. I have a stock of 10 mg methadone pills and have continued my taper and am now down to 1 and half mg in the morning,and 1 mg in the evening. I too have been using clonazepam to help with the withdrawal. I take . 5 in the morning with my dose of methadone and I take 3mg around bedtime. As I said, om my own I have managed to go from 8mg to 2 and half mg of methadone in 7 weeks. My question and worry is ….. First, does this seem like a safe and efficient method? By the time the methadone taper is through in a few weeks, will I be in trouble with a form of benzo withdrawal? And if so, how tough will it be to kick this after using the clonazepam for 3 months? Sorry, for the long stretch here, and thank you for your time,
Um I’mma wondering if u no the hospital realizes that they should give this to a baby that is coming down off opiates cause of their mother being a user.. I think instead use this as of winging off instead of using morphine or methdome…
Pleases help
I’m trying to help my son detox from herioin and have klonipins how much do I give him
Hi Joyce,
Did you read the end of this article? It has that information for you to review. Everyone is different, so some people might do well with just a little, and some may need a little more. A doctor would know best for your son how much to take.
I have decided to stop talking the hydrocodon i have been on them for the last 6 years due to DVT an PTVD the medication is no long helping my pain in my leg so we r going to go a different way. How affective is the medication.
I’m coming off of subutex where the withdrawals last up to 5-6 weeks. I have plenty of klonipin and it helps a good deal but am nervous about taking it for that long. I don’t think I’ll be able to get more subutex anytime soon. Any suggestions?
Subs are not gonna have you in w/ds for 5-6 weeks. No way! A week maybe 2. But the worst is over in 5 days. Methadone had me kicking for 3 weeks but the last week wasn’t that bad at all. Take the klonopin for the first week and stop and see if you can handle the minor aches and a little RLS. You will not w/d off of the benzos taking them for a week nor 3. Taking kpins 5-6 weeks daily may cause a little w/d but the benzo withdrawal will be very tolerable at 5-6 weeks in. I’ve been an IV heroin user the past 6 years methadone and suboxone patient for 2 years . Have used klonopin to ease withdrawals except I liked taking 6-8 mg to black out during the withdrawals you’ll be fine ween the subs while you have some though. Crush the subutex and cut 4 lines out of it and like your finger and eat only a 4 th at time and do that until you run out and when you run out start taking the klonopin I take 2mgs minimum if I want to get through the next 4 days and wake up and not remember I was just detoxing. Black out is my preferred dosage which could be 4-8 mgs for you
first time coming off my meds just trying to see what I have ahead of me.
I wish you the best on your journey, and if there is anything I can do to help, I’m here for you.
I am 4 days off klonipon with very little withdrawal. I stopped caffeine which I believe helped a great deal
Am I safe after 4 or 5 days?
I am 2 hrs away from four full days, percoset, gor fibromyalgia, migraines, back
Rather live with illness then stay on meds my whole life
I never abused, always kept to prescribed dose,40 mgs a a day.
I m on colonipine, can I stop at 4 days, or is it to soon
Thinking it’s making me feel just as bad as detox
I want to use klonopin to withdrawal from methadone this is a very strong opiate do you think it can help?
It helps most people, but some, a very small percentage, it doesn’t work well for.
I want to start my taper I’ve been on about 200-240 mg of oxycodone for about 2 years. I can’t get my hands on klonopine but I think I can get some Ativan. I’m scared shitless cause I need to do this without anybody knowing. Like all good addicts I’ve been very good at hiding my addiction.. Any advice would me greatly appreciated
Hi Ed,
Yes, I was in the same boat as you many years ago. Addicted to oxycodone and it was a big secret, so getting off took some major planning! Please refer to the following articles:
How To Detox From Opiates At Home
Hi matt,
I’m relieved I found ur advice and articles. So to keep it short, it’s Tuesday evening, 7:15pm. I need to detox from herion. I have the kalanapin, gabapentin and immodium, I will be sick by tomm am for sure. I have not tapered my heroin use, and don’t have the time too. I use a gram a day, however, the herion is very weak if that matters and I sniff it. So I have to be able to be a human by saturday, it’s my boyfriends birthday. He has no idea I’m detoxing from herion. If I follow ur at home plan, do u think I will be able to seriously function by saturday? Please if u can get back to me asap, alot of anxiety would be reduced with ur answer. I’m in boston, so it’s 722 pm here now. Reguaedless ur articles have helped already so much. Thank u
I hope you have plenty gabapentin and immodium on hand. It’s important to stay hydrated! Dehydration alone makes a person feel bad so in addition to withdrawal a person is going to feel worse. You may want to consider adding Tagamet which many say helps push lope through the bbb (blood brain barrier) and also add grapefruit juice as a potentiator. Stay positive and realize that you may need to experiment with the dose of gabapentin and immodium to find what works for you. DO NOT experiment with the klonopin, take it only as prescribed. I believe that by Saturday you won’t feel 100% but with the items you have on hand you may be able to FAKE it. I really recommend Kratom as something to use for heroin withdrawal but if that’s not available to you, you may want to consider mega dosing Vitamin C. Of course there’s another option that I KNOW will take withdrawal away and you’ll feel completely fine on Saturday. This is buprenorphine (bupe). It is the active ingredient in the brand names of Suboxone, Subutex, Zubsolv, Bunavail & Butrans (which is a 7 day patch that goes on the skin). Some use Bupe for a quick taper while others choose to stay on it much longer. (I do understand the benefits of both choices)
Eventually opening up to your boyfriend (if you’re serious about each other) is another suggestion. Opiate Addiction Recovery isn’t finished in a few days! Even once you’ve stopped your DOC (Drug of Choice) there will be cravings, urges & temptations to use. Having support from loved ones will help carry you over these hurdles.
Disclaimer: Any recommendations on medications, supplements & herbs to take as well as their dosages should be discussed with a Dr. Only follow the advice of a physician.
Hi, all this is so encouraging, and I have found DLPA a truly impressive help.
But I too am wondering seriously about taking Lyrica in the (very) short term, as I drop my Tramadol dose significantly. It’s not quite gabapentin, is it?
I know you can’t say too much about this but since many of the supplements recommended are not available where I am, I do have access to Lyrica, if it is worth trying.
(Oh and I can get zolpidem for sleep, though not valium-type meds)
I’d really appreciate advice, even if it’s in code!
This website has been the only thing that has made ne believe I can kick my ten year dependence; I am so grateful.
I been using heroin for almost 2 months and i want to quit i have clonazepam how do i do it today is my first day starting the withdrawl process……can u plz get back asap
Hi Eli,
Since you have clonazepam, you might really benefit from using the Thomas Recipe. Click below for a detailed article on how to use this detox protocol:
The Thomas Recipe Eases Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms rel=”nofollow”>
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Two months? buscapan and lofexadine or just do it straight .
Hi matt so im gonna be attempting going through opiate withdrawals & im looking for some advice. I have access to klonopin and lyrica and im just looking to find out the easiest way. How do you think i should go about this ? I have already started to taper i was up to about 150 mgs a day of percocet just so you know my situation. Im down to about 60-75 a day. Please let me know if you think i should get my hands on anything else to help ease or alleviate the w/d symptoms. I rarely get sick nausea/diarreah when i have went thru withdrawals just cant sleep and get like a restless leg syndrome kind of feeling but it goes to my arms as well. Thank you for posting all this info ive read alot of your articles and they have been truly helpful so far. & should i buy the elimdrol and do that aswell or is there another cheaper product that has the same effect. Thank you so much
I got the cure for w/d..
Matt’s site is great, but his second statement above “Opiate withdrawal wouldn’t be all that bad if you only experienced the physical symptoms” is a real problem for me! Fortunately I have used only Rx opioids under my own very strict standards and have never had any psychological addiction or cravings so this aspect isn’t a problem at all — withdrawal is all physical. (To show how anal I am about this — I have a spreadsheet of every opioid dose I’ve taken for the 10 years that they’ve been prescribed to me for chronic autoimmune pain. I even included the amount of opioid PCA I used in 5 surgeries.)
I’m trying to withdraw from suboxone and the physical withddrawal symptoms of whole-body RLS, sleeplessness, malaise, and fatigue are horrendous and never-ending. I’ve seen quite a bit of resonance in forums to this insidious side of subxone — the severity may be less than full-agoninst opioids, but the length of withdrawal goes on and on. I looked into Ibogaine therapy, and the clinic that I contacted said suboxone is the biggest challenge and takes twice as much therapy as short-acting full-agonist opioids. This option is also very expensive and still a bit controversial.
So I asked my doc for some clonazepam and she obliged but didn’t have much experience to recommend a dosage for suboxone withdrawal. I’ve titered up to 3 mg and noticed that it does absolutely nothing. Is that unusual? I’ve read about a “benzo buzz” and wonder what that is, since I get no effect at all — no relief from RLS, no sleepiness, etc.
Any resonance, experience, recommendations? Should I keep titering up until something happens or give up?
Keep going up and idk if you smoke weed but weed and the klonopin together gives the best relief you’re gonna get from withdrawal unless you do opiates of course but you catch my drift
Thank you Matt for this article, I got Clonazepam from my doc but I have been to scared to use it. I understand its very addictive and I dont need another withdrawel after this. Have sent for Phenibut so I dont have to use too much Clonazepam. I do hope this works because I am on week 4 with RLS and insomnia. Read your article about Phenibut so I will be careful. Thank you for this site and the help you provide!!❤️
Thanks for the very kind words Anna. I’m so glad the information on this website is benefiting your life. The only way I was able to quit finally was because I had a bunch of Valium. I understand your fear of using it, as you don’t want to trade one addiction for another.
Even though I only recommend using Klonopin and other benzos for 3-4 days on this article and others, I didn’t go by this in my own history. I was also going through a child custody battle, so I had severe anxiety about that…and I ended up using Valium for about 3 weeks after stopping opiates, though I started high and tapered down to a low dose, so I had no withdrawal symptoms at all. I was so over doing drugs that I really used the Valium responsibly, though I realize not everyone is able to do this.
Again, thanks so much for your comment. I love hearing from my readers. I wish you all the best Anna! Take care.
How do I know how much klonopin to take daily to easily overcome withdrawal thank u in advance
Please speak with your doctor to see how much medication you will personally need for treating your withdrawal symptoms.
Hello Matt ;
If the withdrawal from methadone is bad enough to where you’re having a difficult time, then “stepping down” to hydrocodone can help you tremendously! It should stop most if not all the withdrawal. There is nothing wrong with taking things slow or allowing a Dr to help you taper from it. Many chronic pain sufferers do very well on it too.
You sound so honest. So very sincere. I think you speaking with me especially in regards to the custody battle, could uplift me. If you could find the time, please write me!