In this article, I’m going to provide you with a simple step-by-step plan on how to wean off oxycodone at home. Weaning off oxycodone without withdrawal symptoms is totally possible if you use a few “mega-strategies” together. I’m going to explain exactly what these mega-strategies are, how they can erase withdrawal symptoms, and how you can use them to wean off oxycodone at home. I now invite you to follow these five steps to end your oxycodone dependence…
Step 1: Make a Decision
Before I get into the mega-strategies, I should first inform you that there is nothing more powerful than a strong mindset.
You have to decide once and for all that you are going to set a date and start weaning off oxycodone. I know it’s a delicate process, and I also know you most likely have responsibilities such as work, school, family, raising kids, etc. Unfortunately, these responsibilities don’t just go away for awhile so you can wean off oxycodone. Luckily, this step-by-step plan will enable you to continue having energy and a positive mood while you’re coming off oxycodone and simultaneously going to work and taking care of other responsibilities.
So decide right now that you are going to wean off oxycodone and end your dependence for good.
There’s no going back. No more excuses. I’m giving you a solid plan to go by…now it’s time to take action. I’ve been in your shoes. I used to be heavily addicted to oxycodone and other Rx opiates, which eventually led to heroin dependence. I got clean and then went on to become a Substance Abuse Counselor at an Opiate Treatment Program (OTP), where I helped many individuals wean off oxycodone and other opioids using natural methods. They did it…and you too can be free of the chains of oxycodone dependence!
Step 2: Start Tapering Oxycodone
Tapering oxycodone strategically is absolutely essential if you want to wean off oxycodone at home comfortably.
By “tapering”, I mean systemically reducing the amount of oxycodone you take over a period of time. If you’ve ever come off oxycodone “cold-turkey”, you know how much of a system shock it can be to your body and mind. Oxycodone withdrawal is a horrific experience, and you’re going to prevent this system shock by gradually reducing the amount of medication you take in a controlled way that your body can handle. Got it? Good!
Now, let’s go over a few Tapering 101 basics:
- Slow tapers are easier on your body than fast tapers (the slower you go, the fewer withdrawal symptoms you experience).
- Everyone is biochemically unique (what works for one person won’t necessarily work for everyone).
- Take only as much oxycodone as is necessary to prevent you from going into withdrawal (you’re not trying to get high or feel good, only to keep from getting sick).
- It takes serious discipline to adhere to a tapering protocol (giving your pills to someone you can trust and having them only give you the dosage on your taper schedule is highly recommended).
- “The lower you go, the slower you go” (it might be easy to taper quickly from 100 mg to 30 mg of oxycodone, however, it’s better to slow it down towards the end of the taper because it will be less of a shock to your body).
Note: Since everyone reading this article is going to have varying levels of addiction severity and their own unique biochemical makeup, there is no way I can outline a “one size fits all” taper plan. However, I will provide you with some detailed examples so you can get a good understanding of how to implement an oxycodone taper plan into your own life.
Example #1: Mike the Tattoo Artist
Mike is a tattoo artist that started taking oxycodone after he injured his back snowboarding. His doctor prescribed him to take 5 mg oxycodone pills, 4 times per day. Mike found that the oxycodone gave him more than just pain relief. The medication also gave him energy, confidence, happiness, and the feeling that he could do anything he wanted in the world.
He also felt like the pills made him a more creative tattoo artist. He quickly started taking more oxycodone than was prescribed, and within three months Mike was purchasing illegal oxycodone off the street, and taking an average dosage of 100 mg per day.
If I had to come up with an oxycodone taper plan for Mike, it might look like this:
- Week 1: take 80 mg of oxycodone per day
- Week 2: take 60 mg of oxycodone per day
- Week 3: take 50 mg of oxycodone per day
- Week 4: take 40 mg of oxycodone per day
- Week 5: take 30 mg of oxycodone per day
- Week 6: take 20 mg of oxycodone per day
- Week 7: take 15 mg of oxycodone per day
- Week 8: take 10 mg of oxycodone per day
- Week 9: take 5 mg of oxycodone per day
- Week 10: come off oxycodone completely
Example #2: Heidi the Construction Worker
Heidi started working construction straight out of high school, following in the footsteps of her father and two older brothers. After twenty years on the job, she began to have issues with her left knee. She finally had knee surgery, and her doctor placed her on 30 mg of oxycodone per day. Two weeks after the surgery, she was in a car crash and severely injured her neck and back. Her doctor upped the oxycodone dosage to 60 mg per day.
After taking 60 mg of oxycodone every day for six months, the doctor told Heidi he was taking her off the medication because her injuries were healed. The first day Heidi went without pills she didn’t know why she felt so bad. She had a runny nose, teary eyes, and she had anxiety, fatigue and stomach discomfort all day long. She called a friend, and they told her she was going through oxycodone withdrawal.
If I had to come up with an oxycodone taper plan for Heidi, it might look like this:
- Days 1-10: take 50 mg of oxycodone per day
- Days 11-20: take 40 mg of oxycodone per day
- Days 21-30: take 30 mg of oxycodone per day
- Days 31-40: take 20 mg of oxycodone per day
- Days 41-50: take 15 mg of oxycodone per day
- Days 51-60: take 10 mg of oxycodone per day
- Days 61-80: take 5 mg of oxycodone per day
- Day 81: come off oxycodone completely
Step 3: Start Exercising
All drugs mimic different neurotransmitters in the brain, and opiates specifically mimic endorphins, our natural painkillers (natural morphine). After taking oxycodone for a period of time, the brain gets used to this artificial and massive supply of endorphins. Weaning off oxycodone can be difficult because even though you’re creating less drug-induced endorphins, your body doesn’t supply you with the rest. This can lead to a massive endorphin deficiency, which makes you more susceptible to physical and emotional pain.
When my patients used to ask me how to wean off oxycodone at home, I would always encourage them to exercise as part of their overall taper wellness plan. Swimming, jogging, walking, weight training and other forms of exercise can help your body produce endorphins within minutes.
Exercise can help you wean off oxycodone because it:
- Improves mood
- Boosts endorphins (natural painkillers)
- Improves sleep
- Reduces pain (both physical and emotional)
- Promotes well-being
- Reverses anxiety
- Reverses depression
- Increases energy
- Improves physique
- Boosts confidence
Step 4: Start Eating an Endorphin-Building Diet
When people ask me how to wean off oxycodone, I always tell them about the endorphin-boosting effects of protein. Protein is made up of amino acids. These amino acids are directly responsible for the healthy production of neurotransmitters. Eating a diet rich in high-quality protein foods can help you produce endorphins and other mood-enhancing chemicals in the brain.
Note: While you’re weaning off oxycodone, it can be very beneficial to consume at least 20-30 grams of protein three times per day. I’ve been clean from oxycodone and all other opiates for over three years now, and I still eat plenty of quality proteins on a daily basis.
The following nutritional guidelines can help you wean off oxycodone at home:
- Eat plenty of turkey, chicken, fish, beef, cottage cheese and other quality proteins (free-range, organic and wild-caught are best).
- Drink plenty of water (half your body weight in ounces per day).
- Consume lots of fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats.
- Eliminate or decrease sugar, processed foods, and refined carbohydrates.
- Eliminate or decrease caffeine and alcohol.
- Focus mostly on organic whole foods.
Step 5: Start Taking an Opiate Withdrawal Supplement
Opiate Withdrawal Supplements are specifically designed to help people wean off oxycodone and other opiates. They contain a synergistic blend of herbs, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that have been shown to be effective at reducing symptoms due to weaning off oxycodone and other opioid drugs.
If you taper, exercise, eat an endorphin-building diet and take a high-quality Opiate Withdrawal Supplement, these mega-strategies combined will help you wean off oxycodone at home without withdrawal.
The best time to start taking your Opiate Withdrawal Supplement is right when you reach your personal “threshold” on the oxycodone taper schedule. The threshold is the point at which you start to feel symptoms. For some people, this will be around 30 mg, others will feel fine until they reach 20 mg or lower.
If you can afford it, I also highly recommend taking this awesome supplement, because the benefits are just too good to pass up.
How to Wean Off Oxycodone at Home
I created this plan for weaning off oxycodone based on the power of synergy. If you skip even one of the strategies, it won’t be nearly as powerful. However, if you use all of these methods together, you’ll be well on your way to coming off oxycodone with ease.
Click here now to view my best home detox program. I love hearing from my readers, and I welcome you to post any questions you might have on how to wean off oxycodone at home.
Kelly R Risse
I just saw where people wrote me back in 2017. I never saw it. I posted earlier this week for a hypothetical question on how to possibly continue my wean. I didn’t get much feedback. I just went off Oxycotin completely bc my doctor prescribed it, went out of town, then insurance wanted a preauth. His on-call doctor called me several times, but I figured it was phone solicitors and hit ignore. Maybe it was a Godsend. I know the quick release should have gone first. However, why would I, after a week without, want to continue by going back on Oxycontin, though?
I’ve gone from 300 mg total for years to 30mg quick release. It sucks bc it’s the holidays, and I have a big family. I feel very bad right now with pain and flu-like symptoms w/ horrible fatigue. Maybe taking 3x10mg Oxycodones is only making the withdrawal worse.
However, it is important to note that the wean has made me feel alive again and back to my old self. Well, at least the positive aspects. I’ve lost 55 lbs and very active. My Type 1 diabetes in under control for the first time in 11 years. Although, the endocrinologist said her assumption that my adrenals burnt out along w/ my thyroid due to the high Oxy dose, was wrong. My pituitary gland MRI showed it to be dead and atrophied. BUT I am overall kinder, gentler, compassionate, happy and even-tempered again. I listen better, meditate, and pray for insight and guidance. It feels like answers flow. I am funny again and driving all over again. My adult kids seem thrilled Mom is back. I admit that I am a bit manic w/ my bipolar, upped my bipolar meds a little, and that has helped. But my bipolar on the manic side was actually an asset. A lot of successful people are bipolar. I completed my B.S. with a 3.78 GPA when I had 2 babies in diapers, received my M.S. in education with a 4.0 w/ 3 young children, then added tutoring and at-risk high school teaching evening classes. (Please don’t edit my post lol! A diabetic ketoacidosis coma made my brain scrambled eggs!) I taught 20 years, had seniority in the English department, and was at the end of the pay scale. Then my endometriosis, neck, SI, back, and fibromyalgia got out of control then was diagnosed w/ Type 1 diabetes at 44. (Yes, adults get Type 1.) I had to resign. I was never on the depressed side except for 2 years when they put me on Abilify before the black box warning. I did qualify for the class action suit where I was one of the 2,100 who qualified while tens of thousands did not. Hundreds were booted when it finally went to court. I stand to get an awesome settlement. I do not drink anymore or smoke.
Here’s the deal:
My wean began in 2017. We took it slow bc of my bipolar. I was on 300 mg total now to a total of 30 mg quick release Oxycodone. I am so exhausted. My eyes burn and have intense headaches. I have no appetite. I’m not as peppy as I was 2 weeks ago when I was still on 10 mg Oxycontin x 2. I feel like shit!
1.because I quit Oxycontin first, am I going to continue feeling this bad bc I take Oxycodone at 10 AM, 3 PM, and 8 PM then sleep through the withdrawal? In the mornings, I shake, cry, and am VERY confused. It isn’t getting better after a week. Should I continue with 3 10mg a day?
2. Should I go back on the extended-release Oxycontin and stop maybe 2 short release? Take Oxycontin at 10 AM, 10 PM, and one 10 mg quick release at 4 PM?
3. Should I just go cold turkey and after this weekend stop ALL on Monday?
4. How long approximately will the physical withdrawal last if I stop all Oxy this Monday? Would I be okay by Christmas if I totally stop?
5. How long does it usually take someone, who took this stuff 8-9 years at 300 mg a day,
to emotionally get used to no Oxy and not feel like something is missing?
6. My pain is back. Some days I drag my left foot on tippy-toes due to my SI injury. My neck gets huge egg-sized knots if I’m looking down too much when reading or on the computer. The fibromyalgia returned. What NSAID’s work best for chronic pain?
Can some of you ex-dependent Oxy users please give me an idea of what to expect? My situation is not what the average Oxy user deals with bc of the high dose, length, and weaning a bit opposite as suggested and as long as a wean. I never abused it, bought it illegally, or “liked” it. a lot. I just want it to be over once and for all. I want to see what this chapter will hold for me and discover my 55+ age purpose besides my grandchildren; however, I do not want to suffer needlessly.
Please throw me suggestions for my situation.
Kelly R Risse
Hi there,
I was on your site 2 years ago needing help with weaning off of legally prescribed Oxycodone and Oxycontin. I wanted off of them once I learned it was a toxic dose and my diseases and disabilities seemed to be getting worse. Since then, I have weaned from 120 mg per day Oxycontin and 180 mg Oxycodone per day to 10 mg Oxycontin and 10 mg x 3 Oxycodone a day.
I was on 60 mg Oxycontin x 2 and 30 mg Oxycodone x 6. No, I wasn’t dying nor did I have cancer, etc… I had severe fibromyalgia and horrible neck, lower back, and SI injuries. At this time, doctors were leniently prescribing opiates for pain as you know. Back in 2010 when I first was put on them, I could barely breathe or talk because of the pain. I was trying to continue to teach 8th grade, and I could not function with the pain. Why I ended up on such a high dose, I do not know. My pain was better along with my frame of mind so I began weaning. It was my idea. We had to go very very slow because I am bipolar, and the adjustments made me fluctuate on the spectrum. My doctor is cool about letting me call the shots bc he knows I never once “lost” them or asked for more. He realizes my bipolar gets in the way of a quicker withdrawal bc he had a brother w/ bipolar. Thus, it has been 2 years. However, I still believe the dose was too high. But the pain has returned on this low of a dose and bc it’s winter. I forgot how bad it hurt! I was not drug-seeking; however, I became dependent. I don’t even smoke weed, though I did in high school. It makes me itch and gets very paranoid. I do not drink or take any other drugs.
Right now, I feel like I need something. I’ve been taking a bit extra. Although, if I am busy, which doesn’t happen a lot due to being disabled, I find I can go a long time without Oxycodone. However, now, I ran out of Oxycontin 10 mg x 2. My doctor went out of town, forgetting the Oxycontin Rx. So I ran out of it. I wake withdrawing, take a 10 mg Oxycodone immediately, and about 1/2 hour later I’m okay. I am thinking about telling my doctor to stop prescribing Oxycontin at this point. Did this happen the opposite way I should have done this? Is 3 x 10 mg per day going to get me through? Then when should I drop and how now that I am at the end?
I’m not looking for you to provide me w/ a schedule. I need an opinion from someone who weaned off as opposed to going cold turkey. Plus, it is the holidays. Can you and/or the community give me an idea of how to end this comfortably and keep in m and Christmas is in 3 weeks? I sure would appreciate it. The withdrawal in the morning is hell, but the 10 mg helps considerably.
dennis dugan
Extremely fortunate to run across your blog. Through you and those gracious enough to share, I have not only a workable taper plan but also the right frame of mind. Many Thanks!
Matt Finch
Glad you’re getting value from the blog, and thanks so much for the feedback.
hi my name is Spence i would like you to tell me if you think im OK with how im cutting back so here we go iv been on pain killers since 2008 it started when i had a long hospital stay i was on my back for 8 months pancreas problems i had hale removed. when i left the hospital i was on super hydro morphine drip they started my pain med with 5 mg oxy. now im on 240mg a day i know its a lot but my tolarense ha built so high 11 years now hears my story.
i had ran out 13 days before my next scrip the people i bought extras from were out so it forced me to detox after a couple of days i ran across some 5/325 tabs i bought 90 of them. i started to start cutting back. it was hard i mean brutally hard. all i wanted to do is stay in my room so after a week i made myself get up and get around so i managed to get through it i finally got my scrip 240 30mg 1 every 3 hours was the scrip. so i started to think. I’ve made it this far on less so lets go for it. I cut the 30s in half and 3 halves a day so as of now ive been on 45mg a day for two weeks and no signs of detox except at night and early morning. im going to cut down next week to 1 30mg a day for a week and the next week to half a 30 then the next week stop. does that sound safe to you thanks Sprence
Boof. (Burnt Out Old Fart)
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Dearest Matt –
Great, helpful site. Thank you so much.
Wondering if anyone else is experiencing Pain Management Doctors who claim they can no longer help?
Have encountered two in one month. (!) The only reason I ask is because here, in these blogs, such a variety of drugs are mentioned. As if to say there is more than one way to accomplish your goal. I’m stymied that our doctors would claim they are out of “ideas” or “options”. (?) Huh?
Yes, it is entirely possible these doctors’ reasons are because of our personalities clashing. However, even if that is the case, why wouldn’t physicians want help, to reorganize the meds to achieve a more pleasant, manageable outcome?
I can’t seem to find a physician who says “I can see you are caught in a wheel. I want to help. You may not like me but I can steer you away from danger…”
Geez. Am I really expecting more than the health care system can deliver? Really?
Thank you, Boof
[71 yrs old; 20mgs Oxycodone 3X a day; cutting them in half to reduce overall intake wherever, whenever possible. 10 years of Oxycontin and Oxycodone for back injury.]
Joanne Crabb
Hi Matt.
I found your site just searching for help to wean off oxycodone. I had spinal fusions surgery last May (2017) and have been on oxy since then. The highest dose I’ve been on is 60mg per day. I had a neurostimulator implant 6 weeks ago and it’s helping with my extreme back pain but my leg/ foot, not so much. I’m down to 30mg, occasionally 40 on bad days.
I made a decision a couple of days ago to wean off for good. I hate the stuff and it’s causing other issues and just isn’t working like it did at first which I understand is typical. I’ve decided to give myself 10-14 days each 5 mg of reduction. This is only the second day and the pain is awful! I’m determined not to go backwards. I’m using Agmatine Sulfate and Real Time lotion with cbd oil and various essential oils. I have neuropathy in my feet and it’s flared up since I cut back. It’s hard to believe 5mg could make such a difference. My pain management doctor just keeps wanting me to take different drugs like Cymbalta or Lyrica which I refuse to do.
It’s very difficult for me to exercise because of the pain in my leg and the neuropathy but I’m trying to walk a little each day. I’m trying to eat a high protein diet but the pain takes away my appetite so I have to force myself. I am off sugar for the most part but can’t give up that morning cup of coffee :-).
Anyway, thanks for your help and encouragement. With God’s help, I will do this! If you have any other tips for me, I’d be grateful.
Charlotte M
See about getting corticosteriod shots. I have all kinds of problems and I am doing EVERYTHING I can NOT to have surgery! I am taking opioids, but I am goaling not to in the future. The steroid shots do make me cranky but the cbd should help that. Just make sure it is the anxiety one! I agree with the cymbalta and lyrica. Loopy and doesn’t do anything for pain! I am in Atlanta and have THE BEST doctor! I use to see one for 17 years but he did something so unethical I don’t have time to tell. The new doctor I have been seeing now 4 months has done more in this time than the 17 year doc! NO LIE!! His name is Dr. Amrish Patel in McDonough, GA. Sports and Spine Institute. He may look young, but I PROMISE you VERY intelligent!!! Anyway, I hope that helps you or someone else reading this!
God Bless,
t west
to Joanne and others experiencing neuropathy or any nerve issue, be sure to take enough vitamin B12.
I’m dealing with the same issue but without the back pain. After my back surgery, fusion at T12, L1, I got burning pain in left foot that ultimately spread to both feet and left leg. I take 60 mg oxycodone (4×15 mg) per day. Ive been taking that for about 5 years no and I want to wean off but I’m fearful of the pain hitting hard and of course the difficulty of withdrawals. I have had the the beginnings of withdrawals which for me were excessive yawning, teary eyes, jittery feeling and runny nose. I had to take my usual dose of oxycodone and then I felt “normal” again. I’m going to start tapering again starting tomorrow and want to drop from 60 mg in increments of 7.5 mg because I can only split the small round tablet once, so this will dictate the tapering dosage unless I ask the doc to reduce me to 10 mg. I wish pharma companies would make tapering doages in blister packs with clear instructions and daily amounts to take. I will report my progress on the blog. I wish you success and if you have any questions just ask. Jerry
Hello everyone,
Great article.
I was prescribed OxyNeo 5 years ago for 2 herniated disks in my neck along with 800 mg of Lyrica and Celebrex. I no longer take the Celebrex and had to wean off of the Lyrica (though not a narcotic, it was hell to get off of and don’t get me started on the weight gain it caused). Anyhow, I’m currently taking 20 mg of OxyNeo every 12 hrs. I think OxyNeo is like Oxycodone but in slow release form, but I could be wrong. I’ve never gotten a ‘high’ from taking Oxyneo, but haven’t been getting any relief for quite some time anymore and refuse to increase my dosage. I have noticed that after about 10 hrs, I become figgetty and yawn non stop. But, I always wait till the twelve hour mark for my next dose. I know my body has become dependant on this drug and want to get off of it since I see no benefit on remaining on it. My question to you is; considering I’m taking OxyNeo and it’s a slow release tablet, should I taper off of it the same way as with the Oxycodone you mention ? I was thinking of removing 1 pill (10 mg) every 10 days until I am done. However, considering I’ve been on it for 5 years, should I taper off slower, say remove 1 pill a month, or would this drag on unnecessarily ? Also, should I ask my Doctor to change my medication from OxyNeo to Oxycodone (perhaps at the end of my tapering) in order to taper off more effectively ? (Wouldn’t that be easier, especially when I hit the 5 mg mark since OxyNeo doesn’t come in 5 mg dose). Sorry for all my questions. I am somewhat vulnerable to pain and suffer from RLS & IBS, so any advice on a smooth taper is greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hi, I starting taking Oxycodone 5 years ago for Trigeminal Neuralgia of the V2 Facial Nerve. I was on 200 mg. a day plus 5 other medications. When I went into remission 2 years ago, I took myself off of everything but the oxycodone. I started to wean 18 months ago, and I am down to 30 mg. a day. But this is where I am really struggling. It wasn’t hard for me to go 200/190/etc., but these last 30 mgs. are tough. I was originally taking 15 mg pills and now taking 5 mg. pills. I push myself hard every day through mental practice to keep holding out another 5/10/15 minutes. Could just use some support with this. Thanks!!!
Matt Finch
Hi Tricia,
Yes, the 30 mg range can be hard for some to keep tapering down from, which is why I added the other steps in this article which can help a person get past that final hump with some great natural methods.
I have started my wean. I take SIX 30 MGS a day. Plus I take TWO 60 MGS in the morning and at night for a TOTAL of 300 mgs a day if that’s how it is figured. I don’t really want to take these bc I feel strongly it is causing more and more endocrinology problems. I also have gastroparesis from hardcore type 1 diabetes damage. The oxy makes it a lot worse of course! I have many disabilities besides these, but that’s neither here nor there. I want to deal w/ weaning off. One by one, my different glands are turning off. I feel lazy and withdrawn. I don’t get very high until evening and the pain isn’t that bad anymore. My dr. said they are not helping the pain anymore so what I feel now is how I will feel off. I am going SUPER slow. I’ve been on the same amount since 2007. Ten years of this poison! I had NO idea I was on a heavy dose until a couple years ago when I asked for it to be upped. Imagine my horror when I found out I was taking beyond a typical dose for chronic pain. Why on earth did he give me this massive of a dose. I don’t understand. I wish I had researched it.
Any way, I may be a baby but i am going down 1/2 a pill every 2 weeks. I messed up one month. However, last month I was taking 5 a day, and at the end of the month had about 15 left over. Since I did so well, I have found myself going back up again. How stupid. So i’m giving them to my husband which seems so naive, but I will do that tonight. So every 2 weeks 1/2 pill down. I’m at 4.5 now. Will be at 4 pills at the end of October. So yes, it is a very slow wean. However, from what I’ve read, this massive of a dose for 10 years is going to be very hard. I plan on succeeding, so if it takes awhile, I thin k I’ll be more successful.
My biggest fear is I am bipolar, and I am sooo scared this is going to wreak havoc on my illness. I cannot be a manic lunatic from one month to the next. So far, I actually feel a lot better. My personality is coming back and we did raise the bipolar meds.
one drug the psychiatrist gave me that really helps urges is Clonidine. I take one and the next thing I know is I have forgotten all about taking an oxy. Someone on here said go as long as you can into the withdrawal phase before you take one. I disagree. I’ve done that a few times by accident, and it left me taking it over and over to get out of the withdrawal. I couldn’t take hours of withdrawal, so I need to “catch up”. So I don’t go that far. However, I have found I do not need them as often as I’ve been taking them.
This slow wean is working so far. I’m not withdrawing, but do have urges. Ten years of 300 mg a day of oxy’s is going to take awhile. Thank God, my dr. agrees.
Good luck to all out there. Do everything in your power to get off before it affects your organs and systems like it has w/ me. I hope everything starts working again after I’m off these!
If anyone out there has good advise or experience taking a very high dose for a long period of time, I would love to hear about your recovery!
gary ebel
You are doing wonderful!! Keep up the good work!!
Gary Ebel
Have not been on site for a couple months. Have been busy with my kids and now have my daughter full time and son half time. Have been off all meds for awhile now and it is wonderful!! The back pain is bad, but I feel better inside where it really counts. Saw the site as kids are sleeping and felt bad that I have lost touch with you guys and wanted to say Hi and wish you all a clean and sober Christmas or at least hope you are working in that direction. Please do not give up and be good to your self you deserve it!! Love you all. Be happy and smile a lot. Gary
Wow, I take kadian, a time released morphine 100 mg 3x a day and 30 mg oxy as break thru pain help up to 6x a day, so 180 mg oxy per day. How to wean off that mix to see how much pain I really have now after ten years of this?
Pink, I was on opiates for over 20yrs & taking by prescription 140mg of Oxycontin plus nearly 30+ other meds with it including Benzo’s, sleeping meds, a bunch of antihistamines, nerve pain meds, muscle relaxants & a ton of other crap. Finally they turned on my body even though I always took them as prescribed & though this may sound stupid I never even thought about taking more than I was prescribed or using the meds in other ways that many do to produce a high, but all of the sudden my pain began to get worse & I knew my only option was going to be upping the dose of being put on methadone or suboxone or Buprenorphine all of which are far harder to withdraw from than Oxy or even Morphene for myself. I got to the point a few yrs ago that my pain was so bad & like the person above even though they were long acting meds I’d be fidgety after 8 hrs when they were supposed to last 12 & I too would experience the most pain relief with the evening dose which would make me want to stay up & do things I’d been unable to do during the day due to pain or uneasiness. Anyway my Dr. retired & sent me to another doc who sent me to my nightmare-a pain clinic. I say a nightmare for me because I was terrified they would put me on Methadone or something even harder to stop taking because I already knew I wanted to get off this medicine due to IBS & other (a host of physical problems & cancer) but the doctor I’d been seeing insisted that all of my meds be filled on the exact same day all at the same time so those that were PRN weren’t really PRN they were as doctor tells you to take them-so I started to stash away percocette because I didn’t need to take them as prescribed for break through pain always but the doctor was insisting I take them even when no pain so I called a different doc who didn’t take my insurance & begged him to take me as a patient as I honestly thought this other doctor was going to wind up killing me. So I started to see the one I’d called who eventually after only 3 yrs retired. So when he sent me to a pain clinic I was so nervous & literally got sick shaky & felt like I couldn’t move, so I stayed in bed for close to a month just sleeping not eating or eventually even drinking water other than a sip here & there when pushed by a friend. I started to get horrific migraines & got one that lasted 6 days & I took 3 200mg Ibuprofen or 5 500mg Tylenol to kill them on top of the pain meds & other meds. Finally I called my doctor due to the pain in my head just not stopping & was told to go to the ER. I waited for close to 6+ hrs in the waiting room while my head pounded & I couldn’t even stand up I was so weak. When they brought me into the ER they discovered that I had gone into full Ketoacidosis & had barely any potassium or magnesium or other electrolytes in my system & the normal treatment for this normally diabetic side effect wouldn’t snap me out of it & I was so unstable I couldn’t be transferred to a bigger hospital as I went into a full code when in the ER. They brought me back & asked me if I wanted my family called, which shocked & frightened me as I’d been unconscious & unaware of what was happening to me-I asked them what they were talking about that I’d come in here for a head ache & now what I’m dying? I have no family nearby so they called a friend at midnight who came but I only remember seeing briefly after they brought me back with a second injection of Bicarbonate to straighten out my system. I’d had heart failure & I was young. They gave me multiple shots of narcotics for the pain in my head but they weren’t working, they finally got ahold of a doctor who specialized in this phenomenon & instructed them on giving me the bicarbonate both times & as I said the second time it-according to my friend who was watching while it happened-brought color back to my face & my eyes opened. They brought me up to the ICU & admitted me there. I did fall asleep for a short period of time then woke up feeling like I was going into withdrawals so I called for the doctor & asked him if he could give me some of my regular meds but I also asked him if he would while I was there if he could safely cut my pain meds a far back as he felt comfortable doing. Of course this shocked him, my request I guess isn’t one they get very often but he cut my meds by 1/2. The only withdrawal symptom I had was that I was very cold so they kept the heat very high in my little room. I was still very sick from the other problem & couldn’t keep food in my stomach or bowels for very long even with the narcotics in my system. About a week later they released me to my home but I wasn’t ready & was very weak & felt like I had bugs under my skin & was getting bitten by them. I fell down my stairs that morning at 4a.m. landing on the hard wood floor on my inner knee which quickly swelled up & then a secondary withdrawal phenomenon began the quick cut though physically didn’t affect me it finally did mentally as they also cut out some of the Benzo’s I was on. I hadn’t learned of this until I started to research getting off or tapering my dose, thats when I came across a mental break that can occur up to 3 months after a fast dose reduction. Thats what happened to me I broke the window of my bedroom tore down my blinds & climbed out onto the roof & stood on the peak with my arms outstretched, my eyes closed, head tipped up to the sky-(and I’m afraid of heights)-in my mind I was going to just fall onto the cars 3 stories below when something pulled me back down & into the house but I packed up & moved into my car where I lived for nearly 2 months. I drove around all night or stayed in gas stations & slept during the day in fields behind trees or in grave yards, dirt roads but then fall came on fast & I was cold, I was also sleeping at truck stops in my car. I never missed an appointment during this time with any of my doctors but I also never told anyone about what had happened. Finally after 2 months I went home. I was home about 2 months when my new doctor as the other one who’d sent me to the ER retired-sent me for an evaluation at the very same pain clinic again. The clinician was a neighbor of mine whose an anesthesiologist & started this pain clinic but he’s also an alcoholic & smoked pot with my friends father who’d just died & he came to his home while I was there & they got into a fight over land & electricity when he’d noticed me sitting in a chair in this guys home so he called my doctor & said he had to see me. He berated me about my reduction belittling it as nothing that mattered to him or at all. He said I needed the meds I was on from my MRI results etc but he wanted me to turn over my medical marijuana card or stop taking the Benzo’s they’d told me I had to take when I was hospitalized because I’d stopped taking 1 dose a day when they said I had to take 3 doses a day so that my stomach would be okay. I only used the medical marijuana at night to help with my appetite & sleep so I couldn’t understand why he wanted me to give it up after having it for 5+ yrs. He kept berating me & asking me to pick one to give up right now but I refused to answer him & told him I’d discuss it with my primary doctor. When I left the visit he gave me a summary from the visit with all of my diagnoses changed by this guy-he even removed the Breast Cancer from my records but I didn’t notice it till a few days later so I told the hospital about it & they tried to get him to come in to explain the changes in my records which he’d told my new doctor no-one but him (pain guy) was allowed to change those back. He lost his job both of them. But he’d kept telling me that for safety I had to be on the equivalent of 100mg of morphine & I was now on 30 mg of Oxy twice a day. When I saw my doctor he asked me if I’d decided which I was giving up-the card or the Benzo’s? I told him neither-I wanted my pain meds changed to morphine equal to under 100mg & keep my card & my Benzo’s. My doctor had been in my pain management meeting so he was fairly shocked at my response as they wanted my card. Pain guy had decided he’d reduce the Benzo by 1 pill every 3 days & at that rate I’d have a psychotic break I feared & have PTSD so I went for the Morphine. My doctor got very nervous & said he had to go look it up on a different computer-I laughed & said but you have a computer with you look it up on that…or are you calling the pain guy really? He stuttered & said no I have to check my other computer. He came back a while later & told me he could change my meds to 30 mg of Morphine twice a day & I’d be able to keep the card & other meds. I said to him you called the pain guy huh? He finally admitted he did. He switched my meds that day & I was really really angry at trying to be used by this guy because all along I had planned to get off all meds & just keep my card for pain relief but didn’t want to say that to pain guy because I knew he’d put me on methadone. So I made the switch & it didn’t affect me at all-nada-no withdrawal so last January I decided I’d start a new taper & started by cutting my 30mg in 1/2 twice a day this was after I took myself slowly off the other 30 some odd pills they’d had me on over a year. I did the 1/2 twice a day for a few weeks & then cut a small amount off of each of the 1/2’s left & did that for a while then a bit more off till I was down to 1/2 of 1/2 twice a day. By the end of Aug. I was left with just the breakthrough pain meds which were 4 5mg oxycodone per day. So in September I started to just take those & to reduce them slowly while trying to keep equal the amount in the morning & the evening. I am now down to my last 5mg & was taking it at night because I didn’t feel I wanted or thought about or needed it in the morning. Unfortunately I only did that for 2 days when I decided I should make it into two doses to make it easier to stop the last 5mg. Seems that didn’t go so well for me & I wound up unable to sleep for two nights & got the most god aweful migraine on the 3rd day & 4th day & 5th day & it wasn’t giving up. I wound up having to take about 10mg of Morphine I had from the taper to kill it. I think it was because I also decided it was going so swimmingly well that I might as well stop the morning Benzo too which I think just set me up to get the head ache cause I was getting a head ache by evening when taking it only at night but when I’d take it with some Tylenol it’d go away however without the Benzo in the morning it just didn’t go away at all. And all along my plan was to stop the opiates first then go onto the Benzo’s then I only take 1 blood pressure pill for headaches which I may or may not need after all is said & done. But you might ask them to change you to morphine but it may have been my system because the doctors also though I had malabsorption syndrome as I would eat & it would rush through my system & I be going to the bathroom all night just a few hours after eating. Which may have been what made my taper easier but I don’t know I did have 2 drug tests done which showed the correct amount in my system but now the medical marijuana works better & I’m just struggling to stop these last 5 mg’s & unsure how to do so with out getting a migraine. But today I’ve taken no meds yet & feel much better the migraine I had has stopped & I plan on taking 3/4 of the 5mg tonight at 8pm & when my body feels comfortable with that then I’ll take the other 1/4 off & 1/4 again & once more after that & hopefully then I’ll be on to getting off of the Benzo’s but still am not taking one in the morning of those because I made it for a few days easily that way before the headache hit. If anyone has any tips to stop the last 5mg’s for me please let me know. I just don’t want to get another migraine & have to go to the hospital & get exposed to the flu. Trust me getting off of this crap will make you feel alive again. I’ve been lifeless for about 15yrs & been in a bed for the past 4 yrs full time until this taper which made me want to get up & cook again & clean & go outside! It’s all worth it & look on youtube into Gary Craigs EFT Tapping videos that give you tips on relieving discomfort & pain thru certain tapping on your body in various areas & ways that hit points that really work! You won’t regret getting off the meds trust me I am finally looking at getting my life back! I hope you do to soon! Best to you all!
Good Luck. Keep it going, I did it. I was on a large dose for 17 years. Cannabis has made the difference.
I wanted to respond to you. I am also a type 1 diabetic. I’ve had three inpatient breast reconstruction surgeries after a double mxt within a year, latisimus dorsi donor sites, with horrid complications. I’ve been on Oxycodone this entire time. I never took more than 4 5 mg doses/ 20 mgs per day but I also cannot control my blood sugars, wrecking havoc on my body. I’ve never felt so awful, it’s a vicious cycle of unbearable pain in my back, I have to have another surgery soon, but high blood sugars. I feel like I’m allergic to my body. I don’t know what to do. I threw away 1/2 my Rx b/cause I don’t want to be on these anymore but the pain in my back, ribs, sides is so bad and my blood sugars are going thru the roof. I weigh 102 lbs and feel like I’m in a vicious cycle of trying to manage my blood sugars, pain and these drugs.
Hi there i just read your story youve given me inspiration. Ive been on sliw release oxycodone for nearly 5 years and i too have had issues with it causing endocrine illnesses mostly
Adrenal glands. I too am hoping this resolves once this horrible drug. I am not an addict as only taken them for pain relief due to multiple spinal operations although my body is well n truly.dependant my mind is not. I start the withdrawals process next week so on the net reading up all i can on tapering off these drugs. I seen my pain doc yest who has drawn up a withdrawl plan which looks like this: i am taking 70mg slow releasr a day and will go diwn by 5mg every 2 weeks im hoping this is slow enough not to.experience alot of the withdrawls. I have also just orderdd cbd oil which is cannabis oil without the thc or high effect its suppsed pain ajd treat anxiety so thought it was a good start. uave any advice and how are you getting on?
Amazing. Good luck to you.
Thank you i started the lower dose last night and already starting to feel a bit sweaty n edgy god knows what the next few days have in store for me. Im away to get all these vitamins & minerals spoken about in this thread hopefully they will help.
What is the best taper? Currently taking 210 mg of oxy a day (7 Pills) I was taking alot more than that over 8 years Please help me with a sample taper
I am in same position etc. I would like to tapper quickly with min discomfort. I can add other natural and pharama to make it quicker and less painful.
Gary Ebel
Be smart do it slow so you can stick with it. I am totally off now but it took me about 4 months. Go from 7 to 6 1/2 for a week or two and 1/2 pill every week or two. Better if you have someone to give the pills to and let them give you your daily pills! You can do it!!
Kathy Farr
Did you have trouble with constipation with oxycodone?
I read about 1/2 of the comments on here and do not know if this article would help me. I have severe fibromyalgia, significant arthritis in my neck and lower back, herniated discs, tendonitis, bursitis and gout. I’ve been on pain pills for 10 years. I started on Vicodin went to oxycodone and OxyContin w/ fentanyl and others in between. I now take 6– 30 mg oxycodone a day and one 60 OxyContin in the morning and one at night. So a total of 300 mgs a day. Most the comments I read here were people complaining about being on 30 mgs and lower. even some people who think they are withdrawing off 5-10 mgs a day. lol. My psychiatrist told me I would die if I quit cold turkey. Is that true?
I have wanted off these for awhile but am so scared of the disabling horrible pain. They don’t help that much anymore, and there is no high I am chasing. They are also causing problems in other areas of diseases and disabilities I have like diabetes 1, hypothyroidism, adrenal failure, non alcoholic liver disease, Grover’s disease, hypopituitarism, gastroparesis, including high anxiety and depression. However, I wake every morning in mild withdrawal and have horrendous pain exerting myself , or even small thinks like walking a block or carrying a bag of groceries. The only pain med I have found that works is tramadol.
First, could slowly weaning work for someone taking as high of a dose as I am on or do I need inpatient care w/ suboxone? I do not abuse them nor seek a high from them. Or do you believe even as high of a dose as I take, would I be able to slowly wean off w/ the strategies you speak of above?
Also, I was thinking perhaps I need intense physical therapy and greatly improve my stamina before I try. Because of all the other diseases and disorders, I am rather sedate, and am lucky to have one decent day a week where I feel human. The past month I have been bedridden due to the gastroparesis and not being able to digest food. My stomach is bigger than when I was pregnant from the food just sitting there causing bloat. I eat little and vomit often, yet gain 20 lbs in a few months. It’s been impossible to even walk to the end of my driveway. The pain after I’m finished is horrible. As I write this, my glucose is 596 because my food is just sitting in the g.i. tract. The insulin isn’t bringing it down. And I wear a pump and monitor. As you can see it is a vicious cycle. Therefore, I do not know where to start. But I had planned on walking daily and physical therapy a few months before weaning now that my g.i. dr. found a med that works for the gastroparesis. Not moving is the worse this for fibromyalgia, but when you’re on the verge of vomiting 24/7, you can do little but lay in bed.
p.s. I clicked the Kramdom link and it was closed. What recommendations do you have for controlling the pain once I withdraw?
What to do?
Gary Ebel
Yes you can ween and start walking at the same time!!! Do it or die!! You can get off and healthy need someone to help and motivate you. Mom, Dad, brother, sister, friend and to give you your pills.
I have started my wean. I take SIX 30 MGS a day. Plus I take TWO 60 MGS in the morning and at night for a TOTAL of 300 mgs a day if that’s how it is figured. I don’t really want to take these bc I feel strongly it is causing more and more endocrinology problems. I also have gastroparesis from hardcore type 1 diabetes damage. The oxy makes it a lot worse of course! I have many disabilities besides these, but that’s neither here nor there. I want to deal w/ weaning off. One by one, my different glands are turning off. I feel lazy and withdrawn. I don’t get very high until evening and the pain isn’t that bad anymore. My dr. said they are not helping the pain anymore so what I feel now is how I will feel off. I am going SUPER slow. I’ve been on the same amount since 2007. Ten years of this poison! I had NO idea I was on a heavy dose until a couple years ago when I asked for it to be upped. Imagine my horror when I found out I was taking beyond a typical dose for chronic pain. Why on earth did he give me this massive of a dose. I don’t understand. I wish I had researched it.
Any way, I may be a baby but i am going down 1/2 a pill every 2 weeks. I messed up one month. However, last month I was taking 5 a day, and at the end of the month had about 15 left over. Since I did so well, I have found myself going back up again. How stupid. So i’m giving them to my husband which seems so naive, but I will do that tonight. So every 2 weeks 1/2 pill down. I’m at 4.5 now. Will be at 4 pills at the end of October. So yes, it is a very slow wean. However, from what I’ve read, this massive of a dose for 10 years is going to be very hard. I plan on succeeding, so if it takes awhile, I thin k I’ll be more successful.
My biggest fear is I am bipolar, and I am sooo scared this is going to wreak havoc on my illness. I cannot be a manic lunatic from one month to the next. So far, I actually feel a lot better. My personality is coming back and we did raise the bipolar meds.
one drug the psychiatrist gave me that really helps urges is Clonidine. I take one and the next thing I know is I have forgotten all about taking an oxy. Someone on here said go as long as you can into the withdrawal phase before you take one. I disagree. I’ve done that a few times by accident, and it left me taking it over and over to get out of the withdrawal. I couldn’t take hours of withdrawal, so I need to “catch up”. So I don’t go that far. However, I have found I do not need them as often as I’ve been taking them.
This slow wean is working so far. I’m not withdrawing, but do have urges. Ten years of 300 mg a day of oxy’s is going to take awhile. Thank God, my dr. agrees.
Good luck to all out there. Do everything in your power to get off before it affects your organs and systems like it has w/ me. I hope everything starts working again after I’m off these!
Gary Ebel
You are doing wonderful!! Keep up the good work. Try going to mall and walk around a little. Be good to yourself. You deserve it! Smile and be happy!!
Gary Ebel
Kelly, You will be amazed at how wonderful you are going to feel in 6 months, Keep up the great work! I guarantee you will feel great and feel so wonderful as time goes by and then you will be able to help others. If it does not work we will give you back all your pain and misery. Ha! Soon you will will be laughing again. Please keep trying!! Do not give up!!! Gary
OMG! Today is such a terrible day! I broke down and went off my schedule once and took an oxycodone 30 mgs. What is wrong is I am trying very hard to be more productive and help my husband more. For 20 years, I did everything, even cut our 6 acres and gardens. I had 2 children in diapers when I got my B.S. in education. I went on to get my M.S. w/ 3 kids, taught night school to at-risk high school kids, took care of my disabled father etc… It’s no wonder that at age 42 I was hit w/ so many diseases, disorders, and pure pain. Now, my husband does everything, and has his own problems w/ arthritis and in need eventually of hip replacement from a bad accident 3 yrs ago when he was rear-ended by a guy going approximately 70 mph. So I’ve upped my antidepressants, am weaning off the oxy’s, though retireed from teaching due to many disabilities, I have a successful shop online which sell homemade natura.l/organic bath, body, and beauty products and some remedies that are all natural online, so I do that and make money. It’s not a full time job, but I’m pretty busy with it. . So I have to keep up w/ that daily. If I ask my husband to do things, he’s starting to act like he is just fed up w/ the whole situation. If I say nothing he does nothing. B ut overall, we’ve been married 32 years and love each other tremendously.
Last year, almost to the day, 10/15/16, I almost died. I got very ill, my insulin pump wasn’t working, we were in Florida going on a cruise w/ our 2 grandsons. Eventually, I started to violently vomit, feel while running to the bathroom and slipped so hard on it, I had a HUGE hematoma the size of a half dollar which eventually got staph infection, which is a very bad thing being diabetic. I became unconscious, but my husband thought I had the flu. He wasn’t aware of “Diabetic Ketoacidosis”. Though, I think it’s odd that I would sleep the entire stay at a 5 star hotel in Miami and never get out of bed. I hadn’t been that sick in years. I knew I needed insulin, bc I forgot to pack syringes and all the drug stores were closed that night we arrived. By the next morning, I was too out of it to know I was even diabetic. Day 2 was the day we left on a cruise. My husband said I needed to get out of bed, and I said I’m not going anywhere. He didn’t know what to do, thinking we’d lose a lot of money. He said I started talking to my deceased mother and that’s when he knew we were in trouble. (Gee, you think? I was unconscious off and on for over 24 hrs, and he thought I was not feeling well and sleeping? I shouldn’t say that, but I find it pretty nuts he didn’t know I was dying).
He called security and wanted a wheel chair, thinking taking me outside would make me feel better. The security guard, THANK GOD! was pretty in tune listening to what he described about my state. She insisted they call an ambulance. I was taken to Mount Sinai, where the drs. struggled to keep me alive. I had had a heart attack, organs were failing, the kidneys did fail, and was in Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Metabolic Acidosis, Lactic acid acidosis, and all my labs were coming back very bad. My glucose was in the thousands.My prog nosis was slim.
I woke a few days later in ICU. I don’t remeber any of it. All I rememberd was vomiting, fallling it it very hard, and sleeping. The nurse explained to me that I was very lucky to be alive and what had happened. I cried and couldn’t believe my ears. There was also brain damage from the high level of glucose in my body and glucose in the thousands. At a certain point, even hospitals cannot get accurate readings that high. They found that my infusion set, that goes into my stomach, was faulty. I remember changing it numerous times.They gave it to me and the catheder that goes in my stomach was bent sideways. (There was no recall on this infusion set and hasn’t been since)
So I guess you’re wondering what’s my point? My point is I cannot think straight from the brain damage. I keep trying to pay my bills and I’m sending them late or not at all. Sometimes they are in the wrong amount or written to a different company. My husband has never done the bills in 32 years. Plus I don’t want him to see some of the bills I racked up just not thinking straight.
So last week, I set everything up on auto-pay. Today, I found out that I messed it all up again. Wrong due dates and amounts etc… I was also cleaning a disaster of a house and my arthritis and fibromyalgia was causing such horrible pain, I had to keep sitting down. I finally got everything done except the floors and dishes. Then I sat here crying and crying.
Whyd id this all happen? What went wrong? I used to be so vital, strong, productive, and energetic. Everything is like scrambled eggs now from the brain damage.I’ve made a lot of positive changes in my life since last year and am proud of myself and the person I have become from almost dying. It changes you. But now I realize that going off the oxycodone while my brain is a few screws lose, is really a complete, confusing mess!
I call companies and they say, you know you just called a few days ago. Companies will call me returning a call and I have no idea why I called them.I had a disagreement with Walgreens today, bc I have been waiting for my insulin to fill correctly for over a week. I asked for a 90 day supply, which for me is a lot of insulin that I need. They sent my husband home with one bottle. I called and insisted over and over that I did not get it. The lady even gave me the date and time he picked it up. I searched the house and found it in the refrigerator. I asked my husband why he didn’t tell me it was in there. he said, I gave you all your bags of meds and you went to put them all away. I never touched or opened any of them. You put the insulin in there. I have absolutely NO recollection of this.
My endocrinologist wants me to get tested for Alzhiemer’s. I am only 53. I won’t do it. If it keeps getting worse or I start doing more odd things, I will. But for now, I feel it is the brain damage from the high levels of glucose, amd maybe since the incident, my brain cannot handle the narcotics anymore. Has anyone ever heard if this can happen if a person gets brain damage while taking oxycodone that the oxy does a whammy on you???
Nothing like this was going on before last October, but there definitely were some kinks. What does oxy do to one’s memory? Will something like what happened to me send you off into total confusion like me or is it more from the high glucose damage? I do not know who to ask or where to turn. Although I have told all my drs about it. None of them seem overly concerned.
AND it’s so hard to not pop these when you’re sooo upset like I was today. I sually can reign it in but today I could not do it. I have been holding it back so long, I just melted down. I’m ashamed that I took an extra 30 mgs. However, I’ve been doing really well up until the last couple days.
Does anyone know about memory, brain damage, the oxycodones role in all this? Is it common for people to have to pick themselves back up several times while weaning or am I being too hard on my self?
I just don’t know if I can do this w/ all my illnesses, pain, and brain damage. It seems I think better when I’m on my full dose, but perhaps that full dose is doing more damage?
Sorry I wrote so much, but I am desperate for some answers, and being a former English teacher, I tend to write too much. lol!
Matt Finch
Hi Kelly,
I just finished reading your entry. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this pain and having these issues, and I’d like to try and point you in the right direction. I have had coaching clients that have decreased their opioids or detoxed completely, and reported symptoms similar to yours.
But with the high glucose brain damage, it’s impossible to know whether the symptoms are from opiate detox or from the brain damage. My hypothesis is that the opiate detox triggered something in your brain from the incident you had where you almost died.
And furthermore, I’m concerned about you because of not just the memory loss, but also due to the many other health issues you currently have. I want you to read a book that I recently finished, which totally changed my life. If you want to 100% heal from fibromyalgia and the other issues you have, there is no better resource.
Here is the book:
Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illnesses and How to Finally Heal
Your body obviously has multiple severe imbalances, which are resulting in these disorders and symptoms. I’m confident this book will totally change your life. Read the description and reviews on Amazon to learn more and see if it’s something you want to check out.
And if you have any other questions I’m happy to assist. In the meantime, quit being so hard on yourself! People on opiates or getting off them tend to lack self-compassion in this area. Here is an article that I wrote, which I encourage you to read:
Why Opiate Addicts Need to Develop and Nurture Self-Compassion>>
Gary Ebel
I am so sad to read your post. You are a truly wonderful person!! Do not feel bad about anything you are doing fantastic. congratulations on weening and all the great things you do in your life. Give yourself a pat on the back, you are doing a great job. You took a pill because you needed it. No big deal, can start back on your weening when you feel a little better, Feel proud all the good things you do! Smile Gary
UPDATE: I have some questions about my diIemma that I wrote about yesterday do not know if I am replying correctly to anyone replying to any of the posts I have. The only place I see reply is on the one I wrote the other day. But it just says I’m replying to Gary, not the other who wrote or Matt. Does this go to anyone who replied? I just want to be sure I’m doing this right. As usual I am confused.
Last night, I really cried hard and talked to my husband at length about my confusion and memory. (Right now I am questioning if I wrote this already bc I don’t remember what I wrote) I went and looked and don’t see where I wrote about our conversation. So I called him on his way home from work. I tried like hell not to cry, but I couldn’t stop. I told him of my frustrations, fear about the confusion and memory, and if I should get the Alzheimer’s testing. he agreed at this point, just wish for the best and that it’s the brain damage and drugs. But I told him that I hate to ask him after him taking care of me for 11 years, but I need help. I am overwhelmed, making many errors etc… that i’m melting down. Since I’ve been feeling better since upping the bipolar meds, I am getting more active and doing odd jobs like I’ll organize a drawer or the pantry etc.. and also trying to keep the house cleaned, laundry done, etc… This is a huge deal bc I’ve was bedridden for a couple years and sick for 11 (Although, I’ve been sickly my entire life, and they’re always weird diseases like endometriosis, fibromyalgia. Things they don’t understand the why’s or how to fix. )
Anyway, I know I’ve tried to take on too much too soon. And he basically just quit when I started and I’m cleaning his messes now. Plus, he’s a carpenter and has unfinished jobs everywhere around here. If I say there are things he needs to do, he takes it that I’m saying he’s lazy or a piece of shit. I say what I mean, and this is not what I’m saying, nor is my tone bad. I am always respectful. If I don’t ask for help, by God, he doesn’t. he’s tired. He’s taken care of me for 11 years. He had to do everything, but he knows I took care of him and the kids, the house, the acreage, and literally everything for over 20 years. However, he’s older now. He has arthritis in his knees, carpal tunnel in his arm/wrist, a compressed or herniated disk which takes him down to the floor, and a hip needing replacement from the accident he was in. He’s also scared that he is falling apart fast.
I try to be cognizant of all this. However, we still have to carry on. I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t as far as needing help. But I melted down and told him how hard everything is rightnow and how hard I’m trying, but I need help, especially w/ the weaning going on. I’m trying to keep busy, so I don’t think about the oxy’s but there’s soooo much i am physically not able to do.
Even more frustrating is the confusion and memory. He suggested I keep everything in a 3 subject notebook. I tried and had notes all over the place , not making any sense. So then we thought to try one notebook. Worse problem with that. I tried a calendar, not enough space to write down everything I need to do. I know i write down too much, but it’s my goal. I have an immediate, a do over the next couple weeks, and a long term list of things to do. My focus is so bad, I skip all over the place and never feel like I finished anything.
So last night, we were figuring out how to work w/ this, and I thought that maybe a binder w/ divider folders and loose leaf paper would work. This way if things go out of order, I can move the sheets of paper around and organize more chronologically and then have folders w/ dividers where I keep important paperwork, bills etc… that goes w/ what ever the subject is w/ the loose leaf paper to follow in each section.
I found over 10 notebooks laying around the bedroom and living room. They all start out organized then get out of order, then the page is so full, I cannot make out what I was even trying to accomplish. I showed him several of these pages, and he was stunned. He had no idea what the objective was and saw what a confused mess my mind is in.
He said he would help me more w/o getting defensive, and was very kind all night, feeling bad I am trying to get better so much, but have so many foul balls in my way.
I hired my part time employee to come twice a week now. She started at once a month w/ organization and cleaning. Then to once a week. Hal the day cleaning, the other half working w/ me in the shop. Until I have a handle on things, I asked her to come twice a week. Her pay is all of my profits from the shop. However, she cleans and organizes the way I used to and is a great deal of help. So i pay her out of my shop, and I make no money.
For now that’s how it is going to have to be. At least then, things are more organized and I don’t melt down and get so upset that I go off my alloted amount of oxy’s per day.
Can anyone see a better way to get organized whether you’ve gone through this or not? I need ideas if anyone has a better one.
At this point of my wean ; I was on SIX 30 mgs oxycodone a day, plus TWO 60 mg Oxycontin-one at night and one in the morning for a total of 300 mgs a day. Yes, I know it’s an unheard of amount. Talk to my dr about it. Now, I have gone down to 4.5 pills a day and still two of the Oxycontins. Mid month, I will go down to FOUR 30 mg oxycodones a day w/ the 2 Oxycontins. IN Novemberor December, I’m going down to 40 mg Oxycontins. This is a very slow wean since I’ve been on such a terribly high amount for over 10 years. And my dr. agrees that this is smart. So I go down 15 mgs every 2 weeks.
Here’s the question of the day. At this point am I detoxing? What is the definition of detoxing? Will going down 45 mgs cause more confusion and melt downs? At what point do people really struggle at its worst/ On average, is it in the beginning, the end, when you’re half way through etc…? I know everyone is different and my brain damage and bipolar are going to effect this. But what is typical? Or what are others experiences?
Last, I want to take NONI. It says to be care ful if you have liver disease. However, I cannot find which diseases they are talking about, bc there are conflicting articles and reports. I have Non-alcoholic (though I was prior to the oxycodones 11 years ago) Fatty Liver Disease. Is this something I shouldn’t take? I have no symptoms or take no meds for it. I did read that they are talking more about hepatitis or cirrosis. However, I want to be sure. I even read an article that says it actually does not harm you if you have liver disease.
What is an average amount-CAPSULE form that one should take? I feel this would help other diseases and disorders like the diabetes and Raynaud’s I have. The articles mention this.
Soany other ideas for organization techniques. What is detoxing and am I at this point? When does it get its worse? Anyone else have terrible confusion or memory problems detoxing? Noni w/ NAFLD and how much to take?
I know I’m asking a lot. It will save so much of my time rather than googling it all. Plus, I want opinions.
*I know this reply has many errors in grammar and spelling, but I had to go fast to get on w/ organizing! lol!
Gary Ebel
Kelly. I see you got Matt he is much better than me to help you!! I am sober a long time AA (33years) but Matt has so much more experience with drugs and complex problems like yours! With love Gary
Jody Jackson
Hi, i dont take as much as some of the numbers I see here but I too want to wean myself off. I currently take 4 doses of 10 mgs daily and wake up to take more every few hours. The few times I was out i felt horrible! Stomach ache, loose bowels, body aches, and axiety. I find myself very short of breathe since I’ve started these
oxys and I’ve also gained weight. Weight loss is a huge goal of mines and I dont think ill be able to achieve it while taking these. Can you exercise while under medication? Wasn’t sure if i should due to they already increase your heart rate? I’m going to try the weaning method above. I want my normal life back!!
I do not know if I am replying correctly to anyone replying to any of the posts I have. The only place I see reply is on the one I wrote the other day. But it just says I’m replying to Gary, not the other who wrote or Matt. Does this go to anyone who replied? I just want to be sure I’m doing this right. As usual I am confused.
Last night, I really cried hard and talked to my husband at length about my confusion and memory. (Right now I am questioning if I wrote this already bc I don’t remember what I wrote) I went and looked and don’t see where I wrote about our conversation. So I called him on his way home from work. I tried like hell not to cry, but I couldn’t stop. I told him of my frustrations, fear about the confusion and memory, and if I should get the Alzheimer’s testing. he agreed at this point, just wish for the best and that it’s the brain damage and drugs. But I told him that I hate to ask him after him taking care of me for 11 years, but I need help. I am overwhelmed, making many errors etc… that i’m melting down. Since I’ve been feeling better since upping the bipolar meds, I am getting more active and doing odd jobs like I’ll organize a drawer or the pantry etc.. and also trying to keep the house cleaned, laundry done, etc… This is a huge deal bc I’ve was bedridden for a couple years and sick for 11 (Although, I’ve been sickly my entire life, and they’re always weird diseases like endometriosis, fibromyalgia. Things they don’t understand the why’s or how to fix. )
Anyway, I know I’ve tried to take on too much too soon. And he basically just quit when I started and I’m cleaning his messes now. Plus, he’s a carpenter and has unfinished jobs everywhere around here. If I say there are things he needs to do, he takes it that I’m saying he’s lazy or a piece of shit. I say what I mean, and this is not what I’m saying, nor is my tone bad. I am always respectful. If I don’t ask for help, by God, he doesn’t. he’s tired. He’s taken care of me for 11 years. He had to do everything, but he knows I took care of him and the kids, the house, the acreage, and literally everything for over 20 years. However, he’s older now. He has arthritis in his knees, carpal tunnel in his arm/wrist, a compressed or herniated disk which takes him down to the floor, and a hip needing replacement from the accident he was in. He’s also scared that he is falling apart fast.
I try to be cognizant of all this. However, we still have to carry on. I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t as far as needing help. But I melted down and told him how hard everything is rightnow and how hard I’m trying, but I need help, especially w/ the weaning going on. I’m trying to keep busy, so I don’t think about the oxy’s but there’s soooo much i am physically not able to do.
Even more frustrating is the confusion and memory. He suggested I keep everything in a 3 subject notebook. I tried and had notes all over the place , not making any sense. So then we thought to try one notebook. Worse problem with that. I tried a calendar, not enough space to write down everything I need to do. I know i write down too much, but it’s my goal. I have an immediate, a do over the next couple weeks, and a long term list of things to do. My focus is so bad, I skip all over the place and never feel like I finished anything.
So last night, we were figuring out how to work w/ this, and I thought that maybe a binder w/ divider folders and loose leaf paper would work. This way if things go out of order, I can move the sheets of paper around and organize more chronologically and then have folders w/ dividers where I keep important paperwork, bills etc… that goes w/ what ever the subject is w/ the loose leaf paper to follow in each section.
I found over 10 notebooks laying around the bedroom and living room. They all start out organized then get out of order, then the page is so full, I cannot make out what I was even trying to accomplish. I showed him several of these pages, and he was stunned. He had no idea what the objective was and saw what a confused mess my mind is in.
He said he would help me more w/o getting defensive, and was very kind all night, feeling bad I am trying to get better so much, but have so many foul balls in my way.
I hired my part time employee to come twice a week now. She started at once a month w/ organization and cleaning. Then to once a week. Hal the day cleaning, the other half working w/ me in the shop. Until I have a handle on things, I asked her to come twice a week. Her pay is all of my profits from the shop. However, she cleans and organizes the way I used to and is a great deal of help. So i pay her out of my shop, and I make no money.
For now that’s how it is going to have to be. At least then, things are more organized and I don’t melt down and get so upset that I go off my alloted amount of oxy’s per day.
Can anyone see a better way to get organized whether you’ve gone through this or not? I need ideas if anyone has a better one.
At this point of my wean ; I was on SIX 30 mgs oxycodone a day, plus TWO 60 mg Oxycontin-one at night and one in the morning for a total of 300 mgs a day. Yes, I know it’s an unheard of amount. Talk to my dr about it. Now, I have gone down to 4.5 pills a day and still two of the Oxycontins. Mid month, I will go down to FOUR 30 mg oxycodones a day w/ the 2 Oxycontins. IN Novemberor December, I’m going down to 40 mg Oxycontins. This is a very slow wean since I’ve been on such a terribly high amount for over 10 years. And my dr. agrees that this is smart. So I go down 15 mgs every 2 weeks.
Here’s the question of the day. At this point am I detoxing? What is the definition of detoxing? Will going down 45 mgs cause more confusion and melt downs? At what point do people really struggle at its worst/ On average, is it in the beginning, the end, when you’re half way through etc…? I know everyone is different and my brain damage and bipolar are going to effect this. But what is typical? Or what are others experiences?
Last, I want to take NONI. It says to be care ful if you have liver disease. However, I cannot find which diseases they are talking about, bc there are conflicting articles and reports. I have Non-alcoholic (though I was prior to the oxycodones 11 years ago) Fatty Liver Disease. Is this something I shouldn’t take? I have no symptoms or take no meds for it. I did read that they are talking more about hepatitis or cirrosis. However, I want to be sure. I even read an article that says it actually does not harm you if you have liver disease.
What is an average amount-CAPSULE form that one should take? I feel this would help other diseases and disorders like the diabetes and Raynaud’s I have. The articles mention this.
Soany other ideas for organization techniques. What is detoxing and am I at this point? When does it get its worse? Anyone else have terrible confusion or memory problems detoxing? Noni w/ NAFLD and how much to take?
I know I’m asking a lot. It will save so much of my time rather than googling it all. Plus, I want opinions.
*I know this reply has many errors in grammar and spelling, but I had to go fast to get on w/ organizing! lol!
Kelly, your situation is very similar to mine. I could sure use a friend like you.
I got down to 3 from 6. My pain came back with a vengeance! I can only go about 5-10 minutes and my lower back locks up. It feels like knives are ticking in my lower back right above the back of my hips. I try stretching forwards, backwards, side to side to no avail. I had been trying to push through the pain day after day off and on all day. Nothing but more pain. Now if I try to push through, I’m laid up a few days. The back pain cannot be mamged, then from trying to compensate, My fibromyalgia is back.
My doctor said the pain I was in when I started weaning was equal to the pain I’d be in when I was done weaning. Nope, not at all true. Now, I am on 4 /30 mg a day. I don’t dare go lower with this pain, as I already tried.
Anyone have any ideas? Spinal injections do not work and I want off these pills asap!!! Someone told me about HF10, I think it was called. Spinal stimulation. They said their father did greag on it.
I need help here. I’m very down about this and all I can go for is 5-10 mins then have to recline 30-45 mins.
Matt Finch
I’m sorry you’re going through this experience! Have you heard about Lyrica for fibromyalgia? And a natural remedy that has helped many people for pain is DMSO. Look into it.
Kelly, I don’t know if you are open to this, but have you read the book Medical Medium by Anthony Williams? Sounds like you have been sick a long time with many problems! He talks about all of these illnesses and the root causes, and even if you don’t believe in what and how he gets his information, I tell people to be open and try his protocols. Many people are healing these diseases! Also some Anthony’s past radio podcasts, from Hay Radio, can listen br heard on Soundcloud. Another very good book, for addiction, is Recovery 2.0 by Tommy Rosen. All the best to you!
Matt Finch
Yes! I just read Medical Medium a few months ago. Best book on health and nutrition, and healing mystery illnesses that I’ve ever read.
also, adrenal failure…there is no such thing! Also, frankly, i’ve never heard of someone who has so ‘many’ medical conditions? hum…
Bonnie Mason
Five years ago I Had stage 3 lung cancer. I took 35 radiation treatments and chemo. My tumor was the size of a baseball and was pushing into my chest wall. The radiation did a lot of nerve damage and matted all my blood vessels together. I have been on OxyContin for five years I am down to 10 mg. My doctor and I decided it was time for me wean completely off of it . First week every other day, third week every 3 days, fourth week every four days. He said I should have know side effects since I am on such a low dose but I have chills, shaking,anxiety and nausea! Could you please tell me how to get through this I am so ready for it to be over! Thank you!
Matt Finch
How Bonnie are you taking any supplements to help? Click on the link below that should steer you in the right direction:
Supplements to Assist Withdrawal>>
This is defintitly one of the more helpful blogs I have found … Thank you! So here is my situation …. my boyfriend has been on Percocet 15s for a about a year now. Typically he only does a half of it (7.5mg) daily, sometimes the whole 15mg in one day. Occasionally he would get his hands on a perc 30 but but that was rare. (These made him sick!) He has finally realized the toll that it is taking on him and the people around him and he is ready and determined to get clean! He tried quitting “cold turkey” and just could not deal with the WD symptoms. We are now going to try weening him off of it. I know it will be much easier on his body and the withdraw symptoms won’t be as prominent. Hopefully enabling us to put an end to this for once and all!!!! I have known people in the past that were way worse then he is now and they were taking much higher doses. Being that he is taking such a small dose daily I don’t see him having too much issue weening off … I could be wrong. The problem I am having is that because he is addicted to such a low dose … I cannot find much on the internet about a tapering schedule that starts off at 7.5 mg. Everything I have been finding are examples of people who are taking a much higher dose daily. I am desperately looking for suggestions or advice on a tapering schedule for him specifically! … so that we can do this and do this right the first time!
Thank you !!!
Gary Ebel
Easy cut the pill in 4 parts and one less part every 2 weeks. You control the pills and give to him. If he asks for more (and he will) ask him if he wants the pills or you!! As life with an addicted person hurts you too!! Be Happy Gary
Hi. I want to say thank you so much for the valuable advice that you have offered up here. I had gone ct off oxycodone 30mg twice a day and sometimes even more than that. I was successful for a month and then my anxiety and depression was so bad that I started taking a quarter to a half a pill in November. I feel really stupid now for allowing this to happen, but now I just want to get off of it with as least amount of wd as possible. My problem is mainly the anxiety and mental part. I lost my mom a year ago November and I was put on this med to help control the pain and digestive issues of chrouns disease and ulcerative colitis about the same time my mom passed. So when I did the ct all the extreme anxiety and depression hits about my losing her. Idk the best way to do this but I think tapering down very slowly is the best for me. I just have been building my leg muscles back up by working and being on them all day. They had gotten seriously depleted as far as the muscles from being home while they were running tests and trying to diagnose me. Plus I got to where I didn’t eat regularly at all so my nutrition level got very low. Now that my muscles are getting better and I am eating more I think I am in better shape to do this. I guess I will try a lower amount tomorrow for 9 to 10 days then drop some more. Idk much about exercise since it’s freezing here and I am a single mom so I don’t get to do things like the gym and all for myself. I am curious if I can do this without the calm support as I just can’t budget that right now as much as I would love to. I’m prescribed Xanax and only take it at night. I will be slowly tapering that next. I just can’t take it throughout the day as it makes me very tired and I have to work on my feet and be happy and energetic for my job. So I am not sure if you can give me any advice since I can’t do calm support right now. I understand if you can’t. I’m just desperate to get off this with as little mental side effects as possible. Most of Nov I took half of a pill a day but have been at three quarters of a 30 mg pill a day for about two weeks. I want off of this so badly. I just don’t want the extreme anxiety and depression of the ct. So I feel like a slow taper may be better for me. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Gary Ebel
Yes do it!! You can and will feel wonderful after. Maybe after you are off take 1/2 5 mg Diazapam will work for your depression. Live again clean!!! Be happy gary
I am on 8 oxycodone/acet 5/325mg/mg per day.
This is for very bad feet pain and my doc want to tapper me off of it because the government in canada says i have been on it to long 2.5 years.
The pain will still be there but she wants me to try other pain meds that did not work in the past or did work and made me a walking dummy.
i want to get off it but with my bad feet pain , i will not be able to walk.
Dude, read healing back pain from dr. Sarno. Or better yet, read “the great pain deception”. Your feet pain will go away. I guarantee it. Have an open mind. Trust me.
Matt Finch
Great books. Those are what helped me heal from three years of chronic pain.
I am on 8 oxycodone/acet 5/325mg/mg per day.
This is for very bad feet pain and my doc want to tapper me off of it because the government in canada says i have been on it to long 2.5 years.
The pain will still be there but she wants me to try other pain meds that did not work in the past or did work and made me a walking dummy.
i want to get off it but with my bad feet pain , i will not be able to walk
Dear Matt,fifteen years ago I had my leg amputated due to bad circulation and then 4 years later again above the knee due to severe pain. Doctors felt the amp would stop pain but did not.For the last 10 or so years I have been on opiates as much as 180mg of oxy and 40 mg of methadone daily.The only relief I ever felt was slight so finally after years of my children begging me to quit I did.COLD TURKEY about 6 months ago.No withdrawal or any symptoms of it.I am 66 and all these people are not really trying because if and old man can do it on his own ,then it can’t be that hard for them.Its mostly mental strength .
Congratulations for your sucess story. That being said, I find your comment to be very demeaning, insulting and discouraging for those who GENUINLY are going through REAL withdrawal symptoms. Everyone is different and we all react differently to medications.
I’m a professional 48 year old mother and gave birth drug free 2 times. Many people here are not necessarily addicted to pain medication but rather their body has become dependant on them. A lot of people, (especially our younger generation) were initially prescribed narcotics by irresponsible doctors for real pain.
For you to state that you’re somewhat better or have more ‘mind over matter’/motivation because you’re a 66 year old who ‘kicked’ a drug symptom free is ludicrous and down right ignorant. I hope you never have to deal with a child or relative who has an addiction or dependence on a drug. A little compassion and humbleness goes a long way….Something you obviously lack.
Hi, I am/was 31 years sober in AA an attended meeting 3 a day for first 3 years. Than life got great and still go but about 2 times a week. Was traveling the world drug and alcohol free for about 15 years, had gotten rich from a business and left after I had about 5 million. Had a heart condition in Brazil was married for 17 years to a Brazilian woman for 17 years, who was 21 years younger than me. After surgery just for stint in Brazil( they did terrible job, almost died 3 times in hospital. Found out she was sleeping with other men when I got back to America about 4 years ago after going broke. Was in car wrack 9 months ago and put on oxycodone 20 mg 4 a day. Took almost all pain away and made me feel great-high and felt it was ok because I needed for the lower back pain. Am divorced now and have 2 kids Jayla 11and Nicholas 10 Every month am running out early or down to 4 a day not 5 for 10 days because I like to take one extra when I can, get 145 a month. Just god prescriptions for 3 months July, August and September. Have been taking 4 a day for 3 days and have 8 more days of 4. Than will get new script filled. Want off this shit and since am down to 4 a day now better to keep going after get new pills. Am embarrassed that I am taking these, but really have bad back pain, but rather pain than these pills running my life. I am 62. So on first will have been taking 4 a day and am suffering a little withdrawal ( not much) also have 5 mg Diazepam and have been taking half a pill for 6 years at bed time with no bad results, but lets me sleep. So am thinking after first keep taking 4 a day for another 5 days, than going to 3 1/2 for 15 days and continue this until am down to 0. 3, 2 1/2, 2, 1 1/12, than 1/2 morning and one half night than off? What do you think Mat? Please give me your honest feedback! Thanks Gary
PS. Kids spend week with me and week with her. This is her week with kids. Still have lot of hate in my heart, not healthy.
Smile Gary
Hi Guys, 4 20 mg oxycodone is working well, have 7 days worth and then new perception for 145. I checked my plan of withdrawal and I will have more than enough to do it very slowly. Thank God!! Am 62 and don’t think I could handle a severe withdrawal. On 6 july will move to 3 1/2 a day and on 21 st will be down to 3. Have decided would rather the severe back pain than thinking of this shit all the time, stealing time and energy from my kids. We can all do it. Make it the total focus of your life as that is what it is. If you do not get off all this crap your quality of life will always suck for what that 20 minute high 4, 5 or more times a day? Not worth it in my book. Great luck guys and girls you can do it!!! With Love Gary
Mary @ O.A.S. Blog
Hello Gary,
(My name is Mary. I am a Certified Recovery Specialist with OAS)
I just returned to this site in order to answer the question that you had left first, but I’m glad to see that things are still on track! I relate to your situation so well having been a pain management patient for 11 years (broken back & neck in auto accident. #vs/tracter-trailer #Ilost) which led to my addiction. As for the bad relationship problems, I think we’ve all been there!
I think your plan sounds like a good one, and just the fact that you commented again before I had a chance to reply, shows just how determined you are!
While you are tapering this medication, let’s see what changes that you can make that may help any withdrawal symptoms you may have, but more importantly to lesson your pain and/or help you to manage it better.
1. Exercise- strengthening your core muscles will help take the burden of of the area of your back that suffers pain. Stretching exercises will help relieve the tension that comes with tightening muscles under stress from the pain. (By the way, I learned Yoga from YOUTUBE! ?) Exercising is also a way to produce dopamine (which is usually depleted in opiate addicts) and release natural endorphins. This comes in EXTREMELY handy for battling any withdrawal!
2. Alternative treatments- I found relief from back pain by using a chiropractor and massage therapist. Acupuncture has helped many and will probably be in my future.
3. Weight- if you’re carrying extra pounds, try dropping them. It’s amazing how just 10 extra pounds gone provides so much relief
4.Diet- Eat Healthy! Not only does this provide better physical health but it also makes your brain healthier. Balancing brain chemistry is a very important weapon in battling withdrawal. Add plenty of protein to your diet. Protein is a precursor to endorphins.
5. Consider supplements- There are many minerals/amino acids/herbs that help fight withdrawal and are listed in this site. Or you may wish to purchase a Withdrawal aid that already contains these supplements. I recommend Calm Support since it does have some really great reviews.
There are also many supplements that you can use tof take a holistic approach at fighting pain. Turmeric and Capsaicin fight inflammation (which is the cause of most pain). These can be found in pill or powder form. There are also topical medications made from capsaicin that have great effects. The amino acid dl-phenylalanine which has properties that help with easing pain.
You and I and millions of others have been given a heavy burden . Dealing with chronic pain makes life difficult. Even tho there’s prescribed medications to treat this, it’s those little pills that just cause bigger problems. I have been able to successfully manage my pain by using most of the above suggestions and also have worked with my neurologist to find non-narcotic alternative prescription medications. He tried Cymbalta, which at first seemed to help but I had a reaction. Gabapentin helps many, but wasn’t for me. Finally he put me on Lyrica, which helps so much with the neuropathic pain that I have, I’ll probably always be on it. It’s non-narcotic but still considered a controlled medication, because it too, can be abused. My Dr is aware of my addiction issues, so he does monitor this. There may be some who think that taking any controlled substance is feeding a addiction , but at some point Quality of Life has to be obtained for someone who has chronic pain, even if they are an addict.
I hope this helps. Keep reaching out and letting us know how you’re doing.
*Disclaimer: Any suggestions for medications, supplements, exercise regime or diet are not to be considered medical advice. All changes made to improve your health should be approved by your Dr.
Mary Price-OAS Recovery Specialist
Mary, Thank you for your very kind advise. I am walking 3 miles every other day and doing weight lifting the other days. One day walk next day weights. I am 6 foot and always weighed 165 am at 185 now ( noticeable little stomach do not like.) I changed the withdrawal schedule a little am taking 3 1/2 a day. Very good from 4 and will move to 3 in a week. Am finding that being a little flexible is ok as do not want my children to know, what is going on? Maybe I should just talk to them about it? Anyway making progress and am happy about that. Slow but sure with no noticeable withdrawal to date. Back hurts a little more, but think over time that it will feel better with the exercise. Thank you for the support it helps and I am grateful! Smile and be happy Gary
Hows it going Gary ? Interested in your story , I’m 63 and tired of being a slave to the Oxycodone. Hope its going well , would love to see an update.
Gary Ebel
Greg, Am down to 3 a day. Plan to go to 2 and a half next week. So far has been totally withdrawal free except for mentally wanting, but can talk myself out of that. I still get perceptions for 145 a month so after get off completely will throw away a lot. My back pain is bad, but for me prefer to have the back pain and off pain pills forever. My life has been too focused on when can I take the next pill. That is not a way to live!! On the other side if the back pain is so bad it brings tears to my eyes will take one. So things are going well but am doing very slow. If you need some support feel free to e-mail
Gary Thanks for the update you are inspiring me to get off the oxycodone.
Go slow and steady , I have a fractured low back vertebrae and knees without ligaments or cartilage. Both conditions are painful. Bought some Austrian Dream and Blue Emu , and they do help with the burning pain.
Trying to get Medicade so I can get knee surgery, then plan to get off the pain meds. But sometimes I think thats just an excuse to keep taking them.
Hi Gary, I’m about your age and withdrawing from oxy as well. I tapered aggressively and am day 4 of no drugs. I don’t fell well mentally and have little energy, but no real physical symptoms that are uncomfortable. I’m facing knee surgery soon as well and understand your plight. I don’t have tons of advice, just wanted you to know you’re not alone.
Jane u
Gary Ebel
Yea it is so hard and being in constant pain is no fun either.
Gary Ebel
Sounds like you are doing great!!! Good Job!!
Gary Ebel
Hi Jane, Sorry to hear about your knee surgery, but they seem to do those great these days. Am surprised you were able to get off so easy. Congratulations!! He happy and am hoping knee is simple and comes out great. Smile Gary
Gary Ebel
Jane, Am so happy for you that your detox from the boxy was relatively painless! Good Job!! Congratulations!! Smile Gary
Thank you for this article. I feel so much more lost than the average person taking this to get high. I get why they do, I’ve taken it for that reason in the past but never for ongoing periods of time. I have been taking 40mg every 4 hours for 5 months now. I was able to ween down to 25 but I still take 40 when the pain gets so bad I can’t breathe. I have such a severe back problem that I need this for pain. I fought with insurance for months and they finally realized they were wrong and I need this major back surgery. I will be getting this surgery in a month. I’m very sad about it as I have a little baby and do not want this to make it so I have complications the rest of my life but I have no choice.
So I need the oxy for another month. Then I need to wean.
I’m so worried about this. I tried to get down lower and the pain came through so strong and the withdrawal systems were just out of this world. I feel like I’m never going to be normal again.
If I didn’t have a wife and son I think I would have tipped my hat a long time ago. The mixture of pain and pill dependency is just too much. This wasn’t supposed to be what life was…
Gary Ebel
I hear you and feel the same way, but have two kids that depend on me. Jayla 13 and Nicholas 11. Funny but feel the exact same way about cashing out. But remember that is a permanent answer to a temporary problem!!! This too shall pass!!
Hi my name is Kayla, I was taking 50mg tramadol 3 times a day for a year for my back pain. Then 2 months ago I went to another doctor and he put me on 15mg oxycodone 4 times daily. The first month I took way more than I was suppose to and then I ran out before my next refil. I went through horrible withdrawal stomach pain, depression, sweating, and non stop crying. I couldn’t handle it no more so after 3 days of dealing with the horrible withdrawals I went back to the doctor. He got mad and said that he will refil my prescription but I need to make sure to take as prescribed. I have been doing really good, but then I started researching oxycodone and I came across this website. I don’t want to do these pills anymore, I have a 4 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. Taking the oxycodone is giving me so much energy but it’s making me very irritable I am getting frustrated with my children and instead of just taking the oxycodone for pain I wanted it for the high. This is horrible I feel like a bad mom, I can’t do them anymore. So I want to ask, since I have only been taking the oxycodone for 2 months will the withdrawals last not so long than someone that has been doing them longer? I sorted my pills out for only 1 month of tapering. Week 1 I am taking 3 15mg pills a day, Week 2 I am taking 2 15mg pills a day, Week 3 I am taking 1 15mg pill a day, Week 4 a half of the 15mg pill a day. Should this be ok? Please let me know, because I am done with all pain pills. I want to be the best I can be for my children!!
Matt Finch
Hi Kayla,
Congrats on your goal of ending your addiction and being the BEST for you children. Good for you! As for your question: The severity of withdrawal depends on many different things, such as length of time on opiates, average daily dosage, age, overall health and constitution, whether you have psychological issues, plus many other factors. There is no way to know exactly how you will be coming off them, but typically people that have been on for shorter times have less difficulty than people that have been on for longer. Also, by tapering your dosage this reduces shock to the body and typically decreases symptoms.
Please review this article on safely tapering off opioids:
Disclaimer: This comment is for informational use, and is not medical advice. Always ask your doctor about tapering before you do this.
Hi matt.
Im manuela and i have been taking oxycodone 15mlg once a day, usually at night. Then i took 2 at night. Now im back to 1 at night. This is for a few month now. I tried to get off the pills for good so i stopped the other day and the withdrawl was so bad i went right back on the meds. I only have 7 more left. And i wont be able to get any more. Thank god. But how do i get off without having big withdrawl with only 7 pills left. Im scared.plz help
Gary Ebel
Matt, You are helping many people. Great Job!!! Keep up your so important work. Are helping so so many again Great Job!!! Smile and be very happy!!
Matt Finch
Thanks Gary! I appreciate you! Thanks for being so active on this forum! 🙂
Gary Ebel
maybe taper off 1 pill every 2 weeks or try 1/2 pill every week. Don’t set your self up for a fall. Be good to your self and you are a great mom for trying so hard!!! Call anytime 919-627-5868
I have been using various opioids for several years due to degenerative disc disease, shoulder and Fibromyalgia pain. Last year I started going to a pain clinic and prescribed 10mg percocet 4x/day for break-though pain & extended release 15mg morphine 2x/day (one when I wake, and the other I take before bed). I just had an artificial disc replacement surgery on my lower lumbar and was prescribed 10mg oxy tabs to take 1-2 as needed. I was taking 2-10mg oxy every 4hours, but now on week 3 have already decreased back down to 1-10mg 4x/day. I am 3 weeks into my 6 week recovery. When would be a good time to start my taper? I told my pain doctor I wanted to taper off and he recommended switching me to Suboxalone, but I don’t want to trade one pill for another – and more expensive medication. I currently have enough oxy to taper down 5mg per week over the next 8 weeks, but how should I taper the morphine? I’m thinking of just taking 1 before bed to help get me through the night, but since it is extended release it cannot be cut in half. I also have gabapentin for nerve pain, 0.5mg valium for anxiety, and Zofran if needed for nausea. I also plan to start taking an antidepressant/moodstabalizer for bipolar disorder, melatonin to help me sleep, a multivitamin, fish oil, vitamin D, and Magnesium-Calcium to help relax my muscles and keep me regular, protein smoothies for the increased protein suggested. I can go for short walks now, and in 3 weeks I will be off physical restrictions from the back surgery and plan to start doing my daily yoga again as well. Any additional suggestions, especially regarding the morphine and when to start my taper in relation to the back surgery, I would really appreciate it! Thank you for the wonderful article!
Matt Finch
Glad this article was beneficial to you! And for the morphine taper, please read this informative article that I believe can help answer that question:
Safely Discontinuing Opioid Analgesics
How do I reach you. I was poisoned in 2007 from carbon monoxide poisoning. Diesel gas in a leaky furnace. I have headaches 24/7 and I have tried every pain med . Currently on OXYCODONE 10 mg 2 times a day. It is destroying my life. I am on disability . It makes my headaches worse makes me paranoid totally and gives me raging anxiety and depression Nobody will help me and I have no money to buy anything I am a prisoner in my apartment . Cheryl
ken dog
I have been taking over 100 mgs oxycodone a day for ten years I tried cold turkey it’s really bad sickness and I have talked to doctors about getting off of it I’ve been operated on over twenty times and have chronic pain I cut down to 60 mgs doctor told me I’m Stuck between a rock and a hard placeBecause I have so much pain in my head neck back and leg I may have to take it the rest of my life but I don’t really want to I don’t like ItI’m trying to get off this stuff it’s been 10 years too long
Matt Finch
Please check out this article which I believe will be beneficial to check out:
16 Epic Natural Painkillers To Use Instead Of Opiates
I finally found someone even close to my situation,I have been on 5/325 percocet for 10 + years, i was up to 8 a day maybe more during 2013-early 2015,both my hips were out of socket at the time,needless to say excruciating pain,I also take xanax 0.5 mg twice a day for panic attacks which i personally believe were precipitated,by the use of oxy,(and a very stressed life in chronic pain) in early 2015 it was discovered my liver enzymes were very high i got so scared even with both hips out of socket i dropped from over 8 to 2 pills a day for about 2 weeks, i suffered but not that much,finally after going to straight oxcy till my hips were replaced during the spring and summer of 2015, i found myself forgetting to take the xanax for days at a time, and only taking 5 percoset, (after the surgery i was switched back to percocet) i am really mad at myself that at that point i didnt take the opportunity to start weaning right than, but in late January of 2016 i decided its time i started only allowing myself 4 a day, when I reached 3 a day ,that is when the trouble started, mostly sever panic attacks, horrific tummy pain couldnt eat for 2 weeks,when the doc found out after 2 emergency room visits that i had managed to get myself to 2 and a half in about 2 months they were a lil surprised,all of them said i have to go REALLY SLOWLY,well its the end of March 2016, and I am now fighting to stay at 2 5/325 percoset for about 12 days,the 1st 9 days were ok,and i was eating high protien 3 times a day again, now not so much ok, how slowly do i have to go now??? any advice , sorry so long but I dont want to be told to go on suboxen,thats trading one drug for another, not logical , and once i finish this , than its weaning off the xanax , hope you have some advice Matt
ANOTHER WAY, IF YOUR LOW ON PILLS BECAUSE MAYBE YOU BUY THEM ILLEGALLY, IS TO…assess what you have left take half dose the minute you feel withdrawals ..Its going to be tough but as you get lower on supply. Wait for the withdrawal symptoms to come and bear for as long as you can and take as needed to keep the symptoms at bay so if a 30 gets you off take a quarter of it which equals 7.5 . That way you adjust your body down to where you finally run out and experience withdrawal symptoms will not be as bad a coming off cold turkey.. my friends withdrawals are inevitable.. but if you just wait for the symptoms to arise and take JUST enough to give you relief then by the time you run out, the symptoms will not be as severe .. This comes from experience but like i said withdrawals of some type are to be EXPECTED good luck and god bless
I have been getting my Oxys on the street and have run out completely. I was able to get my hands in 2mg dilaudid, ten of them, the day before completely running out. I was taking 40-80 mg per day EVERY DAY. I’m wondering if these will ease the withdrawals, as I had them so severely, I couldn’t function and, I might add, my significant other has no idea I’m going thru this… With this being all I have now, are there ANY suggestion to make this more tolerable, or, at least maintain functioning? Please help, I’m very desperate and ALONE here:(.
Dave Welch
I literally feel your pain. I had neuropathy in both of my ankles. And over the years I went from 40 milligrams to 60 milligrams and then 80 milligrams of Oxy Cotton. I was prescribed to take 3 of the eighties a day and 610 milligram Percocets. I’ve been slowly weaning myself off since January of 2015. I have now got it down to two forties a day and 2 or 3 Percocets. Is new doctor I finally got here in Florida after moving from New Jersey is more concerned with cutting me off of the pain pills. Then he is of actually addressing my pain issues. I still have pinched nerves in both of my feet that feel like walking on broken burning glass. The doctor had asked me if I wanted to quit cold turkey? And telling me I would only be really sick for about 2 weeks. Really? Only sick for 2 weeks? What a jerk this guy is. He is so Twisted out of shape about getting me off of the pain pills. He’s not addressing the pain that I have and the reason for taking them in the first place. I have no mental addiction to them whatsoever. Meaning I never once took them to get high from. I always told myself as I was taking them, it’s for the pain, it’s for the pain. Sometimes staring at the pill for 3 hours before I took it. Just because I hate taking them so much. But my question is what can I do about this doctor? Completely on my own I had wean myself from 300 milligrams a day. Down to about 100. And even after telling the doctor how I’ve been weaning myself off. He just wants to constantly cut me off them completely. Where I am crying in his office and begging him 2 let me go down slower. So I’m not constantly withdrawing. It was bad enough when I went from 3 a day to just two a day. I was crying for the whole month of January and part of February it was so bad. Butt I have been on these pills for 11 years now. They misdiagnosed me telling me I had neuropathy. And after 8 years and I finally did research and found out that I had tarsal tunnel in my ankles. It’s like carpal tunnel in your hands but just in your feet. I had to three and a half hour surgery is on each one of my ankles. Which relieved 80% of the burning shooting pain I was having. I just wasn’t getting blood flow to my feet. And since I was misdiagnosed for so long. The doctor couldn’t tell me how much if any I was going to get better from the surgeries. Although they did help. I still have pinched nerves across both of my feet that still causes me severe pain. And in the 6 visits that I’ve made he has not addressed my pain issues at all. Just so concerned with getting me off the pain pills is his only focus. I would love to get a more understanding and reasonable doctor down here in Florida. But it took me 13 months and six different doctors before I finally got a single prescription from anybody. I had to make monthly trips back home to New Jersey to see my doctor to get my prescriptions. Can you please suggest a way for me to continue weaning off of this god-awful crap. he has taken me from the hundred and ten milligrams I was doing down to 80 milligrams. But this last week he wanted to drop me to just 30 milligrams of day. He made me cry in the damn examining room begging him to at least give me 30 2 times a day. I’m afraid the next time I go in he’s going to cut me off completely. Throw me into nasty withdrawal symptoms. And still not addressing my pain issues at all. What can I do? I would like to go and see another doctor who will continue to wean me down comfortably instead of trying to cut me off at the knees and completely take them off of me. But if I try for a different doctor they usually make new patients wait over 1 month for an appointment. Anything you can give me as an idea to try I would be really grateful for. I’m just so frustrated and fed up. I went to 13 different doctors in 8 years behind this stuff. Every time you walk in they just looked at the previous doctors records. And say oh you have neuropathy. And then they continue to just treat me off of what the past doctor had written. Nobody wants to fix you. If they do then the gravy train is over. everybody from the pharmacy to the doctors make more money if they keep you sick. They don’t really give a shit about you as they’re sitting in their 2 million dollar house by the pool. And your home curled up in a ball of sweat crying your eyes out with the shower running on you. Any suggestions you can give me I would be truly grateful for.
Gary Ebel
Kathy, Talk to your significant other. After I got down to 3 a day went to 2 then 1 and am off. I weened too quick and suffered some, but have two kids and knew it was an issue of the type of dad I am. Being clean again is so wonderful. The back pain is so terrible, go for cat scan 10/6/ as am hoping an operation will help with the pain. Better pain than pills even though it is hard some times and need to go bed. Have some pills for an emergency, but am not tempted at all, but Doc said Gary if you can not get out of bed take one and I will if gets that bad, but will not take them if at all possible. I have read any more than week and you are dependent again. Jayla wants a hamburger bye!! Love you guys and do not quit, that is one of the secrets of life don’t quit!!!! Smile Gary
I’ve been reading all the blogs from your readers. I believe you are a God send! Thank you for reaching out to to help, with this epidemic. My girlfriend is getting an iv of fluids, in the hospital as I am writing this blog. She went cold turkey, a month ago from oxycodone. Her pain management doctor had her on 30mls, every 4 hours, for low back pain. She was on it for 2 and a half years. She was also taking klonipin, 2mls twice daily. She quit it all but now can’t function. What suggestions do have for, excessive saliva that chokes her at night, can’t stay sleeping for more than 10minutes at a time, during the night. She cant keep anything down without severe stomach spazims. Water also causes stomach distress. Also, any suggestions for dizziness and contant headach? Where can I get the suppliments, you suggest? Are they only available online? She is allergic to compazine and fenagan. Thank you for your time and keep up the good you are doing.
Gary Ebel
Chris, She was taking a lot of pain meds. Too hard to stop cold turkey and why make her suffer? Taper her off slowly!! Read Matts recommendations and follow them. You keep the meds and give to her. Sorry but do not agree with anyone suffering that much!! Why?? Wish you the best. Gary
Matt I have so apprecuated your site. Ive gleaned many things. Down from 120 mg oxy to 10mg now. My dr has left so no way to get 5mg. They r controlled rekease so I am going to try to cut in half for last month of tapor. Thank you bcse besides God and your web page I have no support system. Cant affird supp you recomend but do have gabapebtin and korean ginseng supp.please if you have any other recommendations reply….d
Dear Matt,
I am a stay at home mom of a 9 month old little girl and I have been taking 4 oxycodone 15 mg since June 2015. I have just recently found out I have hep c and have to quit taking the oxycodone in order to get treated for my hep c.I have tried quitting but it’s very hard cause I have to take care of my daughter and I can’t do that going through withdrawals. What makes it even harder for me is I have nobody that can help me with my daughter when I go through withdrawals. I’m going to try your taper plan but I’m scared once I stop the last 5mg of oxycodone that I will have withdrawal symptoms and won’t be able to take care of her. I really want your opinion Matt on what I should do cause I have to do this to cure my hep c so I can be here for my daughter. Please help me!!:(
Matt Finch
Hi Lydia,
My suggestion is to read as much as you can on this website to learn about ways to stop. There are so many different methods, and different people resonate with different plans.
willie stewart
I went through hep c treatment on oxycodone , its not counter indicated for Harvoni , my liver clinic had no problem with staying on the pain meds, I am now clear of hep c , never completely stopped taking oxycodone
I know exactly what you ate talking about I’m in a very similar situation nobody to help while I go threw it andits so hard to take care of a child while you are going threw with drawl you barely have energy you need to do it with pills… but in the end you will be better for your child and give them a better future you can do it push threw don’t talk yourself out of it before you begin.. there’s always a reason not to stop look at that baby and know you have to stop for your child they deserve the best you you csn give and that means a healthy you.. it’s like the worst flu. But if you had the flu you still have to take care of them while you have it. I just had the flu and thought okay I just had to take care of my 2 year old and 1 year old while I was puking all night and the next day and I did it.. we didn’t do much but I took care of them. Do bare minimum when you’re going threw it. As long as they are fed clean and loved that’s the most important thing while you are doing it.. trust me do it now while your baby is 9 months.. it only gets harder as they get older and they only need you to do more. Do it now. Start now. And don’t give up. I’m a single mother going threw the same thing I have been on them for the last year right after I had my son and all I ever do is make reasons why I cant. And my main one is what you said. I’m still struggling to stop but I’m going to try the really slop taper.. it sucks losing that high that energy where we feel like we can handle all the things in the day. But these pills turn in to days then months then years . Please stop and show other mothers like me it’s possible. We could do it together and stay updated on here! You can do it!
Gary Ebel
That is such a good idea. Taper together thats a fantastic idea and call each other when you feel week. That a how we do in AA! Taper and buddy up is fantastic! Go girls! Go!! Smile Gary
Benny Rosa, East Hartford, CT
I also went through hep c treatment on oxycodone, I did an 8 weeks treatment and I am free of hep c.
Hi I finished my Hepc tx of sovaldi and riba in October last year. 6 months worth. I am now considered cured. I was able to take my opioids during my Hepc tx. Have you considered another gastro doc? I am on an in godly amount of opioids and just had a full hip replacement. I want so badly to come off but my doc keeps giving them to me and it’s so hard when they are there staring at you daily. I have set my mind to start this month on my own with the taper methods on here and changing my eating habits. I start PT in June so hopefully that will help get those endorphins going too. Prayers for a complete cure for the Hepc and off those pain meds. It’s such a visicius circle. I can’t even tell what is real pain or withdrawal pain anymore after 6 years on this crap. Right now I’m taking 30mg roxy 4 x a day. 15mg OxyContin 2 X a day. 3 soma klonipine if needed. I can take 2 a day but I usually don’t and just stopped taking 100mcg of fentynol also. I see my doc tomorrow and see if we can switch things up a bit. Would like to drop the 2 time released for good. Prayers and take care
Dear matt its d. Im down to 10mg of oxy but are timed released. I have 2 months worth but wondered if I can shorten that? I do have 300mg gabopebtin. Should I take that after last pill and should I only take 10 mg of oxy month or less? Thank u for everything!!!! D
I’ve been on 50 mg of Oxycodone for severe pain from Scoliosis for a year. Prior to that, I was on low doses of Hydrocodone for 30 years. I have ten days till my fourth Scoliosis surgery, and I want to go off of Oxy now so that the pain meds in the hospital will work better. How do I taper off in ten days? Thank you!
Hello my wife has been taking 45 milligrams a day of roxycodone for about 6 months and she has to stop what is a good plan to wean her down?
Matt Finch
Hi Mike,
Please review the following article for tapering tips:
Tapering and Discontinuing Opioids
I need real help. Tried many times. 10 years oxycodone sometimes up to 500mg a day. 10mg tabs. I cannot bear the stomach pain just too much. Please any advice I read everything and just have no idea. I keep trying but just collapse. What is best method I know it is a long time and a lot but please someone give me advice. I have taken cloning for sweat,flexoril,Imodium but I fail when it comes to stomach and diarrhea. I pray someone long life for guiding me out of this crap. I got injured in 911 north tower and this poison killing me please Matt, I beg you. Please tell me what I need to end this.
There is an alternative medication called Suboxalone for those that have failed at trying to quit opioid pain meds and have a long dependence like yours. My husband was taking 50-60 mgs a day for years following a brain tumor and then a surgery for his arm. He was prescribed Suboxalone by a pain clinic doctor and it has changed his life! He has energy, less mood swings, and absolutely no desire for pills anymore, and he has already started cutting back on the amount of Suboxalone he started taking 24mgs 4 months ago and has cut down to 16mgs a day in the last month and doing great. Please find a pain clinic in your area, ours is very compassionate and non-judgmental. Good luck to you!
Gary Ebel
Ranja, You are taking 20 mg every 30 minutes. Try going to 20mg every 40 minutes for a week. Than 20 mg every 50 minutes for a week. Than 20 mg every hour. Continue this until you are taking one 20mg every 4 hours. Then with to 10 mg every 4 hours. Then 5 mg every 4 hours. Then 2 1/2 mg every 4 hours. This will take about 4 to 6 moths to get to here. Decrease every week. If a week is ver hard stay at same amount for an extra week. When you are down to 2 1/2 mg every 4 hours you are taking 15 mg a day, At this point continue to cut until you are ready to stop completely. Ranji you need to do this soon or die!! Sorry but 500 mg a day is close to dead and do not know how you keep track. You need to start NOW!! TODAY!!! Please STOP NOW!!!
I am suppose to take 15 mg hcl of oxycodone every 4 hrs up to six a day. Six back surgeries and have been on pain meds for over 5 years. I started to snort two to up Two during the day and up to snorting up to four at night. How do I wean myself back to my one every four hours without snorting it. Snorting it gives me instant pain relief and also it’s a habit now. Should o go from two every four hours down to one ? That would be not snorting 30 mg but trying to just swallow the 15 mg every four hours and I would love to get down to 7.5 ( half a pill like I was doing ). It’s hard I’m home all day alone till my kids and husband get home but actually still find a way to snort them. Please help I’m desperate. Sincerely
Joe Payne
Hi. I snorted and taperd down. Find this book dig deep in one place by bill and Sandy fifield. This will work. Go to support meetings. I go to c.a. good luck. I love you God bless you Joe
Gary Ebel
Jules, Have a romantic night with your husband. After explain what has happened and tell him you need him to help you and support you. Get a tapering plan and show him and give him the pills to give to you. You are snorting for the 3 minute high, but you are stealing your children of their mother. You will feel better when you share the truth with your husband and it may bring you closer together. If you can not do with him it is ok!! Can do with someone else or by yourself. But do it for you. You deserve to feel good and happy again inside, this drug will rob everything good from your life. You can do it. Smile you are on your way to a better life filled with joy!!! Smile Gary
I take 5 mil of oxycodone only at night trying to detox having withdrawls should i justcome off period?
Susan T
If I take 1 pill of 10mg. A day will I have withdrawals? Only been taking for 1 month.
Susan T
If I only take 1 pill a day of 10mg. Will I have withdrawals?? I only been taking it for 1 month
No but get the hell away from oxys
Ok so 3 years in. No big story just low on life needed a pick me up. I however am a mom of 2 and a wife to the worlds most amazing family!
I take percs! Not to get high now but to not be sick…
I take 10mg 4times a day. I feel this is my (won’t get sick level)
I clearly need to go down.
If u could give me a quick taper down schedule I’d be greatly appreciative.
I need to get back to the silly loud (fun) crazy mom and wife my kids and husband know and love!
Thanks so much
Karen Johnson
Thank u soooo much for the information on weaning off oxycodone. I’m getting ready to have a double knee replacement in a couple months but as soon as my recovery is over I would like to come off the oxycodone for good. I really think your plan and information along with a lot of prayer Will get me through this process, and free me from this horrible drug.
Matt Finch
Hi Karen,
I’m so happy to hear you found value in this info. I wish you the best on your journey. And that prayer will help a lot! Take care.
Me again ! I am going to cut one in alf and the rest in 4s if possible – I have 5 total – I took 1 half a while ago and am just now feeling relief – I am not calling out of work bc of it now ! The aches and pains , I can deal wit – but the anxiety , I cannot . However, I am prescribed kpins for anxiety so when i need it i will use it (0.5 milli) -What do I do about the night sweats and other symptoms ? Tank you so much ! I hope your answer helps others as WELL as me !!!
Matt Finch
Please review the following article that I believe will answer your question:
Opiate Withdrawal Remedies
Sue t
Hi Matt, I have been taking 1 10mg. Of oxycodone a day, for only 1 month. Will I get withdrawals if I stop them?
I have only been doing 1 100mil of morphine a day for a week or so & I tried to stop yesterday but I woke up in cold sweats this mornin and I am honestly debating if I should call out of work today ! I need the money though otherwise I probably would ! I only have access to like 5 more morphine pills and then that’s it for me ! Wtf do I do ? I am freaking out !!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE help me !!!!
Matt Finch
Please check out the following article:
How To Use Kratom For Opiate Withdrawal
Matt, I am desperately in need of help. I was in treatment back in 2011. Unfortunately last year I ended up in the hospital all last summer with kidney stones and infections. Was put on pain management. Now I am off pain management but take pills that aren’t mine that are in my house. My dad has cancer. I have reached a low and hate myself. I need help and am glad I found your page. I can’t afford the supplement. My question is what can I do to substitute it or any other reccomendations?
Matt Finch
Chelsea I’m right behind you and want to see you succeed. Is your doctor able to prescribe you medications to help ease withdrawal symptoms?
Matt thank you for responding to me. I will be gtting in touch today. Down to 30 twice a day trying once a day but not working. I hate it plus in pain is it normal to cry alot? Bless you for helping so many. D
Matt Finch
Many people cry and are in pain because with less opiates in the body, the endorphins run low, causing increased proneness to emotional and physical pain. It can be really hard to get through, but once you quit and get through it, you have your freedom back.
Matt Finch
You’re welcome Rita. I’m so glad this article helped you, and your husband sounds like a great support system for you. You go this! And I look forward to hearing back from you on the other side. Take care.
Hi, I have MS with chronic pain, I have had this migraine for 2 years straight now, it never goes away. I current take oxycodone 30 every 4 hours for the pain. I helps but it doesn’t take it away. Mt problem is that I feel like the other medications in have been trying hasn’t been working because of the high dose of oxycodone I take and I want the pain gone. At the sametime before starting the oxycodone, nothing worked either. Because this is the only thing I have found so far that helps my pain I don’t wanna get rid of it to try something new any be SOL when it doesnt work. What can I do to control the pain if I get off of oxycodone?
Matt Finch
Please check out the following article:
16 Epic Natural Painkillers To Use Instead Of Opiates
Hello. I am so glad you have this forum. I have been on 20 mg oxyCODONE HCL every 6 hours for I have been trying to wean since last week. I take my doses now up to 8 hours apart. So I’m down to 3 doses a day, 60 mg instead of 4 total 80 mg/day. I notice the sweating as soon as my. Body wants more. That happens at 8 hours. I don’t know if I should continue spreading out doses or should I just lower each dose or lower one dose at a time? I’m an RN and I’ve spoken to my ordering physician about this. He just says keep tapering. He doesn’t offer any tapering suggestions. Should I taper by dose or by length of time between doses? I have a bit if a complication as I suffered from Serotonin syndrome from trying Cymbalta for nerve pain. So I’m a little of the nighttime Elimadrol dose which increases serotonin levels. I’m already a crybaby right now. My doctor also gave me Xanax to take when it gets bad. Well; as I said I’m an RN. I can’t go through all of this while I’m working. I went on this because of exacerbation of a back injury. Now I have a Neurostimulator implanted. It works amazingly well and I don’t need these nasty pain pills any longer. Please tell me the best way to do this. My doctor just doesn’t seem to care about how I do it. I just hope he doesnt just cut me off cold turkey before I’m ready. Any helpful suggestions? I’m not an addict, just dependent and WANT OFF THE CYCLE. Thank you.
Matt Finch
Hi Angela,
I’m really proud of you for going through the tapering process, as it’s not always easy. As far as dosing goes, here are a few tips that might benefit you:
You are trying to avoid going into withdrawal while tapering, thus, dose as often throughout the day as needed (up to 4 times) to prevent sickness. As long as you are decreasing the total daily amount every 7-14 days, it really doesn’t matter how many times you dose per day. Oxycodone has a short half-life, so this would make sense that you start sweating and get sick if you don’t take it often enough.
However, since you have a doctor that is happy to prescribe you medications for opiate withdrawal, I believe I have some info that you would truly love!
Please refer to the following article:
How To Use Gabapentin For Opiate Withdrawal
This is pretty much the easiest way to get off opiates with medications in my opinion…based on research studies, as well as based on what comments I’ve private emails I’ve received. The large doses of gabapentin typically stop the whole withdrawal syndrome. But fatigue is the only symptom that seems to not go away.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
LD King
Had a minimally invasive micro lumbar discectomy on 9/22 (L5/S1). No other back issues going on except the initial herniated disc. Was prescribed Percocet 5/325, max 4 tabs a day along with Valium 5mg every six hours. I initially took the meds as prescribed and by the second week, maybe one upon waking up, at night time and just a 1/2 Percocet during the day. But then I start noticing that I’m nauseated and queasy all day and no longer feeling pain in the back incision so I started taking Tylenol or Advil. Well, I haven’t had the Percocet or Valium for several days and just have an overall feeling of not feeling good. Nausea, barely can eat and cravings for cold beverages, Popsicles. Also eating ice chips. Prior to the surgery on 9/11, I received an injection of tradole (sp) and a script for 12 hydro codon which I didn’t take any outside of what the hospital emergency department gave me (2) because I was so nauseated for the next five days. Since the diagnosis of the herniated disc in April, I had several steroid injections in my back and was finally prescribed Tramadol in August which I only took at nighttime without much relief. Prior to August, I have only used NSAIDs and gabapentin (sp), 300 mg/3x daily. Have used Zofran to help with the nausea.
Hello I so appreciate this info. I was prescribed 120 mg twice a day. I am down to one a day having symptoms pain crying fear etc. I wish I would have known when prescribed. Ive only been on it for 6 mnths but pres hydrocodone for five years which I am off. My med is time reeleased so after this one pill can I safely cut in half? Im scared and feel ashamed.i dont have a support system. Can you help me? D
Matt Finch
Please feel free to email me personally at
I am currently perscribed 40 mg of oxycodone (Percocet) daily.
10 mg 4×. For fibromyalgia, chronic pain, 4 herniated discs, two thoracic and two lumbar, osteoarthritis, three separate teares in my rotator cuff and bone spurs everywhere. My first PC ( a small county Dr.) wanted to place me on methadone because he said
“I want you off of opiates!”
I refused. Luckily, thanks to the ACA I was able to start seeing a team of doctors at a very prestigious teaching hospital.
No names. Now after a yearof being seen by their PC, Pain Management, and Ortho Dept.’s
My physical ailments are flaring up considerably as of late and every time for each flare he says
to me that it is all due to the oxycodone making my “trigger points” agravated. Recently both my knees swelled up and were blueish red. I show up in tears and he again attributes it to the oxycodone. I need to know what is going on with my body! I want off this oxycodone so I can find out. May I add he has been pushing for me to go on suboxone for months! I also refused them. I do not see the point of trading one addiction for a worse one! I need to know how to wean myself from these Oxycodone. I don’t want these drugs getting in the way anymore fro a proper diagnosis! And proper, drug free treatment! Please Help!
Signed, Your done making me an addict! Now do your job!
I have myself in a bad spot 60 mg 3-4 times a day and 40 mg op 2 times a day. What do you tho k I the best way to wean from this? Very willing to follow all steps!!
Matt Finch
Hi Ann,
Sorry it took my a few days to respond…I didn’t see it until just now as I was reviewing old comments, and it slipped my vision. As for you question:
1) If it were me, I might try to get off the 40 mg op as soon as possible. Like stop taking one for a few days or a week, then stop taking the other for a few days or a week or more.
2) From this point, I would devise a strategic tapering schedule to get off the 180-240 mg oxycodone daily dosage.
3) It would be easier to do a fast taper while the dose is high, then I would start to taper more slowly as the dose got lower, for instance under 100 mg or something like that, but it all depends on the individual.
4) Supplements, nutrition, and exercise are very important as well as tapering.
If you have any more questions I’m happy to assist you Ann. I’m here for you, and I wish you the best of luck!
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
I found this site in my quest for help. I am taking roxys everyday. Recreation and two herniated discs, but I had the herniated discs before the addiction and I survived. A spade is a spade, I’m an addict.
I can’t afford a very slow taper. I need some good support and being reminded quitting won’t kill me, staying on likely will. Nobody in my life knows I’m on, so nobody can know I’m coming off.
Today I will get my last few, 10 15’s to use to wean off. It’s not many but it’s all I can afford AND if I hand more I’ll just take more. I was a total fitness nut, great employee etc. Roxy took it…I have a chance at a new job, actually it’s a promotion, God blessed me and I need to get clean. My email is Please email me 🙁
Due to severe spinal issues I have been taking 40-45 mg oxycodone split in 2 doses daily…usually 25 mg when I wake up and the rest approx. 12 hours later. This usage has been steady for approx. 3 years. I want to get off this drug. I’ve done a taper before but I think I did it too fast…I got down to 5 mg but was unable to stop completely and my use went back up to its current level. Recently I took 30mg in the morning and didn’t take any more that day. I went to sleep and awoke in an hour in pretty bad withdrawal…I took 10 mg and felt ok. How would you suggest a taper for me…I have a pill splitter and can cut my pills down to 2.5 mg to enable a slower taper if necessary. Very recently I only had 15 mg for a 24 hour period which I took in three 5 mg doses and felt like I hadn’t taken anything. Was horrible. Constant diarrhea..anxiety..shakes…the whole bit. I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and depression. I have Valium if needed. Thank you so much in advance.
Thanks very much for your help. I am starting a new round of physical therapy next week and from past experience I know I will be in more pain initially since I have been so inactive. I’ll probably wait to see if my pain level stabilizes before I start this taper.
Matt Finch
Best of luck to you Steve 🙂
How are you? I’m 45 and been a a regular dosage of oxycode for about 6 years. 60 mg daily I need to ween myself off I want my life back. I work daily and been taking em for back related pain as well as needing em to just do my day to day work
I want to ween off completely while still doing my day to day routine. Can u help with a specific ween off method
Matt Finch
To continue being able to do your day to day routine, you might benefit from doing a slow taper. Something like this:
Decrease dose by 10% every 3-7 days, or…
● Decrease dose by 20%-50% per day until lowest available
dosage form is reached (e.g., 5 mg of oxycodone)
● Then increase the dosing interval, eliminating one dose
every 2-5 days.
A slow taper along with the other steps in this article might have good benefits.
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
I was prescribed oxycodone for my severe & frequent migraines which I have suffered from for years. I’ve tried everything else under the sun, none of which works on my migraines and gives me horrific side effects. But I take them even when I don’t have a migraine. 1 – 2 per day, at the end of the day, instead of having a glass of wine which I cannot do because it gives me a migraine. I do need them for the migraines. How can I do this and still have them around for when I have a migraine??? I know I shouldn’t take them when I don’t have a migraine, but my body craves it. Help!!!!
Matt Finch
Have you looked into natural solutions for migraines? Please check out the following link for information that might be of value to you:
Thank you, I will check out the link. My migraines are horrible, lasting for up to 9-10 days at a time. Oxycodone is the only thing that can break them & give me relief so I can live a normal life. I only take them at night, I take Excedrin migraine during the day. But I hate that I always run out before it’s time to renew my Rx. I feel so ashamed of myself every time I call for a refill & go to the pharmacy to pick it up. The thought of not having any freaks me out because a migraine can strike at anytime. Especially, if there is a storm moving in (something about the barometric pressure). The problem is that I also take them when I don’t have a migraine. Nobody knows that I do this. It is my secret and I want to get off of it secretly too. I ordered some Withdrawal Ease. I was going to order the Elmidrol but read some reviews that it tastes horrible. I’m running out now way before I should be and cannot call for another Rx until the 21st. I’m so worried that I will get a bad migraine before that but I also look forward to later on today to take some. It’s just got such a grip on me. My life is stressful, bad marriage, lots of complicated issues, etc. I can’t even have a drink to relax. It just sucks, it really sucks. I don’t know how I’m every going to get off of these.
I had spine surgery 7 weeks ago. I was prescribed Oxycodone 10mg every 4 hours after surgery. I also have psoriatic arthritis which is USUALLY managed with a prescription NSAID. After surgery I had to stop the NSAID for 6 weeks due to bone fusion. I cut down to 5 mg every 4 hours. And then to 5mg three times a day. I was able to go back on the NSAID A little over a week ago. And after two days I stopped taking the oxycodone. I didn’t think it would be a problem because I cut down without issues. But I started having terrible sweats and stomach pain. I went back on the 5mg pills three times a day for a few days and then weaned to 2.5 mg three times a day. My problem is that I am going back to work very soon and I am prohibited from working while I am
Taking narcotics. I tried to stop cold turkey now that I’m down to 7.5 mg total per day. Same physical symptoms after 10 hour drug free. Any help would be appreciated.
Matt Finch
Hi Karen, I encourage you to read the following article:
How To Mega-Dose Vitamin C To Stop Opiate Withdrawal
Hi Im trying to come off the oxy, been taking it for close to five years off and on. Anywhere from 30mgs- 100mgs a day.
I’ve only got five left till next script of 30comes in two days.. I have to work the next two days as well.. anything that would help ease withdrawl till I start to taper?
Hi! I’m trying to taper off a 60mg a day roxy habit. I have 15 days to get clean. Using this plan do you think I could be successful? Scared of the WD… Thanks!
Matt Finch
Hi Katie,
You can be successful if you have a strong mindset and listen to your intuition! Many people have told me they used these strategies to ease their symptoms coming off opiates.
I’m sorry, I was extremely confused about how to leave a message….I want to start by saying that I’m not using my real name because it is a females name that is extremely unique and I live in a small town and fear someone seeing this and saying “Hey! That has to be…….”! I just can’t stand dishonesty. Sorry for the ramble about something that has nothing to do with my problem at all. I’m scared to death. And when I say “to death” I mean it. I began “playing” with oxycodone around 2 years ago. 5 mgs maybe 3 times per week. Always saying “nope! Never me!!! I will never be a “junkie” (trust me that term now makes me sick)!!!” I can’t even say how my addiction grew so rapidly. I wanted to feel happy. Then when I did I wanted to be more “happy”. At 1st these were all given to me freely by a family member. The “happy pills” quickly grew to a 40 or so per day addiction. I then was diagnosed with rsd and also spinal stenosis, displacement of cervical intervertavertebral disks and a few other things. Most caused by remaining foolishly (of course not the rsd….but actually to paralysis in my left hand and the spinal issues…the paralysis somehow “going away”)…….anyway so sorry for my long background history. I then was prescribed my own oxycodone (30 mgs per day), plus kept getting around 60 mgs a day+ from the same family member. I quickly grew to a 100 mg (approximate) habit per day. My old dr made me uncomfortable so I sought a new one. This new de felt it best as well as did my pain management pharmacist and surgeon to take me off the “30 mgs”. I tried honesty. Trust me, it’s not always best even though I live by that “rule”. I told them I overtook my meds but they would only do a taper by going by the 30 mgs and not the real #. I’ll be blunt. I feel like I’m dying. Tremors that feel like seizures. Throwing up. Name all on the list of oxy wds and I probably have them all. They replaced it with 2000 mgs of gabapentin per day, and baclofen. Also I want to add that I have unmanaged high bp and this new dr doesn’t want to see me for 2 months nor does the pharmacist but the surgeon that was going to insert a neurostimillator in my spine for the rsd….and to the person above? My rsd actually went into remission so PLEASE don’t give up hope that it will ALWAYS progress as the Drs tell you. I did extensive physical therapy and aquatic (just tips that worked for me)…..I don’t need the surgery but the surgeon wants to see me in a week for possible injections in my spine. Anyway… the writer of this, I COMMEND you and applaud you and feel that you doing this for others is SPECTACULAR but my question is what am I to do? Rehabs not really an option fot many reasons. I fully agree with your taper schedule but how they chose to taper me is 3/4 of a 10 mg oxy 3 times a day for 7 days, then a half 3 times for 7 days then a quarter 3 times for 7 days. I’ve already failed. I’m in tears and am a wreck. I can’t keep food down unless I take 2 of my 32 pills at once (now down to 10), sweat, heart pounding…..gosh just any advise quickly would be so appreciated as I’m SO SCARED. Thank you so very much in advance.
Matt Finch
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks so much for sharing your story. I’m so sorry you are scared death and failing on your taper…but never fear! Please read the following article, as it might be able to get you off opiates quickly and with minimal symptoms:
How To Mega-Dose Vitamin C To Stop Opiate Withdrawal
This method has helped many people, it’s inexpensive, and it’s been shown in studies to work very well! If you have any more questions, I’m more than happy to help you along your journey. The articles on this website are rich with information on getting off opiates and living a healthy life free of addiction. I’m here right beside you every step of the way. I hope to hear from you again.
Take care.
Hi I’ve been taking hydrocodine and oxycodine for pain for about 6 years the most I’ve taken was 40 mg in a day. I never really thought I had a problem but I’ve tried to stop a few times and the stomach pain always makes me go back.for the past 5 days I’ve been switching from hydo 7.5 to oxy 7.5( by breaking a 15mg in half . 3 times a day. The mental isn’t as bad as the leg and stomach pain. I have a vacation planned for the 22 of this month and trying to be off so I’m lowering my does every 2 days. Anything I can do to make my stomach and my legs to stop hurting ? Is it bad to switch from hydo to oxy ? Could that be why I’m feeling the withdrawl so bad ? Or going from 40mgs to 22 to quick?
Matt Finch
Hi Samantha. Click Here for a plan to get oxys/hydros at home before your vacation. The quick drop in mg is most likely the reason you feel bad.
My situation is not addiction, I believe addiction and being dependant are two different things. I have always been fortunate to not have an addictive personality.
I have a condition called R.S.D., not sure if you know anything about it, but once in the final stage there is no cure. It is considered to be one of the most painful things a human can go through, short of terminal brain or pancreatic cancer. The pain from a full on flare can literally be enough to throw the body into shock and shut it down.
I have been on high doses of oxycodone for years now. Eventually those high doses will eventually destroy my body. I would like to find something else that could help with the pain, but this is hard to do while on oxy because I won’t know which thing I am on is working.
Basically I am wanting to quickly come off of opiates, as quick as possible. Anything new I try to take for pain or withdraws cannot be narcotic or prescription. I cannot fail a drug test and no longer be able to see my doctor and get my opiate prescription in case what I try doesn’t work.
As I said, I am not addicted after all this time, I take it as directed, have no urge to get high from my prescription, but know that physical dependence is something nobody can avoid. I am just so tired of being on narcotics, because of all the abuse, even those like me that need them get treated like we are junkies.
Sorry about the drawn out explanation but wanted you to know where I am coming from. I am tired of being on narcotics and if I can want away from them as soon as possible.
Matt Finch
Hi James,
Please read the following articles on dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), I sincerely hope it can help with your RSD pain.
reading all of this made my mind be in a better place. i only take 30mg a day for about 6 months. i tried tapering and broke the 30 mg into quarters (like i did everyday for 6 months). when i went to taking 3 quarters instead of 4, i began withdrawals 9 hours later. will the above things help? because after 9 hours to already have withdrawals, I’m so scared i will not be able to get off! since i did a quarter at 4 a.m to stop the withdrawals, i will had to do the other 3 through out that day, or i would begin withdrawals again..
Matt Finch
Sarah, the stuff I mentioned in the article has helped many people reduce tapering withdrawal symptoms.
And don’t be scared! Fear is what feeds the addiction. Maintain a strong mindset. You can do this!
Forgot to include that my son takes high doses of oxy for a severe chronic nerve pain condition. He also has pain patches and Valium . Suggestions?
Matt Finch
Hi Nancy,
Sorry to hear about your son. I’m really glad to hear he flushed the pills instead. The pain patches and Valium can help significantly. Also, he might really benefit from using this powerful opioid-agonist plant:
How To Use Kratom For Opiate Withdrawal
Kratom is a super strong natural painkiller than can stop opiate withdrawal right in it’s tracks. Since your son is not trying to get off opiates, but rather get through withdrawal before his doctor refills his script, this seems like a good option for him.
If you need any more questions answered I’m here to help you along the way. Take care.
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs
My son flushed his OxyContin when he was in danger of taking a handful to commit suicide. His doctor will not refil for 3.5 weeks. He is obviously going “cold turkey”, and he is really in a bad way. He is beginning day 3 today.
Hello this is my first post and I’m glad I stumbled upon it I have been on Percs for about nine years ! They have always made me sick and I decided since my back still hurts with them why not just say good by to them ! I starting tapering off about two months ago I went down to 3 10/325 a day and then I got real last week and just want to be clean so I went to taking 2 a day on Thursday and then Saturday and Sunday 1 1/2 a day and today 1 1/4 and I feel like I’m doing great ! I was just wondering if I feel this good now am I going to have bad withdrawals when it’s 0 a day ?
Matt Finch
Sharon it sounds like you’re doing everything very well! There is no way to tell whether or not your withdrawal will be bad, however, the fact that you’re down to such a small amount and feel great is a good sign. Good luck to you!
Matt, thank you so much for your helpful blog… I just wished I’d found it sooner!! (Instead I was reading very passionate / semi-insane people argue back and forth and contradict each other on various forums :/ ). Anyway, I went cold turkey off of a three year daily 90-120mg IR oxycodone habit last week. If only I’d tapered! To say the least, it has been *a little* difficult, but slowly getting better now (I’m on day 10). I got through the first five days and thought, well, it should get better now, but then I could not sleep AT ALL for roughly four days/nights (96 hours) straight. Nothing seemed to help ( tried benzos and all). I finally broke down and tried some kratom (I was really trying to stay away from any opiate/oid but was losing my mind). Anyway, I got a full eight hours last night! I’m just hoping that it doesn’t reset the whole thing but so far I feel okay today.
I am now ordering your suggested supplements and altering my diet (I HAVE been forcing myself to exercise the whole time — not an easy thing to do but I totally agree that it’s worth it).
Being on the second week and all, if I can’t sleep tonight, would you suggest I take a little kratom again or just tough it out? I really do not want to relapse. I want OUT.
I apologize for the long and probably rambling message.
THANK YOU for the good work that you’re doing.
I’m going to walk to the park and stand on the grass with my bare feet now.
Matt Finch
Hi Jakub,
Your comment literally just made my day. One of the main reasons I started this blog was to help people get off opiates using all of the wonderful methods there are to choose from. I was upset that there was very limited info on the web, and the majority is from people on forums who are not professionals, and like you said, offered many poor solutions. It’s a nightmare deciding who to believe and what actually works well.
Thanks for sharing your story. And even though you didn’t taper, it sounds like the kratom helped you nonetheless. Awesome! And as for your question, I don’t think there is anything wrong with using a little kratom here and there to help you sleep or to help you reduce anxiety and other symptoms during the day. Just be careful not to use it too much, otherwise it can slow your process of healing.
I’m so happy to hear that you ordered some supplements and that you’ve been exercising, even though it’s not easy. That can help so much. No need to apologize for the long message. Like I said, it totally made my day. I love hearing from my readers when something works for them, and that’s also really cool you went barefoot on the grass like I talk about in the Post-Acute withdrawal article.
Keep up the great work jakub! I have no doubt in my mind you’re going to make a healthy recovery from using all the strategies you mentioned. Take care.
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs
I presently have cancer and have been thru hell ! now the pain has
subsided i have stopped taking percocet 5mg 6x day. I have my
own plan that has worked for me before ! i have neuropathy and the dr
gives me loads of Gabapentin 600 mg ~ i never take it ! ~ you want to
come off opiates with total ease ~ take gabapetin for four days and taper as you go ~ it is a breeze ~ miracle drug. No need to go to detox ~ when you can stay home ! Lot of trials now with gabapentin as a panacea for opiate w/d !!
You can also use what the Dr has done here ~ i am just saying it works for
me !
Glenn A Taylor
30 mg percocet is NOT an addiction. It could not possibly be simpler. Cut .25 mg. every two days (cut them up). Bang, if you can’t come off 30 mg. a day, please don’t EVER take more.
I had lumbar surgery 8 weeks ago. I am taking 1 1/2 to 2 (10mg each) percacet a day. People are saying I could get addicted. Can i at this low dose? Im still in pain and still need it to function
I have been taking oxycodone 5/ acetomenophen for 5 months just one at night how do I get off of it
Joe mole
WOW That’s great your down to just one? YOU CAN DO IT! That’s fantastic how about taking just half for a week, then a quarter of a half for a week then OFF! YOU CAN DO IT!
suxanne Culver
Please I’m begging fir help I have intractable pain from rad stage 3 that I’ve had 30 years niw.too many re injuries to count but worst just happened kast Monday I broke 2 toes and the same ones that id had surgery on that gave me rsd so I’m in huge flare up I’ve been on every drug opiate that exists unfortunately I belong to hmo that runes w budweiser. So just kast year I’ve been on morphine 35 MG time released and percocett. I tool myself iff morphine as did zero fir oain but the percocett even though hardly touches oain after I broke these ties was taking 3 to 4 day I advised dr they do zero and he put ne back on 4mgs dilaudid 2 xs day. I’m starting tiday zero percocett bit taking dilaudid 2 xs day. I’ve got get through this flare up bit after 1 week want be off all and am going to just do cbd the spray under toung as no way can I have no pain control but my adrenals kidneys and liver tired. I take and have fir yrs really great supplements as in my b opinion only reason I’m alive rsd stage 3 oain is 24 7 it’s like having limb amputation w no anesthesia. Wd be so grateful fir advice as 3 yrs ago when I took mysrlf off methadone and percocett took me 2 months and I ended up w numonia. Sorry fir length but I soo need and want do v this but dr scared ne saud I cd have heart x attack etc.
Mary Price - Certified OAS Recovery Specialist
I’m sorry that you are going through this. If I understand you correctly, you are wanting off of opiates even though you still have severe chronic pain, correct?
Have you considered suboxone treatment? Buprenorphine, the active ingredient in suboxone is actually an opioid too, however it works much differently on the brain. It is a pain medication but tolerance to it does not build like other opioids.
There are also non-narcotic pain relievers that can work very well to relieve different types of pain. I have severe neuropathic pain after breaking my back in 6 places, my neck in 2 places, several ribs, a large rip to a large muscle in my back (& more). Over the years I’ve been on almost every pain medicine but none worked on the neuropathic pain except Lyrica (pregabalin) for me. I began suboxone treatment after becoming addicted and it helped the other types of pain very well.There may be other medicines that can work for you. Speak with your Dr about alternatives available for your pain issues.
Terry (Hoppy)
Matt – I’ve never blogged b4, so my apologies if I’m not doing this right.
I had a total hip replacement on September 28 and was prescribed 15 mg Oxycodone every 4 hours along with 50 mg Tramadol every 6 hrs by the surgeon. Primary Dr. took me off Tramadol to avoid 2 opiates concurrently. Since I was feeling well, I decided about a month ago to take Oxy only when I needed it. Big mistake! Also broke tabs in half (i.e., 7.5 mg). Went 2 days w/o any at all, & suddenly withdrawal symptoms. Fever symptoms, insomnia, & worst of all, depression! I thought I had been taking high doses of Oxy, but after reading this blog & other Web stuff, apparently I’m just a wuss. I’m now still taking 7.5 mg Oxy, but after discussing it with the substance abuse person at the VAMC, I’ve been trying to slowly reduce frequency. I’m now down to 7.5 mg every 6-7 hours, but at 7 hours I get w/d symptoms again. Sometimes I 4get 2 take it til about 8 hrs because of sleep or activities, & then severe body aches. Today after 6.5 hrs, I had body aches & mild depression.
I’m 68, a cyclist (recumbent trike), and I ride 20 miles or more, 1-2 times a week. Walking & a lot of other activities are painful due to other issues, & I have balance issues that also seem to get worse if I delay my Oxy dose.
Am I tapering wrongly, or doing something else I shouldn’t be (or the converse)? Should I take smaller doses instead of increasing the time between doses? It’s not possible 4 me to acurately cut the tiny tab smaller than at the scored break line. I’m diabetic, so have diet restrictions (that I don’t always follow), but I won’t say my diet is the healthiest. Not the worst either.
Any advice?
Joe mole
Please help me. I have been taking oxycodone 10mg 3 times a day for 2 years and wish to get off them. I try but my heart hurts so bad , my back, pain all over. The pain is OMG i tried weaning off but the pain is unbearable any ideas? I see a pain management Dr he said just quit cold turkey thanks in advance for any help
Matt Finch
Yes I would love to help. Do you have any questions on the plan written in this article?
joe mole
Yes thanks for answering. I can handle anything from detoxing except the heart pain any ideas for heart pain? Sorry I’m a 52 year old baby that was given oxy by pain management for a pinched nerve for 2 years wish i never took these dam pills thank you so much
Matt Finch
Best of luck to you Joe!
47 year old here looking to wean myself off this life destroying pills. I can’t function right unless I have them. Im soon done. I will try one of your wean off list. Im glad I came across this website.
Gary Ebel
Joe, Get some 5 mg instead of the 10 mg, For a week take one every 6 hours. After a week cut them in half and take 1/2 every 3 hours. after another week take one 1/2 every 4 hours. Than 1/2 every 6 hours. Than 1/2 every 8 hours. So now you are sown to 7.5 mg a day. You can either stop or cut to 1/2 every 12 hours. Now you are at 5mg a day and should be able to stop! Throw all away!! Very important not to have them in your house. Do a little celibration in the bathroom and flush and do something real nice for yourself as you did something wonderful!! You may feel like you need some, but that will me mental not physical and that will stop too! You deserve to live a happy clean life!! Smile Gary
You can do it!!!
joe mole
Thanks Gary will try again
I have been on prescription pain meds for almost three years due to chronic back pain , fibo, and OA. I started out with hydro’s, 5/325, then 7/325, up 10/ 325 , norcos and my back surgeon put me on oxcodone , after two months of two z dly , down to one daily , with no refills. Making everyone go to a pain clinic, which I do nor wish to do. I have two compressed, buldging and herniated dish from nursing for twenty plus years. The problem is that I also have panic attack disorder from begin raped at gun point as a child and molestation by my mothers boy friends..a lot to deal with and therapy has not benefited me one bit. In all sincerity , talking about it brings on the panic attacks and I am now fifty- nine and know , no talking is going to change what happened to me. Twenty- eight years ago I asked my husband for a divorce and he pulled a pistol in my mouth , cocked the trigger , twice , then once in his . Of course he went to jail. But PTSD is also amoung my pbls.I was on colonzapamn for a year , then the past two that and zanax. I quit taking the klonzapam at ten mg , three times a day and stayed with the zanax two times a day but all they do is make me sleep ! But completely needed when I do have a full blown panic attack ! Need help getting off the pain meds first , as I just started retaking the klonzapam due to a horrific confrontation with my mother over these issues . please help.
Joe Mole
Listen lets help each other get rid of these dam pain meds! Baby steps MUST lower dose and stay on track!
Matt Finch
Hi Sharon,
It sounds like you need something to help you with energy to balance the effects of the benzos. Click here to read an article on this.
Well here goes. I’m 53 and been taking tabs for20 years brother n la give me sum for back ache and it was on honestly I don’t think I’ve missed a day. Now I’m up to 10/14 a day. I’m broke work2 jobs my life well really not life. Thank you. I’m really going to try with my all and do this cause I’ve got nothing to loose man a life2 gain
steve forbet
Let me know how it goes. Are you gonna take something for withdrawl?
Gary Ebel
Steve it is a lot easier than you think. I have been taking 7 or 8 20 mg for back pain too for a year and my life keep getting worse. I talked to my real doctor than my pain doctor with a letter saying get my patient off this stuff. Started 10 days ago with 50mg fentanyl patches. I hate the patches good!!! First 2 days hard but not that hard was given 8 10 mg methadone pills as takes 16 hours get the patches working. Went to 25 mg patches today again a little uncomfortable, but feel better mentally and physically. Am not living to take two more pills any more. 919-627-5868 You can and must do before you are dead!!! I’m doing it and you can too!! Smile Gary there is sunshine on other side. Have more back pain again but better then the pills. Gary Ebel
Your gonna laugh at me. I take 25mg oxycodone per day. I tried to stop omg Pain in my whole body sweating like crazy. My pain management Dr says I’m a pussy he said all he will give me is clonodine? something like that. I wish i never took these pills for neck pain. OMG so hard to stop
Gary Ebel
Your pain management Dr. is an asshole. Calling you a negative name is unprofessional and harmful. Of course you are feeling pain, sick and sweating, cold turkey is not the way to go. ween and preferably with a different drug. Just that you want to stop is something to feel proud of!! Does not need to be that hard and painful. go to 12.5 mg patch for a week and you should be good to go. Good luck, Gary
Thanks Gary will do thank you so MUCH!
Gary Ebel
Steve , I’m 63 and getting off this shit for the exact same reason you want too. It steals your life, family, kids, laughter, joy and happiness and like you I still have pretty intense back pain. The amount you are taking and the length of time you have been taking scares me. I was doing 7 or 8 20 mg oxycodone at the end of one year of taking them. I would recommend going to your doctor or hospital and explain the whole situation, we have a habit of lying me too!! You can do it!! That is a fact!!! You need to ween and think in your case better someone else has control of the meds. I am doing 1 50mg patch now and will go to 25mg patch of Fentanyl next week. Yes changed from oxycodone to this new stuff that does not give me any buss at all and hate the patches, the glue leaves a black mark where the patch was and it hurts to get the mark off. Think you need medical help, but know you can get off them and have a great life again. You can do it!!!! Hang in brother. Do slow!! Share if you are having bad thoughts. I guarantee you can be free again and happy! If you are not will return all your misery back to you! Ha! Ha! There is a smile way back inside you, lets get it out again!!
steve forbet
So True. Shame insurance does not cover rapid detox for 3 days where they basically keep you out. If they covered that ONCE ONLY lots of people would NEVER go back .I wish i never took 1 pill rather have the pain in one area not my ENTIRE body withdrawl is the worst. I will keep you updated i’m gonna do this or die trying . I feel more love for people who have this problem then blood relatives as they have no idea what we are talking about