In this article, I’m going to teach you about the top opiate withdrawal vitamins that can reduce your physical and psychological opiate withdrawal symptoms in a major way.
I’m a total geek when it comes to opiate withdrawal vitamins.
Researching the mechanism’s of action and checking out the scientific studies on the use of opiate withdrawal vitamins is something I’ve spent years doing.
I love it.
And now, after over six years of studying deep into the subject of opiate withdrawal vitamins, I’ve decided to compile the top vitamins for withdrawal into this one article for your convenience.
Thus, without further ado, let’s begin our exploration of these Top 12 Opiate Withdrawal Vitamins THAT WORK…
Opiate Withdrawal Vitamins: Opiate Withdrawal 101
But before we get to the exact opiate withdrawal vitamins that I recommend the most, I believe it’s important to provide you with a brief and basic understanding of opiate withdrawal.
Opiates are amazing painkilling drugs. However, people tend to quickly develop a tolerance to opiates if they use the drugs daily for even just a few weeks and especially longer. If an individual continues using opiates after a tolerance has been established, they will soon develop a physiological dependence.
Dependence develops when the neurons adapt to the repeated drug exposure and only function normally in the presence of the drug.
When a dependent individual abruptly stops taking opioids (leading opioid-blood concentration to fall below the required level), the now opioid-tolerant central nervous system (CNS) goes haywire.
With no inhibitive stimulation to satisfy receptors, the pathways of the CNS fire signals strenuously, performing at a level much higher than pre-dependence levels.
Now the locus coeruleus responds by triggering the autonomic fight or flight response.
What results is known as the opioid withdrawal syndrome, and it’s one of the most agonizing experiences an individual could ever go through.
Some of the most common symptoms of opiate withdrawal include:
- Anxiety
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure)
- Diarrhea
- Achy muscles and limbs
- Teary eyes
- A runny nose
- Sneezing
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Irritability
- Hot and cold sweats and chills
- Goosebumps
- Vomiting
- Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
Opiate Withdrawal Vitamins to the Rescue
As you probably noticed on the list above, there are both physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. Thus, the trick is to find the right opiate withdrawal vitamins that can help with as many of these symptoms as possible.
“Vitamins” is often just a generic word that some people use when they are really talking about “dietary supplements.”
Supplements for withdrawal come in the following forms:
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Herbs
- Amino Acids
- Other Nutrients
Thus, in this article, when I say “opiate withdrawal vitamins” I really mean any type of supplement or nutrient that can assist in the process of reducing opiate withdrawal symptoms.
Opiate Withdrawal Vitamins: Overview
When it comes to acute opiate withdrawal, there are some vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and other nutrients that can help you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. What I’ve discovered is that certain combinations of opiate withdrawal vitamins work the best, as opposed to just taking one or two nutrients.
There are many opiate withdrawal vitamins that can offer some help, and in this article, I’ll provide you with education on the ones that have been shown in studies and/or anecdotal evidence to work the best.
Now that we’ve gone over the basic overviews of opiate withdrawal 101 and how opiate withdrawal vitamins can help, let’s dive right in to which vitamins and other nutrients will offer you the best alleviation of withdrawal symptoms.
Top 12 Opiate Withdrawal Vitamins THAT WORK
1. Vitamin C – An antioxidant opiate withdrawal vitamin that can be mega-dosed to almost completely take away all withdrawal symptoms. Several studies have shown vitamin C to have amazing opiate withdrawal symptoms reduction.
And one doctor even called vitamin C “a cure for cancer for heroin addicts” after seeing the results of a study she did. Vitamin C was shown in a study to ameliorate the withdrawal symptoms of heroin addicts when taken at doses of 300 mg/kg b.w/day, supplemented with vitamin E (5 mg/kg b.w/day).
2. DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA) – This is by far one of my favorite opiate withdrawal vitamins. DLPA is a supplement that contains both the D- and L- forms of the amino acid phenylalanine. The L- form comes from protein-rich foods and increases dopamine and norepinephrine. The D- form is made synthetically in laboratories and causes an increase in endorphins, which are your natural painkillers.
DLPA is great for opiate withdrawal depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Furthermore, it’s the most important supplement to take for the next few months after getting off opiates because of its ability to increase dopamine and endorphins which really help your brain feel amazing fast.
3. L-Tyrosine – Another amino acid supplement, this opiate withdrawal vitamin is very similar to DLPA. It helps your body produce dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, so it’s extremely beneficial for opiate withdrawal depression, fatigue, and anxiety.
4. Mucuna Pruriens (Velvet Bean) – A tropical legume that is native to Africa and Asia. It contains levodopa (L-dopa), which converts to the chemical dopamine in the brain.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that promotes enjoyment and interest in life. It also increases mental focus and feelings of pleasure. Addiction destroys the pleasure/reward center in the brain. That’s one of the reasons the psychological terror of opiate withdrawal is so intense.
5. Passion Flower – This powerful herb is known for the treatment of insomnia, anxiety, gastrointestinal upset related to anxiety, and relieving opiate withdrawal symptoms. It is an excellent natural sedative that promotes calmness and relaxation.
Passion flower works by increasing levels of a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA is your brain’s natural Valium. Passion flower was shown in a study in 2001 to alleviate mental opiate withdrawal symptoms.
6. Ginseng – The name ginseng refers to any of 11 different species of slow-growing perennial plants with fleshy roots. This powerful opiate withdrawal vitamin is useful for treating fatigue and acts as a natural stimulant and balances all body systems that are out of balance. This is due to its adaptogenic properties.
Adaptogens are a class of plants/herbs that, when administered, resulting in stabilization of physiological functions and facilitation of homeostasis.
7. Valerian Root – Another one of my favorite opiate withdrawal vitamins, valerian is an herb that is native to Europe and parts of Asia, which has also been introduced to North America. In the brain, this opiate withdrawal vitamin is thought to bind to GABA receptors.
By blocking some nerve impulses from reaching the brain, the herb is able to shorten the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, as well as improve the quality of sleep that results. Valerian is also believed to lessen anxiety because in blocking brain receptors for the neurotransmitter GABA, it also inhibits nerve impulses and stress-related messages from reaching the brain.
8. Ginger – A root that is used as a spice and also for its therapeutic properties, I put it on the opiate withdrawal vitamins list due to its natural ability to ease nausea and stomach aches. In Peru, ginger is sliced in hot water as a remedy for belly aches. It’s used as a folk medicine remedy for upset stomach, nausea, and muscle soreness.
9. GABA – A chemical made in the brain which also comes in supplement form. It’s on this opiate withdrawal vitamins list because it can help relieve anxiety, improve mood, relieve pain, and promote sleep. GABA is the brain’s natural Valium. Can you see why this is on my opiate withdrawal vitamins list?
10. Melatonin – A hormone made by the pineal gland in the brain, this opiate withdrawal vitamin helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. Your body has it’s own natural clock and controls how much melatonin is produced.
Typically, melatonin levels start rising in the evening, stay high during the night, then decrease sometime in the early morning. To get opiate withdrawal vitamins benefits, try eating the two highest food sources of melatonin: cherries and walnuts.
11. L-Theanine – An amino acid abundant in green tea which has been shown to have a direct influence on brain activity, such as reducing stress. It has the ability to relax the mind without causing drowsiness. In a study from 2012, this opiate withdrawal vitamin was shown to alleviate morphine withdrawal symptoms in monkeys.
12. 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) – A precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps you feel emotionally relaxed. It is also the precursor for melatonin, the hormone involved in sleep patterns of the human body. It can improve mood, instill feelings of relaxation and calmness, and help you sleep.
Opiate Withdrawal Vitamins: Conclusion
As you can see, there are plenty of amazing opiate withdrawal vitamins that can help you reduce the severity of your physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.
The best way to use opiate withdrawal vitamins is in a specific combination supplement that contains an abundance of these nutrients in the right concentrations (Click here to see my favorite).
To learn more about opiate withdrawal vitamins and other powerful opiate withdrawal remedies and detox protocols that will enable you to get off opiates comfortably and with ease from your own home, I encourage you to check out The Ultimate Opiate Recovery System.
It’s totally comprehensive and has absolutely everything you need to know to get off opiates without withdrawal from home. Click here to learn more.
If you have any comments or questions on opiate withdrawal vitamins you learned about in this article or elsewhere, please post them in the comment box below.
I can’t thank you enough for all of this information. Thank you very much. The beginning of your story when you took 2 and your friend took 1 and crashed out. That was literally like reading about myself with two Vicodin ES. I was in shock. This was years ago and I moved up the opioid ladder ( typical. I took them and for the first time in my life I felt normal. No anxiety. That’s when I realized there is a cure for anxiety until I realized it was a demon. I’m personally about to go into withdrawals. I might go to a detox but with all your info I might now have to. Thanks again. ( I am obsessed with getting clean. ) it’s just like I see so many places. It’s not like I even like it anymore it’s basically a chore. I know this is an excuse but I am still using as the withdrawals are hell. I’ve decided that regardless of how bad the withdrawals are even if I have the money I will not give my dealers anymore money. God bless
How would I take these all together? I have these and want to figure out if and how I can use them all together. Please let me know I just had 9 months and just went on a bender heroin and fetty. Lucky to be alive But before this years of use and I was in sober live then got out and continued up to the 9 months then something happened and boom I started to get load hate this shit with all my heart and don’t want to keep doing this cycle I turn 30 September 16
Hi Matt-
I’m currently in the process of weaning (slowly!) off of methadone. I’ve taken it for chronic pain management for 16 years, 20 years total on opioid medications. Right now, I’m at half of what my dosage was and I’ve stopped the weaning process because I just needed a break from the withdrawal symptoms for a little bit. I was dropping my dose by a quarter a pill every two weeks, and while I know it’s better than cold turkey-which I know what that’s like!-, the withdrawal symptoms are still bad. My pain is back worse than ever before, and I have now started having anxiety all over. I take a lot of very high quality supplements (have for 9 years) but maybe I’m not taking the right amount that would help with this….what else should I take and how much? Do I need to take all of what you have listed? Some of the supplements i already take contain some of the things you’ve recommended, but maybe the amount isn’t enough….just need some starting dosage recommendations. Thanks
The only one you give recommended dosage for is vitamin c. How do people know what to do with any of this stuff? Also what TYPE of vitamin c do you recommend. There’s all kinds of disputes about this online from what I’ve seen. Not easily clarified.. thank you.
You listed on you article I think it was the 10 best vitamins to take for opiate addiction ie withdraw symptoms. My question is, do I get all the said vitamins and take how?
Mr. Finch,
In this article it gives a brief summary of your personal struggles with addiction, I wanted to ask if you could give more details as to the length and extent of you opiate addiction?
Hi MJ,
You can find out all of the details by reading My Story of Addiction and Recovery.
Matt, I’m a 53 yr old gal who has taken prescription pain meds for 13 years. When I expressed concern at continuing I was switched 18 months ago to suboxone. 3 months ago I began tapering and had a final dose date of 12/30/18.
I used some Kratom, perhaps not correctly-since I had pretty severe withdrawal after 1 week and stopping.
I’m three weeks in and having a very difficult time.
I’ve tried following an amino acid protocol per Dr.C Gant as well as a score of detox supplements.
The problem is I’m having real trouble getting the supplements on board. I’ve had severe diarrhea, stomach cramping-intense, and stomach upset.
That and not being able to sleep! I feel if I could just get the supplements in they’d help …. or would they? Since the diarrhea is soo bad (even using loperamide.)
Have you any insight ? Is this a common response to withdrawal?
Also wondering if you know anything about the gut-brain connection, ENS, and how long term opiate use affects the gut. Just some interesting ideas I’ve come across that make me wonder what I’ve done to myself, albeit unwittingly, over these last years!
I know this is old but for the next person who reads this after 30 days youll just wake up a new person. Youll still have insomnia awhile but the worst is over. Push through!
I couldn’t walk mych the first 30 days and day 31 woke up like i was given new legs.
Note: 10+yrs of opiotes and suboxone. Suboxone is hell on earth to get off of as well as methadone but not impossible.
I’ve been on opiates for over 20 years due to motorcycle accident. Any time I taper down the only withdrawal symptom I cannot get past is the restless legs – and arms. It is intolerable- the twitching & jerking overrides everything- especially sleep. Do you have any advice? I’ve studied a lot about withdrawals but haven’t found anything to deal with the restless legs & arms (besides magnesium). I’d appreciate any insight. Thank you -and thx for such awesome info.
Hi JD,
Yes, I have some information that could help you with this. I wrote an article with a detailed plan to relieve this symptom. Here it is:
How To Stop Restless Legs From Opiate Withdrawal>>
I do.
3mg B12 (methylcobalamin, not cyanocobalamin.) Works almost instantly to stop restless arms and legs in their tracks.
I have been in MMT for the last 6 years. My dose has gone down from 120 mg/day to just 11 mg/day
(I am dropping by 3 mg every 2 weeks). This last week has been tough. My anxiety has gone through the roof, I have insomnia, and my joints hurt. I am currently using a clonidine patch that delivers 0.3 mg a day, but I still have the above listed symptoms. Thankfully I am not having any cravings for opiates. I am ready to be done with the methadone and in the next 6 weeks or so will be completely weaned off. Is there a single supplement that you recommend that will help with these symptoms? At this point I can understand why people end up taking Methadone for the rest of their lives. What about Vitadone? Thanks.
I want to know what vitamins to take before detox while detoxing and after detoxing off of 90mg of methadone and can you give the info on that drink you inventeded you drink once you hit detox thresh hold from methadone your drink was green online picture
No sweat. Here is the link to the article with all the info you’re looking for:
How To Get Off Methadone Without Withdrawal>>