In this article, I’m going to provide you with a simple step-by-step plan for tapering off Norco naturally. Getting off Norco without withdrawal symptoms is totally possible if you use a few “mega-strategies” together. I’m going to explain exactly what these mega-strategies are, how they can erase withdrawal symptoms, and how you can use them to taper off Norco with ease. I now invite you to follow these six steps to end your Norco dependence once and for all…
Step 1: Make a Decision
Before I get into the mega-strategies, I should first inform you that there is nothing more powerful than a strong mindset.
You have to decide once and for all that you are going to set a date and start coming off Norco. I know it’s a delicate process, and I also know you most likely have responsibilities such as work, school, family, raising kids, etc. Unfortunately, these responsibilities don’t just go away for awhile so you can taper off Norco. Luckily, this step-by-step plan will enable you to continue having energy and a positive mood while you’re tapering off Norco and simultaneously going to work and taking care of other responsibilities.
So decide right now that you are going to learn how to get off Norco and end your dependence for good.
There’s no going back. No more excuses. I’m giving you a solid plan to go by…now it’s time to take action. I’ve been in your shoes. I used to be heavily addicted to Norco and other Rx opiates, which eventually led to heroin dependence. I got clean and then went on to become a Substance Abuse Counselor at an Opiate Treatment Program (OTP), where I helped many individuals taper off Norco and other opioids using natural methods. They did it…and you too can be free of the chains of Norco dependence!
Step 2: Start Tapering Off Norco
Tapering off Norco strategically is absolutely essential if you want to have energy and a positive mindset through the process.
By “tapering”, I mean systemically reducing the amount of Norco you take over a period of time. If you’ve ever come off Norco “cold-turkey”, you know how much of a system shock it can be to your body and mind. Norco withdrawal is a horrific experience, and you’re going to prevent this system shock by gradually reducing the amount of medication you take in a controlled way that your body can handle. Got it? Good!
Now, let’s go over a few Tapering 101 basics:
- Slow tapers are easier on your body than fast tapers.
- Everyone is biochemically unique (what works for one person won’t necessarily work for everyone).
- Take only as much Norco as is necessary to prevent you from going into withdrawal (you’re not trying to get high or feel good, only to keep from getting sick).
- It takes serious discipline to adhere to a tapering protocol (giving your pills to someone you can trust and having them only give you the dosage on your taper schedule is highly recommended).
- “The lower you go, the slower you go” (it might be easy to taper quickly from 100 mg to 30 mg of Norco, however, it’s better to slow it down towards the end of the taper because it will be less of a shock to your body).
Note: Since everyone reading this article is going to have varying levels of Norco dependence and their own unique biochemical makeup, there is no way I can outline a “one size fits all” taper plan. However, I will provide you with some detailed examples so you can get a good understanding of how to implement a Norco taper plan into your own life.
Example #1: Mike the Tattoo Artist
Mike is a tattoo artist that started taking Norco after he injured his back snowboarding. His doctor prescribed him to take 5 mg Norco pills, 4 times per day. Mike found that the Norco gave him more than just pain relief. The medication also gave him energy, confidence, happiness, and the feeling that he could do anything he wanted in the world.
He also felt like the pills made him a more creative tattoo artist. He quickly started taking more Norco than was prescribed, and within three months Mike was purchasing illegal Norco off the street, and taking an average dosage of 100 mg per day.
If I had to come up with a tapering off Norco plan for Mike, it might look like this:
- Week 1: Take 80 mg of Norco per day
- Week 2: Take 60 mg of Norco per day
- Week 3: Take 50 mg of Norco per day
- Week 4: Take 40 mg of Norco per day
- Week 5: Take 30 mg of Norco per day
- Week 6: Take 20 mg of Norco per day
- Week 7: Take 15 mg of Norco per day
- Week 8: Take 10 mg of Norco per day
- Week 9: Take 5 mg of Norco per day
- Week 10: Taper off Norco completely
Example #2: Heidi the Construction Worker
Heidi started working construction straight out of high school, following in the footsteps of her father and two older brothers. After twenty years on the job, she began to have issues with her left knee. She finally had knee surgery, and her doctor placed her on 30 mg of Norco per day. Two weeks after the surgery, she was in a car crash and severely injured her neck and back. Her doctor upped the Norco dosage to 60 mg per day.
After taking 60 mg of Norco every day for six months, the doctor told Heidi he was taking her off the medication because her injuries were healed. The first day Heidi went without pills she didn’t know why she felt so bad. She had a runny nose, teary eyes, and she had anxiety, fatigue and stomach discomfort all day long. She called a friend, and they told her she was going through Norco withdrawal.
If I had to come up with a tapering off Norco plan for Heidi, it might look like this:
- Days 1-10: Take 50 mg of Norco per day
- Days 11-20: Take 40 mg of Norco per day
- Days 21-30: Take 30 mg of Norco per day
- Days 31-40: Take 20 mg of Norco per day
- Days 41-50: Take 15 mg of Norco per day
- Days 51-60: Take 10 mg of Norco per day
- Days 61-80: Take 5 mg of Norco per day
- Day 81: Taper off Norco completely
Step 3: Start Exercising
All drugs mimic different neurotransmitters in the brain, and opiates specifically mimic endorphins, our natural painkillers (natural morphine). After taking Norco for a period of time, the brain gets used to this artificial and massive supply of endorphins. Tapering off Norco can be difficult because even though you’re creating less drug-induced endorphins, your body doesn’t supply you with the rest. This can lead to a massive endorphin deficiency, which makes you more susceptible to physical and emotional pain.
When my patients used to ask me how to taper off Norco, I would always encourage them to exercise as part of their overall taper wellness plan. Swimming, jogging, walking, weight training and other forms of exercise can help your body produce endorphins within minutes.
Exercise can help you taper off Norco because it:
- Improves mood
- Boosts endorphins (natural painkillers)
- Improves sleep
- Reduces pain (both physical and emotional)
- Promotes well-being
- Reverses anxiety
- Reverses depression
- Increases energy
- Improves physique
- Boosts confidence
Note: I encourage you to exercise at least three times per week while tapering off Norco. Make sure to choose types of exercise that you enjoy, that way you’ll be more motivated to stick with it.
Step 4: Start Eating an Endorphin-Building Diet
When people ask me how to get off Norco naturally, I always tell them about the endorphin-boosting effects of protein. Protein is made up of amino acids. These amino acids are directly responsible for the healthy production of neurotransmitters. Eating a diet rich in high-quality protein foods can help you produce endorphins and other mood-enhancing chemicals in the brain.
The following nutritional guidelines can help you taper off Norco naturally:
- Eat plenty of turkey, chicken, fish, beef, cottage cheese and other quality proteins (free-range, organic and wild-caught are best).
- Drink plenty of water (half your body weight in ounces per day).
- Consume lots of fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats.
- Eliminate or decrease sugar, processed foods, and refined carbohydrates.
- Eliminate or decrease caffeine and alcohol.
- Focus mostly on organic whole foods.
Note: While you’re tapering off Norco, it can be very beneficial to consume at least 20-30 grams of protein three times per day. I’ve been clean from Norco and all other opiates for over three years now, and I still eat plenty of quality proteins on a daily basis.
Step 5: Start Taking an Opiate Withdrawal Supplement
This powerful Opiate Withdrawal Supplement got the highest score (9/10) in the Opiate Withdrawal Remedies Review. This supplement is specifically formulated to help people taper off Norco and other opiates.
It contains a synergistic blend of herbs, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that have been shown to be effective at reducing symptoms due to tapering off Norco and other opioid drugs. If you taper, exercise, eat an endorphin-building diet and take the Opiate Withdrawal Supplement, these mega-strategies combined will help you taper off Norco with ease.
The Opiate Withdrawal Supplement can provide you with the following benefits while tapering off Norco:
- Enhances Mood
- Promotes healthy digestion and appetite
- Increases natural energy and focus
- Calms anxiety
- Restores dopamine, GABA, and serotonin production quickly
- Reverses depression
- Reverses insomnia and helps you get more restorative sleep
Note: The best time to start taking the Opiate Withdrawal Supplement is right when you reach your personal “threshold” on the Norco taper schedule. The threshold is the point at which you start to feel symptoms. For some people, this will be around 30-80 mg, others will feel fine until they reach 20 mg or lower.
If you can afford it, I also highly recommend taking this awesome supplement, because the benefits are just too good to pass up.
Step 6: Start Taking DL-Phenylalanine
DL-Phenylalanine, also known as DLPA, is a combination supplement containing the D- and L- forms of the amino acid phenylalanine. This is an absolutely essential supplement for tapering off Norco with ease. DLPA naturally enables your body to start producing the following mood-enhancing neurotransmitters: endorphins, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
Taking DLPA while tapering off Norco can lead to the following benefits:
- More natural energy
- Enhanced mood and emotions
- Reduced sensitivity to physical and emotional pain
Note: I consider DLPA to be an essential supplement for tapering off Norco and other opioid drugs. The best time to start taking DLPA is right now! Take 1,000 – 2,000 mg up to 3 times per day an hour before meals on an empty stomach while tapering off Norco. People usually benefit from taking DLPA for a couple of months after getting off Norco completely. This helps to eliminate the Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome symptoms.
How to Taper off Norco Conclusion
I created this plan for tapering off Norco based on the power of synergy. If you skip even one of the strategies, it won’t be nearly as powerful. However, if you use all of these methods together, you’ll be well on your way to tapering off Norco with ease.
Click here now to view my best home detox program. If you have any questions on how to taper off Norco, please feel free to post them in the comment box below.
I have hit a wall. 5 10/325 norcos a day for 10 years. Tapered pretty easily to 2 and a half over 3 months. My blood pressure has gone up and I can’t seem to cut anymore without w/d symptoms. Did I go to fast/slow and what supplements do u think would help. Thank you
I have been on hydrocodone 10/325 /3 daily for the past 4 years. I’m out, as of this morning. I have also been taking Ativan 1mg 3/daily, still take those. In the past, I was prescribed gabapentin 100 mg/daily, but never took it. I am now reading the gabapentin would actually help with the hydro w/d. Can you suggest how I could safely take my Ativan and add the gabapentin? Thanks in advance. I also have been prescribed medicine for hypertension and I’ve noticed in the past if I’m late or miss a dose of hydrocodone, my bp would get dangerously high. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can’t hit rock bottom, I have work, kids, and a husband, I have to be able to function. Please help.
This is my first time in this forum. Are you still there? How are you doing? For the first time in 18 years, I’m seriously thinking of getting off Norco. My heart went out to you when I read your story.
How are you?
Matt I have been takeing 200 & 50 mg of narco aTapering day fore the last 12 yrs latly i have been starting to jones out one hr. before time to take them .They are 100/325 .What would be my breakdown on tappering off .i realy need help my name is Matt also i have a very bad heart.
Hello. I take 10mg of Norco 4 times a day. What’s your recommend taper schedule for this? And when I get withdrawals, I feel very weak. Anything to help with that?
Hi for the past week I have been taking 60 milligrams hydrocodone a day I want to taper off but don’t have many pills to do a great taper. So I took my regular dose today and starting tomorrow I will cut the dose from 60 to 30 then 20 the next day then 10 the 5 does that sound ok I can stay on 5 milligrams a day for a few days if needed have bout 12 extra lying around after the taper I mentioned above want to hold onto them incase of pain. Had a synvisc shot in my knee last Thursday it didn’t do well more harm then good started taking the 60 milligrams now one week later I feel a bit better but don’t want withdrawal any advice would be great
I been on norco 10/325 for a little over a year.I take them a half at time with a total of 2 to 4 a day . I had removal of 2 of my r lung lobes..I got diagnose with Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis. and fibromylgia.If i start taking the clam down and return to to excise will that help with some of pain
Lyrica amor gabapenton!
Hi Matt, I noticed the last post from you was a year ago, are you still monitoring this forum?
I want to apply the slow taper. I’ve been taking 10/325 norco for 10 yrs now and I take anywhere from 20-30 a day!
Has anyone else been in my shoes?
Any support is a lifeline at this point!
Hi! I’m still monitoring. This article doesn’t have much action on the forum though. Some of the other articles have a lot of traffic.
Hello, I have been on Vicodin 5 mg to 7.5 mg up to 10mg dosages for going on about 15 years due to chronic pain, I really want to come off so bad cause it’s not giving me energy any longer like it used to and I feel so much weakness especially my legs and arms and overall fatigue like I do not want to even get up and go to work. I have weaned off norco from using 10 of the 10mgs per day on the average of the last 5 – 6 years! While I tapered half a pill for seven days at a time ( 10, 9.5, 9- I did this for 1 week at time and got down to about 2.5 per day for that week), combined this with walking excercise about 3 miles per day for about a year! I thought I was on my way to actually quitting cause I had made up my mind. I relapse due to pain of my chronic low back pain when I decided to jog one day and started feeling so much pain in my back, I even went to an addiction clinic with my health insurance only to be turned down due to pain! The nurse that evaluated me said that they do not help people with chronic pain cause people like us just replase anyways- he was suggesting morphine or methadone type drugs for the pain which I took morphine for like 2 weeks and made me feel so so weak. I did not like the way it made me feel, I just went back to taking my norco!! I want to get off so bad cause it has affected my life, my bad decisions, mistakes, I have a great job and I do not want to ruin my career and it’s already starting to cause I’m calling in sick a lot!!i want and need to taper off this evil drug- norco!! My biggest complain is not so much the pain anymore cause even when i do not feel the pain – I take the drug! I feel awful! Absolutely no energy! I purchased calm support and I also purchased Opiate recovery nitric oxide for after or during the withdrawals ( for paws). Can you please take the time to email me so I can get off this medication and possibly a tapering suggestion. I will follow it this time and stick to it and God help me to finally be rid of this drug! By the way, me and my husband were sharing the norco cause we were just getting prescription from our doctors about 400 pills per month. He detoxed and have been off these drugs after years of using and I just envy his courage and he was told by his counselor that he can also have 95 % of replasing cause he lives with a wife that is still using! He is going to all the meetings at that same clinic I went to and I feel like he is on his way! I want to get to that point so please help me in any way at all!!i cannot live my life this way! I want to eventually become a counselor myself but first I need to get off this and stay completely off !!also- I have read about the effects of arginine and production of nitric oxide as I know that this nitric oxide is a miracle gas given to people who are beyond their oxygen requirement and they are almost dying and nitric oxide administration dilates their vessels and they recover from their critical situation!! Do you think this is what’s happening with my weakness, no energy, legs being so weak with no blood flow it seems like ( I have bad varicose veins- which I have had 3 surgeries on- vein stripping and 2 laser to take them away )- I’m thinking that it could be that but I truly believe that my problem is circulation and the lack of these amino acids for years and that’s why I feel so terrible while still even taking 8 per day right now of norco!!i need some answers please. About this Opiate recovery nitric oxide for paws and also calm support and how I should taper. Thank you for reading this email/post. I have been on this drug for too long and I have to end it thank you and God bless you!
I am not sure when you posted this but want to see how your doing ? I have been taking norcos for about 3-4 years now due to mid back pain , and I want to stop . Did the calm support help you ?
Yes my friend did it alone in her house she got off norco…was a bitch. Now I’m trying really hard to get off the shit.I’m down to half a 5mg 3times a day but I want to throw the stuff out for good…
I need help. I had hip surgery 6 weeks ago and the doctor prescribed 45 mg of Norco daily for 10 days and 30 daily thereafter. When my Rx was refilled, the same was prescribed (30 daily). Not wanting or feeling the need for so much I cut back to 22.5 mg and early last week cut back to 15 mg. Last Friday I decided I didn’t need that much so only took 7.5 mg and that’s when the trouble began. I have every symptom of withdrawal under the sun from insomnia, pain, fatigue, depression, terrible anxiety, hot/cold flashes and terrible stomach problems the last three days. I have 18 7.5 mg. pills left. Can you give me advice on how to use them to get off this awful stuff? This is the second night in a row I’ve had RLS so bad I literally cannot sleep at all. Unfortunately, I can’t afford to buy a lot of supplements, so any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Get gabapenton from your doctor! Or lyrica- it gets rid of most of the wd a
Been on Norco 5 mg 4 times a day for 7 months I have had withdrawals from tramadol and it was miserable I have started weaning off from 20 mg a day to 10 mg a day for a week now, am I going in the right direction?
If your goal is to taper off Norco, then it sounds like you are taking action steps to reach your goal.
Question if I do decide to go cold turkey what kind of otc vitamins or meds that could possibly help with the withdrawal process I’m trying to quit taking loratabs 10mg its been 3months of abusing them and I wanna stop because its to cost affective and I want my full quality of life back but if u recommend me tapering off slowing what’s the best way I usually take 20-40 mg daily thanks
Please check out the following article:
2014 Opiate Withdrawal Remedies Review
Hi Matt:
Great article. I was wondering if you could provide some assistance to my situation. I have been dealing with back pain for 5 years now. Herniated disk L5S1 and after numerous treatments I finally had surgery. Recovery from surgery was very painful. I did get some relief no more sciatic pain down my legs however my chronic pain condition still lingers in full effect. I take 5 Norco 10/325’s a day. It takes my pain down from a 7 to a 2. My back and leg chronic pain amplifies shortly after 4 hours when each dose of Norco wears out. I take my first pill at 5:30 am and each other every 4 hours through out the day for 5 total. When tapering off, should I try to split my pills for equal doses through out the day? Example: say my taper week one is to take 4.5 Norco’s a day vs 5 Norco’s. How should I handle this?
I look forward to your feedback.
Than you,
You’ll have to ask your doctor about this. I used to work at an Opiate Treatment Program, and the doctor their said the trick to tapering is to take as many dose as needed throughout the day to avoid going into withdrawal. As long as an individual is decreasing the doses, it doesn’t matter how they break those doses up throughout the day.
Not sure if this will help with what you are going through pain-related, but it sure helped me and many others:
The Great Pain Deception: Faulty Medical Advice Is Making Us Worse
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
I have the info on the Kratom now. Matt: what’s ur suggestion on my situation? How should I taper with these 30 left now? Thanks for all your help!!
Hi I just answered your previous comment. Please refer there to see what I wrote 🙂
Could you please inform me on KRATOM?
I have a blog section devoted to kratom. There are three informative articles.Simply click on the link below to be taken to the kratom category:
Kratom Articles
Hi all, I’m a newbie to this also. This is my situation and I am praying that someone can give me a schedule like you’ve posted to help me get off these Norco’s. I’ve called my own Dr. (the one that writes my Rx) and I’ve asked for a tapering schedule. He said I would have to come to “see” him, sign a consent that I will never accept a Rx for narcotics, he would turn it in on my ins as “addiction”, and I will have to start driving over 40 miles to go see a therapist for counseling. This is crazy!! I am doing this for myself and just need a little help. Many years ago after a surgery I was addicted to “Darvocet”…My Dr.gave me a Rx for 30 pills and a 7 day schedule to follow. I cannot find this same thing anywhere and it did work wonders for me. I do know that I had to take like every 4 hrs the 1st day, next day extend to longer hours and then like the next day I had to skip a dose, etc…I started on a Monday… Friday I was doing great and even chose to not take the last 2 pills I had.
I have 30 Norco’s left. They are 7.5 mg. How do I schedule a detox with this amount? What schedule/hours do I follow? I do not have a “set” amount that I do take but my Rx is for 120 a month. Some months I can take all 120 in 2 days, sometimes I can be fine only taking 5 or 6 (37.5 mg). It varies day to day, how I feel, my moods, how work is going, how rowdy the kids are being, etc. So I can’t say I take a certain qty daily. I do want to do this within a week’s time. I will be going out of town next week and would love to have the “worst part” of this behind me.
Please anyone….help me. Help me to devise a schedule to end this. I’ve wanted to quit for soooo long. I have the mindset. My only hold back was the sickness of withdrawals and having to work. Of course nobody knows I have this issue.
I have thought of the Suboxone program but the nearest Dr that does that is 50 miles away and it’s $300 first visit, then weekly visits at $225 and I CANNOT do that. This is my only hope.
Again, I have 30 (7.5 mg) Norco’s…A total of 225 mg. and I’m wanting help to make a schedule to detox off these within 7 days…or even 10 days. Just whatever anyone thinks is a good idea.
Sorry for the book here but I wanted yall to have a total clear vision of where I’m at right now.
Thank You all so much,
Most tapers are at least 21 days, and even that is a very short one. People don’t typically taper with few amount of pills in your possession. Have you thought about cold-turkey detox’s?
Please check out the following popular articles:
How To Use Kratom For Opiate Withdrawal
How To Mega-Dose Vitamin C To Stop Opiate Withdrawal
Thanks for this… I am going through it right now…. seems like all I do is look up how to detox off norcos on my free time… I went from 12 to 8 to now 4 a day and its like you say having the right mentality is key. I had some sickness going from 80 to 40 but i pushed through it… I’m so done with this, I just want it to end… I know I’m a long way from done but I think I can do this, I’m purchasing the supplements tomorrow. Thanks! I’m going to 20mg tomorrow and hopefully 10mg the next week and be able to jump off completely during thanksgiving break!
If you have access to suboxon or subtext… sub literally did all the work for me. Don’t take it more than 2 weeks… take in the smallest amounts possible. Be careful tho… it can b addictive too as being your crutch to opiates. I owe my life to sub.
I ended up taking 30 mg which is 30mg less than my normal dose and I feel better! I can do this… I can do this.. I can do this?!i think the original 40 mg decrease was too much to maintain comfortably. Whether mentally or physically it came me the strength to keep going. I guess that’s the main idea behind the taper method.
Sounds awesome good for you!!!!
When planning I feel strong and like I’m going to be able to do this no matter what but once I start I can’t get a positive thought to stay in my head. I need emotional support. Doing this alone with three kids and a full time job. I mean surely 20mg is enough to keep me from having really symptoms right? This has to be all in my head ?!?!?
Based on your normal daily use and the fact that you’ve been using for 15 years, and tapering down so extremely fast, 20 may or may not be enough to keep you from having symptoms. Everyone is different in how they handle it.
You are right I was overzealous on the mg but I think I got it right now. Thank you for the link to the group. I am joining now! Need all the help I can get and thank you for maintaining this site with so much information. I am excited to start using the supplements soon.
No one in the world knows I am taking mine either. I have three kids and am single. I am alone. I have to try a quick taper as I am out of money and I am so sick of the rat race. I just can’t get sick or I will lose everything. I can’t miss any more work. I am used to 100mg a day but I’m starting tomorrow at 60mg and then will continue to reduce by 10 mg a day until these last ones are gone. I will be able to purchase maybe a supplement or two on day 3 or 4 which I also know will be my worst days. Any advice or encouragement is appreciated. It sucks when you are alone! Thanks for the info on this site. Gives me hope!
If I step down 10 mg a day will I still be uncomfortable. Today I toll 100mg as usual tomorrow I’m tapering to 60 mg and then day three I will be at 50 mg and day 4 at 40 mg then day 5/30mg day 6 20 mg then day 7 I will split a 10 in half and take 5 mg that day and then 5mg on day 8.. Then I will be out! Will I be going through detox with this plan. I’ve been taking them for about 15 years. I’m planning on a little detox symptoms but nothing as terrible as cold turkey. I have some benzos I’m prescribed so please anyone got anything to contribute. I am scared and alone!
It’s me from the post above. I have just taken my 20mg morning dose and I don’t feel well. I don’t feel terrible but I am used to taking 60mg in the morning. I did take a hot bath and some of the aches went away but now my mind is trying to rationalize taking more. I am thinking about it almost every minute. Taking more now though will mean I will be completely pit sooner. This tapering is harder mentally I think than physically. Any support for the mental aspect would be appreciated! And quickly please!
Previously posted
That sounds like an extremely fast taper. Have your researched any cold-turkey detox methods?
I can’t do cold turkey. I did initially start the taper off too quickly. It was better for me to half the amount of mg I usually take. Thanks for all help! Just trying to get through one day at a time now!
Hi Matt, I have a question about the tapering method. First I have extreme anxiety and heard that coming off of nkrci can send you into a coma or even death and that scares the crap outta me, how true is this statement? Secondly, I’ve been taking this medication for about 3 years on and off but about 2 years without stopping (a couple times only for about a week) but I only take half of a 10mg at a time and only 2 in a day 2 1/2 at the most if I’m in to much pain. The other times I quit I did cold turkey and didn’t really have much symptoms. I know I can handle the withdrawal side effects but my fear is of my body going into shock or coma or something. What would your tapering plan be for me considering I only take up to 20mg a day and been on them for 2/ 2 1/2/years ?
Hi Rebecca, I just responded to your questions about this in another article comment section. I’ll copy and paste it here as well:
You will not die or go into a coma even if you did a cold-turkey detox at the dosage you’re on. Nothing to be worried about in that regard. And your plan looks really good. Just make sure you use the anti-anxiety supplements I talked about in the article and exercise and eat healthily.
I think you’ll do very well on this taper! And you will not die from this. Of course, this isn’t medical advice for you to go ahead with this per my orders. I simply believe it will work well, but it’s up to you and your doctor how you proceed forward.
if I’m taking 80 mg daily will 40 be enough to not suffer withdraws
I have begun tapering off of Norco. I am down from 50 mg to 25mg. I have started taking calm support and DLPA . Last night was horrible and I’m wondering if you also recommend taking the mega dose of vitamin c? I am tapering off quickly do to the fact I don’t have many pills left and do not want to refill my prescription. I am so happy I came across this information it has helped a lot! Thank you.
Hi TY,
I can’t recommend it because I’m not a doctor, but if I were in your position that is certainly what I do to end my symptoms.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Just wanted to say thank you so much Matt!! I have been completely off of pills for 15 days. I was taking 50mgs of Norco a day for about 3 years and less than that on and off for 10yrs. I am a mother of 3 kids and work full time and dreaded the thought of going through withdrawals. I had a few rough days I’m not gonna lie.. But finding this information got me through it!! I did the Mega Dose of Vitamin C, Calm Support, and DLPA. I am continuing the Calm support and DLPA for a couple months. I feel great!! I have been exercising every day and trying to eat as healthy as I can. I’m on a mission and I am so happy to be drug free!! I know I have a long road ahead of me before I am completely in the clear, but the thought of ever letting that drug consume me again.. Absolutely disgusts me!! I am so grateful I found this info and just wanted to say thank you so much, you truly are saving lives!! For everyone else out there that it seems impossible to quit, have faith and dont give up!!
Thanks for sharing your amazing experience TY! I’m really happy to hear about your awesome success. Sounds like you are really taking back control of your life!!!! I’m VERY happy for you. I love your enthusiasm, and I wish you the absolute best on your journey. Take care.
Ok so my last
Dose of norco was on Monday, anxiety and uncontrollable crying mid day Monday and Tuesday. I remembered I had bought KRATOM in one of my attempts to get off of the norco. Took a dose Tuesday afternoon. Tasted horrible but really made me feel “human” again. Got my calm support in Wednesday morning and took a dose. I didn’t taper off the norco, just stopped taking it. My concern is taking the calm support and also the kratom. Like take a dose of kratom in the am for maybe the first week, in replacement of the tapering off of the norco. Just wondering.
Erin that is plan that many people have used with great success.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Hello, I take anywhere from 15-20 10mg Norco a day, and I need about 5 to feel high. I want to quit but I want to be able to taper so that I don’t experience horrific withdrawal symptoms. What is a recommended amount or cycle to taper down to where I feel comfortable?
For people that want to feel comfortable, they typically drop in very small amounts every 14 days to avoid shocking the body.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
My norcos are 10/325. I take 7 a day. How do I taper off this amount? Thank you so much for your help.
You could do it several ways. For instance, you could drop 1 pill each week. So week one would be 6 per day, week two would be 5 per day, and so on. Then towards the end, you might break them in half, so from 20 mg down, every week or even 10-14 days you could decrease by 5 mg. The slower you taper, the less of a shock it is to your body.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
I take 30 mg of norco a day.. How do you suggest I taper off?
Hi Kris,
A sample taper protocol could look something like this:
Days 1-7: 25 mg
Days 8-14: 20 mg
Days 15-21: 15 mg
Days 22-31: 10 mg
Days 32-41 5 mg
Day 42: 0 mg Jump off Norco
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Thank you so much… I do have back and hip problems but I feel so foggy when taking norco.
Please refer to the following article:
16 Epic Natural Painkillers To Use Instead Of Opiates
What a great article, thank you so much!
You’re welcome! Glad you received value from it!
I’m trying to get off Norco and an down to 5 mg. Now I take that in two doses twice a day. I went from 1 3x a day to the above. I went through some bad times just cutting down a half pill. I don’t like it at all but I had back surgery and he said he needed to use that for fusing the back. I’m just not one who can take any type of that medicine and I told him. Now I’ve been up and down in it for about two months. Was on t0 mg by accident for 3 weeks and then immediately went down to three 5 mg instantly and that sent me for a loop for a few days. You see I had a nervous breakdown 22 years ago and dont want to end up there again. I take Effexor XR 150 mg a day and two o.25 Xanax in the am and 3 at night. Have been doing this since I recovered and have been doing good. I don’t have anyone to monitor except a GP and he’s so busy he doesn’t have time. He’s the one who messed up from the 3 mg he had put me on back to 10 mg 4 times a day because he didn’t write it down in my chart. And I was so out of it that I didn’t even realize it. This stuff does not agree with me. Well. That’s kind of the story. Now I don’t know what to do with the last pill except cut it in two and i’ve taken that for three days. I’m scared to just totally stop it.
I have been taking vicodin then norco after the FDA ruling for 5 years now.They were all dispensed as a prescription.My PCP had to give up his practice due to a heart attack.I started going to my psyche for norco. Since 2005 I have been thru Hurricane Katrina, a bypass surgery on my leg , robbed and shot at gunpoint in the jaw and the suicide of my brother.I am down to 2 norco a day then I plan to split them in 2.I take clonazepam , zoloft and seroquel thru my psyche.Do you think this might work?Can’t go to rehab or I would lose my job.The shooting by the way was not drug related . Wasn’t even taking norco then. Suppose I need some help.All of my pain is chronic and trauma related.
That sounds like a plan that could work Bob, though make sure to run it by your doctor as well. It’s hard to quit opiates when you still have to go to work, but if you plan out your withdrawal on perhaps a 3-day weekend, then it might still be difficult to return to work, but you can push through and just deal with it. Then after that, things will start to get better, and you’ll never have to use another Norco again.
Hi Matt
Thank you for your words. It really helps when your addiction is a secret and you don’t want anyone close to you know.
My bf and I have been taking about 50-100mg 10/325 norcos for 3 yrs now. Been down this road bf and have experienced anywhere from terrible WD to mild symptoms, but eventually always relapsing.
We’ve reached a wall and ready to be healthy and clean. My question is: can you give me an example of a “quick taper” for a 100mg a day habit. Definitely not disciplined enough to taper over a few weeks. Just looking for a realistic quick taper plan that beats cold turkey. Do not want to go down that road again! Also, we don’t have anyone we trust to dispense pills for us.
We have about 35 pills each and also 4oz of kratom which we’ve used before and it worked so well. Any advice would be so helpful! Thank you again for your wisdom-as I write this I feel like crying because of people like you who have dedicated their life to helping others.
Hi Jill,
I know how hard it can be to taper…and you know what? Tapering isn’t always the best route for everyone. If I were in your situation, here is what I would do:
1) Take the least amount of Norco you can daily to avoid withdrawal symptoms and fatigue.
2) When the Norco runs out, take kratom as needed to minimize symptoms.
3) Follow the protocol on the mega-dosing vitamin C protocol to come off the kratom:
How To Mega-Dose Vitamin C To Stop Opiate Withdrawal
Thank you for your warm words, and I know you and your boyfriend are on your road to recovery. Anything is possible when you have a burning desire to achieve your goal. I’m here to support you along the way if you desire. Take care.
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
I am tapering now been on Norco for 3 back surgeries since January and took them before surgery as well. I was on 4 7.5mg daily. I have been reducing dose every 4 days. 3 per day for 4 days, 2 per day for 4 days, now I on 1 per day next step is 1/2 per day. Seems to be working for me with my Plexus products (Slim, Probio5, and protein shake) good luck to everyone who is going through this. You are a strong person and WILL get through this
I have been taking up to 12 10/325 norcos a day I currently tapered myself Iam currently taking 7 a day 3 in the morning and around 5pm I take 4 this drug has completely took control of my life i just want off I’m going to give this a try hopefully it works I’m going to cut my dose by half a pill less every 7 days should my withdrawal be ok with this regimen I have 3 kids with my youngest being 2 I’m single with no help and need the energy to keep up with my kids is there any more advice I should prepare myself with please I’m in desperate need
Hi Elizabeth,
I encourage you to read more articles on this website, as it can help you more than you know. Tapering is the best thing to minimize symptoms, but the lack of energy never seems to go away, no matter what. That’s why I wrote an article on it:
How To Get Your Energy Back After Quitting Opiates
If you ever need questions answered or emotional support, I’m here to help you along your journey. Take care.
How do you win in your head. I can handle these physical symptoms so far but I’m having trouble with the mental aspect. Day one of tapering.
Where do I order the supplements you have talked about to aide getting off of Norco? Is that all I need? They are not cheap! You talk about many others as well. Which ones are the best to use? I’ve read I think all of what you have posted about tapering off Norco and all the different supplements and not sure which ones now to use. However, researching them they are quite expensive. Please help! Scared to death! Been through cold turkey before and back because of surgery and injury. Just want off but not going through the hell again!
Disclaimer: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. This comment is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
Mike, Thank you for this website. Can I take phenylalanine and calm support in addition to gabapentin? I’ve been on Norco for 6 years and am down to between 1-3 pills of 5/350. Friday is my 12th anniversary from cocaine and I don’t drink or smoke any longer (2 yrs). I have chronic pain and am under an MD’s care but feel the drugs make me lethargic and prone to migraines, etc. I admire you for becoming a Counselor.
Hi Rabbit,
Always ask your doctor before taking any new supplements or combining them with medications. From my studies, the supplements and medication you mentioned are fine to take together. Congrats on your recovery from other substances!
And as far as the chronic pain goes…I recovered from my chronic pain from a few things, mainly the following two books:
Think Away Your Pain
The Great Pain Deception: Faulty Medical Advice Is Making Us Worse
Hey… Day 1. 27 yr old female taking 10 10/325 norcos a day for 2 yrs. I have no other option then a quick taper. I have 39 pills left. I only took them twice a day but 50mg each dose . I am freaking out pretty bad right now. Nobody in the world knows I am on them… Crazy huh? Husband, kids family co workers etc…. I can’t let anyone know. I have purchased all the supplements and am ready for this journey I just need help bad.
Hi Kerry,
Quick tapers are still better than a cold-turkey detox. Happy to hear you purchased supplements as they can assist in conjunction with even a short taper. Since nobody knows you’re on them that means you have no one to talk to. I’m here to help you along your journey if you need me.
I know you’re freaking out right now, but don’t be scared. Everything you need to know about getting off opiates and staying clean while having energy and happiness you’ll find in the many articles on this website. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to post your questions and I will assist you in any way I can. Good luck.
I know this is old, and I hope you were successful. I’m a 25 year old and I’m goin through the same thing. I’m not on that high of a dosage, but no one knows I’m on them. Like i said, I hope you were successful in your journey. Wish me luck on mine
Any success with using essential oils to help the taper off schedule? We are oilers and I have several blends made to help with liver cleanse and withdrawal symptoms
Hi Heather,
I have not studied essential oils for tapering off Norco and other opiates, though I believe they can be very beneficial. I’d be interested in learning more about them.