In this article, I’m going to teach you how to get off Subutex without withdrawal. I used to be addicted to Rx opiates, heroin and Xanax. I got clean using natural methods and went on to become a counselor at an Opiate Treatment Program (OTP), where I taught many patients how to get off Subutex naturally.
How to Get Off Subutex Naturally
By using the following techniques, you’ll be able to start coming off Subutex without experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
Sound too good to be true?
After studying and perfecting Subutex recovery for the past several years, I know for sure that this is the best way to get off Subutex naturally. Simply follow these five easy steps exactly as I’ve outlined, and you too will be on your way to coming off Subutex fast…with ease.
1. Start tapering off Subutex
People getting off Subutex almost always relapse. In one large study in 2010, individuals tapering Suboxone (the same thing as Subutex only it contains the opioid antagonist drug naloxone) during a nine-month period, whether initially or after a period of substantial improvement, led to nearly universal relapse.
This is because tapering by itself doesn’t work, and people still experience withdrawal symptoms. When my patients would ask me how to get off Subutex without withdrawal, I told them the secret was to use a strategic Subutex taper plan in combination with a natural endorphin-building and brain chemistry rebalancing regimen. Steps 2-5 will help you rebalance your brain chemistry.
To taper Subutex effectively, there are a few guidelines that you should follow:
- The slower you taper, the fewer withdrawal symptoms you will experience.
- Try only using Subutex once every 24 hours instead of twice daily.
- Use the least amount of Subutex as possible to feel OK, and avoid taking more.
- Don’t fear to come off Subutex (fear affects your brain chemistry negatively).
- After you get to 2 mg, follow my Super Suboxone Taper Schedule (works exactly the same for Subutex).
- Always listen to your body and adjust tapering speed as needed.
2. Start taking an opiate withdrawal supplement
If you really want to know how to get off Subutex without withdrawal, take a high-quality Opiate Withdrawal Supplement that many people have used to eliminate withdrawal symptoms while tapering off Subutex. It’s a powerful blend of organic herbs and other natural ingredients that have been shown to radically decrease withdrawal symptoms from coming off Subutex and other opioids.
This formula can help you come off Subutex in the following ways:
- Calms the nervous system
- Relieves anxiety
- Eases stomach discomfort
- Increases natural energy
- Powerful mood-enhancer
- Restores dopamine production quickly
- Reverses depression
- Reverses insomnia and helps you get more restorative sleep
3. Start drinking tulsi tea
One of my friends asked me how to get off Subutex, and I told him to take adaptogens. In the late 1940’s, a Russian scientist named Dr. Nickolai Lazarev coined the term “adaptogen” while working on a molecular compound found to stimulate nonspecific resistance of organisms. Dr. Lazarev defines an adaptogen as an agent that allows an organism to counteract any adverse chemical, physical or biological stressor by generating nonspecific resistance and thus becoming “adapted” to a diversity of demands imposed upon it.
Adaptogen herbs have a double-direction normalizing effect. So if a person is stressed, an adaptogen will calm them down and relieve anxiety. If that same person is fatigued, an adaptogen would increase their natural energy. Adaptogens, simply put, facilitate the promotion of homeostasis in the body. If you really want to know how to get off Subutex fast, drink tulsi tea.Drinking tulsi tea is a super effective and simple strategy for getting off Subutex fast.
Note: Tulsi is an ayurvedic adaptogen herb that has been shown in studies to be superior to other adaptogens. I encourage you to drink 1-4 cups of tulsi tea daily while you’re tapering off Subutex, and for at least 90 days after coming off Subutex completely.
4. Start eating a high amino acid diet
Along with the first three steps, whenever patients of mine asked me how to get off Subutex, I would encourage them to eat plenty of high-quality protein foods. Consuming at least 20-30 grams of protein three times per day can radically increase endorphins, GABA, serotonin and other mood-boosting chemicals in the brain.
The following guidelines can help you get off Subutex with ease:
- Eat plenty of chicken, fish, turkey, beef and other high-quality proteins (free-range, organic and wild caught are best).
- Drink plenty of water (half your pounds of body weight in ounces per day).
- Consume an abundance of fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats.
- Eliminate or decrease sugar, processed foods, refined carbohydrates, nicotine, caffeine and alcohol
- Focus on eating mostly organic whole foods.
5. Start exercising
This is the final ingredient to getting off Subutex without withdrawal symptoms. If you do Steps 1-4 and pass on exercising, you might still experience withdrawal symptoms. I’ve designed this plan based on the power of synergy, so there is a huge amplification of benefits by doing everything together.
Exercise can help you come off Subutex because it:
- Improves mood
- Boosts endorphins (natural pain-killers)
- Improves sleep
- Reduces pain (both physical and emotional)
- Promotes well-being
- Reverses anxiety
- Reverses depression
- Increases energy
- Improves physique
- Boosts confidence
How to Get Off Subutex Fast
If you use the 5 Steps I’ve outlined, you should be able to get off Subutex relatively fast. I wish you good luck on your journey now that you know how to get off Subutex without withdrawal. Click here now to view my best home detox program.
If you have any questions on how to get off Subutex, please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment box below.
I have been on subutec for approximately 5 years. Was never addicted to any drugs except subutex. It’s a long story I’d rather not get into. I was prescribed 24 mg a day and never took more than 8. After sometime I met my husband who has helped me tremendously get to a point of getting off. For the past 2 years I went from 2mg to .5 mg. I am currently trying to do every other day but it has been so hard for me I can’t sleep and RLS has been sooo bad!!! Like I said before I have never been addicted to anything before so it’s my first time detoxing and I am 1. Scared and 2. Need help figuring out what to do. I have 2 kids a 10 ye old and a 2 year old so I don’t want to go through a point where I can’t move or don’t want to. My 2 yr old is into everything!!! Please help
Hello, just wanted to comment and say that I have been on subs for 7 yrs and I have been only taking 2mg the last few years and I finally decided to quit cold turkey (the hardest thing I have ever tried to do). I’m on day 10 and still not much better. But I haven’t had a whole lot of withdrawals besides rls and can’t sleep. I still feel very week. But I have been able to work the whole time besides 2 days. I am a Christian and I believe that is the only reason I’m getting through this. God has been with me and he will you too. Just pray and believe, talk to your pastor. I hope this helps someone!! God bless
Is there any way to speak with you for coaching
Ive been on subetex for 7 years and thw pain and withdrawl is to much for me ive slowed down to 2 mg a day the problem is besides the physical, mentally i get very weak with no energy to do anything wat can i do for that.
Hi Mark,
I’m going to send you links to an article I wrote and a video I created that shows you how to get your energy back while getting off Subutex and other opioids. And I’ll post a link to the page where you can learn about the coaching program too: 🙂
The Opiate-Energy Addiction Connection>>
How To Get Your Energy Back While Quitting Opioids>>
I have fibro and many pain condition but now im dependant and idont like it at all.i need help the with drawals are horrible and before these new laws i was just taking as needed and even though i had all the remainder in my body. I tested negative and was given and given rules that i had to take as the times and amounts states on the bottle.
What do you do to taper if you’re in excellent physical shape and eating 300 GM’s of protein daily already ??? Been on subutex for over 10 years. Can never get off of it every time I try. I workout 5 – 6 day’s a week (bodybuilding), and run 5 – 10 miles 4 – 6 day’s a week. I eat 300 GM’s of protein daily and eat a super clean diet with loads of vitamins, minerals, and fish oil. I’ve NEVER once relapsed or ever cared too. Just wish I never was weaned off Fentanyl with Subutex. Now my job is starting to test for buprenorphine and I HAVE to get off or I’ll lose my job. I don’t know what to do. I’m not worried about addiction or taking other opiates, but I am panicked about withdrawals. I cannot stand it.
If you’ve been on Subutex for that long, it can be VERY hard to come off. In those cases, in my opinion, the best way to get off buprenorphine would be to switch over to a short-acting opiate or opioid for awhile then taper off that.
If it were me in your situation, I would switch over from Subutex to kratom ASAP then use that for a month then start a 2-month kratom taper. Here is a free resource that teaches you more about this method:
The Kratom Playbook For Opiate Recovery>>
I’m on 0,4 mg 3 to 4 times a day, started Subutex 17 years ago to get off methadone. Tapered off quickly to 4mg then to present dosage.
I’m miserable physically and mentally without my early morning dose of 0,4 mg. Is it useful to taper and stop ? I triedto stop vold turkey 2,5 years ago, took 400 mg Tramadol and continued working but after 5 days I was only feeling worse !
Any suggestions please ?
The easiest way I’ve seen for people on long-term Subutex to finally quit is by switching over to kratom for 6-12 weeks then either tapering off that or doing a cold-turkey detox with comfort meds and a week or two off work. Here is the free ebook I wrote on this:
The Kratom Playbook For Opiate Recovery>>
Hi! I’m down to 2mg of subutex a day! I’m 20 weeks pregnant and staying on the his is not an option ! I need help weaning completely off for me and The baby! I don’t wanna hurt this baby , I have been on 2mg a day for 6 weeks now and ready to come completely off. What can I do ? Help!
Didn’t notice how old this post is but thought I’d share my pregnancy story while on subutex for anyone looking for help or for worried moms to be.
I was on subutex throughout my pregnancy (2 mg/ day at most).
My baby was born perfectly healthy and happy btw. No wd’s. Not one issue.
I was terrified to be on subutex during my pregnancy and too terrified to tell my obgyn (stupid but I didn’t want to be treated like a junkie and have CPS involved) stupid!
I think I stayed at 2mg /day through most of my pregnancy but tapered down to 1mg/ day in my 3rd trimester and tried to take as little as possible from then to delivery. Like taking 1mg ever other day.
My labor was induced and I was in the hospital for two days before I actually delivered my perfect baby.
I opted for drugs, epidural and fentanyl. Omg they worked wonderfully! So if you are worried about pain meds not working, don’t. They work.
I was terrified that my newborn would show signs of something or that she or I would be drug tested but we weren’t. I don’t think the hospital wastes time and money testing every placenta unless the mother seems like a druggie or there’s neonatal wd’s.
Many women deliver perfect, healthy babies on subutex.
My only advice is to slowly taper down to the smallest dose possible (2mg or less/day) and as long as you aren’t using any other drugs and staying active and eating healthy (prenatal vitamins and all that), I’m confident you will be fine and your precious baby will be also.
Don’t try to quit cold turkey. That can harm the fetus. If you have not already, tell your doctor about your sub use so they can be aware and treat baby at birth, if needed. I didn’t tell my doctor about my subutex use and I’m thankful that no intervention was necessary to help my baby but what if?! That would have looked really bad to CPS! Worst case is they interview you and the Dad. They won’t take your baby over legit subutex use. I’m confident you will be great and you will have a happy healthy baby! GL!
My god if you made it down to just 2mg a day then you already have it made! My advise is go to 1 mg a day for a couple of weeks then a half for the same amount of time then you should be home free! I wish you the absolute best of luck and once you get off…… STAY AWAY FROM ALL THAT SHIT!
I was on subutex for about a year and for the last nine months I’ve only been on 2mg. For about a week I took half a pill and now I’ve been off of it completely for about 3 days. However I’m now experiencing insomnia, irritability, depression and a very sore back. I’m wondering how long this is going to last? I didn’t think it would be this bad since I was on such a small dose does anyone have any suggestions or ideas for me to get through this? This is also extra hard considering I’m a new mom to a 2 month old baby boy who while going through this tough time don’t feel motivated to even care for. Please help! Thanks in advance
Hi Jessica,
I’ve been in your situation almost exactly so I know how hard that is! I would read this article which will help you the most of anything on this website:
Suboxone Withdrawal Remedies THAT WORK>>
I’m in your situation right now. I was able to get down to .5mg my entire pregnancy but went back up to 2mg shortly after I delivered. Before becoming pregnant I was on a high dose of subutex for YEARS. Started at 16mg a day for a year, then 8mg a day for a few years, then 4 mg a day for a year etc etc.
I’m taking 1mg in the am and 1mg in the evening (I was taking that for two months after my baby was born) BUT now I’m only taking about .5 mg a day because I’m not working and can’t afford to see my sub doctor every month. So, I often cut my 2mg pills into 1/4’s and take as little as possible. I have a very good friend who helps me out with sub but I still go for at least 5 days without meds every month and feel like absolute sh!t for those 5 days every month. It’s SO difficult to take care of my sweet baby (3 months old) but I get through it because she’s the love of my life and I want to be the best mom to her.
I can’t believe that such a low dose can cause wd’s! My fiancé says it’s all in my head but it’s not! I’ve detoxed on my own from many things (opiates, methadone, etc).
I’m really going to look into Calm Support & the tea mentioned in this article because I’m so sick of needing a pill to be able to function and feel ok.
What I want to express to you is that it doesn’t seem like the length of time a person is on subutex (unless it’s only 2 weeks) doesn’t seem to matter.
Stay strong. Just focus on your precious baby and that sweet smile and you will get through this! GL!
My wife gave berth to our beautiful little girl. She was taking 4mg a day and our daughter was in perfect health.
I 100% understand how you feel and I know you are able to get thru this! Do you have any family that wants to be helpful and be a positive person you can call? I am going cold turkey and I’m on day 9 about. I have never been prescribed Subutex ever. My wife was giving me half of every script she got. But she left me because I started to feel like I needed to just be in our bed and have no one bug me. My older brother committed suicide a year before. It was such a devastating blow to me and my family. And I didnt want to take care of our girls who I love more thrn myself. Especially if we didn’t have subutex for a couple days. And then I couldnt hold a job for longer than a year & a half.But we were on subutex for 9 years. That is way to long to be on any opioid. But I’m proud of myself. This is a very hard time in my life. But I am going to make it, cause I’m so tired of not being who I really am. Most of my life has been a struggle cause of my childish ways.
Don’t put pressure on yourself to take
I can completely relate to this post. I have a 15 month old who is walking and into everything needing constant undivided attention. Since I’m the only one caring for her, detoxing has been rougher than the average. I have been on subutex for over 2.5 years and I have been taking 3 to 4 mg. I recently moved and lost my doc, ran out of my meds, and have been detoxing cold turkey since Monday morning at 7am. It is Thursday 130pm. I can say last night/evening was the toughest yet. My middle back was so achy the entire night, was so restless, difficulty staying or falling asleep, crazy dreams, hot cold sweats, stomach upset but no vomiting luckily… my last dose on Monday 2as only 1mg btw. That’s all I had left. I want off these so very badly. I was never educated on how bad these would be to get off of. I have never felt such bad withdrawals. I want to be in recovery so badly and get on with my life. I am 30 years young. I feel like I’m wasting away taking this shit
Help!! I was prescribed suboxone/subutex after kicking heroine cold turkey almost 8yrs ago and decided it was time to get off the subutex. I tapered for a few months and then jumped off at around 1mg-1.5mg. I was prescribed klonopin and dexatrim, both did nothing for me and the klonopin made my RLS way worse and made me extremely weak. I was given Ativan and haven’t really noticed much help from that either. The first week was awful, but I’m at day 16 and still have crazy chills, insomnia and just feel like crap. I read one of your articles about Kratom and how that can help so at around day 10 of being off subutex I got some and tried and it was great, no withdrawals, I had energy and felt like myself again. But I know my personality and I can see that Kratom could become a problem for me. I only used it for 4 days a few times each day. But now I’m still going through withdrawals…did I set myself back by using the Kratom? Or is this typical for someone who’s been using subutex for 8yrs plus? Also if I wanted to continue to use the Kratom to get past these withdrawals could you guide me on how to do that? And if I use the Kratom how likely are withdrawals from that after I stop it? Any advice would be greatly GREATLY appreciated! I’m not looking to go back to using anything but this withdrawal state is terrible!
I’ve been on heroin and crack for 18 years and used to take methadone which was pointless as I abused on top! Double trouble! Anyway, moved back to my mums last April 2016, prior to which I got off the methadone and back on to the heroin (methadone to subutex is a definite no go…….don’t even bother the withdrawal is that vile) and then after being back on the gear for about a month (make sure every bit of meths is out of the body) I started to withdraw and then took 16mg subutex! I love this drug for reducing! If done properly and not abused (hitting it up) then you should be fine! I stabilised on Subutex for 6/7 months and since November last year I have been reducing gradually! You must take subutex ONCE a day at the same time each day and you must reduce slowly. Each reduction is a percentage of the total amount you’re taking at the time so do not reduce more than 20% (max 25%) at a time and make sure you stabilise each time by staying on your new dose for a week! Like coming off heroin itself it takes about 3 days to settle and your body to be happy on new dose (although you won’t physically feel the change). Do your reductions weekly. I have been fine and along with healthy eating and a good walk every day I have not experienced anything any of you guys have…….yet! But I hope not to. I’ve been slowly reducing every 4 days the lower I get on the subutex as I’m going to residential rehab on 6th March and I think it’s a good idea to go to rehab for about 12 weeks after stopping to get support and not fuck up in the first instance! It’s the danger zone period so you need people around you who can help with any possible withdrawal and the emotions etc. Yeah, I feel a bit watery eyed and twangy limbed when I first wake up in morning but once I’m up it goes after half hour and I just get myself down the chemist to take my dose! I’m on daily pick up and supervised at chemist and I’m certain the reason why all you guys are all over the place with withdrawal is because you’re left to your own devices to medicate! Remember……consistent doses taken at the same time of day and once a day! If it’s all over the show as and when you feel shit then no wonder you’re suffering! Subutex is a great drug but needs to be managed properly! Good luck and I really hope this helps a little!
Hi everyone my name is frank and i live in pa, my story/problem is the same except that after my 8 year run with herion, i have now been on subs for 8 years, with the last 3 years i have been injecting my sub intravenously, i am so scared of what i have done to my body as i have no Veins even left any where with heart pain daily, i am so afraid of just falling over dead one day,i need serious help
HI Frank.. please, stop using the needle with your subutex, I have many friends that have had to have heart surgery because of infection from this activity. I would suggest going to your doctor to have your heart checked out. I also shot subutex for about 3 years, I am not judging you at all, just genuine concern. What it does to our veins, and our bodies, it’s awful. I don’t know your situation, but if possible, switch to the strips, or get involved in some kind of open minded recovery group. It’s not easy, but I believe once you fight past the needle, you will have a better chance at getting off the subs all together. I’ll be praying and sending strength.
-Jennifer (a fellow PA resident)
I know I am a little late commenting on this but I have decided to finally come off Subutex after being on it for over a year. I tried once to come off strips and only made it 4 days. I have 3 kids and work so I can’t just stop my life to get better. I am going to taper down..I take about 8-10mgs a day right now…as much as possible over the next 4 weeks then jump off. I am reading all these things that can help…calm support, adaptogen herbs, Tulsi tea, amino acid, vit C, etc. Can all these things be bought at a vitamin store? And the vit C…can I just take tablets instead of making a drink and if so how many would I have to take daily? I also found the Triangle of Heath to be quite interesting but I haven’t been able to figure out how much that is yet. I don’t have a lot of money to spend on this but I have made up my mind and want to quit with as little discomfort as possible. What are the necessities for withdrawal? Like the minimum of what I can buy that’ll actually help. Vitamin C sounds like a definite necessity. Anything else? I HAVE to do this now. Now while I feel like I can actually do it!
Been on opiates for 10 years. Had a bad run physically during that time. 3 knee surgeries a back surgery and a double herniA surgery. My tolerance to the prescribed opiate pain meds went thru the roof. After the first knee surgery I got off the opiates cold turkey. It was miserable rls no sleep diareha dizziness etc. But after 12 days I felt normal. After subsequent serious surgeries i was gobbling prescribed opiates like tic tacs. Did not want to cold turkey again so I went on subutex. This drug is insidious. And a money maker for the drs clinics manufactures. Trying to beat it. It is very hard to do if u have a job and have to be ‘ON’ lot easier to.beat if u can get some time off. 30 days and beat it at home. God bless.
Thanks for your comment. And it’s true, if one can get time off to stay at home without responsibilities it makes it much, much easier. Take care.
Hi T. I know this post was written some time ago. But I wanted to say I was in your shoes after spinal and hip sugery, whice kept me on opiates for almost 20 yrs. I moved to a new area and got all new Drs. (It was a blessing in disguise) She asked me if I would like to try and get off meds and I said yes of course. But was so scared, because I had tried a few times and was to sick. So we had a very long talk about Suboxone. 1st. We had a plan. Get all your supporters together and make sure they all know your plan. You will need everyone of them. Mostly for moral support and help staying calm. Number 1 was to get my dose of opiates down from 500mg a day to 50 mg. Which we did in a 3 month span. That wasn’t to hard. But you have to want it and stay positive about what your doing. I kept telling myself that this was a path to freedom and a drug free life. Over and over! So I started Suboxone on Oct. 1st 2017 and will be winged off by Nov. 1st 2017. It mine and my docs opinion that the less time you can be on Suboxone the better and eassier to wing off. After the 1st 24hrs it’s been all ok for me. Yes there has been some sweating, followed by chills, loss of appetite,anxiety and now i feel some body pain. But walking and meditation had helped that. So please don’t be scared of Suboxone. Talk to your doctor, they will help you with a plan, take that to you support peps and get started on your drug free life. If I at 56 yrs old can do it anyone can. P.S. Thank you Matt F love the site, it Really helped me. Keep up the work. God bless, Cyn
Awe thanks Cynthia!Glad you love the site and that it’s helped you so much. God bless. 🙂
Hi Matt,
I am a very scared and very mentally drained mom.
I have weened myself from 8mg sub to 6 mg sub but can’t go lower.. please help as this is my very last time to try. I will lose my husband and my family support if I don’t make it off this time. No one knows how hard it is except the people who have been there but I’m exhausted bc I’ve tried for years to come off and haven’t made it yet.
If I were you in your situation I might switch over to kratom and then taper off that. It’s typically much easier than tapering off long-term buprenorphine. Here is a free resource that will help you learn about this method to see if it’s something you want to use:
The Kratom Playbook For Opiate Recovery>>
Hello Matt ,
My name is John i am 47 years old and live in the UK.
I was addicted to Heroin as a young man then methadone and many of the prescription opiate meds that one got prescribed by GP’s back then and now the addiction services in the UK at one point or another for the last 27 years trying to kick the Methadone and now the Temgesic (subutex) .
I have been stable on 24mg of subutex and 4mg of Clonazepam for the last nine years Matt , however i have been sick and tired of being sick and tired for many yrs now .
After a sequence of events I entered into a 12 step rehab program of abstinence on the 12th August 2002 for one year and enjoyed 5 yrs clean with the support of Narcotics Anonymous.
Then whilst living the dream i had a fairly serous accident racing my motocross bike and ended up hooked up to an iv morphine despenser with a bruised liver and two broken ribs and a few broken toes and was prescribed Temgesic (subutex) ever since , i never went back to NA until 4 months ago when I tapered down fairly fast to 2 mg sublingually then started snorting the subs at 1.5ml until i reached 0.2 mg then kicked at home.
I did no research because i was told it would be a breeze to kick , this was not the case at all, however on November 27 2015 i screened clean of subutex but i was still snorting a minute amount of sub around 0.1 mg last thing late at night to help with the RLS . To help cope with the Acute withdrawal syndrome and the PAWS i purchased two quarter bottles of whisky , i already had two hundred Gabapentin 100mg , 100 clanazepam 2mg , 1 box (30) imodium 2mg , 1 box (30) Buscopan 10mg , 14 x 3.75mg and 14 x 7mg Zopiclone sleepers and 1 box (56) Phenergan 10 mg .
I started using the whisky around 1800hrs in decaf tea as a hot toddy in the evening with a strip of gabbapentin and around 8-10 mg Clanazepam and was getting around four to five hrs sleep but waking up feeling very ruff and could not control my emotions throughout the day , the emotional breakdown, depression and lethargy was unbearable , i was a gibbering wreck.
Christmas was approaching fast and my friends and family wanted me to be with them in London so i panicked 30 days ago resulting in me taking a 2mg subutex sublingually which knocked me for six for 24 hrs.
So i went to see my drug worker asap and told him i was still snorting the a small amount of subutex and had taken a 2mg tab , so he made me an app to see the prescribing doctor to whom i told the truth to and she raised my dose of subutex back up to 1.6mg in 0.4mg tabs x 4 and was told to spread them out over the day and stop the scotch which is what i have now done and now take only the prescribed subutex sublingually again . The first week was a ruff ride it seemed like taking the tabs under my tongue again just wasn’t strong enough , however i stuck with it and i am fairly stable now but still getting the goose bumps and mild RLS with a short temper .
So i have now done a fair bit of research online where i found your website and read what you have to say about how to make a subutex detox easier with a slow taper and supplements , by the way Matt i did not seemed to loose my appetite ,, i start my day with a decant serving of porridge oats , a well portioned shredded chicken filled bread roll , and a large chicken casserole on a bed of rice daily.
I still have the meds mentioned before , but now have 400 x 100mg Gabapentin .
However all i am now taking is my 1.6 mg of subutex in 0.4mg x 2 dose in the morning on waking before taking another 0.4mg x 2 when i start feeling ill again @ 4-5 pm and 4mg of Clonazepam which gets me through the night with around 5-6 hrs sleep with the help of Calming Camomile tea then Valerian plus tea before i go to sleep .
Depending on what time i go to bed determines how i feel in the morning , i tend to stay up to late 2am – 2.30am . I am not a morning person anymore since the detox . I have a dog who wants to go out for his pee as soon as he hears me get up and go to the toilet, if i could plan it again i would take a month of off work in the summer and kick , the winters in the north of the UK are wet and very cold 9 degrees on a good day but i want of this poison asap.
So i have read the info on your website and watched an kept only two positive persons on YouTube talking about thier subutex detox . I have been to the supplement store and purchased a bottle of 50 x 1000mg vit C tabs , a bottle of 50 x Super One formula timed release Vitamins and a bottle of 100 x Amino 1000 Pro – Amino muscle fuel (free form & Peptide Bond) tabs all from a shop called Holland and Barrett’s and just took delivery yesterday of 90 x 100mg 5-HTP , all which i no nothing about !! and cant find much help about taking subutex and 5-HTP together. Got some info about suboxone and 5-HTP and i am worried that if take any 5-htp before i am completely of off the subutex they will make me ill as if i took naltrexone knocking the subs of ?
Naltrexone scare’s the life out of me , I’ve seen first hand what they do to a someone who is opiate addicted , i would never take them.
So Matt here i am, the 30/12/2015 worried sick with anxiety.
Matt any advise you could give me around dose and best times to take the supplements would be a god send. Especialy around tacking subutex and this 5-htp serotonin and melatonin promoter/booster would be awesome ..
All the best for 2016 x
ps do you have an email address , i have tryed to mail you without sucsess.
Hi John,
Thanks so much for sharing your story. It sounds like you have done a lot of research. As far as the supplements go I am not a doctor and cannot prescribe dosages for you. However, I do offer consultations where you can ask me these types of questions for an hour on the phone, then you can take the information you learn to your doctor.
What is the number to call you and get all the information because I am pregnant and want to get off my 2mg dosase of subutex as quickly as I can without having no energy to get up eat or shower. So what number can I call to get all the information?
With pregnancy complicating sub withdrawal, it is always recommended to work closely with your Dr instead of using supplements that have not been deemed safe for unborn children.
Hi John,
My name is Paula, and I reside in CA. I’m originally from Scotland but have lived in the USA for almost 20 years now. I’ll quickly skip all the boring stuff about my addiction to pain melds and cocaine, I went into a rehab in LA back in 2008. That’s when I was introduced to the drug Suboxone for coming of the oxy’s, and all the other melds I was on. It was two of my friends that found me nearly dead in my house. I had a young son at the time, and also going through a divorce from hell. My friends suggested rehab as I could lose my son if I didn’t clean up my act.
The first night in rehab was awful, actually it was the first few agonizing days going through withdrawal before they can give you any Suboxone. So once I was going through hell they gave me a 8mg tablet along with Klonopin (Clonazepan) Clonadine, and I think it was a multi vitamin too. So yes, the suboxone seemed to be the “Wonder Drug”. Well was I fooled, and 8 years later I’m still taking that poison!!! I have tried many times to come off the drug but only ever got down to 2mg per day. We I returned from rehab my prescribing Dr. put me on 16mg per day along with 3mg of Klonopin, and 350mg of Wellbutrin.
The past few years I have read these forums about how to detox without to much discomfort, well forums are the last place you should look for advice since each and everyone of us is wired differently. I’ve asked my Dr. to please help me come off of this poison, it’s worse than bloody heroin trying to come off this shit. Anyway, I decided in November that I’m determined that it’s now time to seriously get off this poison before I move to another state. They’re only some Dr. that can prescribe Subutex/Suboxone. I think he’s only allowed to have 100 patients at any given time. I also get drug tested every three months to make sure that I’m actually taking it. It’s an expensive drug not covered by my insurance, so I pay around $200 per month for the pills, then I have to pay for drug tests, handling fees of my urine, it goes on and on, never ending saga of Subutex. In November I dropped from 16mg down to 8mg, only taking one tablet in the am. December I went from 8mg to 4mg, I have to say that the only thing that troubled me was my emotions and the depression. I actually wanted to kill myself, and I knew I had to keep going trying to trick my brain into positive thinking. I had a medicinal marijuana card, so I stocked up on some really strong weed and hash to help with sleep and my anxiety. I still take 3mg of Klonopin and the Wellbutrin, along with Benedryl. For some reason I found those very helpful for sleep, and any itching that I got.
Today is the 2nd of January, and as of yesterday I’m now down to one1/4 tablet which is 2mg. A few of my friends have noticed a change in me. I sound good, and my head is clearer. I know all of you who are criticizing me for smoking or eating weed as a substitute.. I only plan on using weed to get me through my detox. I’ve never had a problem with weed, it was just pills, and Coke. Even alcohol I never had any problems with, I can take it or leave it. Anyway, I have discovered that the best way to approach detox from Subutex is positive thinking. You have to really, really, really want to be free of this drug to come off it with just slight withdrawals. Our brains can do amazing things, and also eat plenty of fruit and veggies, if you an obtain a 420 card, go for it. Tell the Dr that you want help getting off of Subutex, and you will probably walk away with a 420 card. I only suggest this method if you’ve never had a problem with weed. It’s natural, so I don’t feel bad about using it for this purpose. If you are in another state or overseas where it’s still illegal, don’t give up. Use positive thinking and get some Benedryl. You’ll also find it at the “Dollar Tree” store under “Allergy” tablets, cheaper form of Benadryl. Take about 100mg, that’s 4 pills when needed. I think I have saved about 80 tablets of 8mg subutex to have, as when I see my regular Dr in two weeks the THC from the weed is going to show up in my routine drug test. I’m thinking that my Dr will probably give me one more refill of Subutex, then cut me off. So I’m in this for the long run, I’m hoping to be off Subs by the end of February. Yes, I’ve heard that the worst part is jumping off the subs, but like I said before, everyone is different. I can feel the depression coming, it’s kinda weird. I’m also going to start working out as that always makes anyone feel good. Good luck to everyone getting off Suboxone/Subutex. Taper off as comfortably as you feel, only take it once a day, and stay away from those forums. I can understand we all want to know what other people go through with detox from Subs, but for your own sanity be positive about yourself. Soon we’ll be free from this ball and chain also known as Subutex.
I’ve read all comments and yours has definitely helped me and given me hope the most! I hate this drug. I wish I’d never found it or taken it. I’m scared to death to get off if it but want too so bad.
I was unaware of all this when I got on it. I only thought it’d get me off of the pills! Now I’m once again addicted and Bound by something else. Thank you for your advice.
I just want to stop taking it right now but know that’s not possible.
Benedryl makes RLS so much worse. Never ever again.
Sara I’m so glad you found this website and are finding hope! You have a strong mindset and I know you’re going to get through this!!!
Hello I am very interested in this program. I am a mother and want more than anything to just be over this already. But the cost of the Emidrol supplement alone is very expensive. And I would still need the Tea as you said doing all the steps together us the only way to get %100 of the benefits. If there is any way to get coupons or discounts please let me know. #Singlemomof4
Feel like giving up today and just going back to sub Dr to let her dope me and my unborn baby girl up again she said she didn’t want me to detox while pregnant aka ( she didn’t want to let go of the 200+ dollars I gave her a month ) my obgyn knows I’m detoxing and couldn’t be happier and today is day 7 and I slept maybe 2-3 hours in 30 min incrmints and I don’t understand isn’t this supposed to be getting easier after a week? I cannot take xanex or hardly anything else just a unison tab at night and vitamins and tylenol during the day! In the beginning I told myself the worst will be over physically in a week 7 days and now I’m here and it’s not any better. I tapered best I could in 7 months and now my due date is days away so please anyone any words to help me push through this awfulness!? I cannot go back to sub but I’m finding it hard to grasp onto any faith or hope.thanks
Sorry to hear about your situation. You will get through this!!! Please read this article and ask your obgyn which of these supplements you can use, if any, to help reduce your symptoms:
Suboxone Withdrawal Remedies THAT WORK
I’m still battling with no energy and leg pains but I don’t feel so horrible I’m getting induced today! 11 days clean of subutex so baby girl will be born free!! Thank u! My BP is high and so is my heart rate I’m gonna see what she wants to do about it when I go in!
I guess for some it’s a whole lot easier than others to lay on a floor cramped up, puking and feces that is bile. vomiting to the point of stomach cramps from dry heaves…The back and leg pain is unbearable and enough to make you think of suicide. I was a IV heroin drug user for 17 years, methadone, suboxine, morphine and Xanax, nothing I tried ever worked. what worked for me was to be put in a drunk tank with no empathy by the officers what so ever, for 5 weeks before I could stand or drink kool-aid. Than I went to prison for 2 years and I’ve been clean since than. Until a year ago, I had knee surgery than two back surgeries…here we go again! I’ve been on opiates for pain for over a year and I am scared to death. I wake up sick every morning, I usually have to come up with more pills before my prescription is ready again. I’ve asked my physician to detox me, but I won’t do it cold turkey. Give me 3 days in the hospital on Ativan and don’t take me Xanax from me because of several situations that call for them, I don’t think it would be a good idea. He gives me 4 clonidine patches…WTF is that going to do? So you say use this anti diarrhea medicine and it works miracles. sorry I don’t believe it. I’ve done the Imodium and the little white pill that goes under your tongue for vomiting. I’ve even been in the hospital where they gave me toradol, and stuff for diarrhea and vomiting…the rest was cold turkey. Yeah, I walked out. Now my sister has been on suboxine for over 3 years, I guess if you keep paying cash they’ll keep dishing it out.
Hey. I used opiods for about 5 or 6 years. Well i got tired of being dependant on that. So i tried suboxone. And for some reason i fell in love with the drug. I have been trying to come off of the strip. I take a 1/4 in the am and a 1/4 in the late afternoon. Sometimes a half. But not lately. I have gone 2 or 3 or sometimes 4 days with out a strip. And at times i feel fine and at times i feel give slam out! I always end up taking them again. I really really wanna get off it. But im having a hard time. And ive just now seen elimidraw or some thing like that. Well that help me?? Thanks!
I been tapering for 5 months , Got down from 8mg to 2.5 mg , I Still feel Horrible , Mentally and Physically , Maybe I went to Fast or 2 Slow ?
But Tapering is not Working ??
Wish there was a easy way out !!
Hey Ron,
Thanks for your comment. Your situation is not unique, and you did not taper too fast nor too slow. The reason you still feel horrible is because Subutex (buprenorphine) is a much stronger medication than most people realize. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how perfect your taper plan is…you’re still going to feel bad getting to a low dosage.
That’s why I’ve created this plan for getting off Subutex using these 5 steps. It’s not enough to taper Ron. To really reduce your symptoms and feel ok during the process you’ll need to exercise, eat a high amino acid, healthy diet…and take supplements to restore your brain chemistry and physiology to optimal functioning.
You said you wish there was an easy way out…I believe there is. The following article can illustrate how to get off Subutex or any other opioid drug or medication quickly, and with barely any symptoms:
How to Mega-Dose Vitamin C to Stop Opiate Withdrawal
Again, thanks for leaving the informative comment. I believe it will benefit other readers to know that tapering alone is not going to get rid of as much pain as they desire or believe.
Attention: I am a Strategic Intervention Coach, not a doctor, so I can’t give professional advice regarding aspects of the body, only the mind. What I write is for informational use only. It’s not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, trying any new supplements, medications, exercise or opiate tapering programs.
So what if your pregnant and cannot take any kind of benzo? How long does w/d usually last I am on day 6. Yesterday I took a 50 mg tramadol and now I’m wondering did I start all this all over again I jumped from 1-2 mg of subutex a day I know it’s not going to be easy just want a finish line I can visualise. Did I mess it up taking a tramadol yesterday and how many days rough estimate will I continue to feel like a lead weight on fire?
From the people I’ve talked to, taking a few low dose tramadol here and there just a few times as needed during acute withdrawal did not reset the process for them.
Thanks for this! Ive been on and off subutex since it was still in the fda trail phase. The times ive managed to tapper down, with out opiate relapse, i still had HORRIBLE anxiety and over all sickness for months after i was off the drug. I could not function so i broke down and resently started taking them again. If i hadnt i knew id eventually break completely and do heroin. Now im back at the tapper. Ive been scared and anxious becuase i know how long it takes. This article gives me a little more hope. Best of all, it gave me a better understanding of why it never worked before. So thank you