In this article, I’m going to educate you on the combination of gabapentin and methadone. Many people have gotten mixed answers from doctors and articles on the internet about using gabapentin and methadone together.
Thus, I decided this would be a good subject to write about and end the confusion by bringing clarity to the topic.
So…can you take gabapentin and methadone together?
I’ll answer this question and provide you with reasons to back up my claims that come from:
- Years of Research
- Client Testimonials
- Doctors
- Drug Pharmacology
Most medications have black and white answers when it comes to their combinations. However, with gabapentin and methadone, it’s a gray area.
I’ll do my best to explain this in a simple way that makes sense.
To begin, let’s start with a brief overview of methadone, then I’ll provide an overview of gabapentin.
And after covering the basics on gabapentin and methadone, I’ll teach you about the interactions of these two drugs, and why some doctors say it’s dangerous, while other doctors commonly prescribe the two together.
Gabapentin and Methadone – Methadone Overview
Methadone is a powerful mu-opioid agonist drug. Methadone binds to the same opioid receptors in the brain and other parts of the body that drugs like heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, and other opioids bind to. Once methadone binds to these receptors, the opioid effects come on.
Common effects of methadone are the same as other opioids:
- Pain Relief
- Sedation
- Euphoria
- CNS Depression
- Constricted Pupils
- Constipation
Gabapentin and Methadone – Gabapentin Overview
Gabapentin, sold under the brand names Neurontin among others, is a prescription medication that was designed by chemists at Parke-Davis to be an analog of the neurotransmitter GABA that could more easily cross the blood-brain barrier, thus making the effects in the brain very significant.
GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that acts as a mental relaxant. I often to refer to GABA as the “brain’s natural Valium.”
Gabapentin is commonly prescribed for the treatment of:
- Epilepsy
- Hot Flashes
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Neuropathic Pain
Gabapentin is also commonly prescribed for many off-label uses, such as the treatment of:
Gabapentin For Opiate Withdrawal
In addition to gabapentin being useful in the disorders mentioned above, multiple studies have shown significant benefits from using gabapentin for opiate withdrawal.
In fact, whenever I have coaching clients that have consultations with me, I always ask them if they have the ability to get gabapentin as it’s one of my favorite opiate withdrawal medications out of dozens I’ve studied.
Gabapentin and Methadone Taken Together
So now we’ve arrived at the section on using gabapentin and methadone together. To provide you with the best answer, I’m going to quote a passage from what I believe to be the most reliable source on the internet…, which states there is “Moderate” interaction between gabapentin and methadone.
Here is what this authority website states on the combination of gabapentin and methadone:
“Using methadone together with gabapentin may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. Some people, especially the elderly, may also experience impairment in thinking, judgment, and motor coordination. “
Gabapentin and methadone are both central nervous system (CNS) depressants. Gabapentin and methadone by themselves can both cause respiratory depression and used together, this results in synergy.
Gabapentin/methadone synergy is when the combined effect is greater than the sum of the effects of these two CNS depressants.
When you combine two CNS depressants, in this case, gabapentin and methadone, this significantly increases the chances of respiratory depression and can ultimately lead to death from your body not breathing anymore.
However, it can be safe to use gabapentin and methadone together.
Because your doctor can adjust your doses of medication and frequently monitor you to make sure your body does okay with the combination of gabapentin and methadone.
Final Thoughts
Now you’ve been educated on the combination of gabapentin and methadone. Again, states that there is a “Moderate” interaction between these two drugs.
The website defines Moderate as:
“Moderately clinically significant. Usually avoid combinations; use it only under special circumstances.”
However, the website also states “Your doctor may be able to prescribe alternatives that do not interact, or you may need a dose adjustment or more frequent monitoring to safely use both medications.”
As long as you’re under the care of a competent doctor, using gabapentin and methadone together can be totally safe. Always listen to your body and start off with low dosages then work your way up when combining gabapentin and methadone.
If you have any comments or questions on using gabapentin and methadone together, please post them in the comment box below. Take care, and be safe.
I been on methadone for 6 years I level off at 190mgs and now I am at 85. It takes along time to come off the right way if you don’t want to feel the withdrawal effects. I got on because I am a addict but I have 6 years clean. My neurologist just put me on Gabapentin at a 100mg twice a day and I was worried that it was going to have some sort of side effect or send me into withdrawal. I am very iffy on the neurologist doctor I kinda think he is a goofball but we will see. I do not deny that I am a addict and methadone saved my life but I am afraid of mixing any other medicine with it because of the side effects or if it will lead me into withdrawals because anyone who has felt them knows they are not fun and you feel like you are going to die. Another question if anyone knows Can you take Trintellix vortioxetine tablets 5mg while on methadone if you know please please let me know! Thank you so much
George here. Been on 75 mg methadone for 3 months. I increased from 55 as pain mgmt.
I just had lower back surgery 2 days ago, major. Replaced discs, tatanium rods and the like. Dr prescribed 600 mg neurontin. I haven’t taken any methadone in three days and want to stop. I’d it possible for me to continue to take. MS contin, 2mg dilaudid and the nuerontin WITHOUT the methadone and suffer no consequnces? I mean I’d like to not take any more methadone at at. What will happen?
You will have to withdraw from methadone regardless even if using other opioids.
No escape. So sorry. Methadone is the strongest and other opioids may take the edge off for awhile only.
I’ve been on Methadone for 15 years on and off. I’ve relapsed several time in the last 15 years. I’m 44 years old, married 20 years with 3 teen boys. Im on 100mg’s of Methadone a day and I take about 3000mg’s of Gabapentin a day. I suffer from Social anxiety, Generalized anxiety, Panic attacks, PTSD, Artritis and Addiction. It’s all I can do every day to take this concoction of medicines and be pain free. It helps me with my anxiety disorders and my arthritis. We are not the same. Our Chemistry in our bodies are different. No two people are the same. This works very well for me but for you it may not. I swear by it because of the all around greatness it’s done for ME. I’m not thinking long term. I’m living 1 day at a time.
I’m on 50 my of methadone been on it for 20 years i take 120mgs of oxycodone. A day .my dr just gave me 300 mgs of gabs 3 times a day scared to take it after reading the internet ..
You will want to punch ur dr after few years from the withdrawals
I have been on Methadone for 12 years, and after cancer and multiple highly invasive abdominal surgeries have started suffering from severe neuropathy in my lower legs and feet. I put off asking for a gabapentin prescription for months because of possible interactions. I was prescribed the lowest therapeutic dose (100mg, x2 daily) and the biggest side effect I have experienced is slight dizziness but no loss of cognition or impairment of any kind or any drowsiness It also has almost 100% removed the neuropathic pain that was becoming unbearable in my feet (think being stung by a 100 bees constantly).
I would say this drug will affect everyone differently and to start with a small dose and titrate accordingly. Most of the commenters had been titrated on their methadone dose for many years and this probably contributes. I am not sure that I would recommend this drug to those that are just starting or still titrating their methadone dose.
These are just my observations, and everyone will react differently to any drug. Be Safe!
I’ve been on methadone for 10 years daily 120mg I recently got into some legal problems had to serve 15 days cold turkey, the jail offered clonidine,and neurotin together it completely stopped the sweats,and the flu like feeling subsided very fast ,I was giving these meds 3 times a day ten mins before chow time on my 6th day I started getting small withdrawn symptoms again , not near as bad as taking nothing so I say these meds are a great tool to get you that’s the first week of detox after 7 days my symptom stated coming back slowly, sneezing, restless legs,sweats, anxiety,so I say it’s only good for first week.
Gabapentin actually changes the half life of methadone. I take alot both daily for years and can only speak for myself. I truly believe gabapentin can cause withdrawal symptoms depends on when you take them. If I get off schedule of exact time daily I seem to get a negative affect.
I’ve noticed that different companies make gabapentin and not all quality ‘ I believe’ aren’t going to be the same.
Also believe the VA for military uses us as the next thing after lab rats. Every soldier/combat veteran I know, which is alot, all of been given cocktails of psych meds etc. for years. Gabapentin started surfacing, and it began the governments go to one fix all. It’s addictive as hell, withdrawal symptoms very uncomfortable withdrawal. Btw I’m 💯% P&TD, and I’m speaking for myself when I say I want off this poison.
If it doesn’t come from a plant, and made when chemicals in a lab, it’s not good for our bodies.
I’ve noticed the same with generic medications. In the past I remember being on several different meds at various times, and sometimes one generic would work well then the pharmacy would switch the generic and it wouldn’t work. It’s so frustrating. And every person’s biochemistry is unique as well, so meds might have different effects with different people. That’s interesting that the gabapentin causes withdrawal symptoms depending on when you take it. Thanks for commenting here I appreciate your input.
I have been on methadone for 12 years. I have been slowly decreasing the dose every few months, because I want to get off the methadone. I have been clean from heroin for 7 years, and feel very confident I will not use again. I recently have been having awful migraines, and my doctor prescribed me gabapentin 300mg. He is aware of my methadone prescription as well. I also take Clonazepam PRN or XANAX PRN due to my panic Disorder. My doctor is aware of this too. How great of a risk am I for complications? I worry about accidental overdose from mixed meds. I take all as prescribed and am very concious about the possibility. Any advice?
A ton of addiction study has been done at the University of Minnesota under the guidance of Dr. Gregory Amer, and their protocol after detox is a trifecta of Gabapentin, Tizanadine & Clonodine. There are several YouTube videos of his lectures. I can say it gave a much softer landing for this addict in early recovery. Being able to sleep, avoiding the sweats and flashes, and the lack of RLS at night helped me tame the hamster wheel of craving during the day.