One of my key roles as an addiction coach is to instruct the client on how to optimize their brain health.
If the brain is compromised, the only way we may feel “comfortable in our own skin” is by using substances that give our brain a huge spike in dopamine and endorphins (in the case of opioids, for example).
Here’s an example from my life: The first time I took a 5 mg tablet of hydrocodone was the first time I’ve ever felt comfortable in my own skin.
The massive levels of dopamine and endorphins my brain created within 45 minutes of taking that hydro made me feel supremely confident, euphoric, and energized.
The folks that get hooked on opioids almost always have the same reaction as I did (or one similar to it).
Unfortunately, the more we use powerful substances such as opioids or others — the more we need them to feel good — then tolerance sets in — then dependence — then often we end up with a worse problem than the problem we took the substance to offset in the first place!
When it comes to quitting, first the person needs to either taper (reduce dosage over time) or do a cold-turkey detox (either at home or at a medical setting).
Restoring Brain Health After Detoxing
After transitioning off the substance, brain health is usually severely disordered. Neurotransmitter imbalances and hypoglycemia are only two of the issues one typically needs to remedy.
Thus, to feel better both physically and psychologically, boosting brain health using natural therapies and biohacking gear can often speed up the detox-and-recovery healing process.
Biohacking Gear I Want That Boosts Brain-Body Health
In this article, I’m going to present you with a list of biohacking gear I want for Christmas…
And in doing so, it will hopefully provide you with some new resources that might benefit you and help you achieve higher levels of brain health in times when you really need it (which is always).
Healthy brain, happy life. Unhealthy brain, unhappy life.
Okay, without further ado, here is the biohacking gear I want for Christmas (and I have no affiliation with these companies):
- Muse S – A brain-sensing headband that provides real-time brainwave feedback (EEG). This biohacking gear helps you optimize your mind, heart, breath, body, and sleep
- Radiant Infrared Sauna – Fits 1-2 people and provides benefits similar to a traditional sauna such as deep physical/mental/emotional relaxation, better sleep, pain relief, etc.
- Ground Therapy Sleep Mat – Provides healing electrons for many hours in a row when your brain and body are in deep repair mode; grounding has been shown to reduce inflammation and free radicals, helps with sleep and even pain
- Cosmic Meditation Essential Oil Diffuser – Absolutely gorgeous changing color display combined with diffusing essential oils into the air; very helpful for feeling calm
I Know These Are Pricey
As you can see (if you clicked on the links), these are expensive. Remember… the title of this article is Biohacking Gear I Want for Christmas, but that doesn’t mean I actually asked anyone to get me these, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that I can afford or justify purchasing these luxuries at the present time.
My goal with this post is to open your mind to more possibilities…
To more resources that might help you achieve your health goals…
And to hopefully leave you with more valuable knowledge than you had prior to reading this piece. Thus, if you clicked on the biohacking gear links and said to yourself, “This is way too expensive I can’t afford that!”…
Don’t worry… I can’t afford anything on the list other than the essential oils diffuser.
I have the goal of eventually purchasing all of these — one-by-one — over time.
Creating a “Wish List”
Investing in my mental and physical health is a joy for me. Some things I can get now and some things I’ll have to wait to get.
So… if you enjoyed learning about these biohacking technologies and would like one or more of them and you can’t afford it now, just write them down in your own personal “Wish List” document.
If you don’t have a wish list, start one!
When we write down the things we want and review this document often…
It helps us stay focused on our goals, and in doing so, we actually have a shot at getting what we want.
Happy holidays, my friend.
Hi, I’ve been taking opiates for about 8 years now. During that 8 years, I’ve maybe spent 1.5 years clean, usually when required by law. I’ve kicked more times than I can count. My most recent “run” was probably 3 years of constant, daily IM heroin (IV was no longer an option). I just went through the physical symptoms by giving a friend my everything (bank card, ID, phone, car, etc) and just locking myself in the house. This was about a week ago now. I’ve told him to not give anything back though, because my mental state has been so incredibly unstable. I go through periods of SEVERE cravings (to the point of re-washing things I’ve washed 10 times before; spoons, plastic baggies, anything I can find with a possible shred of heroin.. or fentanyl… whatever it is these days). This ridiculous behavior is always followed by an overwhelming sense of hopelessness that I’ll never be able to stay the course, which then turns into SEVERE depression, and serious thoughts of suicide (I’ve never experienced anything like this before). My mother recently passed, and there are some other things going on in my life that I’m sure are playing a role, but I think it just adds to the severity. I truly feel that if I can’t get clean, I don’t really want to continue living anymore. I need this so bad. I just don’t understand why the cravings have so much control over my brain. How do I stop it? Can I stop it? How will I ever stay clean if I can’t stop the constant thoughts of wanting to use? I’m buddhist, so I’ve been trying to deal with this with yoga and meditation.. and it does help, but I’m afraid it’s not enough. I’ve also been taking 15,000 mg of Vitamin C (something I learned through you.. thanks for that:), and sometimes taking subutex or kratom… but only when the cravings are the worse, as I don’t particularly want to just trade substances (although it would still be a MAJOR upgrade for my health and quality of life). I truly want to beat this thing once and for all. Any words of advice? Please help.. I truly can’t go on living like this anymore.
P.S. Thank you for your unbelievable candor, wisdom, and sharing your non-judgmental, fresh perspective on addiction. I can’t tell you how much this website and your YouTube videos have done for me.
Can you buy withdrawal ease anymore?. I used it years ago and it worked well for me.
I would just like to know if you buy the original formuld in the blue bottles.