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Video Transcript
[Start of Audio] [00:00]
Hey, this is Matt, and welcome to this new training video on using Kratom and CBD oil together for chronic pain. This is going to be an awesome video.
I got a lot of great stuff to share with you, so let’s talk about the video overview on using Kratom and CBD for pain. I’m going to talk about how Kratom alleviates pain, and I’m also going to talk about the pros and cons of using Kratom for chronic pain, I’m also going to talk about how CBD oil alleviates pain and the synergy of the Kratom/CBD combo and why it’s such an effective painkiller combo.
You don’t have to use prescription opiates if you’re using those for pain or prescription opioids, this is a natural combination that together can reduce or completely eliminate chronic pain, it’s just an amazing combination.
So let’s talk first about how Kratom lessens pain.
Kratom For Pain Relief
Kratom, also known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a member of the coffee family and it’s native to Southeast Asia where it grows all over the place and it’s legal, it’s not regulated federally right now so most people can buy it.
There are a few states, several states now that have banned it and more and more are doing so, so there is a possibility that Kratom could become illegal nationwide in the near future, let’s hope that does not happen.
It’s a partial opioid agonist, so drugs like hydrocodone, oxycodone, methadone and heroin those are all full opioid agonists they completely fill the opioid receptors.
Kratom just partially fills it so it’s a lot weaker than those full opioid agonists and it’s natural and it’s got anti-inflammatories, it’s got antioxidants, it’s a pretty cool plant.
Kratom, since it fills the opioid receptors partially it does increase endorphins which are natural painkillers, and it’s the same way that opioid pain relievers work as they increase your painkiller or your endorphins.
Like I said Kratom is also a very potent anti-inflammatory which can also help with pain relief.
In addition to the pros of using Kratom there’s also some potential negative consequences.
Pros & Cons of Using Kratom For Pain Relief
So the pros are it can be very effective for pain relief, when you purchase it in bulk online it can be very affordable, very inexpensive, you don’t need a prescription you can just go online and purchase it on your own, so you don’t have to be at the mercy of a doctor to prescribe you what you need to treat your chronic pain and there’s also some cons.
So daily use can lead to physiological and/or psychological dependence.
So physiological dependence is when your body is addicted to Kratom and psychological dependence is when your mind is addicted to it and you really crave it and really need it to help out with psychological issues, and you’re just psychologically dependent.
And it could become illegal I already said that, so that is a con too if you’re using Kratom for pain and it’s working really well then all of a sudden it becomes illegal, then that could be a negative consequence because now you’re going to have to get off that.
CBD Oil For Pain Relief
Now let’s talk about how CBD oil lessens pain, and there’s been so much research on this plant substance that’s showing in multiple studies in both humans and animals how it can lessen pain, anxiety disorders, depression, it’s a mood stabilizer, it’s an anti-inflammatory it’s just got so many benefits and I hope this doesn’t become illegal too.
Typically when some type of natural substance works really well for so many things it can interfere with pharmaceutical sales, and so then that can lead to it becoming illegal because it’s interfering with sales.
So Cannabidiol that is what CBD stands for, so Cannabidiol the acronym is CBD not the acronym the short.
So Cannabidiol is a cannabinoid from both the cannabis and industrial hemp plants, and the way you make CBD oil is you take that cannabinoid which is called CBD and you extract it into olive oil and medium chain triglyceride oils, hemp oil, and even other types of oils.
So it works by enhancing the bodies endocannabinoid system the ECS.
This system regulates pain, mood, sleep and a bunch of appetite and a bunch of other things. So the way CBD oil works is it increases your natural endocannabinoids and endocannabinoids decrease pain.
You might have heard of “runner’s high” before and a lot of people think that’s because of the flood of endorphins, but now the research and a lot of scientists are saying that that runner’s high feeling of pain relief and euphoria might be even more so caused by a lot of endocannabinoids released when you exercise.
So endocannabinoids are very effective for decreasing pain and CBD oil increases your endocannabinoids in your body and it also increases the effectiveness of those, so it just makes the whole ECS system work better.
And it’s also a very powerful anti-inflammatory, not just for your body but also for your brain. It reduces neuroinflammation and that is one of the reasons why it can help with anxiety and depression so much.
It has shown in research studies to lessen pain, research-backed stuff right here.
Kratom and CBD Oil Together For Pain Relief
So now let’s talk about the Kratom/CBD synergy for pain. Synergy is when one plus one equals more than two. It could equal three or ten or a hundred or even a thousand in some circumstances.
So when you use both Kratom and CBD together for pain you get an amplification of benefits, so let’s just go down this checklist.
So kratom increases endorphins and it decreases inflammation that combination can really help with pain relief.
CBD oil increases cannabinoids and it decreases inflammation, so you’ve got two very powerful natural painkillers working in conjunction with each other to synergize and then two natural anti-inflammatories together with synergize and give you tons of anti-inflammatory benefits.
So the combination of having a giant surplus of both endorphins and endocannabinoids together, plus two natural anti-inflammatory compounds equals’ super-duper pain relief, it’s absolutely amazing.
And also anecdotal evidence I’ve heard from so many people that have emailed me, commented on my Blog or this YouTube Channel that they use Kratom and CBD and it has completely eliminated all of their pain.
And for some people, it gets rid of most of it but not all, but man this combination is really effective.
How To Use Kratom and CBD Oil Together For Pain Relief
So now let’s talk about how to use Kratom and CBD oil together to treat chronic pain, so step one is if you don’t already have it you would purchase Kratom and CBD oil.
So if you want to look in the description box below right at the top there, there’s a link to see my preferred online vendor for Kratom and CBD.
Or in a new window you can go to a new window right now, you type in tinyurl.com/kratomcbd.
It’s a little link I made to make it easier to type in, and that’s got a review on my favorite vendor to buy both of these. Very trusted, awesome vendor that has the best stuff that I’ve tried.
I’ve tried a bunch of different Kratom vendors and CBD vendors and this company has the real deal stuff very pure, very affordable and very effective.
And then step two is you’re going to experiment with dosages.
So everyone’s dosage can be unique depending on what type of pain you have, what level of tolerance you have to opioids and so the best way to experiment is you want to start off with a very low dosage of just one of them, maybe try just a little bit of CBD oil first or maybe just a little bit of Kratom first.
A good beginning dosage if you’ve never used either one of these things, a good starting dose for Kratom to see how it affects you is about two grams of the powder not the extract form of Kratom.
So just two grams of Kratom powder or it also comes in capsules and you can get, most capsules are 500 or 750 milligrams so that would be either about three or four capsules to start off, and then you just start working your way up if you need more to get the desired effect.
But again you always want to start off low before you do this.
Start off low with one of them and then start off low with the other one and then just keep going up until you get the desired effects. That’s a great way to do it so you don’t get side-effects or you don’t feel really bad from taking too much.
So step three, then step three is when you find the perfect dosage and then once you find your perfect dosage and your perfect dosing protocol, typically people use Kratom about three to four times a day, maybe a maximum of about five times a day those are the typical dosing protocols.
And people take anywhere from about two grams to six or seven grams.
Some people take more but most people only need about two to seven grams to have effective pain relief and then CBD oil it really depends on the brand you buy, whether it is liposomal or regular and it depends on how strong the CBD oil supplement is.
But I’m using the one that I recommended in that link, I’m using about a quarter to a half dropper it’s a little dropper bottle.
You just take about a quarter of a dropper full to half a dropper full either once or twice a day, and I take that religiously at night every single night before bed.
My mood is so much more balanced and my anxiety is pretty much non-existent.
It comes up every once in a while in certain social situations, but man it has completely ended my generalized anxiety and 95% ended my social anxiety, so CBD oil is awesome.
I use Kratom every once in a while if I got a big project and I need a bunch of energy. Kratom along with being a painkiller can also give you energy if you use a green or white strain of Kratom and you use kind of a small dose maybe about three to four grams.
But I use it every once in a while maybe a few times a month for that reason.
But know that daily use of Kratom can cause physiological dependence, so if you’re not already dependent on an opioid drug and you’re not on any type of opioid, if you use Kratom daily for maybe about a month or longer that can cause a physiological dependence and that can also lead to withdrawal symptoms if you came off cold turkey.
Now a way to prevent that is to just taper off the Kratom slowly and you can prevent almost all the withdrawal symptoms if you do that right, especially tapering with supplements, nutrition, exercise.
So hey if you got any value from this video please Like and Subscribe, if you’re not already a Subscriber I would absolutely love to have you as a Subscriber.
Comment down below if you have any questions or comments, you can share this video, add it to the playlist, really trying to grow this channel and the more people that Like it and Subscribe and comment and all that type of stuff the more my channel grows, and that means more people can get help from this video.
So essentially if you take any one of these actions you are going to be doing your part to help treat the Opioid Epidemic.
There’s no way to cure it from one person or a few people, but what I’m doing right now is damage control, the Opioid Epidemic it’s just growing exponentially, so I’m trying to do everything I can for damage control to lower the overdose death rates, and to lower people that are getting addicted and to lower people that are having to spend tens of thousands of dollars on treatment programs that aren’t working for them.
So again this is Matt Finch, I’m the founder of OpioidAddictionSupport.com, you can go there for over 300 other free videos and articles and free online courses, absolutely everything you could ever want to know about getting off any type of opioid including Kratom without withdrawal.
So thank you for watching to the end of this video and take care.
[End of Audio] [12:49]
I was on heavy doses of dilaudid for 6yrs, (starting after a year of major surgeries). It was HELL coming off that…tapered down to morphine, & now I’m on Suboxone (been about 4yrs). I’m having another surgery on Tuesday, & I’m planning on using only CBD oil & Kratom (neither of which I know much about!) Thanks so much for the info…I still am unsure about which type of kratom is best for post op surgery pain…there’s SO many different ones. Could you please advise me on what color/name would be the best for that??? I won’t need much energy, I’d rather sleep (it’s a pretty painful kind of surgery!), so I don’t mind the sedation…if I wasn’t afraid of getting addicted to opiates again, I would probably ask my doc for some, but I’m also afraid of her saying no, so I’m going this route! Also, how much CBD would I take with the Kratom?
As I take my 2nd dose of Kratom and CBD and feel the relief, energy and control for my life come back to me, I encourage others who may have felt as desperate as I was to give it a try. Thank you for your information and for bringing awareness to others about this “miracle” combination!
Thank you Matt. I’ve been on opiates for about five years and have just recently been pretty much shoved out by my Dr and pain management with no help. I’ve been researching cbd and kratom for hours, so I feel a little informed on what to look for and lookout for. I wanted to know how they may work together and you helped with that. Thanks again!
Thank you for the transcript!
My pleasure!!