How Spirituality and Prayer Can Help You Recover From Opiate Addiction In this article, I'm going to teach you about the benefits of spirituality and prayer for opiate addiction recovery. If you don't believe in …Continue Reading about How Spirituality and Prayer Can Help You Recover From Opiate Addiction
The #1 Resource For Quitting Opiates Has Been Revealed Overcoming opiate addiction was by far the most challenging obstacle I've faced thus far in life. It took real courage and strength (along …Continue Reading about The #1 Resource For Quitting Opiates Has Been Revealed
Why Opiate Addicts Need To Develop and Nurture Self-Compassion If you're addicted to opiates, you may be beating yourself up about it. This can lead to you enduring additional stress, which, ironically, …Continue Reading about Why Opiate Addicts Need To Develop and Nurture Self-Compassion
The Battle Within – How Fear Keeps People Stuck on Opiates When a person starts taking opiates, it's because they are deriving benefits from doing so. Whether it's for pain relief, to self-medicate …Continue Reading about The Battle Within – How Fear Keeps People Stuck on Opiates