It Takes Absolute Focus & Determination To Make it 90 Days off Opioids Most people that want to quit opioids spend years or longer trying to do so. They may even quit several times but rarely make it to the 90 …Continue Reading about It Takes Absolute Focus & Determination To Make it 90 Days off Opioids
Hiding a Substance Addiction from Your Intimate Partner In the past 9 years, I've talked to literally thousands of people addicted to drugs or alcohol …Continue Reading about Hiding a Substance Addiction from Your Intimate Partner
How the U.S. is Failing People With Substance Use Disorders (and Failing Miserably) I know the title of this piece is pretty intense. To some, it may even appear like 'click-bait', but for those of you that actually read it …Continue Reading about How the U.S. is Failing People With Substance Use Disorders (and Failing Miserably)
Update Letter to Reader from Matt Finch What an interesting year 2020 has been. It has been a year with quite a lot of big changes and rules and as a result, many have fallen into …Continue Reading about Update Letter to Reader from Matt Finch